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Dam, i can't solve a answer completely, is it worth posting anyway and leave it to the community? (its about tcolorbox raster)
@G.Bay Nobody can solve answers. (Just kidding! ;-)
Q: Ideas to recreate this using latex

Pedro NevesI'd like to create a Latex template similar to the one on the picture. Basically it's a set of boxes with different fields plus the big box on the bottom with a graphic. I've been analysing several possibilities, but I'm unsure as to the simplest approach would be. I'm thinking of using minipag...

its kind of complicated, I am not experiment with raster tcolorbox
@G.Bay I guess it is complicated regardless of the approach you are using. The OP did not do much. You will end up punching all things in, and when you're done, someone else will come, copy your code, use a tiny bit different gray, and get all the credits. (Now I am unfortunately not sure if I am kidding...)
@marmot I am having a hard time making the raster expand two rows
@G.Bay I am sorry, I have almost zero experience with tcolorbox.
@G.Bay I am also not sure if I would not use a different route (as I said, I am more or less clueless what tcolorbox can achieve). To me it seems that one could use tikz with positioning and fit for that.
@DavidCarlisle I think you must be very jealous. ;-)
2 hours later…
@samcarter Your pull-request will only be incorporated after the bugfix release.
@JosephWright Great, now please fix math typesetting so that XeTeX actually becomes usable.
1 hour later…
@Skillmon Also to you! In my case the prize should go to @samcarter!
4 hours later…
@HenriMenke OK, thanks for letting me know!
@CarLaTeX I should not have chosen the pretty sweater competition - I had no chance against such a designer piece like the sweater from @DavidCarlisle :)
> Some Hummingbird Beaks Are Better Suited for Combat Than Nectar Feeding
@samcarter Of course, that level of beauty is unreachable!
@PauloCereda Sounds a bit like psmith. Actually, we haven't heard from him for a while. Is he on vacation?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Oh I have bad news. SE changed some stuff behind the scene and broke Psmith's ability to log in. I need to check the code and talk to the bot framework maintainers and see what could be salvaged.
@PauloCereda Btw: TeXPrinter is also affected by some recent HTML structure changes ;)
@TeXnician oh no
@PauloCereda Hmm, too bad. Well, say hello and tell him we miss him.
@PauloCereda It was to be expected. Let's focus on something else :D
@TeXnician ooh sounds like a secrety secret
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Thanks! :)
Many owners of emus in America simply abandoned them in 1998. As a result, there are mobs of feral emus in parts of Texas to this day https://econ.st/2CKg3N7
woo wild feral emus
@TeXnician: my dad heard me saying Kotlin out loud and he said, "Kotlin Zeta-Jones?"
@PauloCereda Well, some names of programming languages are simply intended to sound strange ;)
@TeXnician :)
@PauloCereda In Germany when you are saying Crayon some people will think of Krähen. On the other hand, if one says Java (nearly) everyone is thinking about these annoying update popups from that coffee cup software instead of the island…
@TeXnician ooh
@JosephWright Can \quark_new:N \crampedtextstyle be sensible? (just found in the unicode-math code for xetex).
@samcarter true, sorry.
@UlrikeFischer Not really
@UlrikeFischer Or at least, I'd need to look at the use cases
@HenriMenke Yeah, right ... I'm not looking to maintain XeTeX (also see the LuaHbTeX business)
When your laptop suddenly loses resolve.conf info...
@JosephWright well xetex doesn't know \crampedXXX commands and it looks as if Will simply defined it for some comparision code, but it is a bit hard if one plays around (I was looking at Henris update to a xetex bug) and xetex suddenly loops if one use \crampedtextstyle. I will make a bug report.
@UlrikeFischer Yeah, should be a \prg_do_nothing: equivalent, I'd imagine
A dinosaur made of macros is a TeX-rex?
/ba dum tss
@PauloCereda tr XxT` gg
@yo' ooh :)
Sorry, shitty phone
Good morning (from Italy) everyone!

I have finally graduated with honours in ChemEng, with a thesis done under the beautiful program arara (so, a million thanks to @PauloCereda) that literally saved me a lot of time with automatic compilation sequences. I wouldn't have been sane if I had to manually compile my humongous bibliography and all the cross-refs.

Thanks also to all of you LaTeX friends, for all the advices I received from my High School little-thesis to my masters' thesis (which truly turned out as, as R.J. Drofnats would say, a beautiful document)
@PauloCereda tr "XxT" "gg "
@AndreaL. Congratulations!
@AndreaL. Congratulations to your graduation!
@AndreaL. Yay, congratulations!
@egreg Thanks egreg! It is and has been a privilege to have your help
@samcarter Thanks!
@AndreaL. Congratulations. And feel free to add your beautiful document to tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1319/… :)
@PauloCereda Many many many many thanks!
@AndreaL. oh I did nothing, really. It's your motivation and dedication that made you achieve greatness! So congratulations! :)
user image
@AndreaL. Let us celebrate with a confetti shower for you!
@samcarter Aww, that's to sweet! Thanks
@TeXnician Welp, I have all the intentions to do so (but where should I post it?). I may have to ask permission to my supervisor, but there should be no problems
@AndreaL. You could do it like some of the other answer: Just post some pictures and maybe a minimal code sample.
About the pictures, I'm proud to say that ALL of them were done in TikZ :)

My field was (or, is now) chemical reaction engineering, specifically chemical kinetics under the framework of stochastic processes. All the energy diagrams, reaction mechanisms and, in addition, automata diagrams, were available but not good enough. TikZ did a great job for all cases. I took some time to perfect them :)

So I have a fair amount of material I want to share
One : https://i.imgur.com/sbVFuCL.png

Two : https://i.imgur.com/8PTDNKa.png

I'm wondering how to make a large image in landscape, as when I enlage the image it seems to flip things back into portrait for reasons I don't understand
One there is the landscape, and two is the same code just with the width of the image enlarged a bit
This is the code that I used : vpaste.net/tVlRg




will change the layout from image-one to image-two above
@alandella Contratulations! Italians do it better!
I put the above into a question tex.stackexchange.com/questions/468393/…
If anyone with skills on tcolorbox want to have a look... tex.stackexchange.com/questions/468067/…
@baxx If I remember correctly I used minipage to fix this issue, lemme check
@DavidCarlisle Found this is the class file from the other day:
anyone want to explain why this does not compile (enumitem might have changed since the class was released).
@CarLaTeX Thanks! I approve of the message ahahah
Why are they defining a list to be itemize and the give it numbers?
@JosephWright The Australian analogue of the Onion?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Looks that way
@JosephWright ooh
@baxx no:-)
2 hours later…
The Journal of .... offers authors an Open Access option called OnlineOpen, to have their article immediately freely available to everyone, including those who don't subscribe. To cover the cost of publishing OnlineOpen, authors pay an article publication charge (APC) of $4300.
@daleif That's very low priced. Any author should use this opportunity ;-)
@ChristianHupfer I'm just wondering, who chooses to pay that amount....
@daleif That's about typical
@daleif Comes from grants, e.g. library resources, specific allocation, ...
So 3 articles or a small car.
@daleif Can anyone publish there, without review?
Holy cow
@ChristianHupfer I don't think so, it seems to be a highly regarded journal which is why I removed the name.
@daleif I thought it is something like the Journal of Everything, where conspiracy paranoiacs can publish their "theories", like flat earth etc ;-)
@ChristianHupfer also the theory I have which is mine and belongs to me. :)
@PauloCereda That't the worst theory ever
@ChristianHupfer oh
@ChristianHupfer did you see this? youtube.com/watch?v=hKc_1gc1pLg
@PauloCereda I don't dare to click on it...
@ChristianHupfer do it, you will be surprised. :)
@PauloCereda Three minutes of my life :D
@ChristianHupfer :)
@PauloCereda Nice coughing :D
@ChristianHupfer :D
@daleif I do not know any physicist who would be willing to pay this fee or even 5% of this fee.... Related
1 hour later…
@marmot No scientist etc. should pay for publications, regardless which science it is.
@ChristianHupfer I fully agree with that. (If you publish in PRL, you are requested to pay $500. Of course, "requested" means you do not have to do it, and I never did. Nevertheless, rumors say if you don't, they'll give you tougher referees next time. And the salary may, to a small extent, depend how many PRL's you have, so some may think twice...)
In here the situation is complicated. In order to get my PhD validated, I need to publish on peer reviewed, high impact factor journals from a list. And the list only includes insanely expensive entities.
I once had to pay EUR700 for a publication.
@PauloCereda This is legal robbery, I would say :-(
@ChristianHupfer It is. :(
Hi guys!
I'm trying to include an social icon in my moderncv document class
I'm trying to add an social icon which points to my Stack Exchange account
I have looked around. There are complex solutions which use tikz
I was trying to use fontawesome...
But I'm not sure how to proceed also because I am getting some undefined control sequences
@nbro Ask a question on the main site. From the information you provided it is next-to-impossible to provide a meaningful answer unless one has a crystal ball, but they are rare these days.
I can't understand how you like LaTeX or Tex...
@nbro Import the image
I'm now getting the error "Undefined control sequence \Url" while attempting to do "\social[stackexchange][\url{my-url}]{nbro}"...
How patient do you need to be?
hyperref is already imported apparently, because, if I import it, I get the "clash" error
Ok, I don't want to lose more time on this. I will simply not put the social icon of my SE account.
@nbro \url and \Url are not the same
Indeed, I was using \url, not sure why it was complaining about \Url
Anyway, the moderncv class defines the social command here: github.com/xdanaux/moderncv/blob/master/moderncv.cls#L261
The author could also have defined it for Stack Exchange
The class is not updated since 2016
What class do you use for your CVs?
I like moderncv, but this is a small limitation, no maintaince
new "getting travis build working" round ;-(.
@UlrikeFischer The Bär can help! <3
@PauloCereda Do you know what a Bärendienst is? ;-) (not quite bear service, I think)
@marmot no idea
@PauloCereda I think it translates to something like disservice (No, that's not a service the tidies up your dissertation! ;-)
@PauloCereda I'm not sure. He doesn't like to handle exact numbers - his line is more the large overview - and currently my problem is that travis shows a 16.74 where I have a 18.332 ;-(
@UlrikeFischer The explanation is very simple: 1+6+7+4=18=1+8+3+3+2. ;-)
@UlrikeFischer oh
Is it possible to use lipsum to generate only a few lines? I tried \lipsum[0.5] for half paragraph but obviously didnt work
if thats complicated enough I will post a question :)
@G.Bay not as far as I know but if you only want a few lines, why not simply write them?
Lazyness, lol
yeah I've seen that, not exactly what I want, but I will give it a try
user image
We need this tag ;-)
I'm very confused. I've copied some expl3 code exactly from a package, and just given it a different name. The renamed version gives an error but the code is identical.
\NewDocumentCommand \istcntmx
{ t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{black!25} G{} D+.{\cntmdefault@levdist}D.+{\cntmdefault@sibdist} }
    \IfBooleanTF {#1}
        \istCntmRoot' [ #2 ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] + #7 .. #8 +
        \istCntmRoot [ #2 ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] + #7 .. #8 +

@marmot: Nope, I won't buy that 'shadow' record -- it is scratched ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Which "shadow" record? (BTW, we have "Shady Canyon" nearby. It is perfectly shady -- at night. ;-)
@marmot Obviously you're no Monty Python addict, otherwise you would have caught the reference ;-) We need @PauloCereda and @JosephWright to explain it ...
@ChristianHupfer Hmmmh, not an addict, but know of course their standard works. (Wait, weren't they already old when even I was young? ;-)
@marmot Well, I am 44 and I know them almost 30 years by now... now, they're old
@ChristianHupfer I am slightly older but know them only for 29 years ... somehow I associate them with the old video tapes ...
@marmot Yes, I know what you mean... nowadays, there's DVD, youtube and I've got them on Netflix as well
@ChristianHupfer I actually don't do these things too much. I never had a TV, nor am I addicted to all these streams... Monty Python are more interesting than many others but if you have seen a few you can sort of predict the other sketches...
@marmot It's some kind of recreation to have streaming at any time available. But it does not rule the life of my wife and myself.
@ChristianHupfer Maybe. Not so much for me, though.
@AlanMunn but the context not. The original definition is in a section with \ExplSyntaxOn, which mean that spaces don't count. If you add \ExplSyntaxOn/Off around your definition it works.
@marmot: Returning to the cause of the 'discussion': I won't change my avatar just in order to take part in your competition...
@AlanMunn white space?
@UlrikeFischer Hmm. Ok. I had problems with that when redefining another command, since it has as tikz style with a space, and that space got gobbled.
@ChristianHupfer That's fine. But it does not have to be "your" avatar, just look at @Raaja's nice post.
@AlanMunn tikz and expl3 can be fun - I constantly add and remove ~ in keys ;-).
@UlrikeFischer I've tried to make that easier
@UlrikeFischer So we move from too many spaces to too few... :(
@marmot Hm, I think I misread 'most beautiful avatar' as being the personal one ... and adding a shadow to it... but in the very end, my avatar is the most beautiful one -- there is no doubt about that ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Hmmmmh and what about @CarLaTeX or @samcarter's avatars, just to name a few rivals. (Yours does not look very realistic because it was not made with TikZ. ;-)
@UlrikeFischer But thanks, that fixed it.
@marmot Yes, I am living in an imaginery world without TikZ where paths are walked by feet and lines are drawn by hand and filled with pencils...
user image
Is it only my impression or is the number 1 in 20771 fainter than the other figures?
@marmot Sorry, I've been away from the chat for a while … ↓↓
Ein Bärendienst ist eine Handlung für jemanden/etwas, die in guter Absicht erfolgt und (trotzdem) schlechte Folgen für die Person/die Sache hat. Die zugehörige Redensart „jemandem/etwas einen Bärendienst erweisen“ dürfte eine ältere ost-, nord- und mitteleuropäische Metapher sein, weil der Bär bereits im Mittelalter als unzähmbar galt, sodass er als Arbeitstier untauglich schien. In der westlichen Welt könnte sie durch eine Fabel des französischen Dichters Jean de La Fontaine, veröffentlicht erstmals 1678, vermittelt worden sein. == La Fontaines Fabel == In L’ours et l’amateur des jardins (dt…
There is no English version of that wikipedia page, but there is an Italian one, a French one (of course), a Russian one, plus Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish.
@DavidCarlisle how do one activate more language patterns on travis? My test failed because the german patterns wasn't there.
The Norwegian word is Bjørnetjeneste. Among young people, who don't know the origin of the word, it has started to take on the opposite of its original meaning: A very big service.
I suppose words changing to mean the exact opposite of their original meaning is not new to @AlanMunn. A “risk”, for example, was not necessarily a bad thing in the old days. People could talk of a good risk, meaning a possibility of profiting greatly.
@marmot talking about Tikz you are entering into a danger zone ;-) and a nice event btw.
@UlrikeFischer in the setup script do tlmgr install collection-german ?
@UlrikeFischer are you using the system tex or do you install texlive directly? (it would be apt-get something in the first case)
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer, @egreg Some interesting stuff from Christian Feuersanger on FPUs :)
@DavidCarlisle I have lots of tlmgr install lines so I guess tlmgr install collection-german is right. I will have to run a test.
@JosephWright in mail?
@DavidCarlisle Will forward
@DavidCarlisle Sent to team list
@ChristianHupfer ooh phrasebook
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Interesting. I don't think in German it can mean "great service" but maybe I am just to old. ;-)
@JosephWright did you saw that Henri mentions random numbers in lua on the main site?
Koma is Kohm Marcus WOW
@PauloCereda did you think it stood for Leslie Lamport?
@DavidCarlisle oh
@PauloCereda Didn't you know that?
@ChristianHupfer I had no idea, to be honest.
@PauloCereda Also Memoir is Peter Wilson
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@UlrikeFischer No?
Q: TikZ graphdrawing differences between LuaTeX versions

Henri MenkeWhat I will describe below is not yet a problem but will appear when TeX Live 2019 is released and LuaTeX will be upgraded to 1.09. MikTeX users might already experience this issue. When I typeset one of the graphdrawing examples from the TikZ manual, it appears mirrored between the LuaTeX ve...

@DavidCarlisle it was tlmgr install collection-langgerman and then it worked.
@UlrikeFischer sorry yes, that.
@PauloCereda (and anyone else who fancies ducks) ... a new sport, duck curling: twitter.com/DickKingSmith/status/1080713855561596928?s=09
@UlrikeFischer, @DavidCarlisle Had my third reply (after Christian and 'jfbu'): Eckhart of fltpoint replied :)
@JosephWright Do you mean me?
@ChristianHupfer Nope, unless you are secretly Christian Feuersaenger :)
@JosephWright Nope... I just remembered your recent mail about the upcoming expl3 deprecation (a.k.a. throwing away of good features ;-)) , so I thought you meant that.
@UlrikeFischer They should have used \uniformdeviate ;)
1 hour later…
@barbarabeeton ooh duck curling!
@barbarabeeton love it, thank you! <3
A: A calligraphic "L"?, a certain symbol used in Abramowitz and Stegun

KarloThis letter is not an L but a Z. According to Detexify, you can typeset it using \usepackage{mathrsfs} \mathscr{Z}

Seriously? 20 upvotes for using Detexify?
@HenriMenke Not surprising. Once I got 28 for using \emph: tex.stackexchange.com/a/451247/134574 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well, I would say not so much for using emph, as for knowing about a relatively uncommon aspect of its usage.
(And for explaining it straightforwardly)
@HenriMenke my answer with most votes is a FAQ (literally). People upvote what they understand.
@HenriMenke I agree with what @UlrikeFischer is saying. Just look how many this one has. The IMHO real answer has 500 votes less. ;-)

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