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@UlrikeFischer it's the -search config that has a few tests using the full texlive tree....
@JosephWright ooh
Who would dare to work without the full TL tree :-D
@norbert everyone who contacts me to ask where kvoptions has gone if it's no longer in oberdiek :-)
Hahahaha :-D Indeed indeed
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@UlrikeFischer concerning luaotfload: is the mode=harf and Renderer=harfbuzz both the same and still supported?
@DavidCarlisle Indeed, I just see that this is a bug ... oberdiek is in collection-latex, while kvoptions is now in collection-latexextra. This is not a good idea. I will tell Karl to move kvoptions into collection-base to keep it in the same place as before. Other packages should be checked, too.
@norbert mode=harf is like mode=node the low-level key from luaotfload. Renderer=Harfbuzz is from fontspec (Renderer=HarfBuzz works perhaps too).
@UlrikeFischer but in the end is the output the same? That is my question...
@DavidCarlisle mail to Karl sent ...
@norbert Yes, Renderer=Harfbuzz will set mode=harf.
Ahh, that is what I wanted to hear. Does it anything else?
Sorry, off for toddler sitting ... back later on.
@norbert do you want me to warn you as things are split off, or will you spot them as they come through (more splits are planned) It has been suggested that all the split out packages are made dependencies of oberdiek so installing oberdiek gets them all, but I think I'd rather avoid such fake dependencies, not loading some of them into minimal testing setup seems like a feature.
@norbert it cleans up a bit. If you do \setmainfont{Arial}[RawFeature={mode=harf}] you will see both mode settings in the font declaration: Arial:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;mode=harf;+smcp;. With Renderer this doesn't happen: Arial:mode=harf;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;+smcp;". So if you use fontspec you should better use the Renderer key.
3 hours later…
Howdy hoo
I remember there was this package for "fancy" braces and parentheses
Especially larger parantheses were printed much prettier
Can't find it anymore, is it gone?
Surely not?
MathTime is the one
2 hours later…
@1010011010 well not specifically about braces: it changes the entire math font setup to be based on a Times Roman style rather than computer modern
ooh radiation
hi mr. radioactive person
'ello :)
I was going to ask a question about TeXstudio, but managed to work it out haha
@BetaDecay so not in Europe then:-)
UK actually haha
It's 1404 here
11AM here
@PauloCereda but 6 months out: it is supposed to be winter.
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@BetaDecay Yo!
Hey, could somebody help me at this code (which does not run for me) from @JohnKormylo, so that I can work on?

I thinks it is only a small notation mistake.
A: pgfplotstable: Create rows with loops

John KormyloEvidently \pgfplotsinvokeforeach is like \foreach in that all assignments are local. \documentclass[a4paper, landscape=false]{article} \usepackage{pgfplotstable} \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \begin{document} % Start \pgfplotstableread[col sep=&]{ 999 & 999 & 999 }\main \pgfplotstableread[col sep=&

At \global\let\main=\main could be something to be different...
It is not \global\let\main\main :()
@UlrikeFischer if the OP had said they were using miktex we could have answered this way without seeing the log or the input or the error messages:
You seem to have made updates only as user, all files in the main tree are quite outdated and now you have clashes. Always do updates in both modes: as user and as admin. — Ulrike Fischer 9 mins ago
@DavidCarlisle yes ;-)
1 hour later…
Does anybody know how to use MathJax / MathML.

I need a box with given width; something like parbox / minipage... But MathML does not know these environments... ?
@cis menclose to make a box an mpadded to force a width but minipage and parbox are text things not math so rather out of scope for mathjax
@DavidCarlisle I think I need HTML-commands for that...
@cis you asked about mathml, and they are mathml elements
The Oberdiek Package Support Group
@PauloCereda more readable than ho-tex
@PauloCereda either way it means "blame Ulrike"
@MathML / MathJax MMh, this is the code, I saw by a MathML-user, I do not know, how to get this on "linewidth" :()

$\displaystyle a=1,c = b+1 = 3^{2^{11}}, b = 3^{2^{11}}-1 = 3^{2048}-1 =

@cis so you are not using mathml there but mathjax tex-like rendering (which internally uses something similar to mathml) as in tex nothing is going to break a literal integer unless you add some linebreaking possibilities, eg a zero width space every three digits, or break it by hand with \\ in an array.
@DavidCarlisle Ah ok. Doing it manually is clear. I hoped for solving command.
@DavidCarlisle But.... An array with a p-column? I will test... ;)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@cis this linebreaks inf I try it on mathoverflow:
$$ a=1,c = b+1 = 3^{2^{11}}, b = 3^{2^{11}}-1 = 3^{2048}-1 =
Mr. squirrel submitted an update to the CircuiTikZ package.

Version:  0.9.7 2019-12-01
License:  lppl gpl

Summary description:  Draw electrical networks with TikZ
@Rmano ^^ :)
@cis no a p column isn't going to help, just a single column l and put in say 20 digits per row, but see above for automatic linebreaking possibility
@DavidCarlisle Ah ok, thx.
@PauloCereda Squirrels are very good in electronics
@CarLaTeX ooh
@PauloCereda @CarLaTeX ;-) --- still hoping the next will be v1.0.0. Now back to prepare exams (electronics' ones, obviously, and in LaTeX ;-))
@Rmano yay!
@Rmano :)
@CarLaTeX @PauloCereda vvvvvv
what can go wrong?
@Rmano ooh a squirrel
This has been some hardcore-TikZ-times...


Today, I do not do electikz...
@Rmano oooh
This is my great project at this moment:
Q: pgfplotstable: Problem with 'create on use', getprevrow (Table similar to "Horner's scheme")

cisI wrote the explaining text into the image, I hope it is easier to explain in this way: Picture without stuff: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{pgfplotstable} \pgfplotsset{compat=1.16} \usepackage{xcolor, colortbl} \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, 1000 sep={\,}, } \beg...

But I can not pgfplotstable that :(
<---- https://matheplanet.de/matheplanet/nuke/html/article.php?sid=1609

But this is not interesting, only the pgfplotstable-stuff...
Mr. Cereda .... Paulo .... In my opinion, it looks like this:

TikZ ---> Count
pgfplots ---> Duke
pgfplotstable ---> King

Mmmhhhh .....
@DavidCarlisle Mr. Carlisle Do you know this algorithm?
(BTW: I think I understand this algorithm; it is really a TeX-problem...)
Just asking for interest.
@CarLaTeX -- Squirrels are certainly very good at walking along electrical wires! But I remember a time when the lights went out suddenly at the office. It turned out that a squirrel got too ambitions, and managed to jump into a substation, onto a high-tension wire, shorted itself out and got fried, in turn causing a power outage through a rather large area, if only for a short time. So squirrels have got to be careful around loose electricity.
@barbarabeeton oooh ops!
Faraday squirrels
@barbarabeeton Hey, Miss Beeton! A big problem at that time was (for me) that there was no meaningful way to deal with a 3-pole (transistor). If he has solved that today, it's nice.
::::::: @Skillmon
Good evening, Mr. Skillmon.
@cis -- Hi. I hope that problem has been solved, but I don't know. My record in an undergraduate electrical engineering course was not outstanding. (One possible reason that I ended up in linguistics.)
@PauloCereda who's Mr. squirrel?
@cis good evening.
@Skillmon -> @Rmano
He has the squirrel bloke from Ice Age as avatar. :)
@PauloCereda ah, the sabertooth squirrel (I think his name was Scrat, wasn't it?)
@Skillmon Yes!
@barbarabeeton Painting, TikZing a transistor does not mean to understand a transistor. But the most important first... :()
@JosephWright Can I bother you about github.com/josephwright/csquotes/pull/36 again? The issue doesn't seem to have bitten many people, but it would still be great to resolve github.com/josephwright/csquotes/issues/35
@moewe Oh, sorry: forgot to merge-and-release
@JosephWright Thanks for merging!
@JosephWright l3 code spreading:
@DavidCarlisle I use xfp in my last version to redefine veclen. I removed the êtes package. — Alain Matthes 3 mins ago
Hello, any subscribers of [email protected] mailing list here? For several days now I am getting spammed with numerous copies of a message with the subject "RE: Bad data in tlnet mirror". Is it just me, or do you get the same message too? It's driving me crazy!
@AlexG Mr. G, what is an e-mail? :()
I have something like this, I look at it 2-times a month.... :()
@cis I get 3 copies per hour, at least.
@AlexG I'm on the list and that thread has gone on a bit, but no duplicates
@AlexG Oh my dear! What a pitty!
@AlexG I am subscribed, and that mail did get quite a few replies, but not nearly 3/hour
@AlexG Last activity was Norbert, 10 h ago
@AlexG 16 messages with that subject in November tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2019-November/thread.html
@DavidCarlisle It is one and the same reply, sent on 29th November, arriving at the rate noted above.
Last 3 at 8pm CET.
@AlexG doesn't happen here.
@AlexG unsubscribe and subscribe again?
Excerpt from the mail header:
Received: from tug.org (tug.org [])
        by b1911.mx.srv.dfn.de (Postfix) with ESMTPS
        for <a.grahn@????.de>; Mon,  2 Dec 2019 20:02:36 +0100 (CET)
Received: from tug.org (localhost.localdomain [])
        by tug.org (8.14.7/8.14.7) with ESMTP id xATEkhbd002167;
        Fri, 29 Nov 2019 15:47:48 +0100
@DavidCarlisle I wrote a message to tex-live-owner at tug.org. Hope this helps. Otherwise, I will do as you suggest.
@AlexG -- I'm on that list, and received 18 messages, all different. I can't identify the particular message you cite. Who was the sender?
@barbarabeeton Ouch! Fried squirrel...
@Rmano -- Ouch indeed! But it got its revenge.
@PhelypeOleinik if you have Z, who needs O ?
@DavidCarlisle Precisely! No one except for @Rmano needed it until today :-)
@barbarabeeton mattias.fransson@s???????p.com
I got 6 more during the last 1.5h
@DavidCarlisle and what about @PauloCereda?
@PhelypeOleinik that's my week. I stomped on \coord in let yesterday and now this... will buy a lottery ticket tomorrow, you never know.
@Rmano I saw that :-)
@Rmano I was looking at the git blame of that line of code, and it seems it sat there untouched for the last 11 years. Take your conclusions ;-)
@UlrikeFischer OOH
@PabloGonzálezL caught most of those now hopefully
@PhelypeOleinik Should I open a bug? But maybe better you do, given that you find the culprit...
@DavidCarlisle no, lowercase ooh worked. OOH exploded, though.
@Rmano that's why I replied OOH not ooh :-)
@DavidCarlisle good, so @PauloCereda is fine ;-)
@PhelypeOleinik he was probably using a German keyboard, lucky he found 25 of the 26 letters.
@DavidCarlisle There's no space there, so it seems that's the case indeed
@DavidCarlisle There's no grüße though...
@PhelypeOleinik well spotted, that seems conclusive proof
@PhelypeOleinik oh so not @UlrikeFischer then.
@DavidCarlisle and there are two z, one small, one large.
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle another quote problem tex.stackexchange.com/questions/518873/…. I do have the impression an \@filef@und@unquoted would be a nice addition.
@UlrikeFischer Which editor are you using for debugging? You are incredibly fast!
@UlrikeFischer I wonder if I could get rid of the quotes and space in @filef@und, it seemed too scary but the {} functions not allowing quotes is a pain
@AlexG she doesn't need to debug, as I'm sure she's to blame for the quotes being there...
@DavidCarlisle But she must have worked with the animate.sty code mess somehow.
@AlexG as I commented I simply compared the output of pdflatex and xelatex with tracingmacros in a diff program and looked for clues. \@anim@fingerprint was quite obvious and \mdfivesum only five lines before.
@AlexG I'd like to change the latex format here so \IfFileExists gives (abc.foo) not ("abc.foo" ) but it's tricky...
@UlrikeFischer Oh, very smart. Do you simply put \tracingmacros on top of the input file? I am not familiar with this command.
@AlexG I guess your mail server does not properly ack the reception of the mail. If that happens, the mail server at tug.org will try to redeliver. Are you sure that this is a problem on the tug side? Have you looked into you mail server logs?
@DavidCarlisle is there no place to store the unquoted name too? @AlexG is doing \xdef\@anim@pathtofile{\expandafter\zap@finalspace\@filef@und\@nil}. He can there remove the quotes too as he does for the space, but it would be much easier if a macro with the correct syntax were already there.
@AlexG no that would give to much code. I put \tracingmacros=1 directly before the \animategraphics command - it doesn't always work: you need something good to compare too. In this case I was lucky.
@UlrikeFischer Thank, you. Which was the command for removing the quotes? I forgot in which package I used your fix...
Nov 25 at 14:23, by Ulrike Fischer
    \pdfximage page 1 {\@anim@tempfilename}
@UlrikeFischer Thank you!
@UlrikeFischer well I could (probably) just make it save \file@found (with no quotes and no space) whenever it saves \@filef@und but saving both forms seems a bit rubbish really, I'll probably raise on team list
@UlrikeFischer \@filef@und is always edef expanded already so rather than \IfFileExists set two names every time couldn't we just have an expandable definition something like \@file@found defined as \def\@file@found{\expandafter\@file@found@\@filef@und\relax} with \def\@file@found@"#1" \relax{#1} ?
If \IfFileExists made two definitions each time, would need something fancier than \@swaptoargs here:
\DeclareRobustCommand \InputIfFileExists[2]{%
@DavidCarlisle sounds ok. Should the name somehow reflect that the file name is unquoted? I doubt that i will be able to remember which of @file@f@und and @file@found does what ;-).
@UlrikeFischer Perhaps if I added two more @ that would help?

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