If I switch to Linux for everything as my main PC (now I use windows, with Linux as Vbox, so I can use TL), I think I could save $60 per year, which is what I pay for ESET virus protection software. I am reading that on Linux one does not need virus protection. Any one here on Linux knows this for sure?
I am using biber and cite with \citet{}.
While on Windows the output was something like: Kosse and Pfeiffer (2012)
After I changed to Ubuntu, I get: Kosse and Pfeiffer, (2012)
I don't get rid of the comma. Does anybody have an idea?
The header includes:
@Seth eset had virus protection for linux. You are right, it is not common for linux. But Linux still can get problems from the net, I was reading about it, but much less common than windoz
(but I also don't run virus protection on windows either, partly because I rarely use it and partly because getting viruses is a lot about what you do and less about stuff that just "happens")
@Seth I would switch to Linux, I use linux all the time, Vbox on windows. Been using Linux for many years. It just that it has terrible desktop ;) I also have few apps on windows which do not exist on Linux. I suppose I could install Linux, but VBox on linux and install windows there.
Another example of breqn not happy. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{breqn} \begin{document} \begin{align} \overset{n}{[D]} &= x \end{align} \end{document}
gives error when compiled. urrg! most of my code breaks when adding breqn. I hope one day someone can fix all these problem in breqn, since it is useful when it works.
Here is another which break when using breqn (I need to start a collection of these), I think I know of about 20 cases so far:
\tau = k_d( \dot{q}_\text{desired} )
compiles OK when removing breqn. error with breqn.
or when changing it to {\text{desired}}
Actually a simpler example is this:
$ x_\text{foo}$
@PauloCereda Really, Paulo - not to fret. It's a wonderful event (evident in the exuberant enthusiasm exhibited by every entrant!). Probably the -1 is just someone concerned that the Giveaway is slowing down progress on your thesis. (I watch ... and learn....) ;)
@Nasser same issue on linux or windows you need or don't need free or paid for virus protection depending on your perceived risk and the value you place on the various virus checkers. there is no "sure" or general answer.
I am using an elegant solution to place a logo on each slide, however for some slides (e.g. a full-screen image slide) I want to remove it.
I have searched across stack for a solution to this. Whilst there are work-arounds, none use the tikz package elegantly to achieve the problem.
Currently t...
Emre, we are in a quite sensitive situation: your profile says you are a registered member of TeX.sx since March 9, and the rules for this specific contest say participants should be registered at least in March 1. I am so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I am afraid your entry will not be considered. But you will surely be qualified for the next contest happening in the second semester. Sorry for the trouble. — Paulo Cereda6 secs ago
Monty Python had you in mind when they wrote the lines: **Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!** @PauloCereda :D
@ChristianHupfer -- you seem to know how to check registration date. can you check on tex.stackexchange.com/users/97745/saz please? profile says registered three months ago, first posting march 13, but registration date could be a bit earlier.
@TorbjørnT. -- aha! thanks! hovering doesn't work so nicely for me; didn't register anything at all when i hovered over "3", and it took almost 5 seconds hovering over "months". (but i'm getting a new windows workstation installed next thursday, with new everything else -- except tex (which i use on linux via x-windows) -- so maybe this will improve.)
@JosephWright I was just wondering if my pagesize options in graphics are right (or at least the right compromise between compatibility and correctness:-) probably I should upload something once tl updates resume
@JosephWright main thing "wrong" is that the page setting is launched from the def file (via AtBegin...) but that means if you do \usepackage[nosetpagesize]{color}\usepackage[setpagesize]{graphics} the size isn't set as the def file was only read for color. On the other hand options of the packages having odd interactions isn't new \usepackage[dvips]{color}\usepackage[pdftex]{graphics} for example...
@JosephWright alternative would be that the def files just define say \def\Gin@setpagesize#1#2{\special{pagesize: #1,#2} or \def\Gin@setpagesize#1#2{\pdfpagewidth=#1... and all the \AtBeginDvi (and memor stockwidth) logic is pushed into color and graphics
I've done the first of these but tempted to change to the latter, which is more similar to :
% Raw PostScript code, no save/restore.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\Gin@PS@raw#1{\special{ps: #1}}
% \end{macrocode}
where the .def file just defines the special wrapper leaving the package code to call as needed. bit odd to have \stockwidth support in graphics.sty though,
@egreg When \usepackage[italian]{babel} is loaded with the APS-template, any comma within \affiliation results in a missing $ error. Can you have a look at that? The solution can be posted to tex.stackexchange.com/questions/308297/… and we have another one off the list.
Also, i do have almost all those templates neatly in one folder, with great accessability with git.
@ChristianHupfer Sorry, i thought you would recognize structure.tex by now. Or the excessive comment style.
I would like to construct a new environment that I can call like:
\begin{Box}{*Title of Box*}
** Text **
** Math equations **
It shall have the following properties:
The box background shall have a colour.
The text inside the box shall have a distance of 3 - 5 mm to the boundary....
Is there someone who can do the followig:
I would like to define a new environment for a colored box with a title that I can call as follows:
** Text **
** Math **
It should have the following properties:
The content has a distance of 3 - 5 mm to the bound...
I'm currently trying to make the spyder IDE work for a few days now and I'm out of ideas. Somehow, spyder never likes my PyQt5 installation regardless of the source of installation.
What I have done first was to use the stable version of spyder v2.3.9 however it refused to work with my PyQt4. T...
@JosephWright yes there's an unpublished version of pdftex-def in latex3 github but thinking I should junk that and do it in ho-tex now we have that, a couple of fixes there plus wrap the pagesize setting in an \ifGin@setpagesize for the new option.
@JosephWright I thought about doing that but I might start again, changes there were basically trialing taking over the thing (changing maintainer to l3 project) I'm sure it would be good git learning to cherry pick the diffs but plan was to do as other ho-tex and start by checking in something copied back from ctan (2 minutes ago:-)
@yo' I think physicists should go out more often. The argument where your comment below appears against grease is just wrong.
@Niel Note that grease is used in places like door joints, where the resulting friction is not an issue. The joint moves only couple millimetres when you open the door, and you actually don't even want a friction-less movement since some friction prevents the door slamming. — yo'9 hours ago
Grease is bad for your engine because you can't circulate it to cool down and you can't constantly apply it to everywhere. Otherwise it would be just fine. The viscosity of motor oil is for splash lubricating.
@percusse I see your point. I was just saying the obvious. Also, if the friction is not an issue because the movement is slow and sparse, neither the overheating is :-)
Or if you lubricate your bearings with low viscous oil say motor oil it will leak out very quickly. So grease --> bad argument is pretty weird to see in a physics site.
(Actually, the bearings are the "weak point" in bicycles considering maintenance, since it's hard to dismount them at home, but it has to be done from time to time. Which means you can't avoid visiting the store every now and then...)
Good day, everyone. Sorry to interrupt. I was wondering: I'm planning on writing my undergraduate thesis with the package subfiles. Does it behave well with biber and cross referencing?
@Miguelgondu Why not just use a normal set up: one main file and \include?
@yo' I've always gone for filling the bed with grease and putting in the balls using a biro top. Using an open top vessel you are at risk of contaminating the grease
I actually also use grease in my sink, I have one of these push-to-close-push-to-open stoppers (or how do you call them) and it gets stuck because of rusting
@yo' Clefs, accidentals etc. It's just a huge mess. People have a lot of alternatives but classical people are too classical to even think about changing it
See the music notation section on the left for examples
@percusse I clicked about 10 of them, and I didn't like any. Their biggest problem is that they're relying on much smaller details in typesetting (like the note head being slanted up or down). How in the world would you read that fast?! And also, how would you write it? I'm happy I'm able to write in the current system, which is very good IMHO considering information density and stuff...
ah, well, but that's because of the nature of music. I can understand that clefs could be avoidable (well, only until you come to wind/brass instruments), but keys and accidentals are unavoidable
@percusse well, it is 1-to-1, if it's written correctly.
@percusse oh well, I couldn't care less about this. For a keyboardist (pianist/organist), this is the most natural way to go anyway. White keys are natural, and black keys are accidental.
I've heard that you should use \[ ... \] for displayed equations instead of $$ ... $$, but why is that?
I'd assumed that it's so that you can more easily tell which are starting and which are ending delimiters, but if I always use a syntax-highlighting text editor, I can see that easily based o...
@percusse well, as I say, the other ones are no better, at least from the POV of a composer. But also from the POV of a player. I do a lot of sight-reading (or how do you call it), and then the idea of a key is crucial
@yo' You are sight reading in the face of ridiculous amount of distraction. You have to count the number of sharps at the clef at the very least. That's nonsense for a scale playing.
@notorious you type 4 characters either way. Anyway, the speed up is surely less than 1 second per equation. During the discussion here, you lost more time than you'll lose by typing \\[...\\] rather than $$...$$ until the end of the world ;-)
@percusse no, having to concentrate on details in the shape of the note would be a distraction. The shape already contains more than enough information, so if you had a way to reduce this, it would be nice :)
@percusse ok, I would argue with you. I just say I'm happy and I hope I won't have to switch notation ever. (Have I told you I hate tabs for the guitar and pretty much prefer the staffs?)
@percusse the notation? But I don't think you can do much better. The notation will always be two-dimensional, column-based, with difficult-to-grasp typesetting traditions :-)
Microtonal music or microtonality is the use in music of microtones—intervals smaller than a semitone, which are also called "microintervals". It may also be extended to include any music using intervals not found in the customary Western tuning of twelve equal intervals per octave.
== Terminology ==
=== Microtone ===
Microtonal music can refer to any music containing microtones, therefore it is important to comprehend what a "microtone" is. The words "microtone" and "microtonal" were coined before 1912 by Maud MacCarthy Mann in order to avoid the misnomer "quarter tone" when speaking ...
@percusse and also doesn't mean it's the goal. I mean, anybody is free to invent notation that's convenient to them. The drummers have done that with all the various head shapes. If someone needs 25 notes per octave, they'll obviously need some new notation, but I don't need that. After all, none of the instruments I play is capable of playing it :D
The violin is a wooden string instrument in the violin family. It is the smallest and highest-pitched instrument in the family in regular use. The violin typically has four strings tuned in perfect fifths, and is most commonly played by drawing a bow across its strings, although it can also be played by plucking the strings (pizzicato). Violins are important instruments in a wide variety of musical genres. They are most prominent in the Western classical tradition and in many varieties of folk music. However, violins are also frequently used in jazz, in some forms of rock music, and genres of folk...
are you sure you want to use \usepackage{pslatex} (I wrote it last century, but I wouldn't use it this century) (similarly don't use epsfig) — David Carlisle3 mins ago
@egreg but unless they are still using a sun laser writer (which is an apple laser writer with a sun logo glued over an apple logo) and want to use the built in fonts, why would they use pslatex?
I am preparing a document of my research work so far. I am working with temporal logic. Hence, I need to use temporal operators like next and until. I am unable to do this in Tex Studio. Are there any specific packages for this?
Portions of my masters thesis work, which was never published officially, could be pretty easily adapted to a very comprehensively answer to a question on Programmers about Particle Swarm Optimization.
However, I foolishly wisely1 chose to write it in LaTeX which means I cannot just copy/paste i...
I want my reference to be printed as
and not as
below is my code
\usepackage{amsmath , amssymb}
\bibitem{Mitola} J.Mitola, ``Cognitive radio for flexible mobile multimedia communicat...
I'm trying to turn my latex document into an odt file to be able to open it with LibreOffice (to then be able and save it as MS Word file so colleagues can open and comment on it).
Although the file is quite complicated I get it more or less to the same stage as a very basic latex document, such ...
This summer I wrote my thesis (with a lot of this sites help). Last week I "renew" my computer and installed Latex again (MikTex and Texmaker). Since then I cannot run my code anymore. I always get the error: "undefined sequence" for the \subfloat command.
I googled it and saw that there are some...
I've recently installed MikTeX 2.9 for Windows 7, 64. After installation I try to compile an IEEE template downloaded from their website. I get the following error:
miktex-pdftex.exe: Invalid control sequence.
I've tried many things I've read online but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
I'm doing a project where I need to copy a table several times throughout a document. The basic structure for the table is the same, however, some of the input needs to change. I was wondering if it is possible to define a basic layout (or some kind of template) where I need only to fill in the v...
Well, yesterday I posted here this question. I could solve that problem on my WS with Windows 7 and MikTeX 2.9 (64 bits) with the trick suggested by Mark Birtwistle. Nevertheless, today, working on my PC at the Institute (where I use MikTeX 2.9 on Windows XP) I have another unexpected and strange...
I am using the following class and packages to write my paper
if you change align* to equation*, you can embed either split or
aligned within it, and \fiteq does what is wanted. it's also good to
nullify \abovedisplayskip to avoid a large gap above the formula.
I'm japanese student, so i am not good at using English. Sorry.
I want to use Bold Greek characters, Bold Italic Greek characters and Italic Greek characters with using "Times New Roman".
But, now all of these is too duty not to want to use these.
By the way, i tried these package, "platex", "tx...
When trying to draw a Feynman diagram using the feynmp-auto package, there simply is no result, the pdf comes out as a blank page. I use TeXstudio and MikTeX, and run the file with pdflatex.
I have read the documentation (in which it is stated that in the case one uses MikTeX, -shell-espace shou...
While i am editing a .tex file , when i compiles it is showing error .
At that time when copy the same code in to a different named .tex file , then new .tex file is showing no errors on compilation .
What may be the reason ?
And after undoing the code that caused error also compilation sho...
I'm trying to debug a
Too deeply nested
error in LaTeX. It's not an obvious case of too deeply nested itemize or enumerate items. It's happening far into the document, at a \begin{quote}.
Is there a way to get LaTeX to tell which counter(s) are causing the problem?
the multlined facility of mathtools can be used here:
A &= \begin{multlined}[t]
\text{first line of A}\\
\text{second line of A}
\text{other} &= \begin{multlined}[t]
\text{first ...
I need to store an URL parameter like &path=weigth:5|color:orange|enc:okydHa}peAXOHi@jANv@A@kJJmFAiDJuAHmDXcBb@cC`@gC^_DV}CJaCF{APaBVkBdAyEf@qC`@{B\aDSwB with later reencoding to utf8 and passing to a lua script.
i've been attacking the [align] category, and have in the process replaced [align] by [horizontal-alignment] or [vertical-alignment]. pushes many, too many questions up to the front page, but easier to do it now than forget. sorry, guys.
I'm using the class revtex4-1 to write a paper, and it has a very strange behaviour. Let me show you
In the above there is no problem, everything looks perfect. However, when I keep writing the following happen,
The problem!!!
The paragraph brakes and is written after the bibliography, and...
I just read this:
Disable printing of fonts/packages to STDOUT
and I was wondering whether the same could be effected somehow from the .tex file being compile (probably you would want to do this before the \documentclass, or at least before all of the \usepackages).
I've tried reading various sources (in particular Tex By Topic; I don't have a copy of the TeXBook) and experimenting on my own, but I'm still unclear as to how exactly the line spacing in and around a multiline math environment is determined by the parameters
\abovedisplayskip, \belowdisplaysk...
I am really new to LaTeX and this might be a stupid question but I spent hours to figure out how to make the actual figure showing up in TeXnicCenter. Would you please help me?
Here is the code
When setting multiple footmarks inside an environment that doesn't allow any (equation), the ids correspond to the correct footnotetexts but not the hyperlinks.
Text\footnote{text1} Text\footnote{text2}
When I add footnote on the chapter title, all the figures in that chapter are changed their locations and stay after the text ends. Please help if you have had similar problems. I'm attaching the short form of the code.
I am having problems with the following index entry:
{\bf 454-DataAnalysis \index{454-DataAnalysis}}
The .idx entry looks OK:
but in the document the index has:
-DataAnalysis, 1
The "454" is dropped or lost.
I tried wrapping it in {} but no chan...