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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

@MarkoLustro well my hello has been transformed to hel6o and then shown in Dotatnie font
yes, because in this alphabet is texrg and -3-2-1 +1+2+3 font
@MarkoLustro I have no idea what that means
simple : word 'to' -> t+o
t is main group write t
o is in r main group and write r-1
@MarkoLustro I honestly can not even guess what you mean by groups and + and - here, sorry, I'm a mathematician not a linguist:-)
o=font r+ font -1 similar hangul (korean)
i'm mathematic too ;-)
@MarkoLustro I'm an english mathematician saying something is like hangul doesn't exactly simplify my understanding:-)
ok, in polish lang is s+'=ś
@MarkoLustro yeh that I understand:-)
this is this same o=r+font of name '-1'
ś is font s+ font '
in texrg is more complicated is only 5 chars and 6 modificators
@MarkoLustro OK but are those combinations in the opentype font or is that site using an external program to do the combining?
if chars is with this same 'line' group of chars You write main glyph and one char | symbol
this is a truble
trouble, meybe tex is good idea to convert normal tex into texrg
@MarkoLustro yes in the font, or yes separate program
I can write program in lua
can You help me write the style?
@MarkoLustro I have no idea what you are trying to do! so no. But you didn't answer if that web site is using a separate program to change hello to hel6o i assume it is. Is it in the server or in javascript in the page?
my email is
[email protected] (without numbers)
if this font is interesting to You please write to me
@MarkoLustro see above I'm not using email for this
I see
meybe lua can convert it? \begin{texrg}some text \end{texrg}
\luado convert text into hel6o etc?
@MarkoLustro although I don't understand the problem, if you have a program that changes hello to hel6o then can you not just run that then typeset hel6o ?
[this is not good example because this font have ligatures ;-) ]
@MarkoLustro but on the website that was not done with font ligatures, the underlying text was changed
because i cant make ligatures
my ligatures mus be a whole dictionary
its impossible to create ligatures of any word
@MarkoLustro Just to back @DavidCarlisle up, I've no idea of what you are up to either :-)
@barbarabeeton it's just the same as tex, what could go wrong!
@MarkoLustro if you have a lua program that translates one string to another you can call that within luatex, here is an example that takes a string of cyrillic text in the document and uses a lua replacement program to convert that to a transliteration in latin script. As far as I understand your problem is the same, but with a more complicated transform
A: LuaLatTeX inefficiency in transliteration from cyrillic of acute accented vowels

David Carlisle You can replace the pair И followed by an accent with the precomposed Í so long as you make sure that you search/replace for the longer string before the shorter one. I just added two more gsub replacements to the file: function cyrtr (s) return string.gsub( string.gsub( string.gsub( string.g...

is posible to convert only in some place?
i need normal font
@DavidCarlisle Ah fishing for votes.... how typical
\begin{replace} test hello\end{replace}
no whole text
@MarkoLustro that's just a minor detail, you can turn the callback processing on and off at any point
Yes, this is good idea but how limit this callback only to some text
any example?
I need save callback before and restore it?
@MarkoLustro You install it at the start of the environment and remove it at the end
how ?
@MarkoLustro look at chickenze package that does all kinds of transformation and has commands to turn on or off,
simple example to convert 1 to 2
@DavidCarlisle Oddly, I've just had a direct mail about making a font ...
can You show me example?
@MarkoLustro there is a site for asking questions. Just ask a question on site with a real test example and show how far you got
@percusse just call me @egreg
@DavidCarlisle I think he is a bit subtler with the missing percent signs :P
how convert one char to other using lua ;-)
@MarkoLustro oh I remember that question, it's just not clear enough to answer.
Meybe now You can help me?
feel free to change my question to
better clearify
@MarkoLustro start from my example converting cyrillic to latin or start from chickenize which changes words and letters
@MarkoLustro I can't clarify or answer to do anything different from the answer I gave for cyrillic to latin.
This is a site to ansver questions ;-)
Your words
@MarkoLustro This is chat room of that site :)
ok, thanks
if You would like to answer feel free to change my question
my english is ugly
no it not exist ;(
@MarkoLustro Your english is a lot better than my Polish:-)
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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