This question can be closed as too localised. The OP wrote "So the problem should be in my cls file. I have to figure out which is the command that breaks things"
I'm experiencing a strange behavior of the \bibliography command (BibTeX). I'm seeing that, after \bibliography is issued, the \textheight is changed, and the references go slightly beyond the end of the text at the bottom of the page.
I have my own document class, and the formatting for the bib...
This question is very close to pdfcrop fails to crop a PDF document with non-white background
However, that question (and answers) refers to a PDF created with LaTeX and my question is about cropping an externally-created PDF (not by LaTeX, but another program). I have a PDF of one page that ha...
@MarcoDaniel yes, the OP could benefit from a migration to a site with Perl programmers, such as SO, if it's not achievable with the script as it is, via the user interface.
@Raphink Yes, if the program provides the desired feature and no change in the program code is required. If it's just about using though, it could stay here as a TeX related program, I guess a superuser is not required to run it with options. ;-)
Beamer presentation files are very structures, they have sections, in which you find subsections, which include frames that have titles and then itemizations lists consisting of many items.
It would be nice to have a program that auto-indents the input file based on this structure.
I have outp...
@egreg yes that's what i meant, epic wasn't too easy either, for silver compared to enlightened which you can get fairly regularly, or pundit which I got the other day for I'm not sure what:-)
@egreg yes but it doesn't seem so easy to find out which comments they were (and it seems a lot easier that getting 200 50 times) Not that it really matters: the badges (and rep generally) are fairly arbitrary but kind of fun to watch nevertheless
@egreg nice list settings , we should link to that from the penalties question:-)
@DavidCarlisle The easiest way is probably to use the Data Explorer, for example this query. You can find your UserID in the URL to your profile, it's the number before your username. Note that the data there is only updated once every month.
I seem to have stumbled upon a minor bug in listings (version 1.4 as of 2007/02/22).
A space following a quotation mark (') is being collapsed in spaceflexible and fullflexible mode when using \lstinline, even though it appears properly rendered within lstlstings environment. Same problem occurs...
Running this code gives me an error that ! Paragraph ended before \lst@next was complete.
\subfloat[subcaption 1]{
text here
\subfloat[subcaption 2]{
text here
\caption{Global caption}
It now seems we need an interactive-documentation tag for people who even after being given an answer and therefore a pointer to the relevant documentation, expect us to answer every little detailed question they have.
Does anyone have a recommendations for an absolute beginner easy to navigate manual for Tikz? Nevermind. Found it:
I think about truing $T=0$ but it seems kind of wrong because we do not assign but check for value == to... so what is the correct way to say that somewhere there was no such wariable (say named T) that would be equal to some value ( say 0)?
@PauloCereda I was just editing when I saw 63 upvotes; after finishing editing the count was 62! I checked and someone upvoted it 36 minutes ago and then unupvoted it 24 minutes ago.
@GonzaloMedina I have seen that often as well. I think what is happening is that new users don't know that they already up voted a question. So they up vote again, which ends in an "un-upvote".
@GonzaloMedina Ok, just tested by un-upvoting, followed by upvoting your answer. I really think SE should require a down vote to cancel an upvote, as otherwise it is confusing.
@PeterGrill Yes; it's not clear why two up-votes should cancel.
@PauloCereda Do you know if (and if yes, how) I can search for all the answers by an user (me, in this case) containing a given string (possibly containing LaTeX commands)?
@GonzaloMedina well it;s not really two upvotes, the uparrow is a toggle you hit it once that's an upvote but it changes colour to warn you have used your vote on that so if you hit it again it's not an upvote it is cancelling theh vote you made (so it acts like a radio-button control)
@GonzaloMedina Amazing. And, yes, it's nice to see how \tikzmark has morphed out of all expectation. Incidentally, there's a new version ... somewhere ... that's a bit neater. @PeterGrill might remember where it ended up.
@egreg Scanning back through chat messages, I came across your donut comment. I have a lecture that I give which hinges on the distinction between a doughnut and a donut to motivate algebraic topology.
@DavidCarlisle @GonzaloMedina Also the ability to cancel an upvote is limited to 5 minutes after you vote. And you can't subsequently vote the question down I think unless it is edited since your last vote.
@egreg Hm if we break the directive keyword it might act as a comment. The pattern is " arara: " (with the spaces), if we write " !arara: " the line is ignored.
@PauloCereda This should be in the manual. So one can have, say arara: draft and !arara: final for controlling the number of LaTeX runs, for instance. Does the program need to read all the file? Maybe the first 50 lines can be sufficient (TeXShop and TeXworks read the first 20 for directives).
@egreg In truth, it's a UK vs US thing: "doughnut" is the UK spelling, "donut" is the US one. When I've used the idea, I've been in Norway where there is a distinct difference between a smultring (with a hole) and a berlinerbolle (without) so I have the sentence both in English and Norwegian, whereupon the distinction is easier to understand.
@DavidCarlisle You'll be sad to know that an English-Italian dictionary I consulted hasn't "doughnut" but has "donut". And the proposed translation is "krapfen" (we use a German word for the filled variant).
Another one has "doughnut" and "donut" sends to "doughnut".
@AndrewStacey Certainly not in N. America. There's no distinction as far as I know. Google N-grams shows doughnut to be the older word by about 100yrs with use of donut in US English about half that of doughnut.
@egreg There always used to be a doughnut seller outside the Westgate centre in Oxford (the name of the square escapes me - time I revisited the omphalos). I suggest that at the TeX-SX Oxford meeting, we have pre-drink doughnuts.
@AndrewStacey I just looked at Tescos online (largest UK supermarket chain) and of 19 products listed for a search of "doughnut" 5 were spelled donut so you don't even get consistency in a single shop.
Probably should do a similar thing for demerits, not sure if it is best to add to that answer or wait for another question. Only three postings on the whole site mention demerits as far as I can see...
@MarcoDaniel Penalties are not the full story in line breaking. There are also demerits, for example \doublehyphendemerits for avoiding consecutive hyphenated lines and \finalhyphendemerits for avoiding an hyphenated line before the final one in a paragraph. And \adjdemerits for avoiding "visually incompatible" consecutive lines.
@egreg It's the first time I read something about this ;-( The question came in mind because in many packages of Donald Arseneau and David Carlisle I saw the manipulation of penalties ;-)
@egreg: I found a paragraph about demerits in the TeXBook. Very interesting.
@egreg: It seems that there are only three demerits: adjdemerits, doublehyphendemerits and finalhyphendemerits.
@MarcoDaniel Yes, that's the complete list. Of course there's no \demerits command, as the demerits are only automatically assessed based on the line breaks path.
see, I slip out for a bit and @egreg answers the question, so a typical day:-)
@MarcoDaniel, I felt a bit guilty about demerits as I didn't mention them (as you asked about penalties) but my statement that Tex is minimizing penalties isn't totally true because of demerits, and they were mentioned in the answer of @morbusg which he deleted.
@egreg demerits ( but I added some demerits text to my answer on the site to make me feel more honest:-)
@egreg hm is that active = problem common? (I assume the keyval parsing could be made more robust for that case, although changing anything is a bit scary)
@DavidCarlisle I was convinced it had been solved time ago. And looking at the bug database I see that the solution was to load xkeyval! See babel/4109
I really can't understand the sense of that shorthand for Turkish. Instead of telling that = should be used only in math mode or preceded by a space, the = is activated. It's nonsense.