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@DavidCarlisle I am in meetings and I do not "accuse" or anything and wouldn't even have noticed these things if you hadn't pinged. You pinged me, I upvoted, so that part seems to have worked;-)
Is there any known reason why moderncv won't compile, if invoking icons like \phone, \email, etc.?
@StevenB.Segletes well, if you have problems with fontawesome that could happen, because the icons can be set by glyphs of that font ...
@Kurt Thanks. I'll see if I can learn more.
@Kurt No problem loading fontawesone and individually typesetting its icons...so somehow the issue seems to be the interface with moderncv.
@marmot :-)
@StevenB.Segletes what error message?
@StevenB.Segletes it depends which style and which compiler you use. loads marvosym or fontawesome to print these symbols ... can you please show the error you get?
@DavidCarlisle I'm not exactly sure. The log file seems very ambiguous to me.
!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file umvs): Font umvs at 600 not found
==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
@DavidCarlisle See my reply to Kurt
@StevenB.Segletes Did you saw question tex.stackexchange.com/questions/183081/… ? Does it help you?
@Kurt Thank you! I refreshed maps and FNDB and now it works!
@StevenB.Segletes You are welcome!
@StevenB.Segletes I mended it already:-)
@DavidCarlisle I just removed the comments. (Was in meetings till now and only had my iPad.)
3 hours later…
Hi. I'm a bit curious. Why is @samcarter suspended for a month?
@UlrikeFischer I managed to construct a light version of XeTeX interchar classes in LuaTeX.


local function interchartoks(head)
    if not (tex.count.LuaTeXinterchartokenstate > 0) then
        return head

    for n in node.traverse_id(node.id"glyph", head) do
        if n.char == 97 and n.next.char == 98 then
            local box = tex.getbox("intercharbox")
@UlrikeFischer Right now I'm working on getting the features and interfaces on par with XeTeX.
2 hours later…
@HenriMenke wow, I will have to try this.
@JouleV obviously someone knows but it's best not to discuss such things on the open site, the reasons are intentionally not disclosed in such cases.
@marmot sorry! my comment here was (intended to be) a joke: there was nothing at all wrong with your comments (and they were right I did fix it after you pointed out the typo...)
@DavidCarlisle ... and we are all wondering why it is a secret when real life trials are public...
@CarLaTeX seems to me far better to be private in this case (although what we think is irrelevant, it's a private club set up by the stackexchange company and they can make whatever rules they want) but if someone is suspended for a week and then unsuspended (which is the normal thing) there is basically no public record of that sitting on the internet haunting that user forever. if people discuss such things with actual user names on this site, that is not the case.
@UlrikeFischer Keep in mind that it's only a light version and because you are essentially inserting a box, all operations are scoped. Although, even if they were unscoped, within the pre_linebreak_filter callback, tokens have already been turned into nodes, so fonts etc. are already fixed.
@CarLaTeX In part, because those are the rules (I have an agreement with StackExchange which means I can't give out mod-specific details), partly because the idea of suspensions is to allow a chance for people to 'cool off' and come back in a positive way
@HenriMenke that has always been the conclusion i came to looking at that, that probably most use cases for xetex interchar tokens can be met by lua callbacks somewhere, you'll never get an emulation close enough to really be advertised as a same-syntax replacement as either you use a box node level callback to handle things after expansion but as nodes, or you use the input buffer callback to grab source characters but there eisn't really a callback that happens where xetex calls this
@CarLaTeX Remember that suspensions may involve e.g. using information on email addresses, IPs, deleted messages, information from other network sites, etc.
@clemens You about at all?
@DavidCarlisle I wonder what is needed for all the bidi and xeCJK fun. Because if that can be emulated using callbacks, we could finally recommend LuaTeX for these users.
@HenriMenke I fear that quite a bit of the bidi stuff (in the bidi package) relies on the xetex rtl model and that even if the xetex commands are emulated some things won't work without adjustments. And there is the problems of the scripts: without harfbuzz luatex imho will for some probably not work so good as xetex.
@HenriMenke bidi I think would be much better with luatex+harfbuzz as its direction model is better than the tex--xet model in xetex, it "just" needs setting up....
@HenriMenke @UlrikeFischer knows about that:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yup
@HenriMenke I've been saying for some time to the team that we could do with a RTL expert to join: the question is who. For example, I'd like to see expl3 have 'proper' RTL support out of the box (literally!)
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer We should revisit this on the team list: LuaHBTeX is the driver we need I think to seriously address the issue
@JosephWright What about Khaled? He seems to be very active.
@HenriMenke Yes, would be the obvious person!
@JosephWright Or Shreevatsa Rajagopalan (ShreevatsaR on TeX.SX).
@HenriMenke Yeah, true
@HenriMenke there is some off list discussion, but basically see the status banner and README at github.com/khaledhosny/luahbtex (@JosephWright)
@DavidCarlisle Yeah
@DavidCarlisle ;-((. I wonder if one should make a new try to explain to Hans that also in context there isn't the man power to handle all this scripts -- the poor guy with the burmese script is probably still waiting for a feedback. (Perhaps I should try it with luahbtex ...).
@UlrikeFischer We an try, but Hans is pretty determined
@JosephWright I will try if I can build the burmese example as a concrete example. Then I would write. But in the afternoon - just trying to debug a remote failing miktex - not so easy.
@UlrikeFischer I think we need to check with the miktex and texlive builds. If it's feasible to distribute the luahb binary lua module in a way that it can be called on all texlive platforms, the fact that it's a shared library not statically linked to the luatex executable is just an implementation detail. If in practice it only works on linux then it's a problem.
@DavidCarlisle I thought there is a problem with more than one shared library or something like that (perhaps only on windows) (at least I think I saw a discussion about this somewhere on the texlive list (?)).
@JosephWright Hi Joseph. I have a new job which is keeping me very busy. I did notice all the pull requests, though, and currently plan to take a look next Sunday…
@clemens Cool
@JosephWright Have you ever thought of using something like \si{m.s^-1} instead of \si{m.s^{-1}} in siunitx?
@clemens it would be very good if acro gets an update soon. If you don't manage you could ask someone else to update to ctan - there are people quite used to this around ;-).
@JosephWright I just made a short test with the burmese example - it doesn't work in context but with harf-mode out of the box.
@JosephWright I'm not saying to make personal data public, of course, but this way it seems like to be in a hidden sect
@CarLaTeX there is exactly one person who imho should decide if a public discussion is wanted or not, and if she wants it she only has to ask one of us to pass messages on.
@UlrikeFischer I'm talking in general, not only the specific case
@CarLaTeX well in general, I think it's best if no record is left unless the affected person wants to mention it, which means no public announcements
@JouleV No
@DavidCarlisle No public announcement but even no Segret Service. Something midway...
@CarLaTeX All mod decisions get CCd to the SO staff
@CarLaTeX We are lucky here that the number of serious mod decisions is limited. Other sites have a much higher rate of issues. There is a real question of scalability, plus of course the fact that often we are talking about specific targetting of people.
@DavidCarlisle There's also the 'other party(s)'
@UlrikeFischer it's supposed to work like this, but whether it does I am not sure: stackoverflow.com/questions/3260858/loading-a-c-module-in-lua/…
@CarLaTeX One can always raise stuff on meta
What is the latex code for the free product symbol?
@user193319 \ast ?
Ah, yes! Thank you!
@PauloCereda ^^
@DavidCarlisle It's still better without them, I think. ;-)
user image
@marmot ^^^^
user image
Student during the exam ^^^^^^^
@UlrikeFischer I hope you have enough honey liquor for her. ;-)
@egreg Yes, some students feel that bringing the counterfeit of the instructor to the exam may help them. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle -- Please take a look at the comment that says this answer doesn't work,l and see if you can figure it out. (Notice that since I am no longer employed by the AMS, I am trying to revert to using uppercase. Also that, since I don't yet have a computer installed that can run TeX, I can't test anything until I do get that done. Not this afternoon -- it's supposed to snow, and everything is shutting down early.)
@barbarabeeton hi hope you are enjoying your retirement!
@barbarabeeton I'll look at the post in a bit
@DavidCarlisle -- Bah, humbug. I still have several days of packing boxes left at the office, then sorting and unpacking once they get brought home. I hope to have most of that done in a month or so; will give me something to do when the weather turns nasty, as it is about to do today. Not having a functioning TeX system and the resources of test files (never mind the in-house versions of several key packages) is going to be a big jolt when I get back to "normal". Expect email.
@barbarabeeton hope it all goes well, when you are settled, I need to contact you about the zip files you gave me. (no rush)
@JosephWright \bazaux is the irregular plural of \bazal I presume. :)
@DavidCarlisle -- May as well do that while I still remember what I did to create them.
@barbarabeeton OK I'll send mail in a bit, thanks
@marmot -- Thanks for testing \DeclareMathOperator. I'm feeling quite restricted in what I can do at the moment, and things likely won't improve for several weeks.
@barbarabeeton: quack <3
@PauloCereda -- Quack.
@egreg 30 e lode subito!
@PauloCereda -- Thanks for the reminder. I have just updated my profile.
@PauloCereda -- is "OOH" equivalent to "ooh"?
@barbarabeeton ooh
@barbarabeeton ooh that's a good question :)
@barbarabeeton Well, I really "like" comments of the sort "This doesn't work." because you never get told what "This" is nor what the error message is. In almost all cases the users did something very unfortunate like omitting the preamble, postponing the update of their TeX distribution for years or similar things, and then blame the fact that something doesn't run on you.
@marmot -- Good point. That was also the intent behind my comment. But since amsmath hasn't been updated (in that area) for probably at least 15 years, something else is going on there. (Possibly like not even using amsmath.)
@barbarabeeton Yes, or typing the commands in Word. ;-)
2 hours later…
@JosephWright -- I've updated my profile for tex.sx, but I find that the changes didn't get applied to the profile on the main site. Is there an easy way to make this happen? (Retyping is such a pain, and with my typing, highly subject to error.)
@barbarabeeton It should I think propogate after a while
@JosephWright -- Thanks. I'll check later.
3 hours later…
@ChristianHupfer Hi, Christian, please can you help this user for this question?
Q: Placing the little orange square at the end of the Exercise environment from Legrand Book Orange template

Roberto PignatelliI wrote the notes of one of my courses using the very nice Legrand book template, but I have a little problem with those little orange squares at the end of the exercises. When I write \begin{exercise} .. \end{exercise}, the little square at the end of the box is sometimes badly placed. Precisel...

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