experts: I have long table, with header and footers, that runs over 2-3 pages. I noticed it breaks something too early in the page, leaving lots of empty space and continue to next page (screen shot below). I wonder if this is how long tables works. I do have lots of verbatim in each row. May be that is why? I can't break verbatim?
i.e I have \begin{Verbatim} ......\end{Verbatim} in each cell. So I suppose longtable does not break cells across pages because of this?
Here is the code (part of it)
@Nasser Table cells cannot be page-broken of course, it's a ridiculous idea anyway. However, the true problem is that your table does not really look like a table, it's a list.
@Nasser Quite often, if a longtable can't work, it is because a table is the wrong format for the thing, notwithstanding what Word users can think of it.
@JosephWright I think I'll accept your offer to "supervise" my L3 programming for the new package. So far, no code is being written, so there's no problem. But I'll surely have some questions later on, also on the naming suggestions, you've got much more package-writing experience that I, after all :) (Also, I think that you should be then listed as a co-author, if you didn't mind.)
@Evinda depends, you could just use article but there are specific classes eg exam that have some support fro showing marks per question etc if you need that. I haven't used any of those though.
Has anyone an idea what the optional argument [type] of \definecolor in xcolor is for? The document say that the arguments of \definecolor are described in section 2.3., and section 2.3 says about the type argument "This is used only in the context of color defining commands, see the description of \definecolor and friends."
:27833823 The color model is the second argument. type can be one of named and ps but I have no idea what it should do.
@JosephWright depends where in the world you work, but $80/hour is a reasonable standard for ad hoc IT consulting. I would go lower, but that's only because I work from a "cheap" country
@Johannes_B But the latex template site is seems to try to attract students which write their thesis. So the accompaigning business model ist odd. Beside this: the price is okay for real high level IT-support. But only for typesetting? Even if it is in latex I do find this a bit much.