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@DavidCarlisle And for Welsh? chi sorts after cwt, for example, and allan after aloewydden.
@cfr Even though I am German speaking marmot, and recognize each single word in "'Zweck an sich selbst", I cannot make much sense out of this expression. Where did you get it from?
@marmot Kant.
@marmot It is very possible I picked out the wrong bit of the German. I meant to pick the bit which, in English, becomes, 'end in itself'.
@cfr I may translate this to "Selbstzweck", but I am not really sure.
7 hours later…
Hello people! It has been a long time
I would like to know if someone knows if it is possible to create keyboard shortcuts for MathJax in any site, e.g. math.SE
@manooooh irrespective of any support from any site you could install a userscript/greasemonkey script that inserts site-specific javascript that can modify the page in any way you want, including installing key event handlers (but the links you give are about macro definitions not keyboard events)
@DavidCarlisle a macro definition cannot be used for a shortcut key?
@manooooh a browser shortcut is a key event for a key like ctrl-d or F6 or whatever you can make a key do anything, close the window, print the screen, insert \sqrt{x} ... a macro definition is something completely different, defining that the string \foo in the document be replaced by a string \sqrt{x}
@DavidCarlisle we agree
@DavidCarlisle oh..
@manooooh oh what?
@DavidCarlisle that is an interesting approach, I will try to investigate that, thanks!! I only want to short cut $$ or \[\] etc.
@manooooh that is a macro definition so unrelated to key events
@DavidCarlisle I thought the two definitions were the same...
@DavidCarlisle so with a macro definition we can do alt-x and create \[\]?
@manooooh you can't have a key event for \[ but even if you looked at a single character like $ one saying what to do if $ is in the document text and one is saying what to do if you press or release or hold down the $ key on your keyboard
@manooooh alt-x doesn't do anything in my browser, what do you expect it to do?
@manooooh but mathjax defines .\[ by default so why do you want to define that?
@DavidCarlisle I do not understand you at all... In some sites there are short cuts with keyboard to put code, for example with alt-x in a site it displays something<actual_cursor>something, that's awesome!
@DavidCarlisle yes sorry, not \[\] but $$$$
Can we create something to have a shortcut which do $$<actual_pos_cursor>$$?
@manooooh as I say you can define a key (such as alt-x) to do _anything that the browser can do, but that is detecting a keypress event on your keyboard it is unrelated to any string that is in the document. conversely if you define a macro \foo to be hello world then that is unrelated to any keypress event and is saying if the string \foo appears in the document replace it by hello world
but I'm off to the dungeon now...
@DavidCarlisle what document? I want it un math.SE MathJax
@DavidCarlisle hehe
@cfr We hwyadens don't know much about languages. :)
@DavidCarlisle dungeon?
@DavidCarlisle ooh
I should've read messages. :)
@JosephWright oh. ;-)
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@JosephWright so didn't take long to be merged in the end :)
@DavidCarlisle No, but it's not quite right just at the moment
@JosephWright on the bus. ..
@DavidCarlisle I'm in Oxford but just getting a few things sorted
@DavidCarlisle Hey, the best way to define a svg-rectancle as frame for an arbitrary picture is, to set width and height to '100%', so
`<rect height="100%" width="100%" style="stroke:#999999;stroke-width:5%;" x="0" y="0" fill-opacity="0.0" />`
A complete example:

% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes}
% arara: clean: { extensions: [aux, bcl, log, synctex(busy) ] }

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="600" height="400" viewBox="0 0 12 8"><path fill="#fff" d="M0 0H12V8H0"/><path fill="#d00" d="M0 0h1V8h1V0H12v1H0v1H12v1H0v1H12v1H0v1H12v1H0"/>
<rect height="100%" width="100%" style="stroke:#999999;stroke-width:5%;" x="0" y="0" fill-opacity="0.0" />
Meeting is about to start, yay!
@PauloCereda Coffee time
@JosephWright boo
@JosephWright no tea? I am disappointed. :)
@JosephWright: How many?
@PauloCereda me too. Coffee in Brazil is fine, but in England it should be tea.
@UlrikeFischer :)
@PauloCereda I have tea :)
@PauloCereda Not so many
@JosephWright ooh
@JosephWright oh
@PauloCereda We are expecting at least one or two more
@JosephWright oh
@PauloCereda you're on...
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle so currently one can deduce that there are at least two persons, one virtual duck and one volunteer mole ...
@UlrikeFischer it's a packed audience, standing room only: 7 people + @PauloCereda
@DavidCarlisle quack :)
@DavidCarlisle You should have done the meeting at St. Crispin's day "we happy few we band of brothers" ;-).
3 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle So really good, that you have svg.sty created. Look what I produced... These are all clean vector-graphics.
There is a funny story:

The package minitoc.sty once had a circumference of about 80MB (at least at TeXLive 2013).
This was because the author had set all country flags of the world as png graphics.

Some people were angry about it.

Now that I know something more, I wonder why he did not just use the svg codes.

That would have inflated the raw package (about 3MB) only marginally.
€dit: I meant the "raw manual"...
1 hour later…
@cis I doubt inkscape was widely available back then and even now the svg input assumes a locally installed inkscape which woukdn't really be suitable for a tex manual.
@DavidCarlisle Hello a good afternoon to you and all users in the room.
@DavidCarlisle I wanted to inform you that I found where the .log file of TeXworks is located. I found it last night :-)
@DavidCarlisle do you know why hyperref overwrites the producer info in the pdf?
@UlrikeFischer Good afternoon also to you
@UlrikeFischer so it can add "hyperref ?
@UlrikeFischer oh no that's creator that gets set to "latex with hyperref"
@DavidCarlisle that's the creator entry. I mean the /Producer(LuaTeX-1.7.0), without hyperref one get /Producer (LuaTeX). (the number is wrong with hyperref, and I'm wondering if one should correct the code or remove it.)
LuaTeX-\x.\the\count@.\luatexrevision <-- this
@DavidCarlisle yes. But I guess it is better to have the version numbers there, so probably one should correct the code ...
@UlrikeFischer so it gets 1.7.0 rather than 1.07.0 ?
@DavidCarlisle yes, something like \ifnum\count@<10 0\fi\the\count@ should do it.
@UlrikeFischer OK...
@UlrikeFischer or even \two@digits\count@ :-)
See you later and good work to you. Greetings.
@DavidCarlisle I should benchmark first it to check if it is slower ;-)
@UlrikeFischer unlikely to be quicker as its one extra expansion and then does the same thing, but think of all the bytes it saves
@DavidCarlisle and the improved readability of the code ... Will you add it?
@UlrikeFischer $ git commit -a -m "ensure Luatex version shown with two digits" done
@PhelypeOleinik sorry I have been taking lessons from @barbarabeeton
@DavidCarlisle hahahhaha
@DavidCarlisle ;-). Why is the code twice in hyperref.dtx and hluatex.dtx?
@UlrikeFischer that caught me out I just changed the one in hyperref originally. that one is in hpdftex.def which had some luatex support before luatex was split out as a separate option. I should clean that up....
@DavidCarlisle ah I see. The code is also in hpdftex.def. Ups 1 second too late ;-)
and on some raining afternoon one could perhaps replace all these `\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
\expandafter\ifx\csname XXXX\endcsname\relax` by `\ifcsname XXXX\endcsname`.
@UlrikeFischer not exactly the same of course:-) also it never rains in England
@DavidCarlisle /s/England/Southern California/g ;)
@DavidCarlisle Are you free at this time?
@TeXnician Hi.
@Sebastiano Hi.
@TeXnician Can you ask an simple help?
@DavidCarlisle no but near enough imho and you could ask someone in a more country where it rains at least sometimes.
@UlrikeFischer Again Hi. :-)
@Sebastiano Why should I ask something? Or do you mean that you want to ask a question?
@TeXnician For your opinion why my question I have an upvoted?
@UlrikeFischer Germany?
A: Making diagrams

SebastianoUsing the xymatrix package you can see an example of little guide for this package: https://www.jmilne.org/not/Mxymatrix.pdf. Surely it is very easy to use tikz-cd package and my code could be another solution. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} \xymat...

@DavidCarlisle Can I send you the log file so I can understand a little more about my mistakes, please?
@Sebastiano Do you mean upvoted or downvoted?
@Sebastiano i don't even recall what the issue with log files was
@TeXnician downvoted
@DavidCarlisle Many errors for my book during the compilation
@Sebastiano I don't know the reason for the downvote. In my opinion your answer does what it should, answer the question. But I do not know how others behave…
@Sebastiano the answer is fine by the look of it but this sentence is rather odd "Surely it is very easy to use tikz-cd package and my code could be another solution." the user asked for xy and you provided an xy answer so why mention tikz at all.
@DavidCarlisle I wrote down what I felt in my heart. I simply said that tikz-cd is easier. I am not very practical with English. If any of you could edit the question in proper English I am grateful. I wouldn't know what to write in more detail right now.
@samcarter And the user who made a comment before you on my answer basically achieved what he wants: his tough behavior, not specifically here, but more generally, introduces a threshold to go back to the question. (And I know others have problems with the same guy, too.)
@marmot Hi dearest. :-)
@Sebastiano I'd just delete that line (but it is hard to imagine that anyone downvoted because of that)
@Sebastiano that's a form of address you'd typically only use for our wife:-)
@DavidCarlisle not really rainy here too currently, but perhaps a sunny afternoon works too ;-)
@Sebastiano Hi Sebastiano, I was just complaining to @samcarter to your special friend, or at least the user whose number of downvotes increased several times when you got a "just so" downvote. (But I think this behavior stopped, didn't it? ;-)
@UlrikeFischer I spent the afternooon in a dungeon i need all the light I can get
@DavidCarlisle ;-). Let's look how long it take me tomorrow to tweak a tabular to the wanted output.
:47658859 yes but that doesn't mean you shoudl send me the log:-) It's useful to you as you have the source but if I have a log that says there's an overfull box on line 1000124 of a file I haven't got then there is not much I can say other than what the log already says.
@DavidCarlisle Removed
@marmot The situation has improved since then. However, I had identified the user who was stressing me with a rough and incorrect attitude. I think he was banned.
@boycott.se-yo' Hi
@DavidCarlisle Done! I have accepted your precious suggestion.
A: Making diagrams

SebastianoUsing the xymatrix package you can see an example of little guide for this package: https://www.jmilne.org/not/Mxymatrix.pdf. I have created with this package your request. \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} \xymatrix{ A \ar@{->}[rr]^f \ar@{->}[rd]_g & &...

I wish you all a nice dinner. It's raining a lot here in eastern Sicily. I should go shopping to eat something as light as I do every day. Affectionate greetings to all of you.
@marmot I think the non-answer question asks if the code \tikz[overlay,remember picture]{...} from your answer is necessary or if \tikzmark{a}Hello world!\tikzmark{b} can be used without the rest of your answer.
@samcarter Oh, thanks. (Why did the OP not try out?) The answer is of course that the overlay picture is not (at all) necessary.
@marmot That seems a very common behaviour of OP's. I can't remember how often I wrote the comment "Did you try it?"
@marmot of course loading a million lines of tikz just to get hold of \pdfsavepos information is slightly overkill (even more than using it instead of picture mode for drawing ducks:-)
@DavidCarlisle tikz has to be loaded anyway to draw marmots, so it does not hurt to also use it for the ducks :)
@DavidCarlisle I simply do not know about the \pdfsavepos command. However, from its name I'd suspect that you will be limited to compilers that produce a pdf file, which does not apply to the "overkill" solution, in which you get the positions also when compiling with latex.
@samcarter YEp.
@marmot I think you should not worry too much about the first comment below your answer, I'd believe in the good intentions of people and he probably just tries to motivate where the value of 65536 comes from.
@samcarter Here I agree, but his general behavior is such that I just decided to ignore him. (Also I think that this is just a new unit, and I do not see any point in flooding the world with "new" units. For me it is bad enough that experimentalists decided to introduce barns, but this is at least 10^{-28) m^2, rather than a conversion factor of 2^16.)
@marmot A much better set of units: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FFF_system :)
@samcarter But this makes much more sense to me, at least the idea to measure lengths in furry units. ;-)
@marmot I wonder what a good unit for marmot time would be (at least for all the non-theorists which don't set all units to one) Some non-linear unit which adapts to hibernation season?
@marmot tikz uses internally also \pdfsavepos (or the variants of the other engines) and it works also in dvi mode. A less overkill variant to use it is zref-savepos.
@UlrikeFischer Please feel free to add an answer there. I have no idea about these things. But I do now that TikZ has the feature to get these coordinates for all engines, which was actually why I went for it. (It is not excluded that even nowadays some users compile with just latex, say.) Apart from that, tikzmark has really great additional features that might be useful when you need to specify the positions more precisely.
@samcarter hibernation time vs. non-hibernating time? ;-)
@marmot I normally don't answer questions like this - much to vage and unclear what the OP is about. And I like tikzmarks very much too ;-)
Is there standard way for Plain/LaTeX to set color in LuaTeX using attributes, or each package is still on its own?
@UlrikeFischer Personally I actually do not feel I have to revise my answer. If someone else feels that there is a need to add a more ergonomic alternative, I will be happy to upvote it. Yet I do not really think that the method I suggest is an overkill since it, as you say, works regardless of the engine and it based on packages and libraries that have been widely used and tested.
@DavidCarlisle ^
@KhaledHosny The luacolor package can be seen as the standard solution for this, at least for LaTeX. But AFAICT it isn't Plain compatible.
@MarcelKrüger I’m checking luaotfload-color.lua and there is a bit of code for compatibility with various packages, would luacolor handle this for me? In Plain I guess I can ignore compatibility with other packages, at least for my purposes.
@KhaledHosny For colors compatibility shouldn't be a problem, transparency is. To support transparency, graphic state operators are needed and their registration has to be coordinated with PGF. So do you want to support transparency?
@MarcelKrüger I suppose so. I want to support the equivalent of luaotfload color option, and also support colored OenType fonts, and both has transparency.
@marmot no not really, all the primitives introduced by pdftex are prefixed by pdf in the pdftex version, its available in luatex and xetex as well (and it's the primitive that's writing the numbers that tikzmark uses) but it wasn't really a totally serious comment:-0
@KhaledHosny probably wouldn't be too hard to get luacolor working in plain
@DavidCarlisle I am actually very happy to receive feedback, and there are many things that I do not know. However, at this point I could not improve my answer other than adding what you told me in the chat. And apart from this going against "academic honesty" it would make a really bad impression if I was not able to answer any follow-up question in the comment, would it? So I really won't update my answer but will be happy to upvote yours once you post it.
@marmot I wouldn't suggest you change the answer, anyway for many documents they load tikzduks anyway so the overhead isn't that great
@marmot there is no need to change it, really ;-).
Does not look like luacolor has any code to handle transparency.
@KhaledHosny Then luacolor will probably not help you.
@DavidCarlisle don't you need at least miniltx to get the color package working? (which imho is needed to get the color numbers)
@MarcelKrüger I see, thanks.
@UlrikeFischer well out of the box, perhaps but color doesn't really use a lot of latex so it could be made to use a lot less
@KhaledHosny I think it could be useful to have a generally usable system for registering /ExtGStatekeys though, but it probably should life on the TeX level to allow it to be used wihout LuaTeX. So maybe the best approach would be to write such a package and then a luacolor equaivalent (luatransparency?) could be written on top of it. This would avoid making the compatibility problems even worse with every package.
@MarcelKrüger I wonder if @JosephWright has already plans here ;-) But you are right already pgf and transparent clash and we shouldn't add more mess.
@UlrikeFischer is there something we can do in transparent to avoid conflict?
user image
@DavidCarlisle @UlrikeFischer ^^^^ Now I know why @samcarter's affiliation is Universe. ;-)
@marmot I can see tikz really is a useful package
@DavidCarlisle Yes, isn't it? It even explains why DM is in the halo. ;-)
A: Tikz and ctable incompatibility, gives error when printing

Heiko OberdiekPackage ctable loads package transparent. Both package transparent and tikz implements transparency. This needs access to a page resource, a dictionary ExtGState for the transparent values. Unhappily, the LaTeX format has overslept the PDF development quite entirely. Managing global resources is ...

@MarcelKrüger That is beyond my expertise.
@marmot Oh, I love this dialogue!
@UlrikeFischer Oh I see it's already on GH, but perhaps ltluatex should add an allocator? (@JosephWright)
@marmot This also explains arxiv.org/abs/1810.08696v1 : A binary system probably has a big dark rubber duck in the centre and two objects rotating around it
@DavidCarlisle I don't know, I hadn't the time yet to really check the state, I had it only on my to-check-list. But imho the main point is the "Managing global resources is the prime task for an OS, format in TeX speek." and the question if this can be move to a more central point (and if one can then get pgf to adjust ...).
@marmot ;-))))
@samcarter This must be it. I think it is at least as likely as MOND. ;-)
@marmot I'd say much more likely :)
@samcarter Depends on how you read MOND. It could stand for MOdified Nifty Duck.
@DavidCarlisle but I saw a few weeks ago a question where transparent leaded to a clash/misbehaviour, so I think something is still amiss.
@marmot I thought it was "Marmot Orders Next Daiquiri"
@UlrikeFischer yes but we didn't actually change anything on that github issue did we? It's still open
@samcarter Well, in that case I am not sure if your explanation is really more convincing than MOND. ;-)
@marmot :)
@DavidCarlisle You meant the issue is on GH? I thought you meant the patch is already there.
Majestically orbiting noble duck
Most 'onourable noble duck
@marmot @samcarter ^^^^
@DavidCarlisle oh, it is my issue ;-) I forgot.
@UlrikeFischer seems that way:-)
@UlrikeFischer Ohh, great ideas!
@UlrikeFischer Marmots outpace noisy ducks. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle I think the following (early enough in transparent) should work also if tikz is loaded later:
   \ifcsname pgfutil@addpdfresource@extgs\endcsname


\begin{document}Hello \texttransparent{.3}{World}
\filldraw[opacity=0.5] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);

@UlrikeFischer looks reasonable...
@DavidCarlisle I wonder if some user will find a way to trigger the setting of the resource earlier in the preamble... But I don't see how one can avoid such a problem.
@UlrikeFischer only way would be like lua callbacks where you basically hide all the primitives and force everything through a custom allocator but that would have issues of its own to introduce now
@DavidCarlisle I was more worried about user doing typesetting in the preamble. But actually it seems to work ok. But assuming that luacolor or l3color adds transparancy too, how should this be coordinated? I'm not sure if it is a good idea to rely on tikz then.
@UlrikeFischer yes I was going to say rather than apparently rely on tikz it would probably be better if there was an allocator (in ltluatex?) and then (somewhere) that defined itself to be the pgf one for compatibility if that is loaded so you could just do \addpdfresource{ExtG}{...} or some such and it be compatible wth pgf behind the scenes....
@DavidCarlisle well it is not only for luatex, the other engines need it too. Where could be a good place?
@UlrikeFischer along with the other e@alloc allocations in the format? I'm not sure. Probably you should raise on team list (I don't really have all the issues in my head)
@DavidCarlisle I will do. I found a few more packages which put /ExtGState in the page resource: colorspace, zwpagelayout, sesamanuel.cls.
@marmot You'd translate the original German to different German? :-)
@PauloCereda Neither, it seems, does the translation service we're using. (The Kant is understandable, but that's really the least of it.)
@cfr Yes, German that was spoken in the time of Kant to something more modern... ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Wow I'm so glad you're back. I hope you're well and your loved ones too. Greetings with affection. Sebastiano.
@UlrikeFischer Can you reproduce github.com/u-fischer/luaotfload/issues/29 ? The code works fine on my system.
@MarcelKrüger yes, I made the report ;-). And the copy is from my terminal. Could it be windows specific?
@MarcelKrüger no the op doesn't have windows. So if you don't see it it must be something different.
@UlrikeFischer Interesting. Which version of LuaTeX do you use?
@MarcelKrüger to avoid a misunderstandment: the code works, there is no error.Only on the terminal one always see the mktexpk call.
@MarcelKrüger I tried with 1.07 and 1.09 (probably not the newest).
@UlrikeFischer I tries LuaTeX 1.07, 1.09 and your master, dev and my dev branch of luaotfload. Neither combination leads to multiple mktexpk calls...
@marmot Well, yes, fair enough. There is that. (Though whether people ever spoke the way Kant writes might be doubted. I hope note, anyway.) Any idea what the Welsh should be?
@MarcelKrüger in miktex (which has now 1.09) there is no problem too.
@MarcelKrüger where does your luatex find the pk font? Is is also in the .texlive2018 folder?
@cfr No, sorry, I still do not know the context. So far I only got a phrase. Where precisely did you get it from? (I also do not know where Welsh comes into play.)
@UlrikeFischer Yes: /home/marcel/.texlive2018/texmf-var/fonts/pk/ljfour/public/bbm/bbm10.600pk

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