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@Skillmon Yes, I know TeX is not made for this... ;-) No, as long as one allows only for orthogonal transformations, the "worst" thing one has to do is to transpose a matrix/array.
@Sigur This is straightforward with e.g. tikz-3dplot.
@marmot, this could be for an updated version. I draw that in 2009 I think.
@samcarter If the bees have produced enough honey liquor, they can probably lure the marmots wherever they want them to go, and do not have to lift them.
@marmot what can be done and what cannot be done with tikz-3dplot?
@Sigur If you ever feel redoing, e.g. tex.stackexchange.com/a/49589/121799 may be a nice starting point.
@manooooh What can be done? 3d plots. What cannot be done? Tax declarations, for instance.
@marmot but a multivariable function is a 3d plot, but you never use (in the main site) that library to graph this functions
@marmot, amazing. Thanks.
@manooooh "Never" is an overstatement. But yes, to draw surfaces pgfplots is IMHO better suited.
4 hours later…
@marmot how can we add a comma "," to an argument of a fillable subject in this answer? Change e.g. the line \pic (19) {nonfillable subject={Subject T}}; \\ to \pic (19) {fillable subject={Subject, T}}; \\ and you will see that there is some problems with TextField. I want to add a "," but it gives error
@manooooh Does ` \pic (19) {fillable subject={{Subject, T}}}` work?
@marmot that's a good idea, but it is the same :((
@marmot if the solution is hard to do or the source code changes a lot please forget it, I can deal without a ","
@manooooh Which code are you using? Is it one of the answers?
@marmot yes your answer or my MWE, it does not matter. It is about how TextField works, I guess
@manooooh Which answer?
A: How to put a box and use columns to separate arrows

marmotI hope I didn't screw it but I tested on acroread and it seemed to still work. All I did was to comment out multicolumn (the purpose of which I didn't understand), added some \quads and gave the tikzpictures some baselines. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=0in,footskip=0in,paperwidth...

I think this problem starts when I asked about the possibility of aadding a TextField which has an argument to write
@manooooh This doesn't have a fillable subject. But yes, this is how the code works at the moment (because the subject is also an identifier).
@marmot forget it... just define \newcommand{\something}{,} and then Subject\something T and it works like a charm... :O
@manooooh \pic (19) {fillable subject={Subject{,} T}}; seems to work.
@marmot yes, you are right
(Werp, my "solution" forgets the space after \something but meh xD)
2 hours later…
@CarLaTeX Sorry, but after consideration I had to reject your feature request. I have given extensive reasons in the associated ticket. github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/631
2 hours later…
@HenriMenke Yes, don't worry. I thought it wasn't so problematic :)
@JosephWright assume that I store the pdfminorversion with \driver_pdf_minorversion:n. What would be the expl3 idea to retrieve (driver independent) it in the context of a number? E.g. if I would want to do \int_compare:nn {\pdfminorversion > 5 }{}?
@UlrikeFischer I think the model has to look something like the random seed code
@UlrikeFischer \pdf_minor_version: and \pdf_set_minor_version:n or similar, with driver-level stuff to be agreed
@UlrikeFischer We might though want an fp here so it covers major/minor
@JosephWright it's starting to get difficult to decide about the module. If it is \sys_gset_rand_seed:n then why driver for compresslevel and pdf for minor version?
@UlrikeFischer The driver module is really the minimal abstraction: originally, I'd imagined it would all be team-only but then we tried to tighten up on documentation, cross-module working, etc. The random seed probably doesn't belong in sys, I agree, though it's a hard one to place as it affects various data structures
@UlrikeFischer The reason the random seed is in sys is that it relates to an individual run: a 'user' interface for compress level, etc., might arguably be the same and would be a wrapper around the driver function
@UlrikeFischer I think sys is a hold-all for runtime stuff that doesn't have a better home. We might hope for a pdf modue at some stage, but could start with \sys_pdf_minor_version:
@JosephWright so \__driver_set_minor_version:n as internal command and \sys_set_minor_version:n for the user? Or better \pdf_set_minor_version:n? (I have already some \pdf commands in the experimental stuff, ...)
@UlrikeFischer Yes, that's the plan: really, l3drivers is meant for us plus anyone who wants to implement an entirely different approach for say drawing
@UlrikeFischer I'll try to make some comments on the experiments today or at the weekend: I have a few thoughts
@UlrikeFischer But I think first I will have another go at cctabs
@JosephWright good. I have some feedback from pandoc users: github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/5409. If pandoc adds options to add tags I need to improve the support for links and this means that at least a bit more driver support must go into expl3.
@UlrikeFischer Right yes. I guess I'll handle driver code and you'll use it in tagdpf? We really do need to get some serious stuff into the 2e kernel. I think we have to seriously work on loading expl3 out-of-the-box
@JosephWright the main place where I need more driver code is the experimental hyperref driver. In tagpdf I have stuff like \cs_new:Nn \__uftag_pdf_startlink:{ \pdfextension startlink } but I really don't want to do the same in hyperref - we would have different commands doing the same everywhere.
@UlrikeFischer Sure. That belongs in l3drivers I think: it's just a question of the level of abstraction.
@UlrikeFischer I was just saying to @DavidCarlisle that really we should look to have a physical meeting about this ...
@JosephWright that would be great ;-).
@UlrikeFischer I will risk asking one source of funding ...
@JosephWright I could ask too. Dante has an interest in tagging. It was quite on topic at the meeting, not only in my talk but also in the conversations.
@UlrikeFischer Exactly
@JosephWright so lets find a date and a place and then ask for money ;-)
@UlrikeFischer all go and visit Ross?
@DavidCarlisle BTW the author of sansmathfonts has uploaded new fd files, so hopefully no more discrete font size warnings. Shoulw show up on CTAN within a day or two
@daleif just in time for tl2019
@DavidCarlisle given that is seems to give better math for beamer, more people should probably use it.
@DavidCarlisle ;-)
@JosephWright I just showed to a lawyer, that a number that looks like 1234567 in the pdf can copy & paste as 7654321. He is horrified, they all copy & paste from pdf to save themselves times and now he can no longer be sure to get what he saw ...
@UlrikeFischer Ah, the joys of ActualText
@JosephWright yes. The law says explictly that a pdf must be copyable, but nobody seem to realize what that means.
@UlrikeFischer hmm, do you have a copy of such a PDF?
@daleif mail sent.
@UlrikeFischer thanks
@JosephWright hm
@DavidCarlisle yay
@UlrikeFischer @JosephWright vvvvvv
@UlrikeFischer, nice. Though it is clear in my AA that there is something going on as the number does not get marked the same way as the rest of the text. But if you are in a hurry..
@PauloCereda I thought that "yay" was a reply to this:
12 hours ago, by David Carlisle
@marmot trust no, eat yes.
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@JosephWright remind me again, how many members does TUG have?
@daleif One could improve this. I put the actualtext around the whole number, but one could this for each digit. And think about less obvious changes, e.g. a period to a comma in a number ...
Reminds me of a video I saw this morning. A guy had gotten a good bug. He is uploading a PDF. The PDF gets processed and he can add a payload to run (I did not get the details). But everything is firewalled so he cannot get anything out.
In the end he managed to get data out by generating URLs on the fly that gets processed and checked by the system. But each URL is a very specific subdomain say xxx.evil.com, where xxx is a base64 coded line from /etc/passwd. Thus he got the data out via DNS requests.
@UlrikeFischer Plus, even though PDF is such a common attach vector, people still tend to trust PDFs
I just discover a funny thing. On The TeXbook, page 137, Knuth writes "LaTeX" as
but in the index, page 469, Knuth writes
Is there a reason for this?
I think when Knuth wrote page 137, the official LaTeX logo hadn't been released yet, but it was released before Knuth wrote page 469.
@JouleV as usual the source more informative than the typeset manual:-)
        % Note: the final manual has a slightly different wording on p43.
        % It's now called "LaTeX: A Document Preparation System" (1986)
        % But I decided to cite the original, partly because I have
        % no smallcaps sans-serif `A' to match the new LaTeX logo!
@DavidCarlisle Ohh I haven't checked the texbook.tex. Thanks!
@JouleV did you just compile the texbook.tex or how did you create those images?
it is interesting to see how many non-miktex user know nowadays the "get-updates-as-admin-and-as-user"-advice ;-)
@UlrikeFischer it is synonymous with "miktex" what else is there to know? Isn't it just texlive plus that?
@DavidCarlisle nah, it is often slower to include new packages than TL.
@Skillmon you don't get the index if you run texbook.tex
@Skillmon odd, it is usually quicker to include engine updates (which are once a year in tl)
@DavidCarlisle miktex doesn't add updates daily but once or twice a week. So sometimes there is a delay, but not much @Skillmon.
@DavidCarlisle The other one TL plus is that MiKTeX site is down every now and then (that's why I switched to TL)
@Skillmon No, I don't have texbook.tex in my computer, and as far as I know, I'm not allowed to compile the .tex file.
@UlrikeFischer I believe it's the only thing I know about MiKTeX. ;-)
@egreg as @DavidCarlisle said: it is almost the only one miktex specific thing one needs to know ;-) 95% of all problem can be solved by this. I probably would have golden miktex badge by now if I had added an answer instead of a comment everytime.
@DavidCarlisle are you sure about that?
@UlrikeFischer I know that it's not much. But for one of mine it took them a week or so, TL had it the next day.
@JouleV Yes, you're not allowed, I didn't know it was distributed as a digital copy.
@Skillmon no I was mis-remembering tex-the-program where if you process the web sources you don't get all the stuff in the book
@UlrikeFischer You got a PR for the whatsit letterspacing thing.
@Skillmon it should not be (there is one Chinese site that continues to serve a copy despite repeated requests to take it down) Hopefully @JouleV was scanning a paper copy.
@MarcelKrüger yes saw it, thanks! Just pulling it. I saw that Hans restarted beta and I will probably try to pull it in too to check if something breaks now that they start to move to a new engine.
@PauloCereda I got an advertisment about "Die heißesten Kurven aus Brasilien!". Can you guess what it is about?
@UlrikeFischer no idea! Tell me. :)
@PauloCereda Steaks ;-)
@UlrikeFischer ooh curvy
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@UlrikeFischer Hmm, should have guessed, perhaps. Kurv means sausage in Swedish, and in some Norwegian dialects as well.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen *Korv.
@mickep I was in the middle of an edit correcting my mistake, but you were faster. But in those Norwegian dialects, it is kurv. Mostly used about cured sausages, not the kind you cook.
@UlrikeFischer The German–Norwegian dictionary I have access to, does not have any other meaning of Kurve than curve, really. (We have exactly the same word in Norwegian, with the same meaning.) Bad dictionary?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen no, they really meant "hot curves" (but the curves of the steaks and not what (german) people normally would think here)
@UlrikeFischer Oh, I see. My first thought was, the kind of curves that men like to see on the beaches.
@DavidCarlisle A single Google search can give me a million results, many of which are the PDF file. I just took one of it and have some readings. If it is not allowed, I will take all my messages on this topic down.
@UlrikeFischer … which is rather sexist, really, but not beyond what can be found in some mass media …
@samcarter now I know how the institute for construction and FEM of my university came to that stupid acronym for one of their programs: Z88 AURORA (Advanced User inteRface fOr Reliable feA)
@Skillmon That is really creative :) I would never have guest that!
Here is an interesting observation: I'm testing my new beamer theme in Adobe Actobat on a Windows laptop. When I go to full screen mode, AA has a tendency to cut something of at the top of the page. If I drop out of full screen mode, and back in everything is fine. But why this extra step?
If it matters, the title page has a colored bg, whereas the rest has white bg
@daleif another reason for me to never use it. Can't help you on this, though. Did you test other viewers as well?
@daleif Just for clarification: do you have the problem in full screen mode or presentation mode?
@Skillmon Not on windows. It is the defacto standard, so it is what people use. I'm wondering if there are some pdf details one could set
@samcarter CTRL-L what ever that is.
Presentation mode? Isn't that a PowerPoint thing?
@daleif I think ctrl-l means presentation mode which in theory should display the full frame - which means I have no idea where the problem might be, sorry!
@daleif perhaps, but one would have too look into the pdf (and be able to reproduce the problem - it could be screen dependant).
@daleif (I actually don't know how adobe acrobat calls these modes on windows, for mac it distinguishes between presentation mode, which shows a single frame on the whole screen and full screen mode which just removes all the menu bars etc but the page can still be zoomed in, scrolled etc. )
@samcarter ctrl-l (as in ell), is just full screen in AA on windows. There is nothing called presentation mode that I can see in for example the View menu.
@UlrikeFischer At the moment I'm not connected to a projector, and even there it does this. I'll see if I can make an MWE
@daleif there is ctrl+H which makes a full screen too (it is called "Lesemodus" in german).
@UlrikeFischer that is read mode, it does not go "full screen" for me, just removes some toolbars
@daleif for me it is (apart from a scroll bar) full screen, I guess that's what @samcarter means.
@UlrikeFischer @daleif This sounds like what I had in mind. For ctrl+H I would understand the problem, for ctrl+L I don't know.
@UlrikeFischer I still have the windows bottom bar, and the top bar of AR
@JouleV it is certainly not allowed to distribute (or make) the pdf.
Here is an MWE
\begin{tikzpicture}[red,ultra thin,overlay,remember picture]
\draw (current page.south west)
-- (current page.north east);
\coordinate (A) at ($(current page.south west)+(2cm,0)$);
\draw (A) -- ++ (0,50);
\foreach\n in {0,1,...,27}{
\node at ($(A)+(0,\n/3)$) {\n};

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
When I transfer this ti the laptop and opens it in AR, then hit CTRL-L (full screen mode), then everything above 26 is cut off. Hit CTRL+L twice, fixes the problem. And it only occurs again if I restart AA on this file.
Interesting, it seems to be PC dependent. If I do the same in my Win10 VM, no cutting. Perhaps it has to do with the screen ratio on the laptop?
At least we know it is now LaTeX related. The design specifications, a PDF done in InDesign, show the same issue on this laptop.
@daleif I see the lower half of 27 with adobe reader on mac
@daleif are you compiling with pdflatex or xelatex?
@DavidCarlisle So I was using an illegal document. Thanks for that! I already flagged all my messages to moderator's intervention.
@samcarter pdflatex, it seems to be a known problem. forums.adobe.com/thread/2521689
@JouleV not your fault but thanks for that.
@daleif Ah, so adobe can be blamed :)
@samcarter don't we always?
@daleif ooh blame @JosephWright Adobe
@PauloCereda you were right the first time
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@daleif nah, I alternate. Blaming the operating system can be fun as well :)
@samcarter Well, this laptop has been attempting to restart the last 10min
And my new desktop PC (Ubuntu) that I've been messing with, I have apparently messed to much with, so now a reboot takes 7min. Hmm, probably just better to give up and have it reinstalled
@UlrikeFischer I can't argue with your logic. "Q: why doesn't \ifthenelse expand", "A: Because it is not expandable" :-)
@DavidCarlisle ;-).
@DavidCarlisle There is probably a sensible answer somewhere, but I'm just checking all the tests unicode-math broke by changing the scale factor a bit ...
@UlrikeFischer the current answer is tick bait for @egreg just wait to see how long it takes him to post an expandable expl3 test to try to steal your tick...
@DavidCarlisle well it is easy if one store the reference string first in a command perhaps I should add it to keep my tick ;-)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@HenriMenke I've sent a pull request.
Hmm, even deleting all Adobe stuff from appdata does not help. Ahh, well
1 hour later…
Question of the day: yesterday, two users asked new questions in comments to some of my answers. I asked them to use the "Ask Question" button to ask a new question, but they never did. Why don't they post a new question? This really puzzles me.... it does not cost them any money to open a new question, just a bit of time to write one.
@samcarter I have experienced these things rather often and one possible explanation is that they might feel that asking questions may cast some doubt on their skills, so they do not want to draw the attention by too many users on them asking a question. Or they want not an answer by a "random user" but only by you.
@marmot Oh, interesting explanation! I did not look at it from this perspective.
@samcarter one seems to have edited the question
@marmot In the second case I should feel flattered then that they want my answer :)
@UlrikeFischer yes and unaccepted my answer when I did not provide an answer to the comment. It would of course be easy to answer, but I don't see any direct relation to the question and in the spirit of making content useful for future users I think it should be a separate question
@samcarter I got told something along those lines when a user used the comments to ask tons of follow-up questions and refused to ask them in the official way. Of course, I do not know what their true reasons were.
@samcarter Consider this: there are some users with very high reputation who would never ask an official question but ask many questions on our chat. ;-)
@samcarter I don't like this either. Unaccepting an answer to force someone to answer an extended question is simply bad behaviour. I normally drop out of such questions quite fast.
Q: How to deal with "living" or "evolving" questions?

marmotSince that happened to me a few times, I am wondering how to deal with the following question. A user asks a question, gets an answer, seems to be happy with it, and accepts it. Some time later, (s)he changes her or his mind, and wants some additional feature. (The "some time later" part is impor...

@marmot You cannot blame @DavidCarlisle for not asking question, he does not have an "Ask Question" button :)
@UlrikeFischer I dropped it as well, I was just trying to understand if there is some good reason for them not to ask new questions
@samcarter Well, but then he will keep putting pineapple on pizzas for the rest of his life....
@samcarter in most cases I suspect lazyness. It is so easy to add a short comment - nobody asks for a MWE there. I quite often get comments asking for something, sometimes in dead old answers.
@marmot I wonder if the pineapple import is secured for post brexit?
@UlrikeFischer True - but the users will still have the problem. Are they magically able to solve it on their own when threatened to write a question?
@samcarter yes that's the "Norway option" we import pineapples from Norway.
@samcarter yes, that happens. Not magically but because they quite are able to solve their problem if they invest a bit time in it.
@DavidCarlisle That's actually good to hear. My main concern about pineapple pizza is the combination of sweet stuff with pizza, but Norwegian pineapples don't sound like they would be very sweet.
@UlrikeFischer Ah yes true, for example the typical MWE dilemma: once the MWE is nice and clean to ask a question one has also solved the problem along the way and does no longer need to ask a question :) I did this probably a hundred times...
@samcarter that's actually a misunderstanding: pineapple if baked with ham doesn't really taste sweet it's more a sharp acidic bite added to the ham, you should try one next time you are in a real Italian pizzeria they are bound to have Hawaiian topping, it's the world's favourite:-)
@DavidCarlisle "a sharp acidic bite" does not sound very appealing either
@samcarter I refuse to accept criticism from the ignorant. Come back when you have tried:-)
Just seen in an example:
@UlrikeFischer someone looking for picture mode!
@DavidCarlisle ok, might take a while though :)
@DavidCarlisle not sure, more for a calculator to add up the lengths. (that's from a titlepage. I think it has 16 \hspace and 11 \vspace in it ...).
@UlrikeFischer I hope it's taking account of the word spaces between the hspace:-)
@DavidCarlisle I doubt it, or perhaps it does and all this negative spaces are there to get rid of the other ones.
My first answer closed with my new luatex gold hammer ;-)
@UlrikeFischer ooh datemi un martello
@DavidCarlisle @PauloCereda Italian version ^^^
How does one say hammer in German?
@PauloCereda der Hammer
@UlrikeFischer Oooh very different from English :)
@CarLaTeX Old English hamor, hamer, of Germanic origin: related to Dutch hamer, German Hammer, and Old Norse hamarr ‘rock’. The original sense was probably ‘stone tool’.
@UlrikeFischer ooh so the shark is ein Hammerhai
@UlrikeFischer Oooh
Die Hammerhaie (Sphyrnidae) sind eine Familie der Haie, die besonders durch die starke Verbreiterung ihres Kopfes zu einem sogenannten Cephalofoil gekennzeichnet sind; bei einigen Arten führt diese zur Bildung des namensgebenden „Hammers“. Die Familie umfasst zwei Gattungen mit insgesamt acht Arten, die sich vor allem in ihrer Größe sowie Form und Breite des Kopfes unterscheiden. Die größte Art ist der Große Hammerhai (Sphyrna mokarran) mit einer Maximallänge von 5,50 bis 6,10 Metern, während der Korona-Hammerhai (Sphyrna corona) als kleinste Art nur eine maximale Gesamtlänge von unter einem Meter…
user image
@PauloCereda ^^^Hammer
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@UlrikeFischer ooh
3 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright nice coincidence ;-)
@UlrikeFischer we'll never manage to spend the uktug money at this rate;-)
@DavidCarlisle if we go to australia ...
@UlrikeFischer I don't know if stackoverflow.com/q/54951574/2777074 might be interesting for you
@marmot It's not a restitution but could you help me when you have some time for my question? Thank you very much.
@Sebastiano Which one? (I will look at it later, this afternoon is full of appointments.)
@UlrikeFischer marmot to Bär: "Ich zeig Dir, wo der Hammer hängt." ? ;-)
@marmot Don't worry, it's not urgent. I wish you good fun I'm still with fever but as this morning I went to work the same.
@marmot it is "if someone tries to harm you I will hit him with the hammer". They are quite good friends ...
Q: How to change the shape of the chapter of Legrand Orange Book

SebastianoI don't have the same style and format as the chapter header done by the very good user @Christian Hupfer, see the MWE, \documentclass[12pt,fleqn]{book} \usepackage[top=3cm,bottom=3cm,left=3cm,right=3cm,headsep=10pt,a4paper]{geometry} % Page margins \usepackage{graphicx} % Required...

@UlrikeFischer @barbarabeeton @marmot A good night....for you
@UlrikeFischer Or: "If you ever dare to sip on my honey liquor again..."
@Skillmon -- The TeXbook should not be distributed as a digital copy. But some people ignore the dictum at the top of texbook.tex. I've forgotten how many letters I've written as DEK's agent to ask that posted copies be taken down, as they violate copyright laws. If you find one, please send email to [email protected] with the information, and I'll write another letter.
@marmot I have linked my question. Thank you very much.
@DavidCarlisle We could ask for matched funding ;)
@DavidCarlisle -- Since @JosephWright hasn't answered, it was about 1200 at the end of 2018. Quite a difference from 4 million.
@barbarabeeton yes and I'd guess if you counted "new users" it would be more like 4 million : 0 :-)
@DavidCarlisle Certainly more than in UK-TUG ;)
@DavidCarlisle Might need a bigger dungeon
@JosephWright see I'm arguing for etex?, seems you are wearing me down eventually...
@DavidCarlisle I think you are arguing for at least knowing if some code uses e-TeX or not ...
@JosephWright well for tikz I can't really see the point of not using etex, the number of users of tikz who aren't using pdftex or luatex or xetex or latex or context must be vanishingly small.
@DavidCarlisle It does seem a bit strange, I agree: for a start, I'd be very worried about registers
@DavidCarlisle ?
@UlrikeFischer @skillmon's tikz PR, hang on...
@DavidCarlisle oh I forgot I got invited to this github too ;-)
@JosephWright @TeXnician will not be happy - context (neither new nor old) can't load expl3-generic anymore ...
So long and thanks for all the fish! I'm off until the craziness on the main sites stops. If anyone wants to reach me I'll be happy to see questions on texnique.fr/osqa
@samcarter ? what's going on?
@UlrikeFischer Oh goody ... what did they change?
@JosephWright they have disabled the unicode library. I'm keeping it alive in lualatex by reverting the change in lualibs before every release.
@UlrikeFischer Ah, Hans got round to his new one?
@UlrikeFischer Did he give details on the ConTeXt list of the 'official' replacement route?
@JosephWright that's not new. It is also in the old context. At some time he decided that all the utf-stuff is done with his own code and added unicode=nil to lualibs-unicode.lua (or more precisely to the original in context l-unicode.lua). I just remembered this and thought I should check if expl3 works with a newer context of tl19
@UlrikeFischer Must be reasonably recent
@JosephWright mid december last year.
@UlrikeFischer OK, so did he say on the ConTeXt list about it? ...
@UlrikeFischer So 'no' then ... no actual migration path provided :(
@JosephWright no not really, unless you want to rewrite all functions in terms of whatever lualibs provides here. But if they are users using expl3 along with context the change will hit them probably when tl19 comes out and they try to use the included context.

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