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Q: Strange shell command error when compiling with LuaLaTeX shell-escape

alfCWhen compiling this minimal TeX file with lualatex --shell-escape test.tex I get an initial shell error (that is output to stderr), sh: all: command not found (check in the 7th line). The error doesn't occur when not using --shell-escape or when using pdflatex --shell-escape. Is this pointing ...

@cfr ^^^^^^
@cfr You're always having fun with Fedora, right? ;)
12 hours later…
user image
many sevens ^^^^^^
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer come back when you have 600000 more:-)
@UlrikeFischer It would be nicer if the first digit also was a 7. ;-)
Then you would have 7 sevens.
@marmot probably not. I guess one couldn't avoid to get at least another golden badge with 600000 more and I don't see me getting 70, so I would done by one again ;-).
@UlrikeFischer Why not? Even @egreg has more than 77 gold badges. ;-) And we could create new ones like "friend of the ducks", "friend of the marmots", "friend of the koalas" and so on. ;-)
2 hours later…
can some one tell me what is wrong with this code?

\title{Email Template}
\date{September 2018}



Dear Prof....
@parvin Besides the missing \end{document} at the end, I see nothing wrong.
@parvin Are you getting any errors?
I also have that...
yes the error is :
PDF Rendering Error Something went wrong while rendering this PDF.
@parvin That's not a LaTeX error: we need to see what the .log file says
it actually says "No errors, good job!" :|
I guess the issue is due to the software then
thank you .
@parvin This is not a LaTeX error (that I know of). Do you have an \end{document} command after that?
yes I do
and when I download it, everything is ok on the pdf. (it's online)
it just doesn't show me realtime
@parvin presumably your online latex system has an option to show you the tex logs?
1 hour later…
@samcarter I converted myself, but I am not sure if it is legal to just do a screenshot from a site like shutterstock.com/image-vector/…, do you?
The conversion to pgf is actually just a simple regex thing. If you save a vector image in the pstricks format, all you need is to convert \curveto to \pgfcurveto, similarly for \lineto and \moveto. And a coordinate (x,y) needs to become {\pgfqpoint{xpt}{ypt}}. I guess one could write a perl script for that (and finally have a node shape "duck")
1 hour later…
I'm not sure if making a post with this question: is it possible to paste figures all over a slide? I want to do that with chemical structures created with chemfig
@santimirandarp you mean something like this?
A: Christmas List / Catalog

David CarlisleLaTeX is so not designed for this kind of document. But if you must, must. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \setlength\unitlength{1cm} \vspace*{\fill} \noindent \begin{picture}(0,0)\bfseries\large \put(4,3){\includegraphics{house}} \put(0.5,5){\parbox{5cm}{\ragge...

@DavidCarlisle do you think it is better to use another tool and embed just one big image? Anyways, that's exactly what I was asking, thanks.
@santimirandarp you mean to adjust the separate images, no picture mode (or tiz0 are fine for that, and easier to fit into the tex workflow if you adjust the "tex" parts of the page than if you make the collage in some graphics program and include it as one big image.
@DavidCarlisle hmm I can't get it. But I'll try the solution of your post.
user image
@marmot I'm no expert in this whole copyright stuff - but drawing a similar vector graphic should be possible to do.
@samcarter Well, I tried that. For the first time in my life, I was trying to draw something with inkscape. And of course I failed terribly. How can people work with that? ;-)
@marmot I always wonder when people say that feehand tools are less work. Mostly, they're not.
Of course, I'm a freak who uses TeX to annotate PDF forms, so...
@FaheemMitha Oh, you're saying there is another way. ;-)
@marmot My working theory is that using inkscape is a contagious disease - I infected already several people who shared an office with me :)
@samcarter Good that I am in my burrow. ;-)
@samcarter BTW, what's the name of this beautiful lady?
@marmot You can hibernate until the earth survived the inkscape disease :)
@samcarter One cannot hibernate that long.... but hiding in the burrow works.
@marmot Maybe her name will be Christine -- but this will depend on @UlrikeFischer, whether or not she likes one of my suggestions.
@marmot Good thing the marmot burrow has a decent internet connection!
@samcarter Of course! Imagine you would be there and hibernate 8 months. One easily gets bored.
@marmot Yes, there are GUIs that can do PDF annotation, at least in theory. In practice they are not so pleasant to use. Plus, all the more functional ones are proprietary.
@marmot :) very true!
There doesn't seem to be a free PDF annotator that's reasonably featureful.
@FaheemMitha not used it recently but pdfxchange was reasonably Ok (free as in beer not free as in speech)
@FaheemMitha I do use some on my iPad. There even the free acroread allows one to do decent annotations. I use them to go through my notes and talks, and annotate things.
wow @egreg answers a request for expl3 code with an answer using a primitive \def delimited argument. He's growing up to be like me!
@DavidCarlisle I meant the latter. But I've not tried pdfxchange.
Aaand it only runs on Windows. Yay.
@DavidCarlisle I improved the answer with proper l3regex code. :-P
@FaheemMitha I wasn't going to mention that:-) (people used it under wine OK:-)
@egreg natural order of the universe restored.
I realise annotation with TeX is unorthodox, but it works well.
The only thing is that manual positioning is a bit of a pain.
Fiddling with the freaking numbers till it lines up correctly.
And of course, scripting stuff always has advantages. Mass changes, for example.
Certainly more time consuming than using some proprietary GUI.
Though if a free PDF viewer had good support, I'd certainly consider using it.
@samcarter ;-))
@FaheemMitha Just to be sure: you are aware of the tikzmark library? It just got appended by the \tikzmarknode command. These things allow you to annotate TeX documents really conveniently.
@marmot No, I'm not. But would it help with positioning stuff in a random PDF?
Is this part of the main TikZ distribution (or whatever it's called)?
@FaheemMitha No, not much. There you can use plain TikZ, and a clever choice of your coordinate system makes things easier.
Any help with the manual positioning is certainly welcome.
@UlrikeFischer You got mail :)
So on this windows computer batch scripts are blocked
So I'm trying to run everything form the CLI myself. I can get the installer to run, but the mirror it picks gives a 15 HOUR download time.
So I'm trying to specify one and can't figure out why this command line isn't working
tlpkg\tlperl\bin\perl.exe install-tl -gui perltk -repository ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive
It is saying the texlive.tlpdb file can't be found, am I entering the name wrong?
Whatever, trying again. Lets see, currently showing 9 hours and rising. 10 hours....
Manitoba must have really slow internet.
23 hours left
Runs speedtest Welp I've got 949 Mbps down, so I'm reasonably sure the problem isn't on my end
Oh, now I'm down to 4 hours left. That was a fast 19 hours
Dammit, installation died at 75 packages
restarting, it chooses ctan.mir­ror.rafal.ca (Hamil­ton, On­tario)
I'm FROM Hamilton. That is where I moved to CC from. That is 3500 km away. I swear, whomever designed the system of picking nearby mirrors based on country was OBVIOUSLY from Europe, with its teeny-tiny countries
Ahhh frack, it didn't keep the files it had sucessfully downloaded already. headdesk. Headdesk
The heck. That is twice it has failed on downloading allrunes
Ok, now it is picking a mirror on the very furthest part of Canada from me. (I can see the pacific ocean from the roof of this building. It is picking a mirror in Hal­i­fax, famous for its Atlantic port
and it is still VERY slow to download. Like, slower then even I am used to. But my bandwidth test was fine? Anyone have ideas?
That is three mirrors. Unless there is some problem with the internet cables connecting BC to the rest of Canada....
Test his bandwith using speedtest.net to a sever in Halifax 12.97 Mbps. Not bad, even it it isn't the insane rates I get within the city. But still, that isn't 22 hours for 1.9 GB slow, nor is it time out on the first package of decent size slow [allrunes, number 75 on my list]
And all of a sudden I'm past that package and it is saying only 2 hours. Not a reasonable speed considering I could be using a Seattle mirror, but not slow either.

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