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08:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Some Danes still do not like swedes much at all, there have been countless of small wars between them for ages. However Danes and Norwegians have never had many quarrels. So there have been examples of Norwegians being mistaken for swedes and not getting served at pubs and similar. When saying they were from Norway, they got free pints on the house.
@N3buchadnezzar you're Dannish?
oh ok, sorry
@tohecz At my first conference, the first main speaker was from Oxford and I missed almost everything, except for the math he wrote on the blackboard. The second speaker was from Texas and I was relieved: I could understand English, after all. :)
@N3buchadnezzar in that case, my follow-up question about the idiom "you drink like a Czech" is pointless
Some fun examples from Norway, from our ski sports there was a interview with some German competitors and the interview was not subtitled. Straight afterwards there was an interview with some competitors from Sweden and then the interview was subtitled. Bear in mind most people from Norway understand Swedes just fine.
@tohecz But I do!
@egreg strange, I have quite opposite experience, English English is fine, but American English is much harder to understand
@N3buchadnezzar do what? drink like a Czech?
@tohecz Yes! You can hoover my message to see what I quoted.
I know, still I wasn't sure what's your point
and I'm not sure you really do
@DavidCarlisle You already know the answer. We linguists are a pretty tolerant bunch, and -ify is a very nice suffix. But you don't have to turn TeX into a verb, since -ify attaches to nouny things: liquify, solidify, quantify, verify (nouny, because lots of them are really old roots and not actual words.)
It is not often I do drink, but when I drink, I drink.
the average quota of beer consumption is 0.5 litre a day each person, including toddlers
(wine and brandy not included)
@AlanMunn Using natbib how can I create the reference list without items and leftmargin=0pt?
Last weekend we filled a watermelon with vodka, and mixed 60% with orange juice. Fun times.
ok, then you drink like Finnish or Russian :D
@tohecz :D
I was at a Russian-Finnish scientific meeting in St Petersburg, and the "way of drinking" was really amazing!
@AlanMunn I wish French was like English. I tried to get by by sticking random endings on random roots, and sticking random squiggles over vowels, but it always seemed to get marked as incorrect.
How do one make an example image for a MWE?
@egreg There's a Chinese computer scientist here who ironically works on unsupervised learning in robotics, whose English pronunciation is frightful. The irony is he thinks that learning language is simple.
@tohecz oh?
@osjerick \usepackage[authoryear]{natbib} Use \citep for parenthetical citations and \citet for in-text citation: "This has established previously~\citep{xyz}" or the paper by~\citet{xyz}`
appetizer: wine glass of vodka (close to 2dl)
and counting
we went to a boat trip. I took my camera, they took their vodka
@AlanMunn Can anybody understand him?
@tohecz Vodka is awesome!
@N3buchadnezzar I cannot agree. It's the most taste-less alcohol I have ever tasted
But anyone, do I have to make a tikzpicture to make a simple black image for a MWE?
@N3buchadnezzar you can use something like standalone package so the result is already clipped and then just upload th epdf, or I usually just stick a screendump into a bitmap editor and crop by hand and save as png
@osjerick What @egreg said, and add setlength{\bibhang}{0pt} to make the entries not have a hanging indent.
@tohecz Thats the point! Otherwise 60% would be hard to ingest.
@egreg It's very painful. Those of us who hear him frequently kind of adapt. I really pity his students though.
@N3buchadnezzar Do you know slivovice? The best ones are over 60% and still you can smell it from a large distnace and the smell is so perfect!
@DavidCarlisle I want a black image in my MWE, not attached as a picture I already know how to make images =)
@N3buchadnezzar oh you mean an image to demonstrate inclusion. @MartinScharrer just came in so he can advertise the mwe package:-)
@tohecz It depends: a Polish colleague offered me a small bottle of a special wodka and it was fantastic.
@DavidCarlisle yes =D
@tohecz Russky Standard!
@N3buchadnezzar does it have to be an image or just use \hrule height 1in width 1in
@N3buchadnezzar no, slivovice is not Russian, it's Moravian
@DavidCarlisle Or \rule{2.5cm}{2.5cm}
@N3buchadnezzar If you load the graphicx package with the [draft] option you can also use \includegraphics[width=...]{foo} and you'll get a box. (But David's suggestion is just as simple.)
Well I want to see how coloring the background affects images =) I guess I will go with the latter example =)
@egreg very metiricy and latexified
Thanks! @egreg and @AlanMunn :)
@egreg it seems (wiki) that Russian and Polish vodka share only the name...
@tohecz That's what I think too. Good night all!
@DavidCarlisle Now that's an interesting spelling. I would probably have gone for 'metricky'.
@egreg I should go too, night!
I can not find the mwe package
@N3buchadnezzar martin wrote it the other day, so ctan.org/pkg/mwe
@N3buchadnezzar but the idea is it would include some "standard images" that you could just assume are there (once the package is more distributed)
@DavidCarlisle I am using MiKTeX, and it seems that is not supported yet?
@N3buchadnezzar The CTAN page lists a MiKTeX package, so it should be supported.
@N3buchadnezzar Does it not show up in the MikTeX package manager?
@N3buchadnezzar I never really got past "wget" as far as automated installation goes:-)
@AlanMunn no..
@N3buchadnezzar Well the package is quite recent on CTAN, so maybe MikTeX hasn't picked it up yet. I don't know how often Christian Schenk (MikTeX god) syncs CTAN and MikTeX.
I just had to manually upadate my MikTex, and synch it with the servers again. Now everything works =)
@MartinScharrer Cool package
@MartinScharrer: Futurama tonight! :D
@N3buchadnezzar are you arround
@PauloCereda ja ja nice
@N3buchadnezzar so you fake sin x/x
it is quite odd what happens
@leo but it works so ...
@N3buchadnezzar it works pretty well
but I'm curious about why the other way did no work
I'll ask in the main site
@leo I just posted there too!
@N3buchadnezzar :-O
can you provide me the link
@leo I asked about something completely different though.
@leo Try this:
\addplot[mark=none] {sin(2*pi*x)/(2*pi*x)};
@PauloCereda There is a Chinese restaurant in Amherst MA whose owner used an abacus to calculate the bills. He was astonishingly fast.
@AlanMunn Really? That'd be awesome. :)
A friend of mine once tried to teach me, but I could not understand the basics.
08:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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