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@PhelypeOleinik @CarLaTeX will never speak to you
@DavidCarlisle On the plus side, I can have Nutella pizza ;-)
4 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle Why?
@PhelypeOleinik You can have Nutella pizza, it's enough you call it focaccia
2 hours later…
@CarLaTeX you might want to look at the comments under tex.stackexchange.com/questions/508880/…
@DavidCarlisle @PauloCereda does damages :)
@PhelypeOleinik You will be chased by the Neapolitan Inquisition.
1 hour later…
Nutella pizza is good! — Phelype Oleinik 9 hours ago
@PhelypeOleinik ^^ OOH
2 hours later…
@CarLaTeX I'm fine with a different name. I'd like to try this real pizza though :-)
On a more serious matter: why does l3build says this:
Running checks on
  d3dvipdfmx (1/147)
...exlive/2019/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-check.lua:87: ../build/test/d3dvipdfmx.log: No such file or directory
I just cloned the repository from GitHub and ran l3build check...
@PhelypeOleinik you are checking l3build with l3build?
@PhelypeOleinik Something failed to run ... which branch?
@UlrikeFischer No, the l3kernel
@JosephWright Master...
@JosephWright @UlrikeFischer The thing is that I do the exact same thing in a computer with Ubuntu and it works:
Running checks on
  d3dvipdfmx (1/147)
  d3dvips (2/147)
  d3dvisvgm (3/147)
@PhelypeOleinik works okay here. What happens if you run only l3build check d3dvipdfmx? can you see something?
@UlrikeFischer Same thing :(
Running checks on
  d3dvipdfmx (1/1)
...exlive/2019/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-check.lua:87: ../build/test/d3dvipdfmx.log: No such file or directory
@UlrikeFischer Trying another test file...
Running checks on
  m3int000 (1/1)
Failed to find input for test m3int000
          --> failed

  Check failed with difference files
But no difference file neither .log in build/test...
@PhelypeOleinik there is no m3int000 test, the number is 001. But can you try which engine fails for the d3dvipdfmx test? (-epdftex etc)
@UlrikeFischer I'm stupid :-) Checking the engine now
@JosephWright may I ask a quick question? How do I report a bug with the biblatex-ieee package?
@UlrikeFischer thank you
That info needs to be included in the CTAN page for the package
@Krishna It's in the documentation
@UlrikeFischer All five engines, same error
Running checks on
  d3dvipdfmx (1/2)
...exlive/2019/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-check.lua:87: ../build/test/d3dvipdfmx.log: No such file or directory
May 29 '18 at 20:09, by Alan Munn
@DavidCarlisle No one reads the documentation.
It seems like the engine doesn't even start, otherwise there should be a log, I guess, even if wrong...
@PhelypeOleinik I'll take a look over my lunch
@JosephWright Thanks! No rush, though. Take your time
@PhelypeOleinik don't you see anything happening in the terminal? Doesn't it even unpack?
Transcript written on d3dvipdfmx.log.

  All checks passed
@UlrikeFischer It does:
tavar@DESKTOP-SREP2JR MINGW64 ~/Desktop/Phelype/folder/latex3 (master)
$ l3build check d3dvipdfmx -epdftex
Running l3build with target "check" for module l3kernel
Installing dependency: ../l3backend
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/W32TeX) (preloaded format=pdftex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
(./l3.ins (./l3docstrip.dtx
Utility: `docstrip' 2.5d <2005/07/29>
English documentation    <1999/03/31>
@UlrikeFischer The build\test folder seems to have everything, even d3dvipdfmx.lvt and d3dvipdfmx.tlg, but no .log
@DavidCarlisle :(
I'm on Windows 10, if that makes any difference...
@PhelypeOleinik that's with cygwin texlive and an up to date latex3 master branch
@DavidCarlisle Do you mean TeXLive installed through cygwin or just using the cygwin command line?
why can you run the d3dvipdfmx test from latex3? I have to switch into l3kernel for it. @PhelypeOleinik
@PhelypeOleinik cygwin texlive (not the one that comes with cygwin, upstream texlive from tug, but with the cygwin implementation)
@UlrikeFischer oh that's what I did as well
@JosephWright thank you. Have just raised an issue there
@UlrikeFischer I always run l3build check from latex3. I assumed that for a specific test file it would work the same... Trying from within l3kernel
@DavidCarlisle Hm... I installed using the install-tl-windows.exe from tug.org
@PhelypeOleinik what is in line 87 of texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-check.lua?
@UlrikeFischer (almost) the same thing:
Running checks on
  d3dvipdfmx (1/2)
C:\texlive\2019\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:927: ...exlive/2019/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-check.lua:87: ../build/test/d3dvipdfmx.log: No such file or directory
@UlrikeFischer This rewrite function starts on line 86:
local function rewrite(source,result,processor,...)
  local file = assert(open(source,"rb"))
  local content = gsub(file:read("*all") .. "\n","\r\n","\n")
  local new_content = processor(content,...)
  local newfile = open(result,"w")
@PhelypeOleinik I have checkinit_hook = checkinit_hook or function() return 0 end. Run an update
@PhelypeOleinik I'm in denial that I'm on windows, I use xterm as my normal terminal window cygwin emacs as the editor cygwin X windows as my main window system, so use cygwin texlive as my main tex....
@PhelypeOleinik oh wait. I need to check something first.
@DavidCarlisle I completely understand why :-)
@DavidCarlisle I'd rather be on Linux, but my the work for my master's requires some Windows programs...
@PhelypeOleinik no, I don't have some other version around. It worked also before the update but it doesn't make much sense if we use different l3build versions. So you should better get the one from today first.
@UlrikeFischer That shouldn't make any difference ...
@PhelypeOleinik well yes, I'm on windows mostly for work reasons (but internally the build system for windows products is mostly make files running on cygwin, even when building native windows products). It may be that we can move to the windows subsystem for linux eventually rather than cygwin, but currently cygwin it is.
@UlrikeFischer I won't bet on it but I think saw this problem already, some 3 or 4 weeks ago, but ignored it at the time. I updated yesterday, but I'm running an update now just to be sure (connection is slow :-)
@JosephWright no but if lua returns a line number it is better if we know which lines it is ;-)
@PhelypeOleinik I get such errors sometimes when the compilation fails badly, e.g. from a lua error in luaotfload. You could also try to clean up the build folder to get a fresh start. Or run pdflatex d3dvipdfmx.lvt directly in the build/test so see if it errors or get at least a log which we could compare.
@UlrikeFischer Running pdflatex d3dvipdfmx.lvt writes a log file which, modulo normalisation, is equal to the .tlg.
@UlrikeFischer Running lualatex d3dvipdfmx.lvt though...
tavar@DESKTOP-SREP2JR /cygdrive/c/Users/tavar/Desktop/Phelype/folder/latex3/build/test
$ lualatex d3dvipdfmx.lvt
This is LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019/W32TeX)
 restricted system commands enabled.
(./d3dvipdfmx.lvt[\directlua]:1: module 'lualatexquotejobname.lua' not found:
        no field package.preload['lualatexquotejobname.lua']
        [kpse lua searcher] file not found: 'lualatexquotejobname.lua'
        [kpse C searcher] file not found: 'lualatexquotejobname.lua'
        no file 'C:\texlive\2019\bin\win32\lualatexquotejobname.dll'
@PhelypeOleinik You sure you are on master?
@JosephWright Yes, I did git clone 'https://github.com/latex3/latex3.git' just before doing these tests. I will clone again, just to be 100%
@UlrikeFischer Oh, and tlmgr update --all didn't have any l3build:
[1/4, ??:??/??:??] update: extract [182k] (15878 -> 52109) ... done
[2/4, 00:12/00:57] update: ocgx2 [19k] (51552 -> 52110) ... done
[3/4, 00:19/01:21] update: texlive-scripts [134k] (52103 -> 52108) ... done
[4/4, 00:28/01:12] update: upmethodology [531k] (51818 -> 52111) ... done
@PhelypeOleinik try some other repo. I had to try a few times too.
@UlrikeFischer Any specific one?
tavar@DESKTOP-SREP2JR MINGW64 ~/Desktop/Phelype/new_folder
$ git clone 'https://github.com/latex3/latex3.git'
Cloning into 'latex3'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 331, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (331/331), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (247/247), done.
remote: Total 72483 (delta 151), reused 262 (delta 84), pack-reused 72152
Receiving objects: 100% (72483/72483), 36.70 MiB | 527.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (58842/58842), done.
Updating files: 100% (979/979), done.
@JosephWright ^^^
I have a feeling I'm cluttering this chat...
@PhelypeOleinik What happens if you compile a minimal hello world with lualatex?
@UlrikeFischer Works fine
@PhelypeOleinik also when the minimal file is in the build/test folder?
@UlrikeFischer Hm... That LuaTeX error up there might have been because I was compiling while updating TeXLive... Now lualatex d3dvipdfmx.lvt works too
@PhelypeOleinik ah ;-). Yes compiling in the middle of an update is not a good idea. That explains which it couldn't find the lua.
@UlrikeFischer Phew :-)
@PhelypeOleinik so back to the question why the test fails. Can you run l3build check on windows cmd?
@UlrikeFischer Yes. Wnat me to run from latex3 or l3kernel?
@PhelypeOleinik try both ...
@UlrikeFischer Nothing changes...
Updating TeXLive from ftp.fau.de/ctan...
@PhelypeOleinik @PauloCereda does damages
@PhelypeOleinik you mean by discussing something tex related?
@CarLaTeX I can't disagree with that ;-)
@DavidCarlisle Precisely. I heard I'm not supposed to :-)
@PhelypeOleinik ooh
@PhelypeOleinik Inter or Atlético?
@PauloCereda vim or emacs?
@PauloCereda Neither. Football is boring
@DavidCarlisle duck or dinner?
@DavidCarlisle vim :)
@PhelypeOleinik you are... mean? :)
Aug 1 at 12:32, by Paulo Cereda
@PhelypeOleinik You are not mean. :)
@PhelypeOleinik ooh
@UlrikeFischer oh no
@PhelypeOleinik :)
Going on with the off-topic subject:
If my guesses are correct, the `errlevels[i] = run( <where>, <what>)` instruction in the `runtest` function of `l3build-check.lua` is the actual system call to the TeX engine. I dumbly replaced the `errlevels[i] = run` by `print` and got:
../build/test set TEXINPUTS=.&set LUAINPUTS=.&set GUESS_INPUT_KANJI_ENCODING=0&set TEXMFCNF=.;&set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1463734800&set SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH_TEX_PRIMITIVES=1&set FORCE_SOURCE_DATE=1&set max_print_line=79&pdftex --fmt=pdflatex -translate-file ./ascii.tcx -interaction=nonstopmode -jobname=d3dvipdfmx "\input d3dvipdfmx.lvt" > nul&
@PhelypeOleinik hmmmm
I then went to the ../build/test folder and manually ran that line (minus the > nul&) and the test ran correctly and produced a log file
@PhelypeOleinik Windows?
@PauloCereda Unfortunately :-(
@PhelypeOleinik did you get the update of l3build now? If yes which error line number does l3build report?
@UlrikeFischer Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell. Now it errors on line 90. Same error
@PhelypeOleinik local file = assert(open(source,"rb"))?
@UlrikeFischer Yes. From what I understand source is supposed to be the log file, so it errors because the file is not found for some reason
How nice would it be to have a \tracingall now...
@PhelypeOleinik you could change the line and add a message: local file = assert(open(source,"rb"), "problem with"..source)
@UlrikeFischer Well, now it says "problem with../build/test/d3dvipdfmx.log" instead...
@PhelypeOleinik It is curious. Why doesn't it compile? Can you clone luaotfload and start l3build check there?
hello, is anyone here confident with tikz graph plotting?
i need some guidance on how to achieve a time formatted y axis like in this graph
@UlrikeFischer I'm making lunch now. I'll try it in the afternoon. I'll also try to make a MWE out of this, somehow
@sollniss Did you ask a question?
@FaheemMitha no i found an example and am now trying to adjust it to what i want
i cant get it to recognize seconds
@sollniss Ok.
2015-01-01 00:00:26.737 is printed as a 0
like 00:00:00.000
@sollniss What package are you using, exactly?
@sollniss Ok. If you continue to have problems, ask a question.
And if it's a bug, you can file a report on GitHub.
i dont have an account on the latex stackexchange and cant remember my password atm
i don't know why it's ignoring the seconds
@sollniss What, the SE password? You can normally do a reset.
i'll just use a guest account i guess
You are logged into SE right now, or you wouldn't be able to post here.
@sollniss No, don't do that.
If you don't remember your password, you can easily reset it.
i'm logged into my stackoverflow account
@sollniss Well, then you should be able to reset the passwod even more easily.
oh it didnt ask me for my credentials
To be clear, you need only one account/password for SE.
apparently you can just make an account like that
@sollniss It must have cached your credentials.
@sollniss You need some minimum rep on SE to talk here. Across the network.
@sollniss you even get 101 starter points to get you past the first few new user blocks if you log in with an existing account from another site
i have lots of rep from my stackoverflow account
i'll post the question
@sollniss If you don't remember your password, go to your account and reset it, if you are logged into SO.
i'm at my work pc so i dont know my email password either
guess i could use my phone ...
@DavidCarlisle do you have access to a TeX distro in Windows?
@sollniss I don't think you need your email, if you are already logged in. Unless SE asks for confirmation via email. Which I doubt, if you are logged in.
And save your password somewhere. Unless it's something sensitive, saving a password isn't a big deal.
@PauloCereda only cygwin
@DavidCarlisle ouch, thank you. :)
ok i found my answer
"The date plot library cannot handle seconds"
@PauloCereda I have (or had) a linux one running under wsl as well, but somehow I have never needed a windows build
@DavidCarlisle no worries, I am writing a regex that should work (what could possibly go wrong?).
@PauloCereda lots of things
@DavidCarlisle bah
@DavidCarlisle then the rope was cut and the bloke broke his leg
@PauloCereda serves him right for using perl regex not elisp
@DavidCarlisle or pattern matching
@DavidCarlisle good ridance, regex bastard
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle should've used l3regex...
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer I'm back :-)
@UlrikeFischer I cloned luaotfload and ran l3build check:
C:\Users\tavar\Desktop\Phelype\new_folder>git clone 'https://github.com/latex3/luaotfload.git'
Cloning into 'luaotfload'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1459, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1459/1459), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (556/556), done.
remote: Total 16052 (delta 1011), reused 1288 (delta 886), pack-reused 14593
Receiving objects: 100% (16052/16052), 73.96 MiB | 527.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (10609/10609), done.

C:\Users\tavar\Desktop\Phelype\new_folder>cd luaotfload
@UlrikeFischer (@JosephWright and @PauloCereda too) Here's the closest I could get to a MWE: github.com/PhelypeOleinik/zzz
Running checks on
  test001 (1/1)
C:\texlive\2019\bin\win32\runscript.tlu:927: ...exlive/2019/texmf-dist/scripts/l3build/l3build-check.lua:90: ./build/test/test001.log: No such file or directory
@PhelypeOleinik I have some suspicions, but unable to test stuff right now... :(
@PhelypeOleinik so it doesn't work there either. You really have a broken l3build.
@PauloCereda Lack of time or lack of Windows?
@PhelypeOleinik both... :(
@UlrikeFischer I'll test in another computer with Windows 7...
@PhelypeOleinik but I might need to install Windows for debugging...
@PhelypeOleinik do you have a 32 bit or a 64 bit windows?
@UlrikeFischer 64
@PauloCereda If it's just this you need it for you can access mine, if it's easier for you

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