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Hi All! I'm very confused about margins headers footers and the geometry package.
Can somebody help me please.
@nagylzs You'll need to tell us what is up!
lmargin=1cm, rmargin=1cm, %
includehead, tmargin=1cm, headheight=4cm, headsep=3mm, %
bmargin=1cm, footsep=5mm, %
! Package xkeyval Error: footsep' undefined in families Gm'.
@nagylzs it's not in the geometry manual so I'm not really surprised
If I add includefoot, then I can specify footsep, but then it is useless...
Also, here is something I don't understand
headheight was set to 4cm
but I still get this warning
Package Fancyhdr Warning: \headheight is too small (90.0pt): Make it at least 96.23164pt.
Even if I set headheight to 10cm, still get this warning.
@nagylzs That's going to need a MWE, I'm afraid
Okay, I'll prepare an MWE.
Meanwhile, can you please tell me how it is possible
that the footer does not fit on the page on the bottom
despite the fact that I'm using includefoot?
As far as I understand, by using includefoot, the foot becomes part of the text body
so if bmargin=1cm and includefoot is specified, it seems impossible that the footer falls down on the bottom of the page.
@nagylzs Again, an example is going to be needed
All right
Compressed 300KB file, what is the best way to send it?
@nagylzs Make it smaller. No geometry question needs compression and 300kb.
There are some images... is 17K acceptable
9K compressed
@nagylzs Replace the images with \rules of the same height
1.8K text file, without any image
Q: Fancyheader cfoot overlaps with main content

nagylzsUPDATED question. Here is an MWE - finally I could produce one. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,svgnames,table]{xcolor} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{tabu} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{multirow} ...

Yes, that was my original question
I have something that works, but I don't understand how margins, footers and other things work together.
And I have these annoying error messages.
So I decided to learn every detail of the geometry package, but I don't understand how it works.
Read the package documentation, but still don't understand, sorry
In the example I just uploaded: when includefoot is specified, then the footer should become part of the main text right?
So if I use includefoot and bmargin=1cm together, then it is impossible that the footer won't fit on the page, right?
But it does not fit. :-(
On second thought, I decided not to use includefoot, but increase footsep
but if I try to do this together then I get this ! Package xkeyval Error: footsep' undefined in families Gm'. message
@nagylzs Well why do you insist to use footsep (which doesn't exists) instead of the correct footskip which you used in the other variant? Also if you use includefoot you should make footskip large enough for the footer.
@UlrikeFischer includefoot does not influence the space reserved for the footer, only the vertical placement of it. One should always make footskip large enough for the foot + the space above it
Okay, I still dont understand. :-( In the geometry package documentation on page 3 I see a figure that shows what should happen when includefoot is specified:
It seem that the footer shoud be ABOVE the bottom margin.
Is that not true?
In other words: when includefoot is given, then the footskip is inside the body text.
Maybe I need a different figure :-(


@nagylzs You are leaving 5mm for the footer. Your real footer is larger. Where should the rest go? Inside the text (and so overwrite the text) or inside the bottom margin?
@nagylzs That's what includefoot influences. But footskip says how much space is left for the footer and the space above the footer. Typical value is about 24pt if you your footer is a one-liner; 5mm cannot be enough.
Hmmm, I see. So I always have to specify manually the height of the footer
and for some reason its name is not footheight
but it is called footskip.
@nagylzs no, it's not called footheight, for obvious reasons.
Them what does footskip mean? :-)
footskip + footsep = footheight, or what?
I do not have a figure where all measurements are shown
@nagylzs no, the other way around, re-read my comment
I think this is why I'm confused.
@nagylzs you mean Figure 1 in the geometry manual?!
@nagylzs vvvvvv

Sorry for being hard headed.
I know understand that I have to tell footskip and it should be bigger then the actual content in the footer.
My footer is still not on the page. :-(
In my example, I replaced footskip to 10cm
lmargin=1cm, rmargin=1cm, %
includehead, tmargin=1cm, headheight=4cm, headsep=3mm, %
includefoot, bmargin=1cm, footskip=10cm, %
and the image is still off the page.
includefoot, bmargin=4cm - footer is off the page
includefoot, bmargin=1cm - footer is on the page
@nagylzs I see it on the page when pasting into my first example.

	lmargin=1cm, rmargin=1cm, %
	includehead, tmargin=1cm, headheight=4cm, headsep=3mm, %
	includefoot, bmargin=1cm, footskip=10cm, %

Try with my example.tex
But i get a clear warning due to overspecification.
If I use it with your example, then it is on the page
@nagylzs The baseline of your footer is along the top of the tabular. So your footer has a moderate height and a large depth. The baseline is placed (if it fits) on the "footskip" line and the rest of your footer sticks into the bottom margin.
@Johannes_B you specify one parameter too much I think: a4paper is specifying paperheight, and then you have that paperheight = tmargin + headheight + headsep + textheight + footskip + bmargin. Also, you specify both bottom and bmargin. Or wait, \geometry isn't cumulative?
@Johannes_B <- @yo' OPs code
@Johannes_B I thought so :-)
@Johannes_B Try with \lfoot{\rule[-1cm]{2cm}{1cm}} to move the rule below the baseline to understand @nagylzs Problem.
@UlrikeFischer Saw your post, understand it :-)
@Johannes_B Glad that you understand it. :-) I still don't.
If I set bmargin=0pt then I see that the image is off, and the table is perfectly aligned to the bottom of the page.
So how do I tell that the bottom of the footer should be at the bottom of the image?
@UlrikeFischer What is a depth of a footer anyway?
@nagylzs See that the letter pgy stick out below the baseline of text?
@Johannes_B Yes
@Johannes_B Can I move the baseline to the bottom of the whole thing?
@nagylzs well, if you have foot contents that stick below the baseline, you should simply increase the bottom margin to make space for it there.
@nagylzs Try the following (compile twice) and try to understand why the one tabular is above the line and other below.

       \tikz[overlay]\draw[red,<->](0,0)--(0,-4cm)node[midway]{bottom}; }
@nagylzs See the optional argument ^^^^^
@yo' Yes, but I want Latex to place things so that I have 1 cm (or whatever) space at the bottom! I do not want to calculate by hand. I want to SPECIFY that there should be exactly 1cm empty space BELOW the whole thing.
@UlrikeFischer Oh I see!!!! Can't I just wrap the whole thing into an element that has its own baseline?
@nagylzs there are dirty tricks how to do that, but isn't it better to primarily construct your footer contents in such a way that it has the baseline in the right place?
@yo' Yes! It would be. I don't know how to do it though.
@nagylzs Sure. Put e.g. \raisebox{\depth}{...} around the whole content of lfoot in my example and it will move up.
@UlrikeFischer I always learn a new command. There are so many commands in Latex.
@yo' I don't want to rob your time. If you can point me to some tutorial that covers baselines then I'll be happy to go through it.
@nagylzs it depends on what you want to put there. For each LaTeX construct for which it makes sense, there is a way to control the baseline placement
@nagylzs You should be able to get the correct footer with the help of \raisebox and the placement parameters of tabular ([t], [b]). Both are covered in any introduction.
@nagylzs If you don't want the figure going down below:




@UlrikeFischer Thank you!
@HarishKumar Adjustbox seems very good too! So you can move the baseline with valign=B to any content? Fabolous.
@ChristianHupfer On todays menu something you will find exotic: Gabelspaghetti mit Jägerschnitzel.
@Johannes_B what is Jägerschnitzel? Some deer? I know only Jägermeister :-)
@yo' Depends on your look on life :-)
@Johannes_B what?
@yo' Oh, there is no english entry in the wikipedia :-(
Jägerschnitzel (französisch Escalope à la chasseur) ist ein Gericht der klassischen Küche aus gebratenem Kalbs- oder Schweineschnitzel mit einer Pilz-Tomaten- oder Pilz-Sahnesauce. Regional wird heute als Jägerschnitzel auch ein Schnitzel aus panierter, gebratener Jagdwurst mit Tomatensauce bezeichnet. Zur Zubereitung auf klassische Art werden Kalbsschnitzel unpaniert in Butter gebraten. Für die Sauce werden Schalotten angeschwitzt, mit Weißwein abgelöscht, mit Kraft- und nach manchen Rezepten mit Tomatensauce (siehe Grundsauce) verkocht und mit gedünsteten Champignons und Morcheln vollendet. In…
@yo' In the former GDR, Jägerschnitzel is breaded and fried Jagdwurst
@Johannes_B veal and pork, ok :-)
@yo' It is mentioned in the article on Jagdwurst :-)
@Johannes_B ah šunkový salám!
@yo' Tasty, right?
@Johannes_B well, it probably depends. I know it only as a low-quality ham that's used in sandwiches, so I have a bad prejudice towards it :-(
@yo' Well, i eat heart and liver :-)
@Johannes_B raw?
@yo' Noooo. But i eat Mett as discussed earlier :-)
@Johannes_B Ok, fine. Well, I do eat livers. I quite like them actually: roast, as a pâté, fried (bread-coated as a schnitzel), or in liver dumplings that are put in a broth. I've never eaten hearts (maybe I have in a soup, I'm not sure), but it's a high-quality meat, so why not? :-)
@yo' Many people would never eat liver or heart though.
@Johannes_B My bro doesn't eat livers other than in things that are called "with livers", but there is close to none :-) But he doesn't like the taste nor sees any benefit in eating them, which sounds like a good reason to me
OTOH, when I brought foie gras, he took it, as everybody else :-)
@yo' Cats and dogs also gotta eat.
@Johannes_B :-)
@yo' I think this isn't allowed in germany.
@Johannes_B it's not allowed to produce, and probably not allowed to sell. But I doubt it's forbidden to bring in on your own
@yo' Gotta try that when i am in France.
@Johannes_B sure. Note that it is really quite expensive. In some pubs, they offer it as a starter, and you get one slice only, with some salad and so. In shops, it starts at €60/kg if you buy it in a large package of about 300g
@yo' That's quite expensive.
@Johannes_B it is.
@yo' @ChristianHupfer By the way, tongue is also tasty.
@Johannes_B I've had it I think :-)
@yo' If it’s forbidden to sell and produce, it’s usually forbidden to import as well – but it’s often tolerated to bring some for your own consumption. I’m speaking for the general case, I don’t know about foie gras in Germany specificallyl.
@ArthurReutenauer For food inside EU, it's often really complicated with forbidding people to move it around, but I'm not sure.
@yo' €60/kg sounds cheap actually ;-) I’ll check next Christmas.
@ArthurReutenauer 300g serves 6-8 for a starter, best with a toast, a salad leaf, some rocket roquette and a bit of baslamico :)
@yo' Of course it’s not often done in practice, but some goods may be formally forbidden to be taken into the country – even if there are no controls at the borders and people are allowed to circulate freely. And intra-EU border controls may be reinstated temporarily (I don’t know what the legal basis for that is), as some countries have done recently in reaction to the migrant crisis (but that was clearly for people in that case).
@yo' Yes, 300g is a large amount already (I mean, it’s some kind of meat after all), so €18 sounds pretty inexpensive.
@ArthurReutenauer well, the border patrol can operate anywhere in the country and on the borders, and control whether you and anything you have is legally present in the country.
@ArthurReutenauer well, think of it really as of a very high quality pâté, so high quality that you can make slices of it and serve the slices :-)
It's not that much more expensive than other types of pâté, after all :-)
And also, the one you get in the shops is not the best one (still fairly good IMHO), cheese shops often sell them, with the price as high as €180/kg and even more!
@yo' Yes, that sounds more like it ;-)
also, you have different percentage of whole foie gras in the thing you get; the most expensive ones are whole, the cheaper one have e.g. only 25-30% of the whole foie gras.
now, I gotta go, it's lunchtime and I have to get one signature also. see you later!
@barbara: do you think I should use \acro inside my .bib files? I'm getting annoyed by Commun.\ ACM in my files. :)
I feel like @Johannes and his quest for destroying all templates. In my case, I'm going for uppercase acronyms. :)
@PauloCereda I can't destroy them.
by the way, how does TeX.SX define [templates](http://tex.stackexchange.com/tags/templates/info)?
{templates} is about templates built on {document-classes} to provide the basis for a particular document type. Questions with this tag should be about the features of the template, not the underlying class.
@StefanKottwitz -- since this answer forms the basis of the tag wiki for the tag [templates], i will impose on you to make the tag [template] a synonym rather than a "standalone". there is a great difference of opinion on exactly what a template is. (today's example: How to create this template; i'd call this a "style", although the op does want a template.) is there any glossary of terms other than the tag wiki that might be useful here? — barbara beeton Apr 28 at 12:56
@Johannes_B Nonsense, you can buy foie gras e.g. at bosfood in Meerbusch.
@UlrikeFischer I mainly meant the process of getting the animals fat.
@Johannes_B Yes, this is true you need to import it.
@ChristianHupfer How much do you have to pay for a haircut?
@UlrikeFischer @Johannes_B Only two EU countries allow the hose-feeding of the goose: France and Hungary.
@yo' How much do you have to pay for a haircut in Paris and Prague?
@Johannes_B Depends. Paris is a large city, which part do you mean? The same for Prague, do you mean where I live or where I work?
@yo' Does it vary that much?
@PauloCereda -- if your latex job will process \acro satisfactorily, then the only reasons i can think of not to use it are (1) you don't like the looks of the available small caps font (as we don't for tugboat, but have redefined), or (2) you will be sharing the .bib file for some other purpose. however ... !! do use \frenchspacing for your biblio so that you don't have to enter that slash-space everywhere!
@barbarabeeton Oh thank you very much, this is a great advice! :)
@Johannes_B In Prague, for a male, cut only (no washing, dying, or whatever): 5 minutes from my house €4, in the city center €9. In Paris, same thing: behind the student residence (technically a suburb) €8, in the city center €20
@yo' My haircutter doesn't do no washing anymore. You can have it done without washing, but will pay the same. Currently: 19 Euro
@Johannes_B well, compared to professor salary (how many haircuts you get for a monthly income), your barber is the cheapest :-) and mine the most expensive :-(
^^ I lol'd. :)
@PauloCereda There's a long old joke based on this...
@yo' And my hair cutter is one of the nicest woman i ever met and nice to look at as well ;-)
@Johannes_B well, mine is an experienced lady. Fine to look at, but most importantly, cheap, good and fast, I never spend there more than 20 minutes. She makes appointments and is moreorless minute precise :-)
Nice Saturday afternoon, some functions sit in a café, sipping and chatting. Suddenly, a scared and frightened function enters, screaming: "RUN! EVERYBODY RUN! RUN AWAY! THE DERIVATIVE IS COMING!!!" All the functions run away, but one. It is an elderly lady, sitting in a corner, calmly watching the world outside and enjoying her tea at five. The derivative goes in, looking for anybody to molest, and sees her. Comes to her and says boldly: "You're not afraid of me?" --- "No, sir, I'm the $e^x$".
@Paulo ^^
@yo' ooh :)
@yo' Half an hour i think. We have been talking a lot :-)
@barbarabeeton i am unsatisfied with the distribution of LaTeX information on the net. I just found out, that there are three different introductory courses at our 5000 student university. This is utter madness.
@Johannes_B only three?!
@yo' :-D
@Johannes_B Do you mean this question seriously?
zero-score accepted answer? Doesn't matter as long as I convinced the OP not to use it :-)
@yo' There is always an upvote. <3
@PauloCereda <3
@yo' Zero score? Where did my upvote go? ;-)
@yo' It should actually be like below, but the important thing is that the OP decided for not using it.
@yo' You see? No need to guess.
@egreg well, any variant of \lowbeta other than \let\lowbeta\beta is bad :D
@yo' Agreed.
1 hour later…
@ChristianHupfer Yes. just interested about the price :-)
@Johannes_B 15 Euro
@ChristianHupfer Washing included?
@Johannes_B Of course not
@ChristianHupfer Oh. 19 Euro with washing at my regular place.
@Johannes_B I never have washing at the hairdresser.
@ChristianHupfer One price fits all. If you have it without washing, it still costs the same.
@Johannes_B I don't know. I am never asked about washing, because I'll do that right before at home (or the the rain does it ;-))
The appropiate link to Monty Python @Johannes_B @PauloCereda @JosephWright ;-)
@ChristianHupfer You should try it out. I know the girl for quite some time now, it is still uncomfortable ieing trapped there in that sink.
@Johannes_B If it's uncomfortable why do you use it still? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Same prize. So, why not?
@Johannes_B You're strange guy ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Gundar already told me so. ;-)
@Johannes: I play R$15 for a haircut. It's less than 4 euros for you. :)
@PauloCereda The hairdresser isn't a duck, by the way? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer No, it's a lady. :)
@PauloCereda Hm, how much for a flight to Sao Paulo? I don't think it will be worthwhile :-/
@PauloCereda :D
@Johannes_B :)
@ChristianHupfer :D
@PauloCereda: Are there featherdressers as well?
@ChristianHupfer Yes, it's an important part. :)
@Johannes_B Your alter ego is quite cunning ;-)
Guys, I'd like to ask for help, but you all will kill me if I show what I am trying to achieve. Specially @yo and @egreg. :)
@PauloCereda \def$\relax ????
@PauloCereda \parskip > 0?
@ChristianHupfer \catcode`\$=11 :)
@PauloCereda: \immediate\openout\foolhandle=\jobname.tex? ;-)

\title{Tik tok}



@PauloCereda booooo!
@ChristianHupfer ooh ducks are very scared creatures. :)
@egreg, @yo' and others: ^^ any hints on how to improve this? I don't like the number down there. :)
@Johannes_B: One for you
Q: Page Number Disappearing with openright

QuantumDartI am using such a document class \documentclass[11pt% ,a4paper% ,headsepline% ,headinclude=false% ,footinclude=false% ,twoside=true% ,cleardoublepage=empty% ,appendixprefix% ,numbers=noenddot% ,bibliography=totoc% ,listof=totoc% ,openany% ,open = right% , ]{scrbook} ...

@ChristianHupfer dealt with
@PauloCereda -- unless you move the second line to the left, there simply isn't space for the number. maybe try flalign; the number will still be placed down a line, but you can use the \raisetag to move it up. amsmath documentation, sec.3.8, p.6. (not sure it's an improvement though.)
@ChristianHupfer I can't find any question that asks for the page number.
@barbarabeeton I would break it in 3 lines, for that sake
@Johannes_B I handled it over to you due to this obscure scrbook class :-P
@PauloCereda add \mkern-18mu after abertura do parametro (in the subscript), similarly \mkern-9mu before abertura da lista. Use similar tricks to position all the "labels" that stick out somewhere or are too close to each other
@Paulo then you should be able to save enough horizontal space to fit the number in.
@ChristianHupfer Setting to value to empty is strange enough. It is the standard.
@Johannes_B: Package captino? A successor of El Capitan? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Oh, did i make a bubu? I don't reread comments. :-)
@barbarabeeton, @yo': thank you, friends. :) My thesis is taking shape. :)
@Johannes_B You're comments reread you must, mmhhh
@ChristianHupfer I do a few days later checking on the state of the question ;-)
@PauloCereda I can think later to the problem.
@egreg Thanks. :)
I’m doing set theory applied to website development.
@ArthurReutenauer ooh
@PauloCereda You're welcome! and be strong, you'll need it! :)
@PauloCereda open you gtalk, pal!
@yo' Roger! :)
@PauloCereda Here is something using smaller underbraces like in tex.stackexchange.com/a/224842/4427


@egreg O thank you very much! And sorry for the trouble. <3
@PauloCereda I did it whilst sipping my wine. :)
@JosephWright @yo' Anybody interested in writing something up? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/260484/…
@Johannes_B fixing something up
@egreg wine powered. :)
@yo' Allright. I waited till you are done with pinging :-)
@PauloCereda Indeed \underbrace is too heavy in the standard setting.
@egreg Maybe I am the one to blame for exploiting \underbrace for other uses. :)
@Johannes_B done.
@yo' upvoted :-)
@JosephWright Mod hammer close as off-topic or writing a short answer for the sake of completeness? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/255743/…
Seems like this is another candidate: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/253662/…
It is really good to know that there are maintained templates on CTAN. For example classicthesis. It got an update in september this year. Ok, you cannot get every little bug and some stay: abstractoff, % <--- obsolete, remove (todo) On the other hand i can also find: \PassOptionsToPackage{pdftex}{graphicx}
@Johannes_B I could almost here you cry out loud when I read template.lyx and classicthesis ;-) ... Apparently lassicthesis-config.tex has the backend=biber commented out, so they were almost there. — moewe 5 mins ago
@PauloCereda Concerning the \underbrace problem, if you change the two \scriptstyle into \scriptscriptstyle, you get this, which I find even better.
@egreg ooh!
How do you know these things? :)
@PauloCereda I read the TeXbook several times. ;-)
@egreg ooh :)
@PauloCereda Quotation from the answer linked above: ”I've never understood why Knuth didn't provide cmex5 and cmex7”. :)
@egreg ooh :)
Any idea how I insert a text after citation in blockquote ?
ha, just figureout i can add to the page brackets
Good maen
A very special fan of hyperref:
A: Package hyperref destroy \leftmark and \rightmark with KOMA

Philippe A. Bopphyperref also destroys landscape and a lot of other things. It is thus pretty useless!

@ChristianHupfer I deleted this answer as it's bad, subjective, and without reason. It's the second one in the same way by this user, I deleted the other one too.
Uh, need to concentrate on driving the street.
@StefanKottwitz Thanks for your action -- I flagged it already
well, somebody drives me that street - the one of Gibraltar! I hope he hits the gap
@StefanKottwitz I had to star that :-)
@StefanKottwitz I somehow think of getting the other regulars on the boat gefore unleashing another beast. Beast referring this time to the template put together by Sunil.
Hope Gilbraltar cops aren't as good as tex SE mod, lol
@Johannes_B I went to Palma the Mallorca to fix the Internet connection on a cruise ship, finished at the first day but have to stay 4 days until I can leave at Lanzarote. The don't give me a small boat to go :-o but otherwise all inclusive, cheers :-)
@StefanKottwitz Never thought about loosing internet connection on a cruiseship :-D
@Johannes_B That's a drama, a cruise without Facebook for selfies and without instagram for food photos! They fly me in no matter what it costs
@StefanKottwitz :D
@Johannes_B I met a guy with a cool job here: a port shopping guide. He tells the people onboard where to buy expensive things, and gets percents.
@StefanKottwitz How cool would it be if a chopper lands on the ship to get you off right in the narrow part of the street. Sort of like James Bond Escape :-)
@Johannes_B Actually the IT manager here made a similar joke :-) Internet works! and I'm flying away hanging with one hand on the helicopter
@StefanKottwitz That is a job i can do. No, wait. I am a grim one.
he wanted to make me a T-Shirt with "I fixed the Internet!" I denied, because if the satellite line would be slow/full next day, everybody (3000 people onboard) will hunt me
@StefanKottwitz Wow, I fixed the internet would be really cool (if all works out)
@Johannes_B I want a Go away or I will replace you with a macro tee. :)
@PauloCereda Also a good idea :-)
@PauloCereda I need an XXL shirt with I got expanded after all those meat and ice cream and such :-o
@StefanKottwitz :)
@Johannes_B Marco Daniel had a LaTeX fetishist tee too.
Nobody answered my question :-(
@overleaf @sharelatex How do you define the word *template*?
@PauloCereda Oh, somebody could get that wrong :-)
@Johannes_B indeed. :)
@PauloCereda True TeXers wear one with \slogan :-)
@StefanKottwitz :)
Oct 4 '11 at 21:13, by Paulo Cereda
So this friend of mine was in a TCS conference. He saw a girl approaching, came closer to her and said, "Do you like using LaTeX?". She punched him in the face, said "Idiot!" and walked away. He was like, "Oh boy, another MS Word user..."
@PauloCereda :-D
@StefanKottwitz: While you are fixing the internet (;-)) He did it again:
A: Clickable links in PDF are wrong on landscape pages (pdflscape + LuaLaTex)

Philippe A. Bopphyperref seems to screw up petty muc h everything else

@ChristianHupfer Unsatisfied user apparently. Make starters getting started more easily then.
you get the tick for the most elegant solution! — erreka 14 mins ago
@DavidCarlisle: ^^
@egreg and friends: vimeo.com/144052535
@ChristianHupfer It brings reviewer badges and raises the mod score, simple to click, so what :-) he has a lot of effort easy to make it useless
My talk in the GuIT meeting, available for all. :)
@PauloCereda Link?
@Johannes_B Two messages further up.
@Johannes_B My previous message to egreg. :)
@PauloCereda @TorbjørnT. Oh, missed that :-)
@StefanKottwitz We should praise him then ;-)
@PauloCereda I just love your accent :-)
@Johannes_B awww <3
@Johannes_B Nobody can say “arara” like Paulo!
@egreg Thats right :-)
@StefanKottwitz A cruiseship full of people. Something is broken and they fly a guy in (like you). How many rooms are reserved for that occasion? Suppose, a toilet went mad and some kitchen stuff.
@egreg <3
@egreg I taught arara to my little one, heard one of @Paulo's talks and had to reteach everything, including me :-)
@Johannes_B They have 800 crew or so on board for all basic things, but not specialists
@Johannes_B including IT manager plus 2 IT admins plus one IT from their HQ currently
@StefanKottwitz On board or open seats/beds?
@Johannes_B 3 IT people permanently on board plus remote support by HQ and service providers like me
@Johannes_B of course they can just call an external one if they can provide a cabin, sometimes it's hard but it's not rare that even on a fully booked ship some passengers don't arrive for their cruise
@StefanKottwitz If not, you would have to sleep in that large kitchen sink? :-)
@Johannes_B contracts ensure that I get a cabin for me alone
@StefanKottwitz Nice :-)
@Johannes_B much better than in yards with not yet finished ships :-o but I like that atmosphere too
@StefanKottwitz If everything is booked ... muss dann einer über die Planke Laufen? :-)
@Johannes_B yes, the one who broke the Internet
@StefanKottwitz :-D you don't know how hard i am laughin right now :-D
@Johannes_B I hope you are in the library right now!
@StefanKottwitz No, not this time :-)
@Johannes_B I'm beside the pool. I decided to change the location (because they don't serve the good whisky) but just now the girl brought a double cognac without being asked for it sigh (had a single one before)
@StefanKottwitz You can manage it :-)
@StefanKottwitz Do they (the working staff guys) know who you are? Or do they treat you like any other guest on the ship?
@Johannes_B The latter, I walk around like a guest on the ship (though I wear NAUTICA or Paul & Shark instead of Camp David :-) )
I wear NAUTICA because of the great font of the brand
@StefanKottwitz I see you are in good hands then :-)
@StefanKottwitz I saw a documentary about a very large cruiseship. This is scary. Really scary.
@Johannes_B I like the technology side of it (and the crew girls, when I was crew)
@StefanKottwitz But they are sooooo big.
@StefanKottwitz crew girls, you shouldn't be touched by them ;-)
@Johannes_B Hm, where not? :-D
@StefanKottwitz :-D
@StefanKottwitz The template business: A long way to go
@Johannes_B Providing good templates would be a cure. I hoped Vel's site would go that way.
@StefanKottwitz Working on it. But to be honest ... I think the whole concept of templates is flawed. But then again, what is a template? @barbarabeeton asked the same question.
@StefanKottwitz Asking helpers is something, but... what about the beginners? Not knowing how stuff works? They might expect something dfferent than helpers.
@Johannes_B For me it's simply a skeleton (file or project) where I can fill in (or activate and deactivate things), or do I really miss something? It builds on classes and selected packages with a (perhaps customizable) design and some own macros
@StefanKottwitz Really not that simple. :-(
@Johannes_B Then maybe I don't call it a template :-)
@barbara I reward myself for the achievement:
$\SI{45}{\degree}$ appears as only 45 in a tikz node. \degreeCelsius does; any hints?
\sisetup{detect-all} is in place
@repurposer I've got no idea. The best is to create a very short MWE and post it on the site. In that case, if it is something the maintainer needs to look in, he can refer to it. Also, you are more likely to get an answer.
Apprently my TexStudio doesn't allow me to add % anymore, unless there's anyother character before. What could I have done wrong to bug this
@repurposer By any chance you're using CircuiTikz ? as this package require an option to run siunitx
@G.Bay There is a bug in TeXStudio connected with %: if you add it after a character, it adds also a space in front of %. Maybe you changed some setting.
@egreg It seems like i messed up TexStudio macro by mistake, i thought the Shift F1 macro was disconected to the "shift 5" lol, just fixed now
:) thanks for replying anyway, now back to making my newfloat caption get capitalized

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