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@Sebastiano Please do not take the following message personal. Several users here, me included, are not too keen on dealing with the "Legrand Book Orange template". If a question on this appears on the main site, we can just ignore it. If it gets highlighted in the chat, it is harder to ignore it. Please consider not highlighting these posts here. Again, this is not a criticism or anything of this sort, just a favor I'd like to ask you.
@Mu30murugans2katgmail Hi. Quack!
how do I draw all the points of the form $m(a+b\omega)$ where $\omega=-\frac 12+\frac\sqrt{3}2$ and $a,b\in\n$? I'm currently drawing $a+b\omega$ then using \pgftransformcm but that gives them somewhat large errors
↑↑ Just thought I'd post this, since I've come to understand it's a big deal :).
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer OK :) I''ll fix what needs fixing and publish the update on Sunday, promised!
@clemens ;-). But if you need help, you can ask, someone can always upload such stuff.
Is anyone aware of ready-to-use symbols in some package that more or less approximate these "dashes"?
I am not having luck with Detexify.
Also, is there a math mode equivalent of \d{x} (underdot)?
did I find an error in the longtable docs or am I misreading these brackets?
Check for an optional argument.52 \@ifnextchar[\LT@array{\LT@array[x]}} looks to me like there's an unclosed [
@Magisch No, it's like that. The code says \@ifnextchar<token>{code to run if the next character is <token>}{code to run if it is not}. In that case the <token> being tested is [, the first code is \LT@array and the second is \LT@array[x].
@Magisch This all means that if you give the optional argument, then \LT@array will be called with whatever you used between [...], otherwise it will be called with [x] (the default).
@Szabolcs Why don't you create the symbol yourself?
@Magisch Under normal circumstances (La)TeX doesn't try to balance [ and ], only { and }, so it's fine.
@Magisch what a thing to say! No that is not an error:-)
@DavidCarlisle That was my guess as well
then again, I did once spend almost a day trying to make sense of a weird function call in docs to find out it was a mixup in the docs themselves
@Magisch not one of my docs, I'm sure:-)
@DavidCarlisle Outside of reading longtable and tabularx docs I've never read any extended writing by you, and of those docs, I'll admit I only read parts
@Magisch don't worry I'm only joking. I have a standing claim (which others seem to doubt) in this chat that my packages are bug free and the documentation is perfect, so your question "did I find an error in the longtable docs" required a response:-)
I did break longtables in hilarious ways before, but these were not bugs, merely misuse of mechanics
for example I once chained so many columns in a "do not break page within this block aka \*" together that the chain occupied more then a whole page, causing the whole PDF to come up empty
Today I lost my 200 tabs :( Firefox update screwed my userChrome.css, killed my firefox, had to remove the userChrome, after that about:sessionrestore didn't show my last session :(
@Szabolcs Here's a quick and dirty code




$\{1\dotdot 2,3\dotto 4,5\getsdot 6\}$

I have seen some questions not about how to code, but how to optimise code. LaTeX is indeed a programming language.
@marmot It seems that you are beaten :-)
Does anybody know if newtxtext installs also newtxmath?
@Sigur not as far as I know, try it and see if it says (newtxmath... on the console:-)
@DavidCarlisle, do you mean, try to load it? I asked during installation. More precisely, if I test only if the user has newtxtext, may I assume that also has newtxmath?
I'd like to simplify the code:
{\PackageWarning{cqd}{** newtxtext inexistente. Usando fonte padrao}}
{\PackageWarning{cqd}{** newtxmath inexistente. Usando fonte padrao}}
So I could test only once.
@Sigur RequirePackage is already testing if the file exists, so you could just make it give a warning instead of an error:

\def\@missingfileerror#1#2{\PackageWarning{cqd}{** #1 inexistente. Usando fonte padrao}}



Package cqd Warning: ** newtxwrongnametext inexistente. Usando fonte padrao on
input line 9.

Package cqd Warning: ** newtxwrongnamemath inexistente. Usando fonte padrao on
input line 10.
@DavidCarlisle, very interesting. Since the user could survive without the newtxtext package, in this case, if the file does not exists, only a warning, not an error, right? And then the default font will be used. This is what I'd like to obtain.
@Sigur yes
@DavidCarlisle, so, thanks so much for one more lecture you gave me.
:49018758 The same way as I would not encourage people to smoke or jump out of the window I will not recommend/improve such bad templates. If the O.P. wants to annoy her/his readers its her/his choice
@marmot I could not have phrased it in a better way
1 hour later…
@Sigur No, it doesn't. It could, but one might also want to load stix for the math fonts.
@UlrikeFischer I'm back on l3draw. We really do need to think about management of PDF/PostScript resources. We should probably get some ideas together then see if @HenriMenke might also be interested (for pgf)
@JosephWright Yes I thought about this too when I saw your message about l3draw. We need at least something for the page resource.
@Szabolcs You may also use Ti*k*Z. This may make more sense if you want to build other custom symbols as well.
\newcommand{\tarrow}[1][]{\ensuremath{\mathrel{\tikz[baseline=-0.3em,>={Straight Barb[angle=60:2pt 3]},
*->/.style={{Circle[length=0.2em]}-{Straight Barb[angle=60:2pt 3]}},
<-*/.style={{Straight Barb[angle=60:2pt 3]}-{Circle[length=0.2em]}},
user image
@marmot She adapted already. Orange liquor is ok too! ^^^^
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@marmot and by the way: thanks ;-)
@UlrikeFischer you won ;-)
@UlrikeFischer Exactly. This needs sorting at the 2e kernel level with agreement on how it might be picked up by pgf, and we can then use the same mechanism for l3<whatever>
@UlrikeFischer Orange liquor is much better than an orange book, I agree. ;-)
@UlrikeFischer I was also thinking about l3drivers and stability ... we likely need to split it up and put some parts in l3experimental
@JosephWright well regarding stability luaotfload is loaded by the kernel too ... ;-)
@UlrikeFischer ER, true
@UlrikeFischer But I have to convince .... some other people
@UlrikeFischer Looking, we only actually have 34 functions in there: really, I think simply marking it stable is the way forward
@DavidCarlisle Could I ask a favour?
@JosephWright hm
@PauloCereda It's a code review one
@JosephWright I was wondering if @DavidCarlisle would forward the request to @JosephWright, but you already see the loophole in my logic. :)
@JosephWright don't ask if you can ask:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda if it looks like hard work, I'll forward to you, is that better logic?
@DavidCarlisle I'd like to get as much of l3candidates moved to stable as possible. I wonder if you'd look at the box clip/trim/viewport interfaces and comment on them. They are the last of the box operations that are not stable.
@JosephWright I'll try, do you want that to be before or after the latest iteration of (not) reviewing utf8filenames which I failed to find time to review yesterday... I can probably look tonight or I'll let you know if not...
@DavidCarlisle Ah, right
@DavidCarlisle No urgent hurry, but I really would like to get all of l3kernel as 'stable' by say the autumn. I think we really do need to be pretty clear that stuff only appears there when we are happy.
@DavidCarlisle oh no
1 hour later…
Can someone offer a quick fix for this error?
! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ₹ (U+20B9)
(inputenc)                not set up for use with LaTeX.
I just tried a copy and paste with some text using the Indian Rupee symbol. Which is 20B9.
@FaheemMitha Well you need to setup the char, but for a meaningful definition you need a suitable font
I'm not actually using inputenccurrently. But I somehow got the (possibly incorrect) impression that pdflatexcan transparently handle UTF8 input.
@UlrikeFischer What does this setting up require? Oh, perhaps I need a package for the rupee symbol.
I don't know if I have it included - checking.
Yes, I am.
@FaheemMitha ^^
@UlrikeFischer Not really following. What should "whatever" be?
Actually I could just use the LaTeX package (which isn't relevant to Unicode anyway) and sidestep the whole issue.
@FaheemMitha that is the point: you need some font which has the suitable symbol. Or you can write "rupee".
@UlrikeFischer Hmm. Could I use the macro from the tfrupee package? Which is \rupee, I think.
@FaheemMitha do you have a command that prints the symbol? Then use it at the place of whatever.
@UlrikeFischer Yes, \rupee works. Thanks.
I somehow thought that things were set up so that the relevant Unicode char would just be printed automatically.
But perhaps pdflatex doesn't support that.
@FaheemMitha pdflatex can't setup definitions for over 60.000 symbols.
@UlrikeFischer It can't? That's a shame.
@UlrikeFischer really quick question. For detection of project-specific .cls & .sty files in a subfolder, I tried the solution proposed in tex.stackexchange.com/questions/50697/… , but this does not work for me on Windows10. Any thoughts?
@Krishna Sorry I don't use latexmk and I never put cls files in subfolders - I always use texmf-trees.
@UlrikeFischer Yes. I can't do that. The package on CTAN is not maintained anymore, and somebody on github has forked it and improved it, and I want to use that
I am too scared to replace the files in the original texmf-dist folder
@Krishna put in the same location in your texmf-local tree.
@UlrikeFischer not good enough since the doc has to travel & build in Travis too
@Krishna that's possible too - one can tell travis to use local texmf trees, I'm doing it e.g. with l3build but environment variables works too.
@FaheemMitha even unicode engines like luatex or xetex can't do that, you need to select a suitable font for each unicode range
@UlrikeFischer so, on windows machine, use local texmf trees, and on travis, just set $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'}='./custom_cls_sty_files//:' . $ENV{'TEXINPUTS'};
@UlrikeFischer How do I set the TEXINPUTS environment variable in .travis.yml to prepend the local texmkf tree?
@Krishna you can set them in the travis settings page, but I always just run a shell script and in that can set whatever environment variables i need
@DavidCarlisle thank you. So, just run a shell script in the before_install section?
@DavidCarlisle Oh? I seem to recall inputting Unicode into LaTeX, and it all just working.
@Krishna no that wouldn't work as they'd go out of scope, I mean the actual command you run that you specify in script: can be a shell script
@FaheemMitha zzz is Unicode, so it may work, but only if the font you are using has the character s and (for pdftex) you have defined macro definitions for every character used.
@Krishna eg for mathml specification .travis.yml has
 - ./build/run-restyle
@DavidCarlisle got it. Thank you
and that's a bash script that sets all kind of environemnt variables including these for tex:
# fix time to get reproducible pdf
export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1502554859 # 2017/08/12  date +'%s'

# use nested if rather than while to limit looping
echo generate mathml.pdf

# debugging on travis:
echo one
# pdflatex mathml.tex
echo two
# pdflatex mathml.tex

pdflatex \\batchmode \\input mathml.tex
if (grep -i rerun mathml.log)
  pdflatex \\batchmode \\input mathml.tex
@DavidCarlisle Thank you!
@Krishna I have this in the lua-font-pond and this make travis find and use the texmf-tree in the repo: github.com/u-fischer/lua-font-pond/blob/master/texlive.profile
@UlrikeFischer thank you. And TEXMFLOCAL /tmp/texlive/texmf-local must be a standard TDS structure, right?
@UlrikeFischer Does merely dropping in all the .cls, .sty files into /tmp/texlive/texmf-local suffice without a full-blown TDS structure?
@Krishna no it needs to be under tex/latex or of course you could not use a tds tree at all and put them in your working directory
@barbarabeeton Hello, Barbara! Are you gonna update your username as well? :)
@DavidCarlisle There are 21 such files and they clutter the project directory
@Krishna I never understand why people care about such things, the directory I use for testing examples on this site seems to have 12882 files in it at the moment, and they don't get in the way.
@DavidCarlisle I just have a single 20 line main.tex. It's difficult for the eyes to parse it when you have 21 other support files visually cluttering the project's root rolder. That is why I wish to move it over to their own subfolder
@Krishna why do need you your eyes? If I want to open such a file, I type main.tex and windows finds it ...
@DavidCarlisle I use mostly one file, but it has around 18.000 lines (when it gets to slow I delete the last 10.000 lines) but somehow my test folder managed to get over 6000 files too ...
Where can I report a typo in the TikZ user guide?
@Sigur here pinging Henri probably works:-)
@DavidCarlisle, oh, thanks.
@HenriMenke, hello. I think I found a typo in the tikz documentation. Section 13.4.3 Relative Coordinates and Scopes in version 3.1.1, pg 145.
I think it should be to the value it had
@Sigur official place is sourceforge.net/p/pgf/bugs
@DavidCarlisle, great! Thanks again.
hi TeX, LaTeX, and FrIeNdS ^_^
I have a very bad problem on installing TeXLiVe, LiVe, and FrIeNdS :(
When I download the installation program from the latex-project, I mean the .exe file
when it starts downloading the packages
in the middle of the work it stops the process
I tried disabling the antivirus program and all the solutions I found over the net
however, I did not succeed to install it
what should I do?
@EnthusiasticEngineer Try ProTeXt tug.org/protext
@EnthusiasticEngineer what do you mean? I don't think that there is an exe at latex-project.org.
@UlrikeFischer Does she cast nice shadows?
@marmot hm. duck shaped only if the baer helps ;-)
@UlrikeFischer All good things need some time of practice. ;-)
@Sophie Are you forgetting an imaginary i here? If so, these points are most conveniently drawn in polar coordinates (0:1), (120:1) and (240:1).
@PauloCereda emacs
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle emacs is a vim plugin?

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