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@CarLaTeX Well, I was wondering what's new in the answer in which you found a minus is missing.
@marmot Actually, the improvements w.r.t. you answer are minimal: \tikz instead of tikzpicture environment and a more elegant management of the baseline. I think the main difference is the only one TikZ picture in the denominator, but he forgot the minus. However, I don't think there is plagiarism, in this case.
@CarLaTeX No, I do not think there is plagiarism. But personally I would say what is different from an existing answer. Otherwise we could dd 100 almost identical answers to a question. (I think that the key point is the use of baseline. He could have acknowledged that.
@marmot Yes, an explanation on the use of baseline could be useful.
3 hours later…
user image
lol ^^^
3 hours later…
@PauloCereda Everybody is sleeping on Sunday morning :)
@CarLaTeX ooh
4 hours later…
@CarLaTeX that one was posted also in the Overleaf internal chats :) Did you write a message to support a few days ago? I think I saw a familiar user name in the inbox...
Today I learnt that the word "Festschrift" does exist in the English language, and that its plural is "Festschrifts".
@Skillmon ooh rabbit skills
@PauloCereda I just find it funny, when there are German words in the English language, like Doppelganger (German: Doppelgänger), or Kindergarten.
@Skillmon Wikipedia claims the plural is Festschriften but constructing plurals from loan words in English is always a somewhat variable process formulas/fomulae indexes/indices etc:-)
@Skillmon Yes, and they are kind enough to use a different word if it is really something different. So e.g. "Bier" becomes "beer" to indicate that "beer" is a strange liquid that is not to be confused with real "Bier". ;-) Likewise with "Brot" and "bread". ;-)
@Skillmon -- i don't know what the term for "kindergarten" is in the u.k., but in the u.s. there was a substantial german population when public schools were established, and i don't know of any comparable word for that educational concept. "preschool" didn't really appear until i was long out of kindergarten, and now usually means "pre-kindergarten".
@marmot that explains everything!
@Skillmon No, I didn't wrote for that message. I wrote some time ago for this problem: tex.meta.stackexchange.com/a/7939/101651
@marmot ooh das bier ist auf den tisch
@barbarabeeton I think Brits use nursery, don't they?
@PauloCereda Das Bier ist auf dem Tisch (just say if you don't want me to correct you)
@Skillmon Kindergarten is (rarely) used also in Italy
@Skillmon ooh I got close :)
@PauloCereda yes, you were.
@Skillmon You were careful enough to promise @DavidCarlisle a beer and not a Bier.
@marmot I'll still buy him a Bier, I don't want to punish him after all for such a creative and innovative avatar.
@Skillmon Have you thought about this? He may want to emigrate after having tasted a real Bier. ;-)
@Skillmon -- i'm not british, so i really don't know. but in british literature, "nursery" was usually the term used for the part of an (upper class) house where the young children and their nanny lived, separate from the grownups. in the u.s., "nursery school" preceded "preschool" as the term for a formal establishment for children younger than 5 years old.
@marmot he can sleep on my couch until he finds a place on his own.
@barbarabeeton in Germany kindergarten is from 3 til 6 years of age.
@Skillmon -- it apparently did start out that way in the u.s., but became more limited by the end of the 19th century.
@barbarabeeton some Brits could help us out (@DavidCarlisle)
@Skillmon yes "nursery school" would be normal name for that here
@Raaja Could you do me a favor and inform the author of this answer about the fact that there can be trouble with the shifts? I am afraid that if I do that this may not be received very well because I have an alternative answer, and it might be viewed as an attempt to steal the tick, which it is not. If you do not feel like it, that's perfectly fine. (I have finally a few hours to look at the tubes.)
@marmot Done, I won't think it as a matter of stealing the ticks ;) (been here for a while now :D). Nevertheless, let me know if you find any luck with that.
@Raaja Thanks! (My main problem is that coordinate transformations and tangents clash... )
@marmot you are welcome. When I tried to put those circle around the middle line based on the other bounding splines, I got some nice eggs :D
was a fantastic failure for me :D
@Raaja It is too early for that. Wait with the eggs till Easter. ;-)
@marmot I plan my days wrt to holidays :D (enough motivation to do my research)
2 hours later…
@Raaja I added something that produces something that somewhat resembles a tube. (I had to kick out a few percent of the data points because otherwise the system won't allow me to upload the code.)
@marmot nice!! Looking forward to your answer ;)
@marmot the answer looks great!! I will test it first thing in the morning and come back to you. Thanks
@Raaja Better test it after a few glasses of honey liquor. (I am still thinking to improve it but it may be that this is something that is to be done with asymptote.)
@egreg Beautiful: ${{H}_{\left| \left. F \right|s \right.}}$ (bit)
@boycott.se-yo' The beauty of redundancy of useless bits!
@marmot yepp
@egreg well, it destroys spacing as well :-)
@boycott.se-yo' The OP doesn't like the standard spacing, that's clear. ;-)
@boycott.se-yo' From what I see in Math.SE, people keep asking themselves why on earth LaTeX does such a bad job with spaces in obvious formulas such as $\parallel x+y\parallel^2+\parallel x-y\parallel^2$ (seen today).
@egreg :)
@egreg --- yeah. i just corrected a 30-page paper that used \parallel throughout. sheesh! i'm working on a paper for tug 2019 that lists a lot of things that one shouldn't do. that one's high on my list.
@DavidCarlisle ^^^ this is taken from the LHEP template http://andromedapublisher.com/ojs/index.php/LHEP/about/submissions#authorGuidelines
Are you the author? ;-)
@marmot no, all good latex authors use picture mode
@DavidCarlisle I see. This journal is on a mission to convert us to good LaTeX authors, then? (I can't believe what this document class has done to my lovely article!!!)
@marmot replaced all tikz by picture mode and all marmots by squirrels, hopefully.
@marmot No mention of TikZ?
@egreg No. but the "template" comes with a file "epsf.def" instead. I am serious!

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