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@marmot Avogadro was on my short list, but thinking about it I drew a mole because of the name and not because of the meaning of a mole, so I thought Wilhelm would be better.
@samcarter Sure. Just hope nobody confuses him with Will, the koala. ;-) (And why are there so few female tikzlings? ;-)
@marmot I could rename the koala to Wilhelma :)
@samcarter Or something non-European? Like "Kooelwong" which seems to be one of the Aboriginal names for koala...
user image
@StefanKottwitz ^^^ I confirm what you're saying: getting rid of limits is fun!
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer I was somewhat desperate to reduce compilation time. If I save it in a box, I assume I'm doing it outside the Hook now. So less daring.
@DavidCarlisle Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.
@PauloCereda Cwac :>
3 hours later…
@StefanKottwitz The only difference between a boy and a man is the price of his toys. :)
@marmot You take the limits out of calculus? What is left? :D
@mickep limitless possibilities, I guess... ;-)
1 hour later…
@cfr I haven't followed all the code but there is nothing in itself wrong with using a tikzpicture or coffins etc in a page hook, but you should isolate its dependencies: if there is a command \foo defined (to be anything) and you use \foo in your code then it may have changed definition or gone out of scope by the time the hook is executed, so..
@cfr depending on what you need, you could execute everything "now" into a global box and then just use the box in the hook, or use the code in the hook but make sure any definition fo \foo or any other dependencies are in the hook as well.
@boycott.se-yo' boys are more expensive
@cfr Cwac! (")> /
@cfr in addition to what @DavidCarlisle said: there is at least one dependency outside the hook. You are setting \tl_set:Nx \l_cfr_coursepacket_rhannau_handout_enext_tl before the \AddThisPageHook and then use the variable inside.
@mickep non-standard calculus :)
@boycott.se-yo' Oh. I once read a course about that. But I never really got a good feeling about it.
@mickep it's nice and "more natural", but at some stage, you might be missing all those epsilons and deltas
3 hours later…
Czech PM kidnapped his own son who was used by him in his EU donation fraud, and kept him in Crimea on drugs. I live in a nice country :-)
@boycott.se-yo' WTF, do you have an english reference?
@boycott.se-yo' thanks, insane story
Hey... A Question: png --> TikZ. Best way is this Inkscape-Tool? ( code.google.com/archive/p/inkscape2tikz )
@cfr S'mae, shwd wyt ti? :)
We hwyadens are poliglot. :)
@cis PNG is a raster format...
@PauloCereda Öhmmm... This e.g. has to becomme a TikZ-Code ( de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Flag_of_Saarland.svg )
Is there a possibility to access \prevgraf at \everypar? It always yields 0 for me :(
@Skillmon don't think so, wrapfig redefines \par to get hold of that before the next paragraph starts
@cis but this no PNG image, it is already a vector graphic.
@samcarter Ok and that means? BTW: Inscape works, but I get White for Black and White for White:
SOLL = Target, IST = Actual.
@cis Can you make a MWE? (maybe without the coat of arms, just the flag to keep it small)
@cis Stupid question: why tikz and not include it as pdf image?
Ok, do you want the svg-File or already TikZ?
Or both
Good question: I will answer later.
@cis TikZ has a special library for including svg, see section 69 SVG-Path Library of the manual. Also in the above case you could just add the black color by hand.
@cis A small document that contains your tikz code.
@PauloCereda Quack! May I ask you how you produced the mp3 file for the world pizza day? (Suppose you have a TeX file that produces a document, is there a way to make a mp3 file instead of an animated gif?)
@marmot mp4 instead of mp3?
@samcarter Yes, sure, anything that does not get as big as the animated gifs @PauloCereda.
@PauloCereda I am hoping to reduce the file size of movies like this one, in which there is a background that does not change, by a largish factor.
@marmot I used a couple of tools. :) First, I converted each PDF page (which contains an animation frame) to a PNG format with ImageMagick's convert, then I used ffmpeg to make an MP4 out of them (lots of tweaking regarding speed and loops). Then I used a video codec in an attempt to reduce the size (HandBrake helped there).
:47613344  Puuhhh, if a take a simple example, this works fine:



\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\path[fill=black,rounded corners=0.0000cm] (0.0000,0.0000) rectangle (1.3229,0.7937);\path[fill=cdd0000,rounded corners=0.0000cm] (0.0000,0.2646) rectangle (1.3229,0.7937);\path[fill=cffce00,rounded corners=0.0000cm] (0.0000,0
@marmot I got the audio from an YouTube video which I retrieved with youtube-dl. Then I extracted the audio with ffmpeg. I used Audacity to enhance the audio. Then finally I merged stuff with iMovie. And HandBrake to apply a better codec again. :)
@PauloCereda so the gif's are not actually necessary and just show how fast everything should be?
@marmot @PauloCereda So something like this workflow: everythingcli.org/convert-pdf-to-mp4
@samcarter Not even the speed. It's up to the conversion factor. :)
@samcarter Exactly!
@PauloCereda OMG. Suppose I do not want to have an audio, is there a simple script that does it? Oh @samcarter seems to already have it, showing that hibernating marmots are slow.
@PauloCereda This means one "just" has to adjust the parameters in the ffmpeg step to set the speed, right?
Bad example:


%\Huge SOLL \includegraphics[scale=0.1333]{Saarland.png}


\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\path (435.8300,163.3300) -- (835.8300,163.3300) -- (835.8300,403.3300) -- (435.8300,403.3300) -- cycle;\path[fill=cdd0000] (435.8300,
@samcarter Yes. :)
@marmot <3
"Bad example"
@cis Come on, you do not have to upload all the complicated paths if you only want to fill one rectangle black.
@cis You can place a black background behind the image
\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.80pt, yscale=-1.000000, xscale=1.000000, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\fill[black] (0,0) rectangle (100,100);
(adjust the size of the recangle)
@PauloCereda Coll, thanks for the insights!
@samcarter <3
@cis If I only add `[fill=black]` to your very first path, such that it becomes `\path[fill=black] (435.8300,163.3300) -- (835.8300,163.3300) -- (835.8300,403.3300) --
(435.8300,403.3300) -- cycle;` I get the SOLL result.
@cis or what @marmot said, that is much easier :)
@cis Or switch to "svg for marmots", where the default background color is burrow black. ;-)
@cis can happen. some times the export doesn't fill a path, (perhaps it thinks it should be transparent). And it uses too large coordinates, and too many bezier curves instead of simple straight lines.
:47613677 :47613681

Mmhhh, with marmot I get the following. But this is not the 'complete' SOLL-Result...
@cis add black also to the other paths without fill colour
@samcarter Oh yes Sir, I added every path/.style={fill=black} this works fine !!!!
@cis please don't "Sir" me :)
Why not. :) Shall I Madam you?
@cis Better - but still unnecessary :)
Perfekt! Thanks to @samcarter and @marmot, @UlrikeFischer too!
@cis :) however I'm still curious: why as tikz image and not simply include it as pdf or svg?
@samcarter Ah Ok, I promised to answer that question.
I would like to create a closed TikZ-Code, which runs without external files. So I need some conversions.
@cis Ah, that makes sense!
@cis You could still load the \usetikzlibrary{svg.path} library and take it from there.
@marmot Aha.... I do not know, that there is a library svg.path. So I think, this is the best solution! Cool!
@cis Not necessarily the best solution but something to look at before converting all sorts of well-written svg code via inkscape to pgf with some hilarious coordinates and transformation matrices.
@marmot -- no help with animated gifs, but here's pizza for physicists.
@marmot Is it possible to process svg code, like the following example, directly in `\usetikzlibrary{svg.path}` ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1000" height="600" viewBox="0 0 5 3">
<desc>Flag of Germany</desc>
<rect id="black_stripe" width="5" height="3" y="0" x="0" fill="#000"/>
<rect id="red_stripe" width="5" height="2" y="1" x="0" fill="#D00"/>
@cis why tikz rather than just include it as pdf?
@DavidCarlisle I would like to create a closed TikZ-Code, which runs without external files. So it would be good, if I could process svg-codes directly.
Is there any easy way to implement a grid of dots? I find the TikZ manual being overwhelming.
@cis which is only a different wording for that you don't want an external pdf but doesn't explain why.
@cis I don't know, you need to try out. I am certainly not an expert on this, but there is a user called Kpym who has posts like this one, from which you might learn a few tricks.
@barbarabeeton If you ever make it to Munich (and have no chance to go to Italy in the same trip), you may want to check out the pizzeria Lo Studente, which serves a pizza matematica, fisica, cimica and so on. And IMHO fisica is the best of those. ;-)
@UlrikeFischer You will never know this secret!

And: The standard way can go (and does) everyone...
Can `xmltex` process codes like this?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1000" height="600" viewBox="0 0 5 3">
<desc>Flag of Germany</desc>
<rect id="black_stripe" width="5" height="3" y="0" x="0" fill="#000"/>
<rect id="red_stripe" width="5" height="2" y="1" x="0" fill="#D00"/>
<rect id="gold_stripe" width="5" height="1" y="2" x="0" fill="#FFCE00"/>
1 hour later…
Just read about sans forgetica, the font to remember: techxplore.com/news/2018-10-font-readsans-forgetica.html and sansforgetica.rmit
@StevenB.Segletes Cool, but, hm, does it come with a math font ;)
@mickep |_ ( ) |_
@cis yes but don't:-)
@cis but why?
@marmot -- the last time i was in munich it was spargelzeit, and i took full advantage of that. and spargel is something that doesn't ordinarily appear on pizza. but i'll certainly tuck away your suggestion -- who knows when i'll be there next. (i've never been to italy. the time i had the best chance, it was summer, and so hot that we headed north instead, and ended up in helsinki. but italy is on my list, probably for summer or fall rather than high summer.)
@marmot Chimica :)
@DavidCarlisle Mr. Carlisle...., you are just kidding with me,....
with me,. with the good old cis (= cos + i·sin ).
I know everything!
I found the thread: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/400720/46023
But this does not work for me, I do not know why.... I used `main.tex` and `drawing.svg` as stated there.
I tried XeLaTex with ~ and pdflatex without this fontspec and so on stuff..... Mhhmmm....
Concrete: I get `!Package svg Error: Filedrawing_svg-tex.pdf' is missing.``
@cis probably inkscape is not in the path or you didn't use --shell-escape.
@CarLaTeX Chemistry is complicated. ;-)
@UlrikeFischer I used --shell-escape... I installed Inkscape today... Mmmhh....
@cis check in the log the call used and try it out on the command line.
@barbarabeeton Helsinki is also nice if you go there in summer. I guess I have been in Italy (much) more than 30 times, and in most regions except for Milano and Sardegna. Food is really good there, IMHO the best what Europe can offer.
1 hour later…
@cis no, it was a real question, if for example the reason is to make the document a single file that can still be done usually via filecontents or similar, as the end result is pdf the route from svg to pdf is rather direct but converting via tikz is by far the most direct way. If you need to edit in tex-typeset tex it may be a cost worth while but just to typeset a flag as-is it seems to be making things a lot more complicated than need be.
@cis is inkskape in the path in the shell used for your tex run? (depending on how you set the path and how you run tex that may require a reboot)
@DavidCarlisle ^^^^ luatex 1.09 can do this on fonts.
\test abc zzzzzz


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