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@marmot ^^^ Strangely, that movie made a big success only in US and in Italy :):):)
1 hour later…
@CarLaTeX Grazie!
@CarLaTeX This one I knew.
@marmot @Skillmon ^^^ Btw, one of the greatest scenes of the movie history :)
2 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle it also surprises me that `\MakeTextUppercase{test \ref{s:1}} works in the text under hyperref, but not in the header, and I cannot explain the difference. Expansion?
@daleif It's always expansion:-) I'd have to trace to see exactly where it goes wrong. It's probably easily fixable...
@DavidCarlisle @daleif markboth uses \unrestored@protected@xdef and as with hyperref \ref is already protected you end with something like \MakeUppercase{test \protect\ref{s:1}} in the header.
@daleif tell @UlrikeFischer to join the ho-tex organization on github so she has write access to the sources and can fix stuff:-)
@DavidCarlisle Is this something hyperref can fix? I have more the impression this one of the cases where \MakeUppercase will always have problems. To many layers of protections/commands.
@UlrikeFischer probably it should be fixed in Make(Text)Uppercase actually, it just needs to be able to step round the half expanded \protect\ref_ form the same way as \ref possibly....
Jan 12 '16 at 12:15, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda finished your thesis?
Mar 25 at 16:57, by David Carlisle
@HaraldHanche-Olsen deja vu is the rule here, you should know
2 hours later…
last night at my home ... \shipout and \stepcounter{kids}
@StefanKottwitz Congratulations! But why not \refstepcounter? You haven't decided on a name yet?
@StefanKottwitz Wow! Be careful not to overflow!
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I thought of it, but my wife didn't agree to call her using \ref{...} so we use her plain name.
@egreg Yes, such consequences can happen if one doesn't use Latex.
Now there are three, my home is nearly Overfull \hbox.
@StefanKottwitz \wd\home=\maxdimen might not help.
@StefanKottwitz congratulations
@StefanKottwitz Wow, congratulations!
@StefanKottwitz Congratulations
@StefanKottwitz Congratulations!
@UlrikeFischer or I could make remreset silently do nothing
4 hours ago, by David Carlisle
@daleif tell @UlrikeFischer to join the ho-tex organization on github so she has write access to the sources and can fix stuff:-)
@StefanKottwitz congrats
@StefanKottwitz -- also congratulations.
@DavidCarlisle I think you should advertize your code here ;-)
@marmot we could ask @AlanMunn if linguists are bored of tree=tree jokes
@DavidCarlisle I am pretty sure he has some huge trees in his garden. ;-)
A: Snow on tikz-qtrees

Alan MunnHere's a tree with randomly chosen and sized snowflakes on the edges of nodes. If you can find more snowflake characters, they can be added to the list. Each time you compile the document the pattern will change. I've used LuaTeX to compile, since XeTeX doesn't provide good access to any quickly...

@marmot In fact I live in a neighbourhood with very large silver maples. So yes, we have lots of big trees. :)
@AlanMunn I am always a bit worried that most LaTeX trees are growing downwards. Is it because there are not enough trees in Australia?
@marmot Could be.
1 hour later…
Jan 12 '16 at 12:15, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda finished your thesis?
Habemus novum philosophiae doctorem!
@egreg something along those lines
@egreg news or speculation?
@UlrikeFischer it's a secret until announced....
@DavidCarlisle ooh a secret
Dear friends, I am now a PhDuck!
@PauloCereda Um senhor Doutor!
@PauloCereda oh no! what am I going to do with this link now? @HaraldHanche-Olsen's theories of endless deja vu are proved wrong:(
@PauloCereda vv
Mar 20 at 13:39, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda have you finished arara 4 yet?
@PauloCereda Meus parabéns!
@DavidCarlisle Do I sense an air of desperation?
@PauloCereda We can now call you Ducktor Cereda.
@PauloCereda Congratulations.
user image
@PauloCereda Congratulations!!!
@PauloCereda well done.
@samcarter Why does he have the rolling pin? ;-)
@PauloCereda Congratulations! Now you can start doing something more meaningful ;-)
@samcarter he should probably have a scroll
@marmot That's a funny looking rolling pin. It's a cricket bat. Just as incongruous though.
@samcarter more like ^^^ ?
@DavidCarlisle NOW I understand what happened to all the manuals of your packages. You write them very clear, and then just dispose of them. ;-)
@PauloCereda -- well done! congratulations!
who's next on the list of grad students who need to be nagged to get on with writing their theses? (if you would like this service applied to you, i'll be happy to consider it.)
How do I get the triangle-thingy with enumitem? it's not \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{$\diamond$}
mvmd, found it. It's just default
user image
@PauloCereda ^^^^ Greetings from the little Bär too.
@DavidCarlisle How to distinguish Paulo from other ducks if there is no cricket bat?
Will chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/45401604#45401604 be the comment with the highest number of stars?
@CarLaTeX @samcarter has created a passenger ;-)
@samcarter the other ones are crispy and in pancakes with soy sauce?
@marmot I think one should change the colors of the ellipses, they look like holes.
@marmot @samcarter we all know that ducks and marmots are friends, great! <3<3<3
@UlrikeFischer Better? @CarLaTeX Of course! @DavidCarlisle Now way! Don't you realize how happy they are because nobody was able to put pineapple on their pizza?
@marmot much better.
@CarLaTeX I don't want to spam, but if you want to have an @UlrikeFischer inspired design for the interior of the car, replace the ellipse by \fill[top color=red,bottom color=red!20!black] (2.9,2.2) arc(0:360:3 and 0.3); (the coordinates are the same)
@marmot please give me the code for the marmot, too!
@marmot Oooh tikzmarmots!
@CarLaTeX I put the marmot in a \savebox, just to be safe ;-)
@marmot I'm not sure your comment about conciseness is appropriate. It seems to be veiled criticism of the OPs acceptance of different answer. But if you have issues with that answer, take it up with the person who gave it, not with someone using the answer.
@AlanMunn I will remove it, but there is a pattern behind that. I solved all the issues and then someone comes, adds a tiny thing that was not at all essential solve the issue, the OP sees the 100k user and puts the checkmark there. (What if you gave an answer which solves everything, I copy it, use shadows.blur instead of shadows, say, even though shadows were not at all the topic, and the OP decides to check my answer?)
@marmot Of course it happens. But my point is mainly that this is not the OP's problem, i.e. it's not about the acceptance. If you think the other answer doesn't work as well or has drawbacks, point them out in the comments to that answer.
@marmot Ironically related: tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/7600/2693
@AlanMunn There are not necessarily drawbacks. Just look at this example. The question was why a code gave an error. I fixed the error, explained what went wrong, and the accepted answer was on strokeopacity?? This does not at all answer the question. (And yes, without following the link, I am almost certain to know where it leads to ;-)
@AlanMunn Yes, I guessed right. ;-)
@marmot Why am I not surprised about that one. The same thing has happened to me, same user too.
@AlanMunn Oh yes, these things keep repeating, with both of them. (I do, however, sort of understand why users behave like this.)
@marmot :)
@marmot I'm not sure that the motivations are the same. But I just ignore it. It's not really worth worrying about.
@AlanMunn You are right. It's just that the forest code yesterday was really messed up. (How could anyone be so cruel to @cfr's masterpieces? ;-) I really think that the changes in the accepted answer were, at best, incremental. (Actually, there are things in which I would not do like fixing all nodes to have the same width instead of fixing the nodes at given levels to have that width. And the question was very precise: how to fix the width at given levels....)
@CarLaTeX You deserve two extra pizze ;-)
@marmot @CarLaTeX And extra pineapple. :) But that's just bonkers.
@samcarter I disagree on the duplicate you chose at tex.stackexchange.com/questions/438575/…, because one important aspect is missing in the answers linked to: \setlength{\labelsep}{1pt} (without which fitting into the space wouldn't be possible). It should rather be closed in favour of tex.stackexchange.com/questions/192192/… which also reflects the situation better (itemize inside a node).
@marmot LOL
@AlanMunn yes :)
@TeXnician I added the question you suggested to the list of duplicates. Are you OK with this?
@samcarter Thanks. Yes. I'll remove my comment underneath the question then.
@marmot Oh, it is nice that the marmot got a lift from @CarLaTeX :)
@samcarter Yes. She is driving really well. ;-)
@UlrikeFischer Do you mean the black paws of the marmot?
@samcarter yes.
@marmot Driving well is absolutely essential in Italy - how else would one survive the seemingly absence of traffic rules?
@UlrikeFischer I can change that
user image
@samcarter LOL
@samcarter @CarLaTeX my fellow marmots would like to offer you some pineapple cake and honey liquor for creating the tikzmarmot and driving her/him around ;-)
@marmot Good thing the marmot does not drive :)
@samcarter Yes. Some of my fellow marmots really love honey liquor... ;-)
@marmot You're very kind :)
@marmot about your \subnode question: perhaps I knew it last year but in the meantime I had even forgotten that the command exist. But regarding the other question which triggered your question: I have some doubts if it is the right strategy to tweak forest here.
@UlrikeFischer Well, I sort of agree and if you post a simpler answer I will be happy to remove mine. On the other hand, I do also not see how the situation here is conceptually different from the one where you gave the nice \subnode answer. In both cases one has two trees that need to get connected.
@marmot the main point about subnode in my answer is not connecting two trees but storing coordinates inside a node for later processing. I wouldn't use \subnode for complicated stuff. If complicated coordinates are needed use more \subnodes. But in your question I don't really see the need for it, if you wouldn't use forest you would have simple nodes that you can connect.
@UlrikeFischer If it was that simple, yes. But unfortunately it is not, or I am doing something wrong. The usual remember picture tricks do not seem to work, e.g. adding \tikzset{every picture/.append style={remember picture}} breaks hell lose, and tikzmark seems to be another means to access nodes from "outside". But of course you are right that there are alternative ways to draw these things, ...
... yet I really love the fact that forest takes care of many things that one has to do by hand otherwise. And after all that's a question on forest.
But you are definitely right in that this particular diagram can be easily constructed with very elementary TikZ commands.
@marmot Sorry, what are we talking about? @AlanMunn
@cfr @AlanMunn just gave me mental/moral support. ;-) Nothing serious.... ;-)
Best shaky bus return to home
Thanks, friends, I will reply accordingly tomorrow morning. I am in the middle of an emotional breakdown right now. :)
@cfr cwac ❤️
if anyone is still awake (and still around): is there a way in beamer to always place a tikzpicture right at the top of the slide? \begin{tikzpicture}[t] doesn't work, wrapping it in \begin{center}[t] doesn't work either.
@cfr the hwyaden got a PhD
Yes, there is. Use overlay. `\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay]
\node[anchor=north west] at (current page.north west){Murmeltier};
\end{tikzpicture}' (I am not 100 % sure about `current page.north west`.)
@Narusan I forgot to ping U
@Narusan See p. 249 of the pgfmanual.
@marmot erm, this makes it disappear entirely.
@Narusan Did you compile twice or three times?
This is (current page.south west)
with north or south east, it disappears entirely, center is the very top right
I've just seen your answer, let me take a look
@Narusan My bad, you need (I think) also put remember picture, see e.g. here.
That is, try `\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[anchor=north west] at (current page.north west){Murmeltier};
@marmot Thanks for all the help, btw. I'm happy to say that I finally understand so much LaTeX I can use existing layouts, but LaTeX really starts to get extremely useful when you can craft your own templates (and don't get me started about tikz, that's still a mystery and 250+ pages of manual isn't exactly an encouragement).
Apart from the wide accessibility of a working pdf, that is (not like the powerpoint export mode which is fairly broken at the moment)
@Narusan 250+811 ;-)
@Narusan I never used powerpoint. My worst experience was when I was made to give a talk and was (more or less) forced to use a pre-existing keynote presentation. What a mess!!!!

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