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@HenriMenke Is it possible for you to make this information public via this question? If Joseph has no objection, I will in fact accept your answer. tex.stackexchange.com/q/427890/138900
3 hours later…
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@AlanMunn ^^ :)
I'm having the most tremendous difficulties setting the font weight in helvetica to black in latex
with usepackage{helvet} haven't found anything on how to do that. Am I just stupid?
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@AlanMunn ^^
And `\newcommand{\textBF}[1]{%
\pdfliteral direct {2 Tr 0.3 w} %the second factor is the boldness
\pdfliteral direct {0 Tr 0 w}%
}` returns that you can't use \pdfliteral in dvi mode
@Magisch the package has only bold and bold condensed.
so I have to find a helvetica package that has black font weight
One hard requirement of the document I'm currently modeling is the ability to have standard helvetica in black font weight as titles
@AndréC I think Joseph's answer summarizes the situation quite well. I don't think this site is suited to discuss “insider information” of the TikZ development team.
@AndréC Nevertheless, I'm happy to answer such questions in chat (if I have the time).
@Magisch It's not surprising that you can't use a PDF literal in DVI mode.
abusing \usepackage{contour} for that seems to work-ish
@JosephWright I hadn't realized that Davids curl-file code wasn't yet in the master branch too. When you upload l3build do you want to include this too? We managed last night the upload with it, but I haven't got yet a feedback from ctan.
I wonder why GitHub insists on suggesting me Julia projects.
@PauloCereda It must know you better than you do.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen :)
@PauloCereda Happened to me too. I starred one Julia project and got swamped with that stuff. So I unstarred anything that had even remotely to do with Julia and dismissed all the Julia projects from the “Discover” feed.
@HenriMenke Ah thanks for the hint, that might be it!
@HenriMenke by the way, got me a lovely post card yesterday featuring an albatross! Thank you! :)
@UlrikeFischer Thanks for your solution on the LuaTeX list. I plan to integrate this into selnolig so that you can kern broken ligatures.
@PauloCereda You're welcome. That's the least I could do after receiving your Christmas cards.
@HenriMenke <3
@PauloCereda Albatross! Albatross!
(Sorry, I thought this was the python chat.)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Which flavour is it? :)
@Magisch fonts are not coloured by default (or in most case even as an option) so fonts are always black, boldness affects the thickness of the strokes not the colour
@DavidCarlisle but some are blacker then black, like e.g. Arial Black
@UlrikeFischer but they are just thick strokes not a different colour aren't they?
@DavidCarlisle sure, but that was what @Magisch asked about: how to get "Helvetica Black"
@UlrikeFischer buy it?
@UlrikeFischer I meant thicker strokes
@DavidCarlisle could be a sensible option, but if he/she needs it for pdflatex it will be only the first step.
@Magisch I know.
@DavidCarlisle a curl question on the main site ;-)
@UlrikeFischer what do one do with a MikTeX like that greek guy, where he cannot even uninstall miktex in order to reinstall it?
@daleif If the console can't connect to the server reinstalling it will probably not help. He will have to identify what blocks the connection or use a local repository. (Probably he would need admin rights to deinstall, but I won't tell him, such people often add a bit more chaos with every deinstall/reinstall).
@UlrikeFischer ?
@Magisch surely only a last resort to distort the font though, rather than using a real bold font?
@UlrikeFischer :-)
@UlrikeFischer now that is black!
@DavidCarlisle changing the font family is something I'm not allowed to
@Magisch but if someone says "you have to use helvetica" don't they mean "you have to use helvetica" not "you have to use helvetica as distorted by an arbitrary mechanical transformation of the strokes in the original design" ?
@DavidCarlisle The parameter is more "We have this file called global_static_letter_config.tex" where the packages to be used are pre-defined and changing it is not my purview
Dear Kurt coming to chat or answering questions I know how to do is my favorite time because it relaxes me. Today is my day off at school and I lost all morning to change the necessary filters and engine oil in my car. I also did the shopping and some urgent commissions. In a while I will go with my mother to accompany her to my aunt. In all honesty, this period is intense: correction of tasks and preparation of many documents for the school. I have not yet started to make the corrections and I hope to start everything as soon as possible. A big hug.
@Sebastiano Hello Sebastiano, seems you have a busy day :-)
@Magisch Well, if there are constraints forbidding you from picking a font that has a black or extra bold weight, then the problem cannot be solved, right? Without such a constraint, there is Open Sans, for example that has an ExtraBold weight. There are probably many others; this is just one that happens to be on my computer.
worked around it with `\usepackage[outline]{contour}% http://ctan.org/pkg/contour
\newcommand{\extrabold}[1]{\contourlength{0.019em}\contour{black}{#1}}%` for now
I wonder if there's a way to make one column "Greedy" in tabularx
i.E have \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{}|XX|@{}}\end{tabularx}` but have the second X column use all available space while the first only uses as much as the text inside demands
I got a new palindrome:
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A rare gold badge (yet) ;-)
@PauloCereda Sadly our weather has been crazy lately. It went from -22 to 9 in about 24 hrs. And now it's hovering around 0 and there's a thin layer of ice on everything. I want real winter back.
@AlanMunn I want real winter back. -- Grave in stone!
@yo' And although weather ≠ climate, it's likely that these pseudo winters are becoming more prevalent due to climate change.
@AlanMunn well, there is more energy in the system (presumably), so there is a larger chance of irregularities. That's thermodynamics.
btw, I think that we should eventually show @PauloCereda what winter is :)
@yo' Yes, we had some friends from Brazil visit us in February when the polar vortex was in full swing with temps in the -20s. It was quite an experience. :)
@AlanMunn oh my
@yo' ooh
Last night we had a freezing 18C. :)
@yo' Here's a summary of what's happening here. 19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-09/…
@PauloCereda Barbaridade, que frio!
@AlanMunn Quase que congela a bombilha da minha cuia! :)
@PauloCereda Mais tu gostas do mate frio...
@AlanMunn s/Mais/Mas/g :) Bah, guri, meu vocabulário regional estereotipado acaba por aqui! :)
@PauloCereda My Romance languages interfere with each other.
@AlanMunn I blame Latin. :) Cannot wait to visit @egreg and @CarLaTeX and spot a IDRANTE written without H, the horror! Or should I say, orror? :)
@DavidCarlisle hmmm
Sorry... but LOL
> Demand for measles vaccines leapt 500 percent last month in Clark County, Washington—a hotbed for anti-vaccine sentiment that has now become the epicenter of a ferocious measles outbreak.
@DavidCarlisle ctan had nothing to complain ;-)
@DavidCarlisle What is this?
A: Freezing point of water with respect to pressure.

DaniHYou can have a look at the phase diagram pressure-temperature of water: [Phase diagram taken from Martin Chaplin's webpage, http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/phase.html#b\ , under license CC-BY-NC-ND. This webpage is highly recommended, with tons of useful links and articles.] The transition betwe...

@marmot I didn't check its accuracy but hopefully it is accurate enough to tell @PauloCereda that water doesn't freeze at 18C
@DavidCarlisle But this plot proves you wrong, doesn't it? How about the border right of VI ?
@marmot and what is the air pressure in Brazil today?
@DavidCarlisle Outside or inside @PauloCereda's lab? ;-)
@marmot would @PauloCereda still care about the temparature if the pressure is so high that water freezes at 18C?
@DavidCarlisle and Petra just wrote me "This looked perfectly fine this time (no more '\n')."
@PauloCereda HYDRANTE, please. :-) Orrore! We got rid of useless h's many years ago.
@PauloCereda Here was my internal logic: French mais, Spanish mas, O Portaise e mais chique do Portunhol. -> mais :)
@UlrikeFischer yeh! (@JosephWright)
@DavidCarlisle but one shouldn't forget that the curlopt files contains all the data and so should go in the .gitignore.
@UlrikeFischer Given this is @PauloCereda you're talking about: yes. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@egreg ooh
@AlanMunn oh no :)
@UlrikeFischer yes I think I mentioned somewhere that the filename probably should be an l3build variable with the current name just being the default if not set then you could call it \=/tmp/zzzz and build it outside the repository all together if you wanted or give it a .log or some other extension you ignore by default
@PauloCereda And also of Y, of course.
@egreg :)
2 hours later…
@ChristianHupfer But is it true your gold badge for tcolorbox? :-) If Yes my compliments. I'm sure I predicted that medal for you.
@Kurt I'm back now and I'm going to go to dinner. A couple of hours of work and I'll go to bed very early. I'm pretty tired. I was trying to change the Optima font to Gillius font (I think it's default) with the gillius clone for my book. My greetings.
1 hour later…
@Sebastiano Yes, I feel a little bit strange about obtaining that badge for tcolorbox whereas the package author does not have it already...
:4892515 just say you deserve it just as much as I deserve my tikz badge (I don't think Till T has a badge either:-)
@DavidCarlisle in f.c.t.t. there is a comment from the tabu author: groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/fr.comp.text.tex/oB02G6Xotcc
@UlrikeFischer so saying the same as he said in 2011, a new version with a completely new implementation is on the way....
@UlrikeFischer I wonder if I should post asking of he wants to suggest any immediate fixes in github
@DavidCarlisle yes, that was also my summary ;-). And he lets the main question if he can do something about the current problems unanswered.
@DavidCarlisle you could try but I suspect he doesn't care about the current tabu ...
@UlrikeFischer I just posted something. If nothing else it may give something I can point to as replies to gh issues
Is there something like \ifx that ignores \long? Because with \ifx the test is false if the two macros differ in \long.
@HenriMenke no
@HenriMenke if there are no arguments you can go \expandafter\def\expandafter\foo\expandafter{\zzz} to make a non-long version of \zzz and then\ifx them, but in general it's trickier
@DavidCarlisle I see. Right now I'm doing
@HenriMenke you can't rely on \ttdefault being long though
@DavidCarlisle Maybe not in general but I'd say this is a one-off situation. Here is the whole context:
@HenriMenke you could also us \(pdf)strcmp for that kind of thing
@DavidCarlisle I want to suppress ligatures in all tt fonts for the PGF manual.
@HenriMenke yes so you are relying on ttdefault being long so if someone goe \def\ttdefault{pcr} to make it courier, you lose.
@HenriMenke ah if it's a specific book you know it's \long:-)
@HenriMenke shouldn't ligature suppression be on the font load, not on \selectfont ?
@DavidCarlisle Yes but the fonts are loaded by the format, so I can't hook into that.
@HenriMenke I can:-)
@DavidCarlisle :D
@DavidCarlisle yes saw it.
@DavidCarlisle Mondieu. Pourquoi tu no escrit en français là? ;-) Pas de Google Translateur? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Mein Französisch ist zu gut für einen solchen Gebrauch.
@DavidCarlisle C'est vraie ;-)
Today's tlmgr update broke everything on my computer
Q: tlmgr update --self fails with a weird error message (Windows 10)

KrishnaI have TL2018 on windows 10. When trying to update packages with tlmgr, it said that tlmgr itself needs to be updated. However, the command tlmgr update --self failed for me with the following error message λ tlmgr update --all --self tlmgr.pl: package repository http://anorien.csc.warwick.ac.u...

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^^^^ rotation invariant score
@marmot Some (@DavidCarlisle) would frown on the position of the comma, however ;-)
@ChristianHupfer There is no comma on the rotated pic.
@marmot Nice :) You'd need a rotation invariant marmot to make it perfect.
@PhelypeOleinik Cows can be spherical, not marmots.
@marmot I see a comma rotated into something like an apostrophe ...
@ChristianHupfer Yes, but the comma is not part of the score.
@marmot According to your image, it is ...
@ChristianHupfer No, it is a decoration.
@ChristianHupfer it is easy to remove the comma.
@ChristianHupfer I think I must have deeply traumatised you over a past palindrome, you seem far more concerned about commas than I ever was:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes: Your comma 'theory'/objection appears every night during my dreams ... needless to say that those dreams are nightmares ;-)
@marmot Let us see if you also get 98886 :-)
@Kurt We will see. Whom should I downvote in case I overshoot? ;-)
@AlexG Do you have a setting in your browser that allows you to get rid of the commas?
@marmot LOL We do not such bad things to others (only if they deserve the downvote)
@Kurt OK, who do you think deserves the downvotes? (If the discrepancy is an even number, one could temporarily unaccept answers to questions one asked. This feature is of course the main reason why people ask question, something @egreg and @DavidCarlisle seem not have to understood so far. ;-)
@marmot Jetzt bin ich gespannt, ob @DavidCarlisle reagiert :-)
@marmot @egreg compensates by posting bad answers and picking up the -2 for downvotes
@DavidCarlisle Wrong. This doesn't work if one is reputation capped.
@DavidCarlisle I guess, @Kurt knows that already. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle :-) I knew you will say something funy!
@marmot yes but that's under control, if you pick up a downvote and it pushes you of a palindrome sequence, just post an answer or two to rep cap, but if it pushes you on to a palindrome sequence, let the downvote stand
@DavidCarlisle You seem to be very experienced in this, aren't you?
@marmot I got 111111, 222222, 333333, 444444, if I'm going to get 555555 I'll need a couple of downvotes:-)
@DavidCarlisle Don't count on me. I have made 6 downvotes so far, and 6 is a perfect number. (the next one is 28, the dimension of so(8).)
@marmot I just have to mention emacs and wait for @PauloCereda an anonymous vim user to pass by....
@DavidCarlisle Do his votes count?
@DavidCarlisle Seen the galley2 business?
@JosephWright just ask Lars to remove it from texlive?
@DavidCarlisle Yes
@JosephWright one for Frank I guess
@JosephWright what does "remove from texlive" mean? are the files somewhere (I can't find them ...)?
@UlrikeFischer if I go texdoc docindex I see docindex.sty is installed but doesn't work as it depends on xhj and galley2
@DavidCarlisle ah, you mean remove docindex, I understood remove galley.
@UlrikeFischer yes
@DavidCarlisle removing sound like a good plan - the alternative is to create a github account ;-)
@UlrikeFischer J'ai trop de dépôts github
@DavidCarlisle moi aussi - donc ce sera mieux de retirer les paquets personnes n'utilisent.
@PauloCereda did you see the mail?
@UlrikeFischer yes, gimme two minutes. :)
@PauloCereda No hurry, tomorrow is fine, I'm going to bed now anyway.
@UlrikeFischer done. :) Announce it. :)
@UlrikeFischer eek I think my profile just told me I have push access to over 140 repositories on github:(
@DavidCarlisle ;-). I'm if I did the sum correctly at 69 plus a few gitlab repos.
@DavidCarlisle I can grant you access to arara as well.
@PauloCereda give @UlrikeFischer access, she said she wanted to delete some repositories.
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@UlrikeFischer /quacking in curiosity

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