Which book (free or otherwise) was the most useful to you when you started learning LaTeX?
I am frequently asked this question by friends who want to learn LaTeX, and I recommend the book which got me started, The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε, but I feel that there might be better option...
@EnthusiasticStudent Impossible to answer. We need to see a sample document, there are many many many CV examples out there. Please ask a question on site, easier to give advice there.
@Manofzelego But please, do not do that too much. It seems easier to ask a poorly stated question in the chat. However, if the question is not really trivial, it is really more time consuming for everybody; also, no other people than you can profit from it.
I am trying to make my CV in LaTeX and I am not using a specific package for CV. I am coding it myself.
My problem is that the space after normal paragraphs and the space
after the lists are not the same. (spaces which are shown with red arrows in picture.)
Also, the vertical space between my l...
@Johannes_B Is there any specific cricket match going on these days? Because all the people specifically in TeX chatroom are talking about cricket! :))
@EnthusiasticStudent we keep bringing cricket up to fill any gaps in the conversation, otherwise people are tempted to chat about TeX, which is so dull. The original reason for introducing it was to interrupt @egreg and @PauloCereda's never ending discussions about football.
+1 but in the current (2015/10/01) latex release luatexbase-mcb is not needed, the relevant luatex support is built in to the format. — David Carlisle1 min ago
@DavidCarlisle: I've think I've understood now your \@elt code ... The list itself is recursively built up, with \@elt as 'separator' (macro or chopper) -- is this true?
@ChristianHupfer well not really recursive but yes, the idea is you define \@elt to do whatever you need (in latex for example, either reset to zero, or write the value to the aux file for include) then you just execute \@elt{countera}\@elt{counterb} and it does \@elt on each of them, typically it's a lot more efficient than a "loop" macro, at the cost of storing an extra separator token per element in the list
@JosephWright partially it still leaves the question of whether you do get an error on an unpatched 2015/01/01 but the number of people who have that format and manage to install ltluatex without updating latex must be pretty small so I'm going to ignore it..
@JosephWright load memoir then try \requirepackage{etex}\reserveinserts{32} fails now because the new extended float list meant there were not 32 slots left to reserve.
Does anyone know how to compile when I'm inside a chapter? I have to save the file each time, go to the main.tex file and then press compile. (I'm using Texmaker)
@EnthusiasticStudent I personally find it confusing if an inner list continues with 4 (or whatever value), but's that's my personal opinion. I've upvoted the question anyway ;-)
@EnthusiasticStudent If I understood your question well it's the same: series=myfirstlist (where the first list starts etc) and then \begin{enumerate}[resume=myfirstlist]` etc.
@EnthusiasticStudent One new enumerate list with only one level of depth, if you want more depths you have to define the labels one your own again. But that's not really difficult
@Johannes_B not even database shutdown possible (log shows the too much connections), still investigating from where it comes (netstat etc) but slow responses