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@DavidCarlisle Yes, I understand the cleaning routine of l3build, what leaves me a little uneasy is that by default I delete *.pdf, *.zip without having placed anything explicit in cleanfiles (from my point of view that is not correct)
@PabloGonzálezL yes sure but question is what to do instead:-)
@DavidCarlisle I think a "note on the documentation" would suffice for now :)
@PabloGonzálezL nobody reads documentation
@DavidCarlisle By trial and error I have learned that one must read first, but, you are right, almost nobody reads the documentation :(
@PabloGonzálezL do you want to handle the .gitignore in your Pr or should i sort it out here (I have your branch checked out)
@DavidCarlisle I think it's better you reverse the changes of gitignore (no idea how to modify a PR sn to make a new one)
@PabloGonzálezL OK I'll do it tomorrow
@DavidCarlisle Good, another thing, some files located in test are already included in testfiles/support...
@PabloGonzálezL oh quite likely, the files were being copied out of there to populate the l3build tests, I'll merge the pr first then we can look where we are...
@DavidCarlisle Excellent, just to keep it in mind, we will have to update a little 'manifest.txt'. I like to see the official LaTeX3 team packages use l3build :)
@PabloGonzálezL yes although as i commented the existing arrangement isn't clearly wrong, the code level pdfs are where they usually are in ctan, alongside the dtx sources that generate them, and the doc subdirectory is just the separate user manual (more or less)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I have noticed that the "old long term" projects have different structures in CTAN and TDS, I assume that TDS came out long after CTAN, but, the "newer" packages tend to have the same structure
@DavidCarlisle One last thing, you can see (ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/tools) and tell me if you see the same as me on the right side (ftnright - Footnotes in two column documents in one column only )...I think that information is wrong
@PabloGonzálezL oops, not our fault
@DavidCarlisle It's ctan's fault :)
@PabloGonzálezL no: tds and ctan were more or less at the same time you mentioned before about structure but I really don't see what you mean. almost all ctan distributions are flat single directory layout (which used to be strongly preferred by ctan) and tds uses a deep structure with files separated by filetype.
@PabloGonzálezL yes, exactly
@PabloGonzálezL the fact that the structures are different is a feature, not a problem.
@DavidCarlisle CTAN and TDS are contemporary...I always thought that TDS was a bit newer :) and that's why each author had different structures for their packages (like oberdiek and others)
@DavidCarlisle oh yes... anyway it wouldn't be bad to have a variable ctanlocations to cover these strange cases :)
@PabloGonzálezL they have different structures by design ctan is designed to allow browsing of packages, so files related to a package are all together, tex code, fonts, makeindex styles documentation, whatever is needed. tds is designed to optimise file searching so files that are in the same source package are widely distributed, fonts in teh font tree, documentation under dic, tex code under tex, etc
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I notice a certain similarity in the design of CTAN and CPAN (I assume that fewer were born on the same dates) to store and display the files
@PabloGonzálezL cpan was explicitly a copy of ctan although it obviously evolved a bit differently
@PabloGonzálezL ctan was the first c*an :-)
@DavidCarlisle I had no idea :) So you are one of the forerunners in the centralization and organization of packages? ... is one of the best ideas that has been developed in computer science
@DavidCarlisle Last consultation (before turning on the TV and following the novel covid19), in the TDS structure, which are the correct places for the Lua files and the otf sources, the current document is a bit outdated :(
@PabloGonzálezL see history sec en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPAN#History
@PabloGonzálezL which document? you mean ctan documentation or for hyperref specifically?
@DavidCarlisle texdoc TDS
The query is not related to hyperref :)
@DavidCarlisle This surprised me :)
@PabloGonzálezL oh that claims to be from 2004 but it's really from last century and older than Lua, I suppose it could be updated....
@DavidCarlisle I am wondering why we have to use \newenvironment{mytable}{\tabularx}{\endtabularx} instead of \newenvironment{mytable}{\begin{tabularx}}{\end{tabularx}} 🤔. Thank you!
@manooooh because the second one doesn't work (same reason as ams alignments)
@DavidCarlisle Oops, I think Karl is the current maintainer...I doubt he'll have time to update it...he must be entertaining with the TeXLive 2020 pretest :)
@PabloGonzálezL Karl has been maintaining tds since the beginning of time
@DavidCarlisle oh. I ask this because for enumerate I use the \begin...\end syntax, but tabularx works in a different manner. No problem!
@DavidCarlisle Apparently he's been around forever :-), I think there's no mention of the 'context' files...
@manooooh basically because after \begin{tabularx} latex needs to look ahead to grab all of the table up to \end{tabularx} and that is not there if you have \end{mytable}
@manooooh tabularx and align, gather, etc need to grab the entire body to do multiple trials. enumerate just starts typesetting at the start
7 hours later…
@PabloGonzálezL same reason, the 2004 update was probably just a spell check, the main text predates context having its own tree
Anyone have any idea what amsart is messing with here tex.stackexchange.com/q/532863/3929, the issue is two fold: the placements under fleqn, then try removing fleqn the sizes of the colored box are not the same
@daleif I traced a difference between amsart ad article+amsmath the other day but I forget what now, let me look...
@daleif oh "other day" is 2017 see mail between you me and barbara title "empheq and amsart" not checked if it is same issue.
@PabloGonzálezL I've checked in a change: it will be in the next release
@daleif I just forwarded you some mail (from you:-)
@DavidCarlisle github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/960#issuecomment-599946464: discussion of Unicode is topical ;)
@DavidCarlisle I don't think it is, wasn't this just some issue between columnwidth and linewidth. I made a copy of amsart and if I end it early the width of the box is correct, so something is going on in there.
@daleif ok I'll look later It just triggered a memory and that came up in the mail.
@DavidCarlisle I'll just add it as an issue in the tracker, then we'll see if we can figure it out. Was planing to release a new mathtools today...
Is there any way I can drag and place a latex equation output into inkscape files (vector graphics drawing )
I asked a similar question today and @DavidCarlisle mentioned about dvis files
I am thinking of a way out other than typing latex equations and then saving it as pdf + latex
as then i Hvae to play with the position more and do a few trials
@DavidCarlisle found it:
\def\fullwidthdisplay{\displayindent\z@ \displaywidth\columnwidth}
without this it looks normally. If I'm not mistaken empheq does not like if the contents gets too wide. Though the contents here is not.
@BAYMAX you could use dvisvgm instead of dvips and get svg
At least it is part of it
@MarcelKrüger from todays arabluatex announcement: "arabluatex now uses Marcel Krüger's new lua-ul ..."
@UlrikeFischer that was quick:-)
@DavidCarlisle yes, he was interesting in this too. Highlighting/underlining arabic simply don't work with soul, and a solution was really missing here. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/528341/…
@DavidCarlisle oh I see, yes I will try them.. These are small ewuations seems like for each equstions I kind of have to create each svg file
@UlrikeFischer الناس الذين يضعون الخطوط تحت الكلمات يقتلون الأغنام
@MarcelKrüger I read your answer, but till now didn't understand it. :-)
Reading Comprehension Fail.
But Stephen Kitt set me straight, and submitted a PR - chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/53813009#53813009
@FaheemMitha well that's basically what @MarcelKrüger's comment meant: don't link against an old harfbuzz on your system use the current one. (so either the one that comes with texlive, or if you are committed to using the one in debian, get that updated as in the PR that you linked to)
@MarcelKrüger in this answer tex.stackexchange.com/a/532767/2388 Henri is using the mlist_to_hlist callback. I guess he should do this differently now?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I know. That's what I said - I didn't understand Marcel's comment when he made it. Or I misread it. I upgraded Harfbuzz yesterday, but haven't tried to rebuild TeX Live yet. I think I'll reboot first and make sure everything is still working. Harfbuzz is used in other packages, notably Chromium and GIMP.
And I hope everyone is well, and coping with the virus situation.
I'm having to restrain myself from obsessively following the virus news. It's largely pointless, and isn't good for my mental state.
@UlrikeFischer Oh no, now I'll have to fix all the bugs ;)
@MarcelKrüger ;-) I was considering to go through the ulem and soul question and add answers using lua-ul ;-).
@MarcelKrüger I find it's best to release bug-free packages.
@UlrikeFischer Yes, I added a comment.
@MarcelKrüger "magically" is nice ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Sounds like a great plan. The problem is that some users keep insisting that some of my features should be called bugs...
Speaking of bugs, I need some opinions on expected behavior: Take the document


\highLight{Radius $ R_0 $}



It currently looks like
Should the highlighting in $R_0$ get this little offset or should the line stay streight? What about the second case?
@MarcelKrüger Imho the standard behaviour for $R_0$ and also \footnote should be to stay straight. I'm not sure about the second case. Probably too, the only real case I can think of is that a raise box is e.g. used to fake an accent and this should probably not affect the highlighting.
Dec 7 '19 at 11:00, by David Carlisle
Oct 4 '16 at 22:18, by David Carlisle
@Canageek 1st rule of tex support: never believe users when they describe what happened.
@UlrikeFischer how could it stay straight in general? if the subscript wasn't just 0 but was say y wouldn't you need extra depth somewhere?
@MarcelKrüger I (think) my expectation would be to do that at least in the case that the subscript would otherwise drop out of the highlight
@DavidCarlisle highlighting is like painting with a marker, and imho people would prefer if it looks uniform, even if it means that some parts are not fully covered.
@user208973 hello, welcome to chat:-)
@barbarabeeton twitter.com/shedd_aquarium/status/1239661654629023747 (follow the thread by scrolling down) :)
@UlrikeFischer @DavidCarlisle Thanks. The next version will cover nested hboxes always by a straight line then. Sadly this disables the reset option there and leaves some questions related to hboxes, but it is probably better in the common cases.
Hi everyone around the world, hope you are fine concerning corona. Here in Japan it is suprisingly relaxed!
Hi @norbert. I hope you are doing well. Do you have an opinion whether the experimental snapshot 2020.20200313.54259-2 is suitable for general usage? I'm in the process of backporting it to Buster. And it has the Harfbuzzed LuaTeX, right?
@FaheemMitha I would wait a bit longer, the binaries are not completely settled. We have updates to dvipdfmx pending. So don't start backporting. And in particular, you do NOT want to backport anything from the experimental suite!
@FaheemMitha Are you uploading the stuff to bpo?
@norbert Ok. So I should wait for the packages to enter unstable, then?
@norbert No. It's just for my personal use.
Ah, for your personal use, do whatever is fine. (x)dvipdfm(x) has a small fix that will be in the next release, other than that I don't expect too many changes.
@norbert Ok, so it's not going to crash all over the place, then?
No not at all, I am using it on a daily basis ...
And is the Harfbuzzed LuaTeX enabled by default now?
I mean, does luatex call the Harbuzzed version, or the regular one?
lualatex format uses luahbtex, thus one can activate the harfbuzz renderer in the font definiton
luatex is still normal luatex (no harfbuzz)
Does this explain what you want?
Note that without setting the renderer to harf, you will use the default luatex renderer
@norbert I'll be using LuaLaTeX. So one has to select an option to activate harfbuzz?
So there will be another update soon? Any idea when?
Please see the luaotfload manual `luaotfload-latex.pdf` there are examples how to load the font `\font \tibetanfont ={name:Noto Serif Tibetan:mode=harf;script=tibt;}`
Selecting the harf renderer is done on a font definition level
Concerning update: I will make another upload in the next days, when the sources for TL2020 are frozen. Probably in 4-7 days.
@norbert I see. Ok, thank you.
@norbert Ok. Maybe I'll hold off on the build. Though it sounds like the change will be minor.
@FaheemMitha the change in dvipdfmx only applies to (u)ptex create dvi files, so as long as you don't do Japanese typesetting with ptex or uptex, nothing will change.
Hi @norbert
All going well for TL'20?
Hi @JosephWright as usual I would say. Hopefully the sources are now really frozen after dvisvgm update and dvipdfmx fixes. We don't know of anything else for now ... rest is getting all the builders to provide binaries!
@norbert Cool
@norbert I'm holding off a beamer update until the DVD version is decided ...
@norbert Excited to have \input{...} :)
@JosephWright yeah, the input is a nice addition. Is the beamer update such a big one?
@norbert It's always hard to be sure of the impact of 'small' changes as we have no test suite or code documentation: things like github.com/josephwright/beamer/commit/… look safe but I'd rather not hit the DVD ...
Indeed indeed. No test suite is a pain (whom do you tell, since years I want to write an automatic test suite for all TL packages ... if only I didn't have a normal job ...)
@norbert hallo :)
Hi @PauloCereda
Enjoying the Beer ... until everything is shut down?
Hi all!
@yo' hey Tom!
@norbert Watching the world burn :)
how are y'all?
Yeah, difficult times. I have a fair share with my family in Vienna ...
Now I can see my 2TB HDD full of series was created for a purpose. :)
@norbert Yes, definitely. People are panicking around here.
@PauloCereda nothing I could do ... my company works as usual ... it is Japan!
@norbert :)
@yo' waiting for some updates. :)
@norbert speaking of Neue Deustche Welle, I thought of this parody Swedish band singing a (very annoying) children's song: youtube.com/watch?v=tkh1AZRpbCU :)
@PauloCereda noise in my ears ... can't stand it long enough. Too old to enjoy this trash ;-)
@norbert :D
Karen no
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer do you know the difference between \label and \ref ?
@DavidCarlisle they spell differently? :)
@DavidCarlisle ? what did I do?
@UlrikeFischer I just pushed to pdfresources:-)
@DavidCarlisle there is a difference?
@DavidCarlisle ;-).
@norbert No plans for Japanese typesetting here.
@PauloCereda Karen?
@FaheemMitha it's just a random name
@PauloCereda Oh
@PauloCereda unlike S. P. Employee who's a famous individual
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@JosephWright ooh
@JosephWright nick higham's thesis was probably done on the same golfball typewriter as mine:-)
@JosephWright I'd like to see one such about musical typography :-)
@PauloCereda This is incredible. So much accuracy while working mostly freehand.
@AlexG it is!
@AlexG And the bloke has to do it in mirror mode!
@AlexG yeah. That guy could be a surgeon at once!
@PauloCereda Also, it is not free of health risks as Pb is used for the plates.
@AlexG oh that's true
@Joseph Wright. Hello. I am really sorry to interrupt. Could I ask how I can shift the title higher up in the achemso class and how to reduce the space between the line with the authors and the text, please?
I am unable to figure this out myself.
@Gudrun There's no option for that, but you should not need to
@Gudrun Have you been asked to by a journal office?
@Joseph Wright: I am writing a proposal, not for a journal publication. The original author has decided to use this class and I can only have two pages in total for everything. The guide lines state two pages for all the text including references.
@Gudrun Sorry, but the class is only for journal submission, there are no hooks for user modification of the layout
@JosephWright Understood. Any other option where I could save a bit of space and tighten up?
Otherwise I consider re-formating everything in the other layout, one column normal text.
@JosephWright In any case, thank you for your time :-)
@Gudrun without example difficult to say, but if you use \maketitle you could try \title{\vspace*{-3cm}title} (but don't tell Joseph).
@PabloGonzálezL you can always check a users profile which says when they were last on site (Alain was on site today, but he won't get an @-ping) from your comment. ) Give him some time he's picking up again from github.com/tkz-sty
@DavidCarlisle Thanks, I didn't know about ping, apparently he's not using the repository in git, he publishes the files in his personal page
@UlrikeFischer Indeed, this works. It pulls up the whole text. Do you know such a nice trick maybe as well for reducing the distance between main text (two-column) and author line?
@Ulrike Fischer I tried earlier as well with vspace*{-2cm} but it pulled up only the right column.
@Gudrun well as I said: you didn't provide a complete example.
@UlrikeFischer Yes, you are right. I will prepare one and should I present it here?
@PabloGonzálezL yes that was my git repo I did some emergency updates for him when latex or luatex or something changed and broke them all. if @ doesn't prompt a name then no message will be sent
@DavidCarlisle I think I will kill the support for citecolor in my hyperref driver. It simply doesn't make sense. Why is there a setting for \cite but not \ref or \acro or \gls or \footnote? If special colors are wanted the packages should reset linkcolor locally.
@DavidCarlisle Yes, in fact the tkz-euclid package still points to this repository in CTAN, I haven't seen @AlainMatthes connecting to this chat.
@PabloGonzálezL not in chat but he was on the main site today
@UlrikeFischer someone will complain:-) (but seems reasonable)
@DavidCarlisle well biblatex will perhaps like it if they don't have to use tricks to make hyperref believe that they are natbib. I found this in their code:
% trick hyperref into believing we're natbib
% trick showkeys into believing we're havard
@UlrikeFischer A working minimum example

\setkeys{acs}{email = false} %kick out email


\title{\vspace*{-2cm}A very long title with a lot of things to mention like the name of the title}


You will see, there is some distance between the top text and the title.
@Gudrun I will probably be sent into hell for it, but try this
\title{\vspace*{-2cm}A very long title with a lot of things to mention like the name of the title\endgraf\vspace*{-2cm}}
@UlrikeFischer hahaha
@UlrikeFischer @JosephWright will never speak to you again, that's for sure.
@DavidCarlisle then better don't tell him what I did.
@UlrikeFischer \vspace*{\acs@space@pre@title} and \vspace*{\acs@space@post@title} :-)
@DavidCarlisle Is there an option? Joseph said there weren't, can't one trust no one anymore?
@UlrikeFischer oh probably not, but that was first hit for maketitle in the class (I er didn't look at any documented options)
@UlrikeFischer Yes, earlier, I told you that works. :D My next question was: Do you know a trick to reduce the space between text and title, please?
Sorry, I don't want nobody today.
@DavidCarlisle I found in the documentation for example \setlength\acs@space@pre@title{16mm} \setlength\acs@space@post@title{0mm} but I don't know how to use this information to my advantage for example.
@Gudrun I added a space at the end of the title too. But as David just discovered the class has two length you can change, see above. Do simply e.g. \makeatletter\setlength\acs@space@pre@title{-2cm}
@UlrikeFischer Upps, overlooked that one.
@UlrikeFischer Ui, that works like a charm.
@UlrikeFischer Re Do simply e.g. \makeatletter\setlength\acs@space@pre@title{-2cm}
Sorry, but I don't know. Do I put this before or after the \begin{document} and would I not need a \makeatother in the end? Sorry, not a LaTeX Pro like you.
@Gudrun simply try it out. and yes a \makeatother won't hurt.
Yes, I tried and I put it before begin-document. It works. I will try with the post title option.
@UlrikeFischer MERCI.
@DavidCarlisle MERCI!
I hope everybody survives this hack :-)
@Gudrun oh you don't go to hell for setting lengths with @ in it. So David saved me ;-)
@UlrikeFischer also I got the Bibel. :)
@PauloCereda that was fast
@UlrikeFischer Gert is efficient. :)
@PauloCereda yes. But I don't think that this was his doing ;-)
@UlrikeFischer ooh a plot twist
“i can’t go because of coronavirus”
- whiny
- boring
- weak

“i’ve sworn an oath of solitude til the blight is purged from these lands”
- heroic, valiant
- they will assume you have a sword
- impossible to check if you really have a sword because of coronavirus
@DavidCarlisle and @DavidCarlisle -- (I haven't read through the full chat yet, so you may already have looked at this.) When I saw that question, I poked around a bit, and found an answer to this question (tex.stackexchange.com/q/146806) that suggested (in a somewhat different situation) forcing a load of amsmath before the \documentclass. Probably irrelevant, but might be worth looking at.
@barbarabeeton did you mean to ping @daleif and me rather than me twice?
@barbarabeeton Looking at Andrew Swans answer I see no difference to removing the amsmath preloading and adding reqno to amsart, the result seems to be the same
@PauloCereda -- Love it!
@DavidCarlisle -- Yes. Good guess.
@daleif -- Thanks for explanation. I know that item was entered into the amscls bugs list at AMS, but nothing ever happened. The list is still there. It would be great if you can send them your analysis of the new question. (I know an update is pending -- they're obligated to support MSC 2020, and when I inquired about that, was told that more updates would be included. But when, and what, unknown.)
@barbarabeeton might have been fixed in empheq might have been something else. I'm currently trying to pin donw the one from this morning. It is interesting that only the align version gets hit, the alignat version does not.
In my tests the box on align is about 25pt narrower than it is suppose to, not sure yet why \displayindent\z@ \displaywidth\columnwidth is causing that.
@daleif 2em? (im on a chromebook with no tex at the moment:-)
@DavidCarlisle about that. I'm guessing there is some test that goes from somewhere because of those two settings
@daleif i mention 2em as it's the fixed overhang from \prevgraf that might possibly be relevant
@DavidCarlisle It is comming from setting \displaywidth\columnwidth and \prevgraf not mentioned. I'll keep digging
Hmm, under article if I typeout the \displaywidth from inside math and do the same for amsart the difference is about 25pt.
Dang, I cannot do math, the difference is 35pt. Seems to be \@mathmargin
It is to some extent \@mathmargin, under fleqn -\@mathmargin is added to the width of the material. Though that does not explain the width when fleqn is not active
Can anyone suggest a simple way to ask people what the time difference is between them and some other location? (This is for a survey to see what kind of access students might have or not to live remote lectures). I started to do a -12 to +12 multiple choice with 0 as the local time here, and then started to fill in time zone names, but this is a total mess. But people don't know UTC at all so I can't ask that.
@AlanMunn ask them where they live, then look up the timezone for them?
@DavidCarlisle Hmm. I'd like something more automated (160 students or more, although obviously far fewer distinct time zones.) But that may be simpler since this is a one-off thing. Or maybe "Name of largest city in your timezone" so that we don't have to look up the Bielefelds of the world.
@AlanMunn :)
@AlanMunn ask them what time the sun rises, and if it's in the morning, they are on GMT.
@DavidCarlisle lol
@DavidCarlisle :)
Ask them what time it is? It's always 5 o'clock somewhere. But only 2 places at a time.
@AlanMunn ooh I could write a script to fetch timezones according to the city, and then generate a longtable because longtable is awesome. :)
Wha time is it Paulo?
@PauloCereda suits you well now that you're a knight, Sir Quackalot.
@GWarner here? 17:53
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz awww thanks mr. rabbit
@PauloCereda off by a minute. It's 21:54
Sometimes the chat is so useful. :)
@AlanMunn quack
you are an hour ahead of me. So one hour east of me... South american antlantic coast?
@GWarner yes, Brazilian time. :)
@PauloCereda nah, this chat enables time-travel.
not hard to determine location by a given time if day or nifght are distinguished
poor alan munn. making light of his dilemna
I have bought a second watch to keep track of the German time without the need to do complicated, boring mental calculations. I had plans to wear two watches when in Germany. I won't sync the time because I have plans in October. Like big plans.
@PauloCereda I hope you don't want to attend the Oktoberfest.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz no, perhaps a rabbit house. :)
@PauloCereda that'd be fine :)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz ooh rabbits are awesome
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz ooh rabbits are timelords :)
Ask Alice :)
@PauloCereda I could ask them for their latitude and longitude and then use an R function, but I doubt they know that either. :)
@PauloCereda I don't know what I should ask my master's advisor...
im just learning to use to use speadsheets. I need a scatter plot XY graph but everyone seems to use the same kind I cant see how the one I need is so unique
@AlanMunn ooh this is deliciously complicated
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz das ist nicht meine schuld? :)
I was really prepared for Germany, you see
stupid excel doesnt like columns or rows that are negatively numbered.
i thought my days of drawing graphs by hand were over.
@PauloCereda goes to Germany.
@PauloCereda Now I just need a look up function from major cities to coordinates and I'm done. :)
@AlanMunn Flavo-Flav!
@AlanMunn oh no
@GWarner Yes, although I suspect it would more be Ducko-Duck.
@AlanMunn bah that's no fun :)
I bet you can google world time zones . and build a scatter graph!
The reference is lost on him
@PauloCereda 晚餐時間
I bought my son a wristwatch because he complained he couldn't have his cell phone in his classrooms. He surprised me when he complained it looked like something Flavo-Flav would wear.
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda Sempre é hora do jantar em algum lugar, pergunte a Alan
Activating Google Translate.... 你在吃什么?
@GWarner duck, of course
So I told him then we'll send it back and he can look at the clock above the chalkboard
@DavidCarlisle lol
@GWarner there is some "history" to that exchange: chat.stackexchange.com/search?q=dinner&room=41
i ned to think about din din too
din din is the term of choice when you have 7 cats...
I need to be clear here though.. Tex is a cowboy or someone who wears boots jeans and a hat. and latex is a rubbery substance used to make gloves and balloons and stuff right?
@PauloCereda But I have to pay Google to access their data. Surely I've given them enough of my own to make up for it. Grrr.
@GWarner No, LaTeX is the Romance language version of TeX.
@GWarner Try Python with Matplotlib.
@GWarner Tex Avery?
@DavidCarlisle sorry to troble you again..
I am using overleaf
How can I implement dvisvgm in overleaf?
so that I can save latex equation outputs as svg files
and then I can transfer and drag to desired place in inkscape
@BAYMAX I have a free account there but never really used it. I would guess that you can set up latexmk to run dvisvgm as they are basically latexmk based as far as I understand, but Ive never used latexmk either, so I guess you pinged the wrong person:-)
@AlanMunn -- Most mailers insert the current time when a message is sent. Assuming that isn't changed by the receiving mail system (possibly unreliable), you could ask the sender to report the time shown at time.is/GMT and figure it out from there. If the sending time is reliable, it could probably be automated. Oh, it does depend on the mail being sent from a site local to the sender. (I'm sending/receiving mail on a machine where I'm connected by ssh, so not reliable.)
@BAYMAX or more simply use:
Q: Convert LaTeX to SVG online

Dave JarvisWhat websites allow users to quickly and simply convert mathematical equations into SVG without having to install or run any software?

@AlanMunn if they're only 120, at the end of the day would be faster to ask them to send the result of this:
@DavidCarlisle seems nice, I iwll try this and let u know! thanks again!
If they copy and paste the text you can accumulate all the emails in a mbox and the a bit of grep and maybe python magic will do it
@BAYMAX not used it but it was first hit on google for online latex to svg
@DavidCarlisle hmm, i tried it but seems like it does good by saving it as svg
but when I copy it, then the area where I paste it: it displays the inverse or the brackets gets scattered
@PauloCereda Two watches in March because of a plan in October? Must be a big one.
One set to Mar CET, one to Oct UTC-3? :-)
“i’ve sworn an oath of solitude til I got ahold of Paulo”
- heroic, valiant
- he will assume I have a sword
- impossible for him to check if I really have a sword because of coronavirus and he cannot come to Germany
I've just emptied 15 65 litre buckets of horse manure. I'm officially ready to be a Dean.
@AlanMunn -- Context? (That is, under what circumstances?)
@barbarabeeton Sometimes the people who work at the barn don't show up, so you help out. We have a horse (although I don't ride, myself). We don't have a barn though. :)
And that amount constitutes the morning haul for the barn. The horses are out most of the day, so that's roughly what they produce overnight.
@AlanMunn -- Well, I hope your aspirations for deanhood reach a satisfactory conclusion. (And maybe you could consider learning to ride.)

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