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This question makes me think about Pringles! :)Paulo Cereda 14 secs ago
@DavidCarlisle ^^
@PauloCereda you should be thinking about your th....
@DavidCarlisle oh no
3 hours later…
user image
^^^^ A picture of @PauloCereda after the last message by @DavidCarlisle
@egreg awwwww
2 hours later…
Hello everyone,

When citing references using [style=apa,hyperref=true]biblatex and \parencite, how can I hyperlink both author and year not only year?
  @egreg, @DavidCarlisle -- there's a question in a comment to this answer: tex.stackexchange.com/a/342839/579 , why are the two `split` elements aligned to the left, without any explicit prompting?  i haven't dug into the code, but assume there must be an implicit assumption that they are "right-side" elements.  any suggestions?
@barbarabeeton The parts before = are right aligned. Just type BBB instead of B to realize it.
@barbarabeeton Anyway, using alignat* is not different from using align*, in this case, as split only allows one alignment point.
Six spurious spaces fixed today: five in mweights.sty, one in gloss-norsk.ldf. @DavidCarlisle will be proud of me.
@egreg \ExplSyntaxOn?
@egreg unlikely
@barbarabeeton @egreg answered that already?
@DavidCarlisle I'm not as lazy as you
@egreg well I realise you've probably already started Christmas break and don't have any real work to do
@DavidCarlisle: Where is the page key-value for \includegraphics documented?
@Werner Good code is its own documentation -- some lazy bloke. :)
@DavidCarlisle I wonder what you mean by "real work" yourself... :-o
@PauloCereda Hey, there just was mention of some "lazy bloke" here recently. ;)
@Werner ooh :)
@Werner It's one of the things added ad hoc by pdftex.tex, not part of the (original) graphics core
@Werner generating C code and segfaulting stuff:-)
Hello respected people.
@Werner Heiko's head
I need guidance in using Emacs. I have read the basic tutorial, now where to look for further information since I want to write C++ code and compile/run it on emacs.
@PauloCereda's our local emacs expert ^^^^
@DavidCarlisle oooh
alias emacs=vim
Problem solved. :)
anyways though what do you suggest?
@ADG there is lots of information within the system (C-h m once you load a c++ file should tell you about the relevant mode) or there is a whole stackexchange site for emacs (which I'm not on) emacs.stackexchange.com or ...
@DavidCarlisle Unfortunately, texdoc -l heiko does not return any hits.
@DavidCarlisle Oh Thanks
@JosephWright Can't find pdftex.tex in the distro. Are there other neat options for pdf inclusion there?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen kpsewhich pdftex.def would show you or just look in the log file of any document using graphics and the path will be there
@HaraldHanche-Olsen main one is inclusion of eps files via on the fly conversion to pdf, but also options such as quiet, resolution, and a few others
I hate the shitty artifacts from using double lines in tikz -.-
@DavidCarlisle Ah, .def, not .tex like @Werner said. I should have guessed, maybe.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oh didn't even noticed, must have just auto-corrected while reading:-)
@DavidCarlisle Been there, done that. I once aced an exam in which there was a misprint. I knew the answer to the question, so I didn't notice the misprint. All the others wasted lots of time trying to figure out why they didn't get the desired result.
Well, great what a bit of hacking with the pgf internals can achieve... no more artifacts for my implication arrows
<knock, knock>
- Who's there?
<very long pause>
- TikZ/PGF.
<knock, knock>
- Who's there?
<very long pause>
- I do not know the key '/tikz/who's there' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.
/quacks in despair
/cries in the corner
/eats Pringles
@DavidCarlisle -- similar, but not exactly the same.
@cfr: I didn't know Donald Swann was Welsh! And he has a duck reference name! :)
@UlrikeFischer Looking at siunitx and the 'selecting the symbols' business, only to be distracted by @Frankmittelbach finding a beamer issue ...
@JosephWright Hm. Imho finding beamer issues is easier ... ;-) Did you already look at the negative zero issue "\num[round-mode=places,round-integer-to-decimal,round-precision=2]{-0.0003}"
@UlrikeFischer Ye: it's tricky as the current 'timing' doesn't allow for this
@UlrikeFischer I'll perhaps look at this over the holidays (there are a few of these things where the flow perhaps isn't obvious to people other than me!)
@UlrikeFischer Oh, finding beamer issues is easy
4 hours later…
@PauloCereda Who?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen But surely you couldn't have known the answer to the question on the exam, in that case?
@cfr -- donald swann and michael flanders were a musical duo who specialized in light-hearted ditties and animal songs. delightful! (you would very likely enjoy their work. i'm surprised that paulo is so familiar with them; i became acquainted in probably the 1960s.) many of their performances are on youtube.

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