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@DavidCarlisle <3
Y ddraig goch ....
6 hours later…
@marmot Sorry to bother you again. While your solution was pretty solid, I ended up messing with my concept again and ultimately this got closer to what I want. However, as soon as the text is not the same in the node (as it all get's centred vertically), the headings shift. Is there a way to stop the vertical centring? (Or - for tikz illiterates, add some vertical space because a simple vspace{5mm} after the enumerate-env doesn't do anything.
@JosephWright hello, feeling old?
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright: the man with 2 birthday a year! Buon compleanno!
@DavidCarlisle :)
@CarLaTeX :)
@JosephWright Happy birthday.
@PauloCereda I have just looked at the new arara manual and noticed your first typo in the prologue ("dcouments"). A good start for such a document ;)
@Narusan Sorry, I do not understand what you mean, and the chat is not the right place for this. Could you perhaps add a short example illustrating your point to your question? (I will look at it in a few hours then.)
1 hour later…
Why does the refs in the uppercase headers work in this MWE when we do not load hyperref, but not with hyperref?

\chapter{Comes before Chapter \ref{s:2}}


Some text on next page so we can see the heading.

\chapter{Comes after Chapter \ref{s:1}}


Some text on next page so we can see the heading.

textcase should help not messing with \ref, but it does not seem to work here. Note that \MakeTeXtUppercase{... \ref{s:1}} in the text works fine, but not in the header.
@daleif because it wouldn't work by default but I redefine it in textcase so it does work and hyperref redefines it in hyperref so it makes a hyperlink, and both packages make liberal use of AtBeginDocument so the effective redefinition order is.... complicated
Frank suggested to me the other day that textcase could, in 2018, afford to spend a few bytes being more careful in what it allows to uppercase than it could afford in 1990 or whenever it was. I'll try to look later...
@daleif Frank suggested to me the other day that textcase could, in 2018, afford to spend a few bytes being more careful in what it allows to uppercase than it could afford in 1990 or whenever it was. I'll try to look later...
@DavidCarlisle Use expl3 ;)
@DavidCarlisle Expandable case changer ...
@DavidCarlisle actually if you remove textcase and hyperref from the MWE, the headers actually work (much to my surprise), tested in TL17f.
@JosephWright such a thing may have been mentioned...
@DavidCarlisle Sounds like a plan
\cs_set_eq:NN \MakeUppercase \tl_upper_case:n

\chapter{Comes before Chapter \ref{s:2}}


Some text on next page so we can see the heading.

\chapter{Comes after Chapter \ref{s:1}}


Some text on next page so we can see the heading.

@DavidCarlisle, @daleif ^^^
@DavidCarlisle I'm intrigued
@JosephWright although really expansion isn't the problem it's coping with commands in the text that are not expandable but you want to uppercase the effective typeset result of their execution
@JosephWright I'll send you some mail in a bit
@DavidCarlisle At, right: that's true
@JosephWright an uppercase font would be good:-)
@DavidCarlisle As part of Frank's 'big plans', I suspect we might be looking at changing how we deal with hyperref anyway
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle I'm saying this for years! But this also means that one need more nfss axis.
@UlrikeFischer Then you just need to wait for XFSS, because the roadmap promises "Extend NFSS font axes (to add ‘case’ in addition to ‘series’ and ‘shape’)" ;)
@TeXnician Bug Will!
@UlrikeFischer except for you lua font swamp people, adding a case axis to nfss isn't the hard part it's making an uppercase version of the font be available
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle do you think tex.stackexchange.com/questions/438357/… is worth a bug report on Github?
@DavidCarlisle I don't think that it would be so hard. There is no need to create new glyphs or to correct kernings: only has to create a virtual font which maps the lowercase to the uppercase. There is even a fontinst script somewhere which can be rather easily adapted (I used it to made such a font for a project). And a lot of fonts are created with autoinst so only one adjustement is needed there.
@DavidCarlisle imho it is much more difficult to use them - I don't like it that they are various nfss-extension around trying to get around the missing axis in different ways.
when's arara 4 coming out?
@UlrikeFischer Seriously, we can and should be able to sort this: I'll prod Will
@JosephWright isn't this more Frank?
@UlrikeFischer Will started on an expl3 conversion of NFSS as he's the 'font guy' (fontspec, unicode-math)
@UlrikeFischer It was largely mechanical then got bogged down ... I think probably starting from scratch is needed
@UlrikeFischer I can try to get Frank to do it, of course
@TeXnician oopsie, thank you. :)
@AGoldMan in a couple of days, hopefully. :)
@PauloCereda You're welcome. Btw: You got mail.
@PauloCereda a busy two days preparing the release then?
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda super cool. Is there a quick start guide for it? I want to move over to using it, but the docs are rather long.
@AGoldMan I think the manual is a bit technical, perhaps one of Nicola's book might be very useful.
The one on administrative work, she uses arara for some tasks.
@PauloCereda link plz?
hey @PauloCereda, do you use the new :term command in vim?
that's just to annoy david, really
@AGoldMan er, by simply typing :terminal? :D
@PauloCereda i meant have you found it useful. I think it's cool, figuring out if it's useful
@AGoldMan Well, I usually use tmux. :)
@PauloCereda i guess that would help. I don't use a multiplexer b/c i deal with bidi text a lot
unless they work well like that
@AGoldMan Ah I see.
does latex3 have an implementation for dictionaries?
@marmot Well, I wouldn't say pointless. I suppose you could edit the answer to say that with the tikzposter class this works without problem, and then say that a possible workaround for the fancytikzposter package is boxing. Or something like that. And undelete the answer of course.
@TorbjørnT. OK, done. Thanks a lot!!!
Hi mr. @marmot!
@PauloCereda Hello Mr. Duck! I am surprised to see that you can still quack after all this Nutella pizza ;-)
@marmot quack :)
@PauloCereda See, that's what I mean ;-)
@marmot Please don't worry about the ppt answer yesterday! Your answer is much better than my quick hack
@samcarter I read quick quack
I found a super secret YouTube link for a live transmission of TUG 2018, courtesy of IMPA
@samcarter I do not agree;-) All I did was to copy some code from Zarko, change the colors a bit, and to use another trick from the aobs package, whose existence I learned from you ;-)
@PauloCereda :)
@PauloCereda Thanks for sharing the link! This is really good to know!
@samcarter However, no one has officially announced it, so I don't know if it will work. :)
@marmot That is much more effort than me stealing your finished answer and clumsily copy&pasting it multiple times! You absolutely deserved the tick!
@PauloCereda If they wouldn't plane to use it, why bother and setting this link up? I'll take it as a sign of hope.
@marmot I don't understand why your answer to the spy question got downvoted - the question is really hard to understand.
@marmot I wished I could upvote more than once :(
@samcarter Well, I guess it is not easy to understand the voting behavior in general ;-) (but do you care after all these years? ;-) \spy on (0,0) in node[visible on=<2->] at (-2,1); almost does the trick, only that the connection is drawn before it should...
@marmot But \spy on (0,0) in node[visible on=<2->] at (-2,1); also draws the magnified part of the original image in the first overlay, doesn't it?
@samcarter No, unless I am missing the something...
with the following code

    visible on/.style={alt={#1{}{invisible}}},
    highlight on/.style={alt={#1{fill=darkred!80!black}{fill=gray!30!white}}},
    alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%
      \alt<#1>{\pgfkeysalso{#2}}{\pgfkeysalso{#3}} % \pgfkeysalso doesn't change the path

   spy using outlines={rectangle, magnification=4, size=2cm, connect spies},
I get
@samcarter see here
@marmot I see, your code works just fine.
@samcarter I am actually wondering why they behave so differently. The only thing I see right now is that in mine also the text opacity gets set to 0 for invisible... strange.
@marmot connect spies is also missing in my code.
@samcarter maybe spy is working with \saveboxes internally??? (yes, of course, the connect spies had to be moved...)
@marmot :)
@samcarter Really looks like something like saveboxes are used and that's why in your code the blue square still shows...
@marmot Oh, this library really lives up to its name!
@samcarter ;-) (Want to answer this one ? ;-)
@marmot Thanks for the ping! I think @leandriis comment is already the perfect answer. It is just a matter of squeezing an elephant in a suitcase...
@samcarter Sounds cruel ;-)
@marmot It is cruel! Look at the poor picture - parts of it are cut off!
@samcarter Yes. I also feel that all the efforts to draw the diagram are wasted if one overloads the frame afterwards ... :-(
@marmot Unfortunately this bad habit is very wide spread...
@samcarter Yes, one suffers most when one sits in one of these talks. (Don't get me wrong, I really like how much effort the OP makes, and how (s)he approaches things. Just feel that (s)he's giving it all away at the last step...)
@marmot I totally agree! I suggested a different layout to the OP, but as I don't really know how much text has to go into the flowchart I don't know if it will work.
@samcarter Looks much better, indeed.

\setbeamertemplate{sections/subsections in toc}[square]

\date{02. Juli 2018}

\usetikzlibrary{chains, positioning, shapes.symbols}

\tikzset{start/.style = {signal, draw=#1, fill=#1!30,signal from=north,signal to=south,
2 hours later…
@samcarter who used example-image instead of example-image-duck?
@Skillmon unforgivable!
@Skillmon Well, in that context it would not be very favorable for the duck to be shown...
@marmot doesn't matter. Nowadays example-image is considered obsolete.
@Skillmon Why?
@marmot because example-image-duck exists.
@Skillmon But in this context ducks might get harmed....
@marmot you could use one of the ducks wearing a wizard head. Wizards are strong.
@Skillmon Did you read the context of the slide?
@marmot yep. I did. Doesn't matter. Ducks EVERYWHERE
@marmot should we request a nazi-duck from @samcarter?
@Skillmon Nooo. Ducks are not that bad!
@marmot Germans are not that bad in general. There are still exceptions.
@Skillmon Sure. But I am not very excited about Nazis. Of course I understand German \ne Nazi. I just don't want to attract this sort of folks to our nice site.
@marmot , @samcarter The request part was a joke (mentioning this just in case). I just don't see any issues in putting a duck there. It'd brighten up the day, and I don't get why one can't make jokes on serious topics (there are of course lines I won't cross, though).
@Skillmon I did not mean to criticize you, just explain why I would not want to use a duck in the above code, nor to encourage @samcarter to draw a Nazi duck. Maybe I am too old-fashioned, but for me personally a line would be crossed if we were joking about such sad things.
@Skillmon I really love your example-image-ducks, but in this particular case I totally agree with @marmot: I don't think using the ducks in such context would be appropriate.
@marmot did you ever see Chaplin's The Great Dictator? Would you laugh about it? I'm German and think not making mild jokes about the Nazi era only makes it worse. It's part of our history, but I will not accept to be of bad mood everytime someone around me mentions something related to the NS regime.
@Skillmon I didn't know the subject before reading @marmot's and @samcarter's comments. I agree with them.
@Skillmon A masterpiece
The majority rules over my bad taste. I'll follow and stop this discussion (you didn't change my mind though)
user image
marmot Yoga: upward facing marmot pose ;-)
@marmot Oh, how cute!
@marmot saluting the sun after a long winter's nap?
@barbarabeeton @samcarter Much better! Read the full story here. These are the first moments in freedom. Yoga is a perfect start for that, I'd say. ;-)
@marmot -- neat! will they seek out a burrow to replace the nest box? (they'll surely need it come next winter.)
@barbarabeeton Of course! And if they don't find one, they will build one. ;-)
@marmot Do you know how the Junior Woodchucks are called in Italian?
@egreg No.
@marmot “Le giovani marmotte”
@egreg Could be worse ;-)
@marmot It could rain
@egreg Well, don't tell a Californian that this would be worse ;-)
@marmot That was a quote from a movie!
I start to forget how to spell "rain". Which movie? I thought it was "It won't rain all the time"...
@marmot Young Frankenstein, the scene in the graveyard.
@egreg I do not know that one, but my statement is from "The Crow", there is even a song about it. But I confused "can't" with "won't" . ;-)
@egreg But if you live in Hamburg, you start to seriously doubt that statement ;-)
@egreg Here is a song more appropriate for Californians, at least what the title is concerned.
@UlrikeFischer I thought the question was about the "young" part ... ;-)

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