I think that sometime ago I found a question asking how to insert a dashed line using array environment, but without any package: it was {clr:c}. But in LaTeX is not possible to do that; one option is we have to add \usepackage{arydshln}, but I never heard any of that package, so I found that, for example, in math.SE and also in other sites we can use : inside array without any problems, very easy!
So I asked myself: does MathJax load that package? My answer was: I do not know. Do you know if it yes? In any case, is there another way to use dashed lines in array? P.S. I tested it on Overleaf
@DavidCarlisle ok, I google but I could not find anything related to "does MathJax load that package?", so now I know why. Thank you
@DavidCarlisle I have a remote thought that at some point I made use of that command but I do not remember having loaded a package with that name (arydshln). That's my objection. I tried with mathtools and array but it did not work...
@marmot prepare for a killer question... Probably I will start a bounty for colecting other answers, or simply to make good the hard work that is going to take who wants to answer
I would like to plot S1: -(x-1)^2+y^2+z^2=1, x=1 and z=0 and their intersections using tikzpicture environment:
Using this post about the equation of the hyperboloid of a leaf I end up with two type of equations.
Let x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - z^2/c^2 = 1.
Parametric equation:
@JosephWright I think in theory you could tell docstrip to use the directory layout and then copy that to tds but I didn't trust it and when taking over the bundle it just seemed safe to make the manifest first by listing the zip file form ctan and then forcing that the build always re-creates the same list.
@UlrikeFischer @JosephWright I'll need to adjust the obediek test results again as the checked in tlg have truncated paths to the packages (../accsupp.sty but if I build locally before running the tests I get (accsupp.sty with local copies.
@DavidCarlisle Such differences between current directory and texmf is why I normally prefer to build local texmf trees. With luaotfload-fonts it is even more problematic as the current directory is not search first.
@UlrikeFischer but l3build really wants the files copied to the local directory. My current plan is to change the mkctan script so it builds the unpacked sources in build as l3build would and then adjust the test results to match. (It used to take an hour to run that script before, if I add the l3build check at the end it's even longer:-)
@UlrikeFischer I just zapped the pre luatex 0.65 versions and the oberdiek. version of luacolor, tried to run the test suite and every test failed which was a bit of a shock:-)
@UlrikeFischer on bibtex and \zap@space I'd thought of that too but I'd really not introduce more uses of that, I suppose bibtex ought to be fixed to parse the argument more sensibly but failing that I think we need to remove space around comma
@DavidCarlisle I know, but now that one can set a local texmf.cnf I would like an option to do "l3build install" and then "l3build check" without copying (apart from the support files) and unpacking to the test directory. Imho this would give more realistic tests as the location in the tds must be correct too then. @JosephWright
@DavidCarlisle and if there were some way to install only the changed dtx it would save you a lot time before the tests ...
@DavidCarlisle Sure changing bibtex would be the way to go. But is there any chance that this could happen?
@UlrikeFischer of course the bundle is ridiculously large, I hope to split it up at some point but the hobsub thing means there are hidden dependencies in the build
@UlrikeFischer get @JosephWright to make a pull request against the texlive sources?
@DavidCarlisle yes, I saw the issue from Karl about ifpdf etc. But the latex sources are quite large too. How do you manage to test something in the git version without waiting all the time for the unpacking?
@UlrikeFischer drink coffee (travis is also much faster than my machine, I really should try to work out why one day, we are not using any obvious parallelism in the build and check scripts so it's surprising that the vm they provide is that much better than this machine which was a basic work laptop, but is an ssd i7 so shouldn't be that slow)
@UlrikeFischer also the main time is building the doc, and normally in base we don't build that, just unpack and check, but the mkctan script here does both (and I didn't have any option to just unpack to a working tds arrangement without building the doc)
@DavidCarlisle well it takes arount 10-15 minutes on my machine to unpack both latex3 and latex2e, time for a good tea ;-). But I seem to miss the format files if I do l3build install --texmfhome=E:\latex-install, they are created and there are some in the build folder but I can't find them in the texmf or some other texmf.
@DavidCarlisle an regarding slow. Do you agree with The code isn't so good. It uses a lot of \ifthenelse switches and similar which are quite slow. ?
@DavidCarlisle I even had forgotten that it used ifthen - I'm telling people not to do it (just a few days ago on a german list) and then looked in my code and thought ups.
@UlrikeFischer I'm still undecided whether I should edit the oberdiek tlg for packages in the current directory, or modify the build to put them somewhere that l3build doesn't see and set a local texmf.cnf for the tests
@DavidCarlisle I'm undecided either. If I were sure that the second option works well for all targets (save, check, install, etc) I would prefer it as it reflects better the setup in a real user system. But I fear that there are hidden traps
Yes, I donāt seem to get it here. What I get in the log is: PDF statistics: 81 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607) 49 compressed objects within 1 object stream 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 131072) 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 100000000)
@samcarter "The requested URL /tex-archive/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzlings/tikzlings-doc.pdf was not found on this server." ;-((((( (the fifth mirror then found it ;-)))
@DavidCarlisle I managed to get a more meaningful error from my TeX document, although I don't know if it is the right error. Using list and make (with my real document), I get
as undefined.
But I'm getting it for a picture that compiled fine with the default mode.
@DavidCarlisle The hobby package uses it, though this can't explain the error I was getting as the archive I sent you didn't include any significant TikZ stuff apart from the externalisation.
@DavidCarlisle Never mind. This is just the outdated hobby error.