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8:44 AM
    [ 6/21, 00:11/00:47] update: circuitikz [1210k] (55620 -> 55777) ... done
    Several changes, both internal and user-visible. These are quite risky, although they
    *should* be backward-compatible.
Please be sure to read the possible incompatibilities in the manual (section 1.9).
...Bracing for a lot of protests... ^^^
@JosephWright I mixed a two value-spot color yesterday (they are no real colors yet, the pdf objects are not there, but the stream and the tex level worked):
/SpotA cs /SpotA CS 0.5 0.5 scn 0.5 0.5 SCN
/SpotA cs /SpotA CS 0.2 0.8 scn 0.2 0.8 SCN
/SpotA cs /SpotA CS 0.29 0.71 scn 0.29 0.71 SCN
/SpotA cs /SpotA CS 0.85 0.85 scn 0.85 0.85 SCN
@Rmano /ranting and protesting just because you braced yourself!
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz :-) Well, nobody will read the docs, so I expect "my circuit has got gaps" in spades...
@Rmano I should read the new docs.
...and I am thinking about removing the voltage direction warning. Alas, no one ever read that (modulo myself).
8:53 AM
@Rmano oh, and I read the documentations of packages I intend to use (though most of the time I'm skimming over it)
@Rmano I read it, but everything was fine with my circuit, so I saw no particular reason to dig.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz good rabbit! /pat, /pat
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Yes, because you probably wrote the circuit correctly. We had a hack that substituted (node) to[... with (node.center) to[... everywhere, but that broke line joins (as you discovered) and then there where a series of hacks to try to fix that. So I got the axe and cut it out...
9:24 AM
@UlrikeFischer Using?
@JosephWright the various backend/color commands you mentioned yesterday to setup a "fake" spot color system.
@UlrikeFischer Ah, right, makes sense
@UlrikeFischer I'll try to add some backend parts today for the Separations set-up, but first I have a cctab thing to do
@JosephWright I don't know if some backend specific parts are still needed, with the pdfresource stuff it should be possible to do it all on the "l3 public" level.
@UlrikeFischer Really? Don't we need some \__color_backend_separation_setup:n or similar to deal with PDF vs PostScript?
@JosephWright hm not sure. I was mostly thinking about the stuff that ends in pdf and don't really know what you need if postscript is the end format. Is there an example somewhere? (I'm away now for most of the day, so can't search myself).
9:34 AM
@UlrikeFischer I've no idea if I can make things work in PostScript, but the point is there needs to be an abstraction even if in PostScript it's a simple error. (From what @DavidCarlisle pointed too, SPQR did have some code for colour spaces in PostScript)
@JosephWright yes you are right. We need also an abstraction to handle e.g. svg or export to html. So even if all "to pdf" can be handled with one code, backend support is needed.
9:48 AM
@UlrikeFischer I'll try to work on it: might be today, might be tomorrow: like I said, catcode table first (they link to the LaTeX2e release, for reasons that will become apparent)
10:01 AM
@JosephWright No problem, I can perhaps look in the evening a bit.
10:15 AM
@JosephWright could you help me? :)
Oh Joseph isn't here anymore...
/sad quack
@PauloCereda Just had to pop out
@JosephWright ooh
@JosephWright I am doing a newbie error, but... am I missing something? \SI{\sqrt{3}}{\cm}
I get an error... :(
! Undefined control sequence.
\GenericError  ...
                                                    #4  \errhelp \@err@     ...
l.18 \DeclareSIUnit
                    \A  {        \ampere }
@PauloCereda parse-numbers=false?
See p. 21 of the docs (there is this example concerning square roots…
@PauloCereda Like @TeXnician said ;)
10:32 AM
@TeXnician oopsie
@JosephWright @TeXnician Thanks and sorry for the noise...
10:46 AM
The American Mathematical Society has announced the passing of Ronald Graham, "one of the principal architects of the rapid development worldwide of discrete mathematics in recent years." He died July 6th at the age of 84. From the report: Graham published more than 350 papers and books with many collaborators, including more than 90 with his wife, Fan Chung, and more than 30 with Paul Erdos. In addition to writing articles with Paul Erdos, Graham had a room in his house reserved for Erdos's frequent visits, he administered the cash prizes that Erdos created for various problems, and he cre
2 hours later…
12:40 PM
@UlrikeFischer With hyperref, the driver file pdfmark.def isn't loaded automatically anymore for latex+dvips. Only if I put pdfmark as a class option. Is this on purpose?
12:58 PM
@AlexG I don't think that I changed anything here. I will check when I'm home again.
@UlrikeFischer Thank you. I will run a test with a minimal file here too.
@UlrikeFischer With a minimal file it is loaded, but not if I want to typeset the animate manual. Going to investigate this.
@AlexG @UlrikeFischer looks to unconditionally input it:
\def\literalps@out#1{\special{ps:SDict begin #1 end}}%
\def\headerps@out#1{\special{! #1}}%
@DavidCarlisle, @StefanKottwitz Looking forward to your ideas on tex.ac.uk ;)
1:15 PM
@UlrikeFischer , @DavidCarlisle My bad, apologies for the noise. There was an old hyperref directory hanging around in a sub-directory.
@JosephWright will try to look tonight
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle It's supposed to be easy!
@JosephWright Interesting! I will poke you in Skype in a couple of minutes.
Hi guys, I had to send off my laptop two months back and only recently got a new one. The new laptop with Tex Live 2020 refuses to compile a document that compiled fine on the older one (it ran TL19 IIRC). Has the handling of file names in graphics paths, as well as shell escape calls changed?
So for example, I'm using a "tikzstyles" file containing a key which is called in the main doc
It now insists that this key does not exist on every run at every instance of it
@1010011010 Some handling of file names has been updated, but it should only show in pathological cases
@1010011010 That's entierly different to file names
@1010011010 We are going to need some kind of example
1:23 PM
@JosephWright yes and when I last tried it i thought it was free (I got another bill of 1p today from my credit card for being charged $0.60:-)
Or for example a bunch of PDF files is included at the end of the doc which is called using {namewithdots}.pdf, but each line produces an error
@DavidCarlisle Oh my
@1010011010 you shouldn't need the braces around the name now, but you need to show real examples if you want specific help
@DavidCarlisle How are the stats looking?
@DavidCarlisle I must have something subtle wrong
Wed Jul  8 13:24:39 UTC 2020
  Number of distinct users:     2
  Number of document requests:  7
  Number of documents returned: 5
  Number of unique user agents: 2
Tue Jul  7 23:40:38 UTC 2020
  Number of distinct users:     6
  Number of document requests:  66
  Number of documents returned: 30
  Number of unique user agents: 6
Mon Jul  6 23:58:36 UTC 2020
  Number of distinct users:     8
  Number of document requests:  20
  Number of documents returned: 12
  Number of unique user agents: 6
1:26 PM
@DavidCarlisle So still just the testers
@JosephWright looks that way
@DavidCarlisle once upon a time, there was a kind of "community banners" appearing on the main site, that could have been a nice opportunity to spread the link. I do not know where they have gone...
One sec Joseph
I've hit another wall with shell escape
The gods of LaTeX have again restricted my \write18 in all the mysterious ways imaginable
@1010011010 Nothings changed there
@Rmano I have so much user css re-styling the site (narrower sidebar, wider main block, no adverts, no ask a question button) I wouldn't know what is on by default these days
@1010011010 nothing changed with shell escape (still as always standard warnings to avoid using it as much as possible) oh unless you are using luatex and haven't updated for a couple of years or so
1:33 PM
Yeah I know of that; using XeLaTeX now but it may be a TeX shop issue
Ermmm ok
Anyone else here using TeXshop?
I don't know...
It insists that the file does not exist
I will create a smaller file to reproduce the problem
1:53 PM
@1010011010 Usually the way
2:22 PM
@UlrikeFischer OK, cctab stuff done, I'll look again at colours
@Rmano I think if one adds an entry to the meta post and it gets enough votes, eventually it shows up in the main page. The OP doesn't seem to have a limit date to add entries: tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/8492/134574. Seems like a good idea
2:41 PM
@PhelypeOleinik Yes, it could be nice. The truth is that I am not seeing any of that since... a lot of time, but maybe it's a matter of too few upvotes.
@JosephWright to get my fake spot color working I had to add this "backend" command:
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__color_backend_spotA:n #1
  { \__color_backend_select:n { /SpotA ~ cs ~ /SpotA ~ CS~ #1~ scn~ #1~ SCN } }
@UlrikeFischer That's on the branch, right?
@JosephWright you mean my test? Or which branch I was using?
@UlrikeFischer Which branch are you using to test that?
@UlrikeFischer Just finishing some real work then hope to have a few minutes on this
@Rmano Hm... Indeed, it's been a while since I last saw (or payed attention) to one of these
2:49 PM
@JosephWright I'm currently in the color-models branch, that looked like the newest.
@UlrikeFischer Yes, that's the one
@UlrikeFischer So I'll try to address the backend part first, then look at LAB, then DeviceN?
@PhelypeOleinik Thanks for catching that typo
@JosephWright No problem :-)
@JosephWright well I would say the first is to sort out the use of color for the various cases. Do you know what a spot color should do if e.g. svg is used?
3:06 PM
@UlrikeFischer SVG is strictly RGB-only, so use the fallback
@UlrikeFischer I'll look into it then: PostScript first I guess
3:36 PM
@JosephWright every that I find about postscript directly is from the last century ;-(.
@JosephWright you can point the DNS again to me and I redirect both http+https for both tex.ac.uk and www.tex.ac.uk to texfaq.org like before when gh-pages was started with it
TeX.SE down? Sometimes "The service is unavailable." and sometimes that:
I knew I shouldn't touch that DNS. Hold my beer.
3:58 PM
@JosephWright or at least the browser makers never implemented the other bits of svg (which should support icc profiles and cmyk and do in some non browser implementations as far as I know)
@UlrikeFischer "the good old days"
4:25 PM
@UlrikeFischer I'm such a miktex expert:
I just updated MikTeK in both user and admin mode, and now the code works, for the test file and for the thesis file. Thank you very much! — M.M. 6 mins ago
@DavidCarlisle they should reward a badge for "miktex problem resolved in comments".
@UlrikeFischer and for "recognise texstudio user by confusion over undefined command message"
@DavidCarlisle yes for this too. This is really a pain.
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@UlrikeFischer not forgetting the "cooks roast dinner badge"
4:32 PM
@DavidCarlisle oh no
Ehhhh, can someone make that easier? xD
\foreach[count=\row from 0] \y in {0,1,K,S,T,N,H,M,Y,R,W}{%%
\foreach[count=\col from 0] \x in {0,A,I,U,E,O,N}{%
\pgfmathsetmacro\NewLine{mod(\col+1,7)==0  ? "\newline" : ""}%
\pgfmathsetmacro\char{\row==0 && \col==0 ? "XX~" :
(\row==1 && \col==0 ? "yy,~~" :  (\row==0 ? (\col==6 ? "\x" : "--\x,~~") : (\col==0 ? "\y--,~~" : (\row==1 ? "\x,~" : (\col==6 ? "nn" : (\col==5 ? "\y\x~~" : "\y\x,~~"))))))
\char  \NewLine

@cis you probably shouldn't redefine \char
@DavidCarlisle Oh, yes
It gives the right result, but its a very complicated loop.... xD
what are you doing just prefixing the yy list with the letter in the first column?
--A, --I, .... or K--, S-- or yy, xx or nn are just annotations that I can see what is where. The double letters will be empty later.

In fact, I would now like to fill A, I, O, U, E, KA, KI, KU, KO, ...... (if available) with the correct characters.
4:43 PM
I don't understand your example really but this?



, \y\z} nn
@DavidCarlisle Oh my god, plain TeXT looping. I can't believe it. :() Unfortunately I am not familiar with the syntax. I've gradually gathered pgfmath.
@cis latex not plain but that will have finished and output the pdf before you have finished loading the tikz packages:-)
@cis but even if you use pgf loops why all the modula arithmetic?? it's just a simple nested loop however you write it
Yes, you mean
`\pgfmathsetmacro\NewLine{mod(\col+1,7)==0 ? "\newline" : ""}%`

I think, I need sth. for a newline (Later I will write it in a helpfile [\newrite...]) and bring it back with pgfplotstable (so the modulo is not that importatnt).
I can't see why you need arithmetic, here is same with a tikz foreach




, \y\z} nn


\foreach \y  in {K,S,T,N,H,M,Y,R,W}{%
\foreach \z in {A,I,U,E,O,N}{%
, \y\z} nn

5:04 PM
Not bad. There are a few special features:

a. A header. Well, I think I can do that with ifnum.

b. But then the combination K + N, S + N, T + N, .... = KN, SN, TN, .... must be completely empty (except for the header mentioned) -
@cis I have no idea what you mean, oh you don't have a column for N just miss it out of the inner list?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I am currently considering what is the best method of exclusion for this. I have not had such a good experience with ifx here.
@cis why do you need any tests?





yy \zz, N

, \y\z} nn


yy \zz, N

\foreach \y  in {K,S,T,N,H,M,Y,R,W}{%
\foreach \z in {A,I,U,E,O}{%
, \y\z} nn

@DavidCarlisle Oh, that suddenly looks very useful now. Nice thank you.
5:33 PM
\def\yHead{xx, K,S,T,N,H,M,Y,R,W}
% Headrow
yy, --A, --I, --U, --E, --O, N

\foreach[count=\row] \y  in \yHead{%
\ifnum\row=1 \y, \else \y-- \fi%
\ifnum\row=1 \xHead, N  \else
\foreach \x in \xHead{%
 \y\x, }  nn \fi
@DavidCarlisle In any case, this would be the correct table.
Definitely easier than with pgfmath.

And if I now write this in an auxiliary file, I can present it again nicely - e.g. with pgfplotstabele (because display functions will be added).
1 hour later…
6:57 PM
@DavidCarlisle CSS only supports RGB, no?
stackoverflow.com/questions/27968635/… I think cmyk was in earlier versions of css but they did a hard push to only specify what was implemented so it was dropped but it's planned to be back it's in the css 4 color draft drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#cal-cmyk I think some non browser css for print implementations have it already drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#cal-cmyk
@DavidCarlisle Ah, right: I need to think about PostScript too, whichcan obviously do it but which I need to understand
@DavidCarlisle I'll look at that and colorsep
@JosephWright its interesting trying nslookup on <domain name for a ghpages site> and www.same, they give completely different results
$ nslookup www.learnlatex.org
Server:  dcvhost30.nag.co.uk

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    learnlatex.github.io

Aliases:  www.learnlatex.org
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle That's ... odd
$ nslookup www.texfaq.org
Server:  dcvhost30.nag.co.uk

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    www.texfaq.org
7:08 PM
@DavidCarlisle No texdoc for colorsep :(
$ nslookup learnlatex.org
Server:  dcvhost30.nag.co.uk

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    learnlatex.org
$ nslookup texfaq.org
Server:  dcvhost30.nag.co.uk

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    texfaq.org
If I try souldern.org I get different again with www.souldern.org giving the full set of gh-pages ip addresses but souldern.org still giving an ip address owned by godaddy
I decided I don't understand DNS :(
@JosephWright Do you agree with the review comments here? This question is a list of resources and so link only answers are hard to avoid. tex.stackexchange.com/a/552760/2693
@AlanMunn given that the question asks for a book saying the answer should paraphrase the book rather than cite it seems ... unhelpful
@DavidCarlisle Yes, exactly. Your word is much politer than mine.
@DavidCarlisle which of the numbers are unexpected?
7:21 PM
@UlrikeFischer well I expected them to be the same, but sometimes www has 4 ip addresses and no-www has 1 sometimes they both have 1 sometimes they both have the same one, sometimes www has a gh-pages ip address and non-www has a no-gh pages ip address. So I no longer know what to expect.
the one that seems to work best is learnlatex.org there learnlatex.org and www.learnlatex.org on both http and https all end up at the same place https://www.learnlatex.org
@DavidCarlisle why are you saying that the non-www has a no-gh ip address? is in the github.io list.
@UlrikeFischer yes that one does but another gh pages site I tried doesn't compare souldern.org and www.souldern.org
@JosephWright do you think it has something to do with spot colors? It sounds more as if it would create different plates for the cmyk colors.
@DavidCarlisle hm, yes, there I get something starting with 184 for the non-www, and 185 for the io.
@UlrikeFischer Now that I'm not sure about
@UlrikeFischer yes colorsep.pro separates out cmyk there was code around somewhere that took named colours in the same way (treating them as residentially setgray and not printing anything else) but it doesn't seem to be there...
7:35 PM
@DavidCarlisle Normally www. will be a CNAME and therefore has all four IP addresses. (If it only has one, someone just copied the entry instead which works too but is less reliable) But the domain without www. can't be a CNAME, therefore this has to be set manually which often means that only one entry is copied. But if you have an independent server which can take care of the redirect to www. you can point the normal domain to that one instead to avoid relying on a fixed IP address.
@MarcelKrüger yes in theory that's what I understood but I don't understand it enough to know why tex.ac.uk doesn't work any more (it's supposed to be the same as texfaq.org)
@JosephWright @UlrikeFischer I should dig out my graphics companion Sebastian has some words on dvips and colour separations here but the google snippet cuts it off after the first page books.google.co.uk/…
@DavidCarlisle oh let me look.
the package is still on ctan just not texlive ctan.org/pkg/aurora?lang=en
@DavidCarlisle In order for GitHub to understand the request, tex.ac.uk must be configured as Custom Domain in the repository. That only allows one domain currently though so to set the second you have to implement a real redirect using some web server.
@DavidCarlisle Ehhmm, but this table, which gives me the correct LaTeX-output seems to be hard to put in newwrite...

\def\yHead{xx, K,S,T,N,H,M,Y,R,W}
% Headrow
yy, --A, --I, --U, --E, --O, N

\foreach[count=\row] \y  in \yHead{%
\ifnum\row=1 \y, \else \y-- \fi%
\ifnum\row=1 \xHead, N  \else
\foreach \x in \xHead{%
 \y\x, }  nn \fi

% Headrow
\immediate\write\kanaoutfile{yy, --A, --I, --U, --E, --O, N}

\foreach[count=\row] \y  in \yHead{%
\immediate\write\kanaoutfile{\ifnum\row=1 \y, \else \y-- \fi}%
7:51 PM
the tikz loops (and \@for) are not expandable, either move the write to the inner loop and write each item separately or you need to use an expandable loop
Ok... I can put a question on the main-page, because I have problems with the newlines, which newwrite constructs.
(Maybe it's not so bad, because I could add a row seperator, but better we have a nive textfile-output too.)
@DavidCarlisle I did read it, but imho the main problem is: what is relevant today? I mean is it really e.g. still needed to prepare 4 plates? Shouldn't modern postscript printer be able to do this on the fly?
8:25 PM
@UlrikeFischer probably i suspect that practically speaking the only requirement for latex/dvips is that it puts enough into the postscript that you can distill it to pdf with the right colour support intact.
@DavidCarlisle yes, I think too. I found a document which seems to say that spot colors are used by calling the setcustomcolor operator and setting up some header commands -- which sounds quite similar to the pdf setup. The main problem is, the document is from 1996 and so it is quite unclear if this is still valid. adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/postscript/pdfs/… @JosephWright
@MarcelKrüger There are definitely people reporting it's possible
@AlanMunn -- Particularly given that Nicola's books are topnotch, and available free, the comments are entirely counterproductive. A little intro identifying the author, and maybe pointing out that the books are included in other lists (I haven't checked, but I'm sure this can be found), might serve to rescue the answer from overzealous downvoters.
8:46 PM
@JosephWright That's the redirect using a separate webserver option: That person points the second domain to a server which answers every request for rossmoynekindy.com.au with 301 Moved Permanently, redirecting to http://rossmoynekindy.com.
@MarcelKrüger Sigh
@MarcelKrüger So back to using @StefanKottwitz's system
@barbarabeeton @AlanMunn I converted the link-answer to a comment, so it's actually not deleted. And, the OP writes: "I'm interested in writing packages for TeX/LaTeX/XeLaTeX. I googled around, but all I found was guides or tutorials about how to prepare documents using LaTeX." The book "LaTeX for Complete Novices" is great but not an answer for the OP regarding writing packages. The OP stated not being interested in a LaTeX user tutorial.
If it would be a match to the question, a short review or overview would be better than a simple link. But well, it's kind of offtopic to that question, I guess.
@JosephWright if you point the DNS for * and www (CNAME or A record IP) to , let me know, I can quickly make the redirection
@JosephWright you can change it any time on your domain DNS record, once you find a solution.
@JosephWright Look at that design: web.archive.org/web/20190911061720/http://latex.net
@JosephWright I changed the DNS for that site to and it became better.
9:02 PM
@StefanKottwitz I've changed the A record
@JosephWright give it a while to propagate, also to be able to get the certificate from letsencrypt with for the alias site (letsencrypt needs to get the DNS update too)
9:22 PM
@StefanKottwitz @JosephWright may just be while things catch up but tex.ac.uk is redirecting to golatex.de
@DavidCarlisle just refresh
@JosephWright www.tex.ac.uk IP is ok but tex.ac.uk missing in the DNS
@StefanKottwitz ah browser cache I assume: switching browsers worked (refreshing page doesnt) faq site says The site is currently in quick maintainance. Please return in a few minutes. is that related? tex.ac.uk gives a certificate error
@DavidCarlisle yes, maintainance page until redirect and cert is up
@StefanKottwitz yep fine (and I now get that rather than the certificate error so I assume it'll all catch up, I'll look tomorrow, thanks:-)
@DavidCarlisle you can check, redirect is up
@DavidCarlisle www.tex.ac.uk is fine, we just need @JosephWright to set the IP for tex.ac.uk without www as well, just in case
but the classic links are with www anyway, so broken links are fixed
9:32 PM
@StefanKottwitz @JosephWright yeh thanks all four http/https with and without www all end up at www.texfaq.org oh no I see tex.ac.uk still fails
@DavidCarlisle that's what I mean -> @JosephWright
@StefanKottwitz yes I messed up my test then saw your comment so re-did it and got what you said I'd get
@DavidCarlisle what does your nslookup say to tex.ac.uk without www?
@StefanKottwitz unhappy:-)
Server:  router.domain_not_set.invalid

*** No internal type for both IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses (A+AAAA) records available
 for tex.ac.uk
@DavidCarlisle I guess we are fine once the IP for that is set in the DNS too

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