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@MarkoLustro Did you ask a question on main already? I think i saw something like this, but cannot find it anymore.
Q: How declare a new package language

Marko LustroI need writing normal text and some sentences in artifical conscript language. How writing small as possible package and how use it (include?) in file? My language have my own font and each glyphs is defined as one or more chars. K->K u->ó sh[number] -> x or x1 or x2 ... etc for example: S...

@JosephWright Exactly, thanks :-)
@MarkoLustro To answer a question, you have to understand the problem. I still don't, and i think i am not the only one.
Morning all
@JosephWright 'ello!
Decision day for the TUG representative list
@JosephWright yay
Q: What about ClassicThesis?

MarcauI am a student and I'm looking for a nice and enjoyable "layout" for writing my thesis (which is not so close: I'm forestalling). Now, I've read about ClassicThesis, and I gathered that this is a very good candidate. My questions for you are: Are there other styles which you would recommend, or C...

@egreg: ^^ one for you :)
> I gathered that this is a very good candidate.
@DavidCarlisle When you have a mo, would you look over the latest check-ins for unicode-data?
@JosephWright OK...
@JosephWright good start. svn update didn't work...
@DavidCarlisle ?
@JosephWright what I typed, git pull still doesn't come to mind first thing in the morning:-)
Meanwhile @JosephWright @WillRobertson @barbarabeeton blogs.msdn.com/b/murrays/archive/2016/02/05/…
@DavidCarlisle We could always bung it on comedy
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@PauloCereda Either “too broad” or “opinion based”.
@JosephWright I think @WillRobertson is hoping they don't go with the variation selector which is a bit of a pain to deal with in tex, trouble is it's hard to argue too strongly that tex can't handle suffix characters as in theory there are several variant selector combinations already
@JosephWright tests pass and it looks right. I installed it rebuilt the formats, will do a few sanity checks...
@DavidCarlisle ^^ :)
@egreg Thanks, for correcting my answer, i forgot about that package :)
@Octopus You're welcome!
@DavidCarlisle Hopefully all Unicode maths font designers use a "ss01" (or similar) feature to switch the variants. Although that wouldn't produce 100% correct output...
@WillRobertson translation for someone who's never really looked in detail inside the fonts?
@WillRobertson OK that would allow switching of the variant styles for the same slot not via the scheme that they'll probably recommend which has variant selector after every letter?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, if we just load another font to access the calligraphic alphabet that's much easier to implement than looping through input and adding the variant selector (but I assume it works okay?)
@WillRobertson but does it work to add the VS at all in math? isn't the math layout going to make separate math atoms out of each character not pass the pair to the font to combine? Also I was more worried about what you'd do with an input file in which the variant selector inline with no markup warning, like combining accents in text
@JosephWright I don't know why @WillRobertson struggles with unicode-math, testing latest math class loader, seems to work with a couple of lines of code:-) xetex version.
\font\z="[latinmodern-math.otf]" at 10pt
\input load-unicode-math-classes.tex

$x+2=\alpha$ % just to get NFSS math setup out th eway

$x+2 = α$

@DavidCarlisle Oh yes, that doesn't work well at all does it :-(. You don't think that's enough of a reason to bring up as an objection?
@DavidCarlisle Mostly my struggles are from poor code that I wrote when I was young and naive :-)
@WillRobertson It might be, but you could speak with more authority. The unicode people may not be impressed though to hear that even unicode tex variants struggle with the whole Unicode combining character idea:(
@WillRobertson no one mention longtable
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle: ^^
Guys, @samcarter has nominated for the TUG thingy!
A: TUG Membership: Names for 2016

samcarterThe last day of the election and only 7 nominees for 8 positions? That is kind of sad, so I will add myself to the nominees, even if I am much less qualified than the others -- no TeX development or something, just a user. I am an enthusiastic LaTeX user since the beginning of my studies in 2007...

@PauloCereda more bugs than features :(
@DavidCarlisle <3
@WillRobertson it may still work out better in some respects, if some fonts have the script and some don't you could just set the catcode of the VS character to ignore and pretend it isn't there. If the fonts also let you use either style via a style selector thing then you could still set that up as an option.
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle Looks good then: I'll update CTAN
@DavidCarlisle Indeed, similar in LuaTeX (in plain for convenience):
  \input luaotfload.sty %
\font\z="[latinmodern-math.otf]" at 10pt
\input load-unicode-math-classes.tex
$x+2 = α$
1 hour later…
Practical LaTeX has arrived: hope to read it over the coming days
@JosephWright Have fun :-)
Heya =)
@ChristianHupfer Hi I was traveling and not checking the site much. Yes, I have a TUG membership. Thanks for thinking of me though.
@DavidCarlisle Right, now I need to work out a minimal math set up ...
@AlanMunn Thanks for reply ;-) Apparently everybody is a TUG member by now :D
1 hour later…
@ChristianHupfer but it's good, we're getting new and new people to nominate themselves!
Now excuse me, I've got to renew my subscription... :)
It's a good feeling to be a TUG member again :-)
@egreg you claim to understand amstex:-) the following is from the documented source amsmath.dtx, but documentation is "a little thin" I'm looking to see if this does the wrong thing if characters have \Umathcode's rather than \mathcodes... but I'm starting to wish I wasn't looking at that.
\let\ifgtest@\iffalse                              % initial value
{\uccode`7=`\\ \uccode`8=`m \uccode`9=`a \uccode`0=`t \uccode`!=`h
  \gdef\math@#1#2#3#4#5#6\math@{\gtest@false\ifx 7#1\ifx 8#2%
  \ifx 9#3\ifx 0#4\ifx !#5\xdef\meaning@{#6}\gtest@true
{\uccode`7=`c \uccode`8=`h \uccode`9=`\"
@JosephWright or @WillRobertson ^^ if you feel like a change from whatever you're doing:-)
@DavidCarlisle Nobody wants to look into amsmath.dtx
@egreg thank you for your insight.
@DavidCarlisle I'm inclined to think \divide\classnum@4096 is not the best candidate for obtaining the class type of the token.
@egreg well it's OK in classic tex isn't it?
@DavidCarlisle I think so: 4096=0x1000
@egreg I understand base 16, yes:-) main concern is if \meaning returns the unexpected \Umath... that the various tests don't do anything sensible at all (the similar test in \resetMathstrut@ completely kills the package in luatex 0.87 as it returns \Umathcode and three hex digits and the parsing with delimited arguments gets upset....
@DavidCarlisle There's a check for \mathchar, I guess; if not found something else is done. And with \Umathchar
I guess it fails also with unicode-math in general.
@egreg need to make a test case, I tried setting + and , via \Umath... but nothing changed but then I noticed they are special cased
@DavidCarlisle I'd look with \times or \cdot
@egreg I thougt so, yes just need to make an example that actually does fail so I can fix it:-)
@DavidCarlisle: The minitoc issue is actually easier than to fiddle around with the chapter counter ;-) (At least in my point of view)
@egreg yep, coffee first.
@ChristianHupfer try spending an hour reading the above amsmath code, then have a point of view about anything:-)
@egreg thanks yes, coffee first I think.
@egreg I don't think I pinged you with this, you might be interested... blogs.msdn.com/b/murrays/archive/2016/02/05/…
@DavidCarlisle I've never heard about this strange amsmath thingy before...
@DavidCarlisle Indeed, \dots fails with unicode-math


$a\times\dots\times b$

Test with pdflatex and xelatex: in the latter case the dots are low
@egreg thanks, yes was just getting there after your hint, my luck to have tried + :-0
@egreg so now I need to fix....
@barbarabeeton ^^
@egreg once you have a test case actual fix of course is easy enough just add another impenetrable clause picking apart the \Umath.. version.
@DavidCarlisle My feeling is that it would be easier to maintain a list of symbols with their class and check that.
@egreg Unicode has a lot of symbols
coffee then amsmath...
@DavidCarlisle Yes, but unicode-math-table has \UnicodeMathSymbol{"000D7}{\times}{\mathbin}{multiply sign} and populating the list from here is easy. Or defining \class@times and the test could easily look for \class@times instead of the complicated test with \meaning.
@egreg I'd go for reading from MathClass.txt but there we go :-)
@JosephWright Yes, of course.
@JosephWright But MathClass.txt doesn't have the names
@egreg True
@JosephWright There should be two lists, actually: one for the names, one for the characters.
@egreg perhaps but... aim of the game today is to make minimal changes so amsmath.sty loads at all and then as a bonus fix some things like this that should be fixed, without scaring ams by rewriting the whole thing
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle A user might have $a×\dots ×b$
@egreg yes of course, thats why you should check codes not names, they may have \let\foo\times $a\foo\dots\foo b as well
@DavidCarlisle Users will probably have \newcommand\tensor{\otimes}, which would make the test fail. The right definition should be \newcommand*\tensor{\DOTSB\otimes}
@egreg -- try getting users to read documentation.
Finished Practical LaTeX
@barbarabeeton That's as likely as the sun raising from the West.
@egreg sometime around 1998 a useful format for structured lists was specified: github.com/w3c/xml-entities/blob/gh-pages/unicode.xml
@egreg look one comment up, proof that users read documentation
@egreg it would be more sensible to make the test not sensitive to \long
@DavidCarlisle -- you're getting the mail, so you should have seen that frank and i agree on how to get around this tight schedule. i'll do my darndest in the team meeting on monday to get consensus for that. i don't see a problem there, it's more a matter of getting the upper levels to agree, and they don't understand the urgency.
@barbarabeeton oh not looked at mail yet had head in code (fixed most of the new issues)
@DavidCarlisle -- well, if latex hadn't made everything long by definition, ...
@barbarabeeton oh you mean yesterday, not new mail, OK yes agreed
@barbarabeeton generally I'm not a fan of constructs that only ever do nothing or raise an error, \long isn't as bad as \outer but still...
@barbarabeeton OK, good luck, but their agreement is only nice to have, it's not strictly necessary, that is one of the explicit advantages of open source licences, if the code is broken, someone can fix it.
Can somebody check the file HyphenMk.tex in ktmjm.gf.ukim.edu.mk/…?
@DavidCarlisle -- if amsmath is changed on either ctan or tex live (or both), and not either by ams or by agreement with the latex team, ams production runs the risk of being made much more expensive, if the modified version is incompatible with the "canonical" ams version. that's why the "rename" clause was so important to us, and now it's inoperative.
@barbarabeeton I understand that but ams submission is a tiny tiny fraction of amsmath use, so obviously having the same version for everyone is best but publishing texlive with a version that means any latex document with a table fails is not an option, so you need to make management see that the file will need to be fixed. The urgency is for them to agree to it to save messy licence discussions, not to decide whether to do the fix or not.
@MarekKaski Hello.
@MarekKaski Hello
What is the time in Your country?
@DavidCarlisle -- you don't have to convince me. i've been trying to get amsmath updated for more than ten years. but a hit on production costs might finally make a dent. (somehow, they think that e-books are more important than continuing to have a smoothly running production operation.)
@barbarabeeton yes I know, and I wasn't planning to spend a weekend hacking amsmath either, but that's just the way it is:-)
@MarekKaski 20:19 ATM
hacking amsmath? You would like to create a math font wit brace ([{ and other?
@MarekKaski No, @DavidCarlisle's trying to keep it working with an upcoming LuaTeX update
@MarekKaski @DavidCarlisle and I are on the core LaTeX team
This is meaning You can add font or style to texlive?
@MarekKaski Oh, anyone can get stuff added to TL
Yes, You have power ;-)
@MarekKaski It's simple: write something, send to CTAN, it goes into TL (provided you use some free license)
I'm not have now any code :-( but meybe leyter
@MarekKaski We do have a bit of power: we can upload latex.ltx, which I think from anyone else would get rejected :-)
@JosephWright don't tell @barbarabeeton that:-)
@DavidCarlisle We won't (easily) get away with amsmath.sty, don't worry
1 min ago, by David Carlisle
@JosephWright don't tell @barbarabeeton that:-)
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle In the past we had Robin for such things ...
@DavidCarlisle Though I guess Rainer can do the same
@DavidCarlisle On another topic, and to save me messing about, what's the minimum set up you need to get IniTeX to the point where some math mode stuff will work?
@JosephWright define work?
you just need something in slots 0,1,2 and set the catcode of $ if you don't mind too much what mathcode things have
@DavidCarlisle So that $y = mx +c$ doesn't say ! Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts.
@DavidCarlisle Ah, I'd just gone with slot 1
@DavidCarlisle Mainly messing with Unicode loading, where the mathcode part is easy
@JosephWright fam 2 ....
The most important parameters appear in the ^{symbol fonts} (family~2) and
the ^{extension fonts} (family~3). \TeX\ will not typeset a formula unless
^|\textfont||2|, ^|\scriptfont||2|, and ^|\scriptscriptfont||2| each contain
at least 22~^|\fontdimen| parameters.
@DavidCarlisle Ah
@JosephWright which is a bit weird in a unicode setting where all the characters are in fam 1 but still..
@JosephWright latex.ltx and texbook.tex usually in my emacs:-)
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
@DavidCarlisle It seems to
$y  = mx + c$
\showthe\textfont2 %
> \EU2/latinmodern-math.otf(1)/m/n/10 .
@JosephWright OK so I mis-remembered, but now I'm worried about the default math class loader, don't you set them all to 1?
@DavidCarlisle At the moment, yes, but nothing is loading it (other than me for expl3 format-mode testing)
@JosephWright good job there are more than 16 to blow three slots per font:-)
text 0 \EU2/latinmodern-math.otf(0)/m/n/10 \relax
text 1 \OML/cmm/m/it/10 \relax
text 2 \EU2/latinmodern-math.otf(1)/m/n/10 \relax
text 3 \EU2/latinmodern-math.otf(2)/m/n/10 \relax
text 4 \nullfont \relax
text 5 \nullfont \relax
text 6 \nullfont \relax
text 7 \nullfont \relax
script 0 \EU2/latinmodern-math.otf(0)/m/n/7.01236 \relax
script 1 \OML/cmm/m/it/7.01236 \relax
script 2 \EU2/latinmodern-math.otf(1)/m/n/7.01236 \relax
script 3 \EU2/latinmodern-math.otf(2)/m/n/7.01236 \relax
script 4 \nullfont \relax
tea time... back in a bit...
@DavidCarlisle OK. I'll test in format mode (where I can not worry about breaking stuff)
@DavidCarlisle but it isn't 5pm :)
is possible to print all ligatures and alternative glyph from fonts? Is any script or program? (texlive)
@DavidCarlisle If you look at the meaning they are loaded with different options
@DavidCarlisle Does seem setting everything to class 1 is not such a great plan: presumably we need the right classes as well as the other data. Another round of updates to come!
Q: Which ligatures do the fonts used in my document offer?

Lover of StructureThis is a follow-up question to: How do I know which ligatures are used in my document? In order to know which ligatures I might consider disabling (I have in mind microtype's \DisableLigatures command; some important notes about selective disabling of ligatures are found under this question), k...

@DavidCarlisle The idea of the postfix variation selector is scaring.
@Alan and what about alternative?
@DavidCarlisle Probably need to talk to @WillRobertson about this
@MarekKaski Sorry? Alternative to what? There are a few different answers there. It doesn't deal with ligatures in OpenType fonts though.
Character Variants
@MarekKaski Ah, ok. You will need something that can examine the OpenType font I guess. I don't know of anything offhand. Looking at the font with FontForge might be the simplest.
@MarekKaski But I'm by no means an expert in these matters. If you want to ask a question on the main site, I would link to the question above and then ask specifically about OpenType fonts and also about both ligatures and alternates. It's a good question.
Right, the unanswered list ...
oh no, fontforge will help
@AlanMunn I see what you did there
@yo' :)
Q: TUG Membership: Names for 2016

Joseph WrightStackExchange continues to support TUG with corporate membership (many thanks). With that come eight individual memberships that can be given out to members of the community. The time has come to select our representatives for 2016. (See TUG Membership: Names for 2015 for last year's selection.) ...

Is possible to put glyph in any place (like x,y) on the page? Is possible to read information x,y width, baseline etc from lua?
Close as off topic (viewer problem)
Q: Packages multirow and columncolor give ugly stripes

striatumI have two problems on one slide. This is an example: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{tabulary} \usepackage{colortbl} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{setspace} % DEFINE COLORS \xdefinecolor{lGrey}{RGB}{238,238,238} \xdefinecolor{dGrey}{RGB}{64,64,...

I started off, since nobody else did. :)
Q: TeXShop compilation issue on Mac OS El Capitan. Complete uninstallation and re-installation did not fix the problem

Doruk IrisI am a basic user and sorry if I miss to state some important facts. I have similar problem raised here and also in many other pages. First, I followed the guides by Herbert Schulz, didn't work for me. Afterwards, completely uninstalled MacTex with all GUI Applications and distribution files,...

Just needs a vote.
@egreg Sorry, a bit busy, and it's been a tiring week
@MarekKaski Yes, there are various ways you can do that. TiKZ or the textpos package come to mind. As for your lua question, I suspect yes, but I don't know much about Lua.
in tikz i can read information about glyph? width in specific size etc?
interesting, can You show me how?
@MarekKaski Also, you've come into the chat at a rather odd time, since this is our monthly "answer the unanswered" session, so the chat will soon be filled with question links and requests for close or votes etc, and not much regular chatting will take place.
@MarekKaski No. I was referring to the placement issue not the size issue.
Aha, Aha
@AlanMunn Well hopefully it will ...
@JosephWright :)
@JosephWright "this" being amsmath or variant selectors for caligraphic? (but yes to both)
@DavidCarlisle I meant the Unicode loader ....
@JosephWright yes sorry just saw that. Nice meal though don't tell @PauloCereda what we ate...
@DavidCarlisle Eeek
@DavidCarlisle I'm trying to work out why Will needs to load the same font several times with different options
@DavidCarlisle Chris is right that a lot of this stuff is still not really sorted
@JosephWright -- how come the "upcoming events" notice on the main page says that it ends in 30 seconds?
@barbarabeeton 'Cause it never works properly
No reaction of op. To be closed as unclear?
Q: Read value of \KOMAoption for debugging purposes

Stefan BraunI believe that something in my preamble does an unwished change on a \KOMAoption. In order to debug the latex code, I'd like to localize the problem by dumping the current value of this \KOMAoption. My approach looks like the following LaTex code, whereas I need to know the real command for \cur...

@Kurt Yup
Q: Using "theorem"-like numbering for non-theorem entries

Will TechThis is perhaps a 2-parter in that 1) I'd like to have certain equations numbered using the theorem counter (and its associated "style") rather than that built into \begin{equation}. Per MWE, equation (1.1) would then be displayed as 1.3 (w/o parenthesis and bold). And 2) is it possible to displa...

One vote here, please
Q: Paragraph Numbering in LaTeX and Space Increase of Indentation

blooooomerIs there any easy way to do the same thing that this code does: % arara: pdflatex \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report} \usepackage[inner=0.75in,outer=0.65in,top=0.75in,bottom=0.75in]{geometry} \usepackage{blindtext} \usepackage{titlesec} \makeatletter \def\@makechapterhead#1{% \vspac...

@JosephWright Thanks!
i've asked for an answer from @Bernard but he's not around. what to do?
Unclear or off topic?
Q: How to maintain HTML internal links when converting with Pandoc

FrancescoI am trying to convert from html to pdf with Pandoc. The output is pretty nice, still with the command pandoc index.html -o output.pdfI lose all my internal links (from table of contents to chapters, from text to footnotes, etc). Is there any way to keep all the links also in the output?

@barbarabeeton He'll hear the ping
@egreg OT
i thnk this has been answered in comments -- update system. can someone confirm?
Q: Possible bug? \setbeamercovered{invisible} vs. transparent within align* environment

Kyle BryentonI'm having some troubles typesetting my equations. I want to be able to uncover them one line at a time, while keeping everything that is on the slide transparent until they are uncovered. Besides the whole "transparent" thing, if I insert "\setbeamercovered{invisible}" into the code it works p...

@JosephWright This is for you (to close as too broad, in my opinion)
Q: xtemplate proposes 'objects,' but are they really objects? How can they be extended to become 'true' objects?

Sean AllredIn chat, @cgnieder just pointed me to xtemplate after poking around my own startup ltx3obj. In section 3, the documentation states (at the time of writing): An object type (sometimes just "object") is an abstract idea of a document element that takes a fixed number of arguments corresponding ...

To be closed as solved in comments or duplicate. I guess first ...
@egreg Yes, agreed
Q: fancyhdr sets wrong title in appendix

julesmulesI have a problem with fancyhdr. I wanted to add an appendix at the end of my thesis, which is not supposed to have a section number, just like the references appear without a number in the table of contents. It mostly works with the \section* command, but the header keeps saying "References" on e...

@barbarabeeton works perfectly; I voted for closing
out-of-date package in use:
Q: \eqref inside \align with \usepackage[overload]{empeq}

GhostI want to put\eqref inside \align. For example \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[overload]{empheq} \begin{document} \begin{equation}\label{eq1} a=b \end{equation} \begin{align*} a&= b\\ \eqref{eq1} &= b \end{align*} \end{document}

Too broad: it's essentially “write a document class for me”
Q: How can I write specifications following the W3C specifications format in LaTeX?

NonsenseW3C specifications follow a very nice template (example: HTML-RDFa). The specifications are HTML documents styled by a javascript library ReSpec. Is it possible to write specifications in LaTeX following the same guidelines, but by using native LaTeX commands? I am currently writing specificati...

two versions of mhchem behave differently; warning is given in log file if a newer one is asked for. not sure whether to try to answer -- @JosephWright as our resident chemist -- or close as off-topic since problem is understood (about a zillion comments)
Q: mhchem doesn't work in equations properly

YotamFrom what I understand (page 11 in mhchem documentation), this MWE should be ok \documentclass{report} \usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{align*} \ce{a <=>[k_1][k_2] b} \end{align*} \end{document} But I get an error. If I place $ signs ...

@barbarabeeton Fixed in the latest version anyway
@JosephWright thanks. voted to close, need support.
asked for compilable example in june; no response; op hasn't been seen since june. close as "don't know what you want"?
Q: Equations (align) with SOUL and CHANGES

PhilippIs it also possible to add markups for equations (created with align) by use of soul and changes package? The used Code is: \usepackage{soul} \soulregister\align7 % für highlighten von \align \definecolor{yellow}{rgb}{1,1,0} % gelbes RGB \setaddedmarkup{\sethlcolor{yellow}\hl{#1}} % für gelbe b...

voted to close (answer edited into question; erroneous input); support needed: tex.stackexchange.com/q/144647
voted to close by request of op, need support: tex.stackexchange.com/q/283507
@egreg but VS1 has been there since unicode 3.1 and so it's a bit late to say it doesn't work in TeX (even though it probably doesn't) @barbarabeeton do you know if stix (or any of your tests) supports VS-1? w3.org/2003/entities/2007doc/U0FE00.html
A vote here, please
Q: Global caption issue with table when using subcaption package

RonFirstly I apologize if this had been answered before. I have tried looking for it anywhere but I couldn't find any solution. Anyway, I have a trouble with the caption of my table when I included the subcaption package. This is the excerpt of the code: \documentclass{ifacconf} \usepacka...

@DavidCarlisle Some work for Arthur and Hans
@DavidCarlisle -- not sure; there are several symbols that have such unicodes, but don't know how they're accessed in the font. have to ask stephen. (leaving to go find something to eat. bye.)
No mention of the class: unclear
Q: subfloat alternatives

DanI'm trying to submit a paper to a journal. I submit the TeX archive which includes the tex file + figures in pdf format. However, it fails to compile in the queue, whereas it obviously compiles properly on my machine. Through trial-and-error, I've narrowed down the compile failure to the use of ...

@barbarabeeton well in theory you just enter the two codes and the font technology "just works" but in the case of tex, I think it doesn't... (have a good meal: I recommend duck!)
Q: How can we change only text font size (not math) of all document in pdflatex?

mertHow can I change only the text font size (not math) of all documents in pdflatex? (I searched for an answer without success.)

@egreg I tended to disagree, but seeing the answer in the older Q, yes, this is a dupe.
Are people still answering the unanswered? If not, I have a weird counter problem.
I do not know how to update TeX Live (I use MiKTeX). Is the given here okay and shoud be upvoted one time or is it better to close as duplivate (see first comment).
Q: How to update tikz-cd (TexLive)?

Yan King YinMy tikz-cd is out-of-date. I have found this version which seems the latest: http://pgf.sourceforge.net/ Then I unzip the package, put the "pgf" from the package to my ~/texmf directory. But I don't know what to do to get my latex system to use the new version instead of the old version. Any ...

@Kurt I upvoted the answer, because it's right, (although updating individual packages isn't usually the best way to update.) But it may be better to close as a duplicate anyway.
@AlanMunn Thanks. I hope, other people with TeX Live knowledge will have a look to that question. I just do not know what is the best to do here ...
Q: Bibdesk texpreview fail after adding preamble

ItaiBibDesk doesn't allow me to Tex preview my citations after I added the following line to the preamble of my template file: @preamble{"\newcommand{\SortNoop}[1]{}"} (this is the only preamble I have). When I remove this line, TeX preview works again. How do I fix it?

Need a vote.
voted to close a solved by comments:
Q: spacing chapter documentclass report

user82918I think this question has been discussed here but I still haven't found a solution. I am using document class report and there is one thing I am not able to figure out. I have still spacing for Chapters, Bibliography, Nomenclatures although I have set top spacing to 0 and titlespacing values are ...

@AlanMunn done
@Kurt I added a vote, but as "Unclear what you're asking". If the question had been fixed with a MWE it would certainly have been off topic, and as a matter of principle I find using 'off topic' for things that are clearly on topic but closable for other reasons a bit strange. But I know that this is a problem of the close reasons we are stuck with.
@AlanMunn Yes, I think it would be helpful to have some more options there. But it seems that that is not wished ...
@Kurt Indeed.
@DavidCarlisle: Oh no!
Hi people!
You're still in time to upvote without me gaining rep:
Q: Defining #1^#2 as \overset{#2}{#1} for some characters

KasperWhen I write math in xelatex, I like notation such as: $x \overset{ℝ}{+} y$ $x \overset{f}{↦} y $ $x \overset{(1)}{=} y$ However, as I type things like this so often, I would like to type it faster, and to keep the source code better readable (in the sense of quick scanning the code). I th...

Q: Rubber with etex package

BrunoI am using rubber to compile my documents. In some of them (usually Beamer presentations), I use the etex package. In such a case, rubber aims to use as the command elatex to invoke the e-TeX engine for the compilation. But there is no such elatex command, so it does not work! As mentioned in a ...

Q: Line break in the caption of subfigure

SoftTimurI would like to add a line break in the caption of a subfigure: \begin{figure} \subfigure[a long line]{% \includegraphics[width=0.23\textwidth]{figures/cells_time.eps} } \end{figure} So I want to add a line break at a specific position inside a long line, does anyone know how to do it?

@egreg my pleasure
@DavidCarlisle I knew you would
@egreg Done. :)
@egreg: regarding the rubber question, a nice addendum would be an advice to move to more modern and maintained tools, like latexmk. :)
@egreg can you answer the question in (my) comment
Hi @SeanAllred!
   \xdef\meaning@@{\meaning@}% why expand twice?
@Sean: ready for tomorrow's game?
Go Panthers!
@AlanMunn: ^^
@AlanMunn: don't tell me you are gonna miss Lady Gaga singing the national anthem... dressed as a grapefruit. :P
@egreg not only does it expand twice, it checks both \meaning@ and \meaning@@ to see if it starts macro ...
I wonder if that was intendede to strip \long .....
@DavidCarlisle Because \math@ redefines \meaning@
@egreg sigh so it does. stupid code.
@DavidCarlisle Lines 326-329
@DavidCarlisle Duck side effect? :)

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