I'm trying to create a table using the foreach loops made available in the pgffor package. Using the following code, I am able to generate the right contents, but not aligned properly.
\foreach \i in {0,...,7}{
\foreach \j in {0,...,7}{
@AnotherGoogler must be a duplicate that loop starts off in the first cell which is a local tex group so when it sees \\ that cell ends and it forgets where it is in the loop, you basically can't do it that way. Construct the whole table as a token list inside the loop, then execute the tokens afterwards
@PauloCereda -- there are some good books on indexing, but i don't have access to them right now (and won't until next week). and as @yo' says, it's complicated. the approach i use is to read the text (after letting it sit for at least a few hours) and try to think of what i would be looking for later, and what term(s) i might use for the search. those become my index entries.
@Jan: Sorry to nudge (@PauloCereda ;-)) you but editing closed questions bumps them on the Reopen Review queue -- sometimes this is justified, but most times it's not necessary ;-)
What I find a bit odd is that it's been set up as a separate theme rather than the obvious approach of asking for it to be added to the core release ...
@TorbjørnT. OK, the message does point to the theme but I think a ping to me might have been handy (from someone): of course, I got that in a way from tex.stackexchange.com/questions/347383/…
Of course, as they've picked a non-standard license I can't offer to pick it up
Is it still Joachim who is maintaining xindy? in TL16 there is no latin1 settings for danish, only latin9. But latin9 is not a supported inputenc for xindy ....
@StevenB.Segletes Global warming does not mean there's no ice ;-) We used to have much more snow and ice years ago. Actually, the whole of Germany's South, Switzerland and Austria experiences a drought for months. The last two years have been too warm...
http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/346695/how-can-we-draw-a-duck-in-order-to-create-a-tikzducks-package-and-store-it-in-c You come back from vacation and learn that people think your ducks are ugly. :( That really hurts!
> A change.org petition posted by Star Wars fan Cody Christensen seeks to change that. It includes a simple request to the Walt Disney Company and its CEO, Bob Iger: declare the character of Princess Leia an official "Disney princess."
@Maeher I think I lost something in the process...
@Maeher You mean the tikzpeople duck? I don't think it is ugly. It has personality and shows ducks as "people" and not some cute animal and I quite like my thesis challenging duck ;-)
Related to our problem with null bytes on Windows. It has become much worse as one of a users files now permanently reports null bytes. Just to show what we observed here is an image (I've removed the user information)
Notice how file in cygwin first reports this is all LaTeX files, then 6 sec later two are data, and some 30 sec later, LaTeX again.
Now awaiting help from the IT department. The user has been moved back to Linux, and after some further mistakes, the user has now been introduced to subversion
@DavidCarlisle but to permanently make a 180k file with just null bytes. And only starts to do this after we have used a LaTeX editor to change the file? If this was a share problem, shouldn't we see the problem with the other files as well not just the ones we changed.
@daleif no idea but if the data is wiped by nulls then comes back it's clearly been somewhere else in between times, so the share exposing flaky data while not actually corrupting the data on its own disk would be my first guess
@DavidCarlisle That even makes it more scary. But then why only two users as my department. That ought to hit all Win10 users in the organisation. Anyway, it is not my job to debug windows. The first test is of course to see what happens if the antivirus is not running (windows policy => we cannot switch it of to test, need and antivirus admin to do that). Would also be interesting to test off line files, even though this is a desktop PC (not a laptop)
@ChristianHupfer I must confess, that I've never seen the Blues Brothers in english. But I am quite sure, that in the german translation, not even in the directors cut, there is a similar sentence.
Following code is presented by an IEEE-sponsored conference as the corresponding template.
I'm gonna compile it, but there are many problems with it, seemingly. First of all, my ieeetran.cls is update (ver. 1.8). The first problem is with \overrideIEEEmargins as ! undefined control sequence. The...
@ChristianHupfer yes but there is more admin for a new submitter that needs to be set up, if Joseph submits an update to beamer they can process it in their sleep:-)
@ChristianHupfer Sure. I sent an email anyway. I eagerly await a response, as I would prefer to stop using git submodules to pull in my favorite macros etc. :D
(yes, I know I can install packages from a local source, but let's do it right, eh?)