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There is this question:
Q: Footnotes with hyperref, footmisx?

janThe package footmisx selfdescribes as "a fork of foot­misc pack­age al­low­ing to use hy­per­ref". I'm confused for two reasons: (1) This MWE throws the error Missing \begin{document}: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{footmisx} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} Some text. \footnote{Fo...

Is it possible to remove it from ctan or if that is impossible to add a strong warning that this package is broken (and illegal) and should not be used? Is it possible to delete it from github (inactive since two years). I do not know github and its rules.
@Kurt Removal from github is practically impossible AFAIK. Concerning CTAN, you need to give a good argumentation and contact the CTAN maintainers, it might be moved to obsolete branch.
@norbert I see, bad news :-((
4 hours later…
@StefanKottwitz Could you please remove this comment. If you do not think this is necessary, please remove the whole post. I do not see why people can use strong overstatements in comments, and nobody cares.
@marmot What do you mean with "strong overstatements"? If you disagree, feel free to state this, but I don't see anything that is worth being deleted.
@norbert I dare to disagree. The code of conduct says clearly that strong language is to be avoided.
I don't see strong language here. Assuming the usage of "bullshit" or so, I would agree with you. But "nonsense" is a common English word that I would not count under "strong". But anyway ...
@norbert It is the combination "most nonsense" and that the statement can be read in two ways. (Note that I agree content-wise to a large extent, I just do not want these phrases around. After all, this has been practice for a while. I have seen too many discussions that derailed.)
@norbert My main concern is that, given that this has been common practice, it is an IMHO unduly strong statement that rates the behavior of several users here in a way that I find not appropriate. Have you ever voted to close a question because it was solved in the comments?
@marmot anything fine with me, I am not into policing, have my own load of it. I don't think this comment is to be deleted. Opinions differ.
@norbert Fair enough. I agree that this is all a matter of opinions.
2 hours later…
@marmot You have been living in America too much time, the mania for the politically correctness has infected you. I agree with @norbert.
@marmot I don't think it is particularly strong nor is the comment aimed at a person it's just stating correctly that "off topic as solved in comments" if parsed as English is nonsense even though that's what we often do due to the way the site rules are constructed.
A: Reasons for closing questions: too little effort

Joseph WrightOne possible custom reason could be Not generally applicable which is close to the old 'Too localized' reason we used to use. Many of the questions that closed after a comment trail or are 'do it for me' are probably only of real use to the person asking the question, but not more widely. ...

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this
@JosephWright looks reasonable, does that mean you have a possibility to add another custom close option
@DavidCarlisle Yes. We are allowed up to three, which all go down as dedicated text within 'off-topic'. At present, we don't have any of these active.
@JosephWright could we have "mentions ducks" as a close reason?
@DavidCarlisle This is not politically correct
Hello people
I feel very embarrassed to ask this, but I do not know how to graph a cylinder using pgfplots :)
@manooooh I'm the only person here, everyone else is a duck
@DavidCarlisle meanwhile, in the ConTeXt alley... :)
I am using the following fragment of code:
\addplot3[surf,smooth,mesh/ordering=y varies,shader=interp,samples=52,samples y=21,variable=t,domain=0:360,restrict z to domain=0:16] ({3*cos(t)},{3*sin(t)},{1});
To draw x^2+y^2=9 but it only gives me a circle at z=1
@DavidCarlisle you know you are contagious - the first answer my brain fired was "good for your diner" ;-). If this go on, I will start to write commands with zzz.
@UlrikeFischer oh no
@UlrikeFischer that is unlikely, you have a German keyboard, you'll never find the z
@CarLaTeX thanks! I know it is not okay to ask in the chat. I think that there is used ({cos(u)}, {max(v,abs(cos(u)))}, {sin(u)}) but I think there must be an easier way
@DavidCarlisle \dasisteinsehrkomplikatedkommandwithnospacesatall
@PauloCereda you missed the :n off the end if you want to look like you come from Mainz.
Meanwhile, there's a company creating pajamas for horses
We know that x=r*cos(angle), y=r*sin(angle), z=z. Here, r=3
@DavidCarlisle I see what you did there. :)
@PauloCereda \dasisteinsehrkomplizierteskommandoohnejedesleerzeichen -- but it has two z in it.
@UlrikeFischer oooooh :D
@manooooh If you know it's not ok asking in chat why are you doing it? :) Sorry, I'm not able to help you
@PauloCereda are you sure that is a real horse? I suspect it is a duck in disguise.
@CarLaTeX because I know that you are very intelligent I thought that graphing a cylinder with a change of coordinates was going to be able to respond quickly (today I am slow to process information) :P
@DavidCarlisle hmmm
@PauloCereda It seems draw with TikZ, starred pattern
@CarLaTeX The Captain America of horses, basically. :)
@PauloCereda lol
@CarLaTeX ^^ this is the best cosplay. :)
@PauloCereda lovely!
@CarLaTeX :)
And one for us, of course...
@PauloCereda lol
„Es gibt gute YouTube-Videos“, hat der Orthopäde gesagt. „Damit können Sie zu Hause trainieren.“ „Danke, schreiben Sie mir die mal auf?“ Hat er gemacht.
@UlrikeFischer ^^ :)
@Kurt Very estimated Kurt Saturday night and a little bit last night I felt like I was in Siberia :-). Generally the extreme south is not used to these cold temperatures. I live in a seaside village and in the hills (it is about 600 meters) it has snowed a lot. In the neighboring countries it also snowed but what created big problems was the strong wind almost at 100 km/h.
@Kurt The wind caused the fall of trees, poles of light and lighting. today I am writing to you because I had to be in service at school. The schools in my province should all be closed to check for any damage to the structures. You think that here in the south we are ignored because the Italian state does not invest and the structures are old and obsolete.
@Kurt For the book, I am very happy :-) it is a marvel day after day. At the moment I'm waiting for indications from a publishing house for approval. I send you my most affectionate greetings.
@PauloCereda good morning to you and the best regards with affection.
@Sebastiano Do you have a picture of sizilia in snow? Can you show it?
@Kurt There are 4 images of the hill. Today the sun is shining and the snow has melted, I think.
@Sebastiano very nice! How many time does it happen in a year or more to get that snow?
@JosephWright @JouleV Good morning and good work.
@Kurt It snowed in my town two years ago. If I remember correctly on New Year's Eve between 2016 and 2017. It's very difficult to snow here.
@Sebastiano You can find schools in west germany too needed to be repaired but most of that money had made the way more to east germany ...
@Sebastiano I thought that it should not happen very often ...
@Sebastiano Thank you very much :)
@Sebastiano It is very difficult to snow in my hometown too but suddenly it did snow last year and two years ago. I don't know why it did not snow this year.
@JouleV In my humble opinion, it is climate change: the use of oil, coal, etc. that is the most important factor. We are destroying our planet.
@Kurt Here the schools in Sicily are old and fall apart.
can someone please tell how can we write something like this in mathjax
@Sebastiano bad to hear that!
@AdvilSell \int\sqrt{x*\sqrt[3]{x*\sqrt[4]{x*\sqrt[5]{x*\cdots}}}}\,dx
@egreg Hi, Prof. :-)
@TeXnician Good morning
@Kurt If you google images of schools in Sicily you will be amazed.
@Sebastiano Ciao!
@egreg thanks
@egreg Should it be \mathrm{d}x instead of dx?
@JouleV Depends on whether you are a pure mathematician or a physical scientist!
@JouleV It depends on personal preferences and I find the upright d wrong from a mathematical point of view, but that's opinion.
@JosephWright @egreg In my school, if I sent my teacher a document with dx in it, my score would be reduced a little :) We prefer dx, and I think this depends on country.
@JouleV Crazy teachers doing so. One can give arguments that the d should be upright, but it does not matter, as long as people understand what you are writing.
@AdvilSell If those asterisks stand for multiplication, please don't do that. They're most commonly used for convolution in mathematics.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen yeah they stand for multiplication thannks though
@AdvilSell \cdot is usually a better choice, if you need a multiplication sign at all.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen okay :-)
@DavidCarlisle -- I'm not a duck, so you're not the only one. (I may not be sure exactly what I am, but a duck isn't it.)
@barbarabeeton Me neither! (@DavidCarlisle)
@DavidCarlisle I see you've gone all modern, using xparse
@CarLaTeX I disagree. The wording sheds a bad light on the whole discussion.
@marmot For my (I dare say Italian) perception those are not bad words
@JosephWright intermixed with some non-latex \def ;-).
@CarLaTeX It is just the statement that anyone ever closing a question in this way has done "most nonsense". To me this is an inappropriate comment on the practice.
@marmot -- This really is a matter of opinion, as already noted. "Solved in comments" by itself doesn't provide any useful information, so it doesn't make sense. The problem is that previously available reasons have been retracted by the management, to great detriment. @JosephWright's response to the question offers a possible improvement, although it's not perfect. "Solved in comments" is only a partial reason -- citing user error in addition would make it make sense.
@barbarabeeton I fully agree that it does not make sense. I am only really unhappy about the wording "most nonsense", which is IMHO unreasonably impolite.
@marmot -- I've just looked at the comment again, and it says only "nonsense", not "most nonsense". So perhaps it has been changed, and discussion at this point is no longer meaningful. Sorry for the noise.
@barbarabeeton Indeed. I hadn't noticed that! Thanks! (There was a "most nonsense" before.)
@marmot even if it is - why don't you simply allow every one three impolite remarks by month?
@JosephWright naturally
@UlrikeFischer Because I just had seen too many discussions derail. One can make such comments elsewhere but not in such discussions.
@marmot sorry but that it is like the argument that a girl shouldn't use a lipstick as it is the first step into prostitution. The number of discussions which derailed is much smaller than the number of impolite remarks and more discussion derailed because someone mentioned "minimal example" in a comment than because an impolite remark.
@UlrikeFischer No. Lipstick is not a step towards prostitution. Using unnecessarily tough language is the first step to a derailing discussion. Tough wording should be spared for situations in which it is needed IMHO.
@marmot I really don't understand your objection at all. You should be polite to people but you don't have to be polite about conventions saying that closing something as off topic because it's solved in comments is nonsense is quite possibly literally true and certainly isn't rude to anyone whether or not the word "most" is there.
@UlrikeFischer -- Your picture the other day of marmot and bär looking out at the snow reminded me of one of my favorite videos: "Backcity Providence". It's about a couple of graduate students enjoying skiing in the city after a big snowstorm.
@DavidCarlisle I feel differently about that. Using such wording is not helpful in this discussion at all. (Imagine I would counter your argument you just made with "This is most nonsense".)
@marmot as I say it is different if you say it about a what a person has said. But I do not think politeness or impoliteness can apply if you are discussing the wording of a close option in a menu.
@DavidCarlisle Yes, but impoliteness can apply when talking about other users closing behavior.
@marmot it could but that wasn't the case in the comment you objected to.
@DavidCarlisle interested in a harfbuzz.so for the WSL?
@DavidCarlisle I read it differently. First of all, this was a tough statement, and when one reads it quickly one feels that this is a comment on something I propose. It is not, but one has to read very carefully. And whoever has voted "off-topic because solved in the comments" has now deemed of having done "most nonsense". "Most" got removed, and I am OK with the revised wording.
@UlrikeFischer in theory yes (in theory I could compile that myself:-) but possibly not today...
@marmot you can only edit a comment for 5 minutes or so, so any edit must have been a while ago
@DavidCarlisle Well, I guess moderators can edit it beyond 5 minutes.
@DavidCarlisle I will forward what I got, but don't feel obliged to look at it.
@UlrikeFischer got it thanks
I want to post this video again because it's so gorgeous!
You are all so めちゃ元気! Wondering what you do all day ;-)
@marmot hey! How was your basketball game?
@manooooh Depressing. Only 7 showed up so we had to play 3s.
@marmot oh :( :(. It was Sunday, some the people do not want to move from their houses
@marmot concerning to: tex.stackexchange.com/a/476607/152550 your last picture does not correspond to what I want; I want to see three different surfaces with three different solid colors (in the image I show the colors)
@manooooh I will correct it in a few hours, now I have to do some real work.
@marmot yes, no problem, meanwhile I will try to figure out how to change the colors. Good luck and thanks! <3
@marmot I did it many times, I don't feel offended by that comment
Why am I getting two differents titles of TeX - LaTeX on Google O.o?:
I know that one of them was asked on 2012 and the other in 2017 but I do not see that this can be influence the names
@CarLaTeX It got revised, so I am fine with it.
I've got a followup question to this question. I'm not sure if it worth asking a second question. It might have a simple answer.
@marmot thanks to your answer I could improve:
Q: How to remove excess whitespace on the first page?

Faheem MithaThe following MWE closely reproduces a LaTeX file I created. I'm using @egreg's solution to my question about programatically creating dummy text. The issue is that the quoted section on the second page is pushed to the second page. I suppose this is because of the altered definition of the quot...




\begin{axis} [
axis on top,
axis lines=center,
@manooooh Looks nice! (I misread the question, then.)
@manooooh caching.
I redefine the quoting environment using \tcolorboxenvironment. But now I want a different modified version of the quoting environment, while leaving that altered version in place for backward compatibility purposes. I thought I'd called the second one boxquoting. But I'm not sure how to do that.
Does this sound like a reasonable question to ask?
\newenvironment doesn't seem to work for me.
@PauloCereda oh
@manooooh this is very unlikely a problem on SE's side.
Are questions about AucTEX on topic here?
I think so, but thought I'd ask.
I'm trying to compile a LaTeX file in emacs, but it insists on compiling a different file. It's maddening.
I killed the daemon and started again. If that's a bug, it's a really annoying one.
@FaheemMitha yes, there is a tag for that: auctex
@egreg if you write dx then this could mean the name of a variable, and we know that dx is not a variable. The variable here is x and d is an operator, like lim, max, etc. which are upright. Hence, d must go upright
@manooooh No, dx is the name of a variable.
@egreg you have never seen a change of variables of u=dx
except when integration by parts is used, but that is for a reason, in general you do not replace dx by another variable, hence x is the variable. You do not write f(dx) but f(x)
@manooooh But we already discussed it. I won't change my mind. There are good objections to both styles. If you don't know about tangent bundles and all the differential geometry stuff, you won't go much beyond the silly “u=dx” objection.
@egreg what happens is that it is physically impossible to learn all the topics of mathematics, but the truth is that it is wrong to argue that in an integral the variable is dx, it is x, where d is an operator, like lim, max, gcd, etc.
Of course I do not want to change your mind, it is just an opinion I wanted to share with you
@manooooh Well, you're wrong: you're integrating a differential form, which is the real reason for dx.
@egreg well, in a Calculus integral x is the variable, and d is an operator. Therefore, unless the context is clear, we should be able to distinguish that dx represent something and dx represents something different
So in the end you are right; it depends on the context
@egreg Yes, but the differential form has the d operator in it (or do you typeset the d in an exterior differential differently from the d in dx?). You can also have a variable \sin x w.r.t. which you can differentiate things, say, but you wouldn't write sinx in that case either.
@JosephWright, @DavidCarlisle ^^ "Things are not that different, Biscuit monster." :)
@egreg That's the modern viewpoint. But historically, integrals predate differential forms, don't they?
@manooooh What is now to be done with the 3d plot or did you solve the problem yourself?
@egreg Um, speaking from a modern viewpoint, there is no variable there. When you treat dx as a differential, x is a coordinate function, and dx is its differential.
And in ∫ f(x) dx, for consistency's sake, f(x) would need to be seen as a composition, which more commonly would be written f∘x. (The ∘ did not come out too well. It'c \circ.)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ∘∘h
@PauloCereda that doesn't count
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oh
@PauloCereda Neither does that, from this perspective
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh a challenge
@norbert Hi Norbert! :)
@PauloCereda Better.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Ooh, a mathematician pleading for upright differential d's ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
@marmot thank you very much for your interest! Once the surfaces have been established, the solid that forms between them must be filled. I have posted two alternatives: using patterns or filling it with a solid color, what takes you less work
@manooooh Why don't you draw the z=0 plane with
\addplot3[surf,opacity=.5,domain=-4:4, domain y=-4:4,
colormap={dull}{color=(cyan) color=(cyan)},opacity=0.5] {0};
@marmot because the texture is not smooth i.e. it has small squares which I do not want
@marmot No, not necessarily. As @egreg says, it is a matter of taste. Arguably, d is an operator, but it is different from operators like sin and cos – typographically, in that it is just a single letter. And that alone provides an argument for treating it differently. Some physics and engineering folks want to write the imaginary unit i and e=2.718218… also with upright letters, even though they aren't even operators. But I think it makes sense to treat e, i, d the same in typesetting. …
… except d gets a thin space in front, due to its operator status.
@marmot Clearly, i, e and d (and j and k, if you're into quaternions) have some special status that may entitle them to being written upright. But I don't feel any obligation to do so, unless I were to write for an audience that's used to this.
Hopefully, I will never succumb to the the temptation to raise e to the 2πii'th power …
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Well, personally I feel that he readability changes tremendously if you typeset those upright. And in physics it is not unheard of to have the i-th power of \exp(2\i\mathrm{i}/N), so e^{i2\pi i/N} really s***s.
Hello people, I'm in desperate need of help with LaTeX in VSCode
I could ask a question, but it's a specific problem that I need a solution for rather than a question
@mariogarcc that sounds like a question:-) but if it's small ask here, worst that will happen is that we suggest you ask on main site
@marmot @HaraldHanche-Olsen I think you should both strive to make @egreg happy and always use ⅆ for differential d
@manooooh and \addplot3[surf,shader=interp,opacity=.5,domain=-4:4, domain y=-4:4, colormap={dull}{color=(cyan) color=(cyan)},opacity=0.5] {0};?
@DavidCarlisle You're lucky that the dreaded glyph doesn't appear in my browser.
@DavidCarlisle Are you saying the "d" does not stand for David?
@egreg sadly same here it came out looking like an italic d :( Still I'm sure you know which one I mean.
@marmot actually it stands for "Wolfram" :-)
@egreg we can blame @barbarabeeton
@DavidCarlisle The one you sent, yes. I mean the original one.
@egreg ^^^^
@marmot yes, I invented calculus, shortly after a pineapple fell on my head.
@DavidCarlisle Oh, and you were also the chair of the committee who had to decide who invented it, I suppose. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle At least it didn't fall on a pizza
@DavidCarlisle That sounds uncomfortable. But the sequel might have been tasty.
@marmot yes! It is perfect. Now, do you know how to fill or add patterns to a 3d-solid? That is the last requirement
@manooooh Honestly, I think a mesh is better. Patterns are always 2d and do not get transformed to lie on the surface, so the result will look poor (IMHO). So I would like to argue that you will be better off if you adjust the mesh parameters to your needs.
@DavidCarlisle I ended up asking the question in the main site cause I desperately need help ASAP. So please check there if you have time...
@DavidCarlisle We might sue Wolfram
@mariogarcc I know nothing about the plugin you mention, sorry. I would mention that | |-- dist/ # here should go all the auxiliary files including synctex and fls is an anti-pattern as far as I'm concerned. It's possible to make tex write aux files to a different place but it complicates the setup for everything else, you need to configure, bibtex, makeindex, your editor, ... to find them.
@marmot Please, undelete your answer to that question. My comment was just an untested guess (and with no solid argument). Besides I'm a but busy today, so I can't write a proper answer :)
@DavidCarlisle you can blame him ^^^^
@manooooh ^^^ ????
user image
@marmot ^^^ a literate marmot
@marmot well, you are right about that the patterns should not go in 3d, but I do not like the mesh. I prefer (if possible) a solid texture (of course you can preserve the last MWE that you did in the answer)
@marmot well, using \addplot3[surf,shader=interp,colormap={dull}{color=(red) color=(red)},ultra thin,domain=0:360,domain y=0:4,z buffer=sort,samples=31,samples y=41] ({min(y,3)*cos(x)},{min(y,3)*sin(x)},{16-y*y}); I think the output is not very fancy :S :
@marmot it is beatiful, thank you so much for your effort!

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