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Q: Exercise 17.21 of Knuth’s TeXbook: a (known) error?

Gustavo MezzettiExercise 17.21 of The TeXbook asks a question concerning \delcode: Appendix B defines \delcode‘< so that there is a shorthand notation for angle brackets. Why do you think Appendix B doesn’t go further and define \delcode‘{? (quotation from that source). The first sentence of the answer...

Am I the only one who reads the comments and edits of the OP as I do not want to know the answer to my question?
@egreg Well done, qck it is :-)
8 hours later…
@PauloCereda There's gedit in Homebrew.
anyone know what the correct unicode number for \u{c} is?
@PauloCereda Cannot watch now: I'm in the classroom, with students doing a test.
@egreg ooh. :) Take a look later, you will love it. :)
Hmm, I'm wondering if it isn't a typo, the manuscript wrote Bazilevi\u{c}, I;m quite sure it had to be \v{c} instead. Breve c does not seem to exist.
@daleif Quite certainly.
@daleif It happens with OCR or because people are careless.
@daleif Not in UnicodeData.txt
It is not OCR, it is from a manuscript sent to a journal and even typeset by an expert. I just think think the expert did not double check. I'm taking the abstracts etc and converting them into something we can post online, and my script complained that it did not know what to do with \u{c}, rightly so it seems. Hmm, the person also go \c{E} wrong, that should have been \k{E}.
@daleif Depending on the person's language, it could even be \'{c}
@egreg since it is Bazilevic fuinctions, it is easy to look up, and most of the refs I find use č.
Now, how do I convince emacs to open a file in CP850....
@daleif A Russian guy, so either Bazilevič or Bazilevich.
Hmm, my typo meant \c{A}, shouldn't that be \k{A}? Ever seen \c{A}?
Most are either vic or vič.
The cedille like stuff on capital vowels in (I assume) Polish names, aren't that \k? Seems the first author did not know how the co authors was typeset correctly.
@daleif C-x <return> f cp850
Hehe, it is, I found the co authors affiliation, it is \k, but it is written incorrect in the material we have been sent. Sigh....
@DavidCarlisle, but why can't it detect it it self? We had to ask the guy who prepares the file to tell us the encoding, none of my programmes on Linux could correctly detect it.
@daleif use \= for all accenty things and assume the reader will assume a slope or curve or whatever according to context. (English approach to accents:-)
@daleif is it sufficiently different that interpreting it as latin 1 is obviously wrong? in general it's not possible to automatically distinguish 8bit encodings is it?
@daleif \c{A} is unlikely.
In Polish there is \k{A}: Ą
Anyone know the compose key combination on Linux to do \k{A}?
@DavidCarlisle I have to convert it into UTF8, and it kept going wrong over an over again. But once we knew that it was CP850 I could pipe it through iconv and it works just fine.
@daleif I'd use emacs C-x 8 <ret> 104
@DavidCarlisle How long do you thing I give it before opening up the LuaTeX stuff?
But I'm not using Emacs to write here ;-)
@daleif sorry I don't understand that sentence:-)
@JosephWright I'd have said 5 minutes, but I guess you should leave it until the weekend for other reasons.
Is there an Emacs interface for stackexhange chat? ;-)
@daleif yes
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I was thinking more that timescale
Q: SX -- Stack Exchange for Emacs!

Sean Allredpull requests welcome! SX is a Stack Exchange client for Emacs. Currently progressing rapidly through its prototyping phase, SX will support the full range of API operations, including network/question browsing and commenting, in addition to certain Emacs superpowers: editing source code sni...

@DavidCarlisle interesting
@daleif actually I'm not sure it does chat yet @SeanAllred ??
@PauloCereda marked for later
@daleif :)
on a sidenote, emacs ewwwww
@PauloCereda s/ewwwww/quack/
@DavidCarlisle quack <3
@PauloCereda quack needs to M-x doctor
Ahh, there it is ąĄ, <compose key> , A found via fsymbols.com/keyboard/linux/compose
user image
@daleif: I got emacs'ed. :)
@PauloCereda rightfully so ;-)
star proof that @PauloCereda is an emacs user really
@DavidCarlisle oh no, it's too late to remove it. :)
I have it installed because it lowers my chances of getting beaten up by emacs bullies. :)
At least nowadays nano is installed by default on most systems so one can do fast changes without having to to leam vi. I only know the command to exit that strange programme.
@daleif Indeed, pico is the king of editors :-) (nano is just pico, really)
Jun 29 '11 at 13:18, by Paulo Cereda
@Seamus Talking about editors, I remembered this quote about vi: Q: How to generate a random string? A: Put a fresh student in front of vi and tell him to quit.
@JosephWright I used to use Pine as my email programme for years and years. So for fast edits I tend to use Pico/Nano. More control -> Emacs
@daleif Same here in the sense I used pine for my PhD when e-mail was just becoming generally useful
@DavidCarlisle that will not work when emacs has already opened the file in the wrong encoding. I think one can also to that via the command line.
@JosephWright Compared to the webmail I'm using now, Pine was far superior.
@daleif I could set up Pine (or Alpine) here but I've used ThunderBird for years and been happy
@daleif The new work webmail we have is odd (Office365)
@JosephWright I'm using the OWE webmail. I could use Thudnerbird, but there is not really official support for it and no official support for the calendar. Even though some colleague have set up some kind of converter somewhere. I've just decided to live with it
@daleif At one point our lot (IT) had turned off IMAP/SMTP but that's been reversed. I've used DavMail in the past to get access via the web back end but there are some cheap-but-commercial plugins for TB that do the job without needing that. On my Mac at home things are smoother as I use the Mac calender (but still TB of course)
@JosephWright ^^
@PauloCereda as long as it is not notepad everyone will be fine.
@daleif My non-work e-mail has a poorer webmail than the Office365 one and in any case I much prefer a proper client. So I put the effort in. Of course, the official position is to use Outlook.
@daleif Indeed. :)
@JosephWright which is known to work 100% correctly on Windows. Even some of our secretaries had to switch from Mac to Windows because some of the calendar features did not work correctly in Outlook for Mac.
@DavidCarlisle, interestingly gedit can open this strange file so what correctly. While Emacs cannot. (did I jsut see a flying pig somewhere)
@daleif Our official position now does support Mac/Linux to some extent, I think in part as smart phones need similar stuff in any case
@DavidCarlisle, just for future reference the first method in emacswiki.org/emacs/ChangingEncodings seems to work (rewritten to CP850)
@daleif thanks
@daleif -- what's the author's first name, and if you can give more information on the citation, i can come up with a bibtex-coded item from mathscinet. there are 7 or 8 bazilevices, with various accents on the c (mostly \v or \') so i need to narrow it down. unfortunately, "bazilevic functions" is not a key word in the math subject classification, so i can't use that to narrow it down.
It doesn't really matter the issue have already been sent to the Printer in the Netherlands. We had a look back in the original article (before reformatting) and it was written wrongly in there as well. It just grab the title, authors and abstract. In the abstract I found "Also, we consider
conditions that are sufficient for a function to be a Bazilevi˘c function.", where it said c with a breve.
It seems to be related to convex functions
I've found an AMS article with the same author from 1969 with a similar title where it is written as vič.
@StefanKottwitz Can you have a look at golatex.de/viewtopic,p,73147.html#73147, please?
OHMY! You come to the chat and: 4 flags?!
@yo' Where?
@JosephWright probably solved already. Not in this room I think, they disappeared before I managed to click them :-)
anyways, I gotta go again in like 10 minutes. It's a busy day today, but we've just finished the June issue of the journal (just in time).
@daleif c with breve is just a mistake. I remember Steve Grathwohl (working for the University of North Carolina Press) mentioning he had to typeset that character too, in a Croatian name (can’t remember what the name was).
@ArthurReutenauer Also my thought. Seems people just think, ok TeX can make it, surely it is correct. They might not realize there is a difference between \c{E} and Ȩ (I'm not even sure that is the correct utf8 char)
@daleif Regarding your earlier question about how to input the ogonek, on my Ubuntu laptop I can do it with AltGr-Shift-= [the equal sign].
ok, gotta go, have a nice weekend all!
@daleif, No, U+0228 Ȩ actually is an E with cedilla. The correct character for Polish is U+0118 Ę.
@DavidCarlisle @daleif Not currently, but it's being considered. A project for one of those elusive vacation days :)
@ArthurReutenauer Ubuntu! /shakes fist :)
Unfortunately SE uses some sort of AJAX-based chat, so emacs would need to attach a buffer to a websocket or something.
@SeanAllred That's why I cannot write a better bot at the moment. :(
@PauloCereda Is the code for your bot on the web anywhere?
@PauloCereda It would be interesting to see even if it's some sort of frankencode :)
@SeanAllred Good question. :) I think it's not even on my PC. :) I need to find it first, I guess. :)
@PauloCereda Hahaha!
@egreg On the multiple primitive name business: 1) The LaTeX team are having some discussions re. LuaTeX naming and 2) Next expl3 release will cover all of this with me doing the work in l3names so for the user they'll all have at least a single \<engine>_name:D name.
@ArthurReutenauer hmm, then compose key (On Ubuntu) got it wrong. It does create a cedille even if the list say it is an ogonek.
@ArthurReutenauer Not on my US keyboard (no AltGr ;-)
@Paulo What distribution are you using?
@ArthurReutenauer I go with Fedora. :)
I am just kidding about my Ubuntu rage. :) I have respect for it, although I don't like Canonical at all. :)
I think we have 4 Fedora users in the chat: Michal, Tom, cfr and me. :)
Interesting, ą seems ok, but not ȩ (wrong way), similar vith Ą and Ȩ
@daleif I thought my monitor had some dirt, then I saw it was an e and an a with a tail, oh my! :)
@PauloCereda Indeed
@daleif I think I already observed that, actually, although not on my current computer. Strange.
@daleif Apparently Ȩ was used in Old French. I wasn’t aware of that.
@daleif And is used in the orthography of several languages of Cameroon.
@ArthurReutenauer My Ubuntu might be a bit old ...
@daleif Polish has e with ogonek, not with cedilla: ę and Ę
@egreg ooh the tail has a name. :)
@DavidCarlisle Care to comment on tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2015-June/037082.html? I'm thinking 'Give dvipdfmx as a class option'
@JosephWright I was wondering about commenting that it's wrong place to raise package issues... yes class option or I guess loading color first would work, but making hyperref not do that doesn't seem unreasonable
@JosephWright SWEET
@PauloCereda I keep meaning to install Mint
@PauloCereda It means “little tail” in Polish.
@Canageek Cool, Mint seems very nice. :)
@egreg Really? :) Tilde in Portuguese is til, but in Spanish is colita de chancho (literally pig little tail). :)
@egreg ooh :)
@PauloCereda “-ek” is a diminutive suffix
@PauloCereda Like @yo''s “háček”, which is “small hook”.
@egreg how nice! :)
@Johannes_B Danke! Da habe ich mal kommentarlos gelöscht. Und, hm, kommentiert. :-)
@PauloCereda I learned recently that Portuguese and Italian are close enough that the Portuguese chemists accross the hall can read Italian papers
@Canageek That's surely possible for technical topics, where the language is very controlled. I can easily read algebra texts in Romanian, for instance.
@Canageek I think Italian and Spanish are too languages that Portuguese speakers can at least try, they share a lot of similar phrasal constructions. :)
@David, @Joseph: time to summon @Heiko? /lighting and thunder
Finally got Emacs set up correctly: twitter.com/GOLDIE_ice/status/614489599730184196
@Canageek LOLOLOL
@Canageek Starred! :)
Meanwhile i understand that the welcome, have a look at the starter guide is annoying.
@Johannes_B yes, why do we do it? it just makes people think they have done something wrong
@DavidCarlisle Would simply removing it from the text building blocks be an option?
@Johannes_B no idea, I never use any of those blocks myself
@DavidCarlisle I do for separate accounts. Every other thing is somehow rephrased.
A: Welcome page needs more welcoming

David CarlisleIf I happen to be first to a "new user" I often add a "welcome to tex.sx" comment, but have never linked to the page and I agree with percusse that the "if you wish to familiarize yourself with our format." in one of the boilerplate comments does have negative connotations. Really I don't think ...

@DavidCarlisle Fair point in another answer: If you have nothing specific to tell users, then don't tell them anything.
A sole welcome without any hint or even what the heck are you trying to do would probably drive me insane.
@Johannes_B maybe that already happened?
@DavidCarlisle Just a little bit</russianEnglish> ;-)
A google search for a relevant pic got me to this blog; nice description :-D
@Paulo I’m pretty sure that tilde can be called tilda in Spanish too. Besides, isn’t chancho Latin American Spanish?
@ArthurReutenauer Oh I really don't know, I don't know enough Spanish. :( Maybe @GonzaloMedina can help us. :)
The háček is called “small roof” in Slovenian (strešica). And the origin of the word caron, that’s used in English for the same sign, is really unclear.
Also, the at sign is called something like ape or monkey in Polish and Slovenian (apa and afna respectively, if I’m not mistaken). During one of his talks at the last BachoTeX, Grzegorz Murzynowksi actually called the at sign “ape” in English several times :-)
@Paulo My only source of information about chancho is a documentary I saw about swine flu in Argentina half a dozen years ago. But Wiktionary seems to confirm: en.wiktionary.org/wiki/chancho
@ArthurReutenauer Oh. :)
@DavidCarlisle: Is this a bug or a feature?
A: Extra horizontal footnote bars without footnote

WernerThis seems to be a bug in the longtable package. Here is a minimal example that replicates the behaviour: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[paperheight=18\baselineskip]{geometry}% Just for this example \usepackage[nopar]{lipsum}% Just for this example \usepackage{longtable} \begin{document...

@brunoh -- you should (almost) always believe what egreg says. he knows what he is talking about. (i say "almost" because everyone makes silly mistakes from time to time. but with egreg, you have to look really hard.) — barbara beeton 3 hours ago
@Werner er didn't see that, must be a feature of course, let me read the question...
@DavidCarlisle ...then it's definitely a feature. :)
@DavidCarlisle So when do I collect my $2.56? £2.56 would also suffice.
@Werner take it from @PauloCereda's credit card
@DavidCarlisle Riiiiiight. @PauloCereda, add it to my tab... which currently sits at -$2.56 (or -£2.56), probably.
A: Extra horizontal footnote bars without footnote

David CarlisleI'm not totally convinced by this change but if I add it to Werner's example the rule on page 2 goes.. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[paperheight=18\baselineskip]{geometry}% Just for this example \usepackage[nopar]{lipsum}% Just for this example \usepackage{longtable} \makeatletter \def\...

Is this spam?
Q: saint Louis fed quartelr review style

aa2007rHow can I generate a title similar to the St. Louis FED review Journal. Please see the link here for their last http://research.stlouisfed.org/publications/review/article/10381 piece. Thank you very much,

@cfr weird academic spam perhaps, seems very odd:-)
@cfr voted as close unclear (wouldn't normally do that for a new question, but it looks like spam, but I'm not sure...)
@Werner Oh no!
@cfr -- ask @Mico (he's an economist). Mico -- is this spam, or just something that we're not prepared to deal with?
@ArthurReutenauer A 'small roof' to me is the circumflex accent (e.g. ŵ) - to bach.
@DavidCarlisle Followed suit... but maybe @barbarabeeton's plan is better....
@cfr I know, to me too, but that’s what it’s called in Slovenian apparently.
@cfr @DavidCarlisle I think he is asking how to do a right justified title in a blue box with a small author under it.
@Canageek yes possibly, but if he said that in words I'd remove the unclear vote
@Canageek Why doesn't the OP just say that's what they want to know then? Why all the big mystery?
@cfr @DavidCarlisle Also, that is literally the most recent paper, so probably not his
Seems perfectly clear to me
How to I make a title similar to X. Here is a link to X.
Also he has tags "Titles" and "boxes"
@Canageek well if it's clear to you, answer it, and the close votes will just wither away:-)
@DavidCarlisle I don't know how to make the box sadly
I'll edit the question
@Canageek Unless you say similar in what respect, it is anybody's guess. The answer could be \title{Monetary Policy Normalization in the United States}... \maketitle. That would certainly produce a similar title!
@cfr I'm guessing litterally similar: Right justified, blue box.
I really don't get what is so hard about this
Q: saint Louis fed quartelr review style

aa2007rHow can I generate a title similar to the titles in the St. Louis FED review Journal. I've linked the latest paper from that journal.

Does that make it clearer?
Meow, main loading for minutes now, what's going on?
Heck, if someone tells me how to make a blue box like that I could do it
@Johannes_B Does the question above make sense to you?
@Canageek In what sense is that 'literally similar'?
@Canageek No idea, keeps loading loading loading ...
@cfr Is there a dialect thing? To me that means "Something that looks roughly the same as"
@cfr So it doesn't have to be exact, but as close as possible.
@cfr Similar: Almost the same as
@Canageek No idea. 'Literally similar' doesn't mean anything to me. 'Similar' means resembles in some respect or has some significant feature in common. But it doesn't have to be to do with the appearance. Two books can be similar despite looking entirely different. Two people can be similar in terms of personality despite looking radically different.
@cfr The standard orthography of Slovenian just has the one accent on three consonants (č, š and ž), but the specialised orthographies used in some dictionaries and for dialects is just crazy. It has six different accents (all on vowels), including two that are used only for Slovenian and some related language(s).
@cfr Yeah, but in this context it obviously means the appearance.
@cfr Or the layout/typestting (Same thing really)
@ArthurReutenauer Sounds complex.
@Canageek -- if you're editing, why don't you just change it to "looks like"?
@barbarabeeton Because saying similar to makes perfect sense to me, so I didn't think of it?
@Canageek If it is obvious to you, great. It isn't obvious to me. You pick out blue background and right justified. What about the size, font and distance from top of page? What about the page margins? The weight and style? Even just the appearance, there's a bunch of different things it might mean.
@cfr @Canageek “Literally similar” sounds pleonastic. The only way I can understand it is as “identical”, but using “similar” sounds like you don’t want to say that it’s identical.
@cfr I'd say it would be all of those.
@ArthurReutenauer Sounds complicated.
@ArthurReutenauer Identical means "Exactly the same as". "Similar" means "As close as possible".
@cfr I’ve been wanting to write an article about diacritic signs in the languages of Europe but it needs a lot of research.
@ArthurReutenauer Albanian has just one: ç. :)
@egreg Are you sure? What about ë?
@ArthurReutenauer -- i've got a nice book, "manual of foreign languages", copyright 1952, but that was the 4th edition, and it looks like it started way earlier. it has a 4-page summary of diacritical marks and the languages that use them. if you'd like, i could try to get you a good scan of those 4 pages. interested?
@barbarabeeton That would be great! I’d love it.
@ArthurReutenauer By literally I just meant, by the dictionary definition.
@Canageek OK OK ... But that doesn’t help us know what you want. You’ll have to be more precise.
Wow that was weird. Couldn't load any stack site, even chat wouldn't load.
Looking at the discussion above, I wonder if the OPs know even slightly how much thinking and interpretation has to be done to make sense of some qustions :-)
@ArthurReutenauer Damn!
@ArthurReutenauer Man, you guys seem really obtuse to me today. It seems obvious if I gave someone a title page of a book and said "I'd like to make a page similar to this" I'd assume one that looked like this.
Thanks @Canageek, I hadn’t been insulted yet today. Now you go ahead and answer the OP since it’s so obvious to you.
@ArthurReutenauer That wasn't meant as an insult, and I don't know how to make a light blue box in LaTeX or I would have. I'm not an expert like you guys.
@Canageek Calling people you don’t know obtuse? Using excuses such as “I’m not an expert” to avoid helping people? If I didn’t know better I would call you names too.
@ArthurReutenauer I literally don't know how to answer that question, or I would have done it.
@ArthurReutenauer And yes, everyone here is being frustratingly dense over what looks to me to be a really simple question. Right aligned, space at the top, bottom and middle, and a blue box.
@ArthurReutenauer If I knew how to put a light-blue box into LaTeX I'd have done it already, but I could only shade the whole thing, centered, not left-offcenter.
@Canageek So you do mean to insult people. At least that part is clear.
@ArthurReutenauer So yes, Stop being so high and mighty about unclear wording, and try and help people like this place normally does. I'm frustrated since this is normally one of the most helpful places around, and you guys are acting like Reddit or something
@Canageek I don’t know how to put a coloured background like that either, I haven’t used LaTeX in years.
@ArthurReutenauer I wouldn't say insult, which it why I used obtuse instead of stupid.
@ArthurReutenauer I was thinking of 'overly pedantic' as an alternative if that is more acceptable.
@Canageek I don’t know how to help that user, that’s all. If you think you can, just do it. If you have some questions yourself, just ask them. But don’t accuse others of not trying to help.
@ArthurReutenauer I am blatantly accusing people of being less helpful then useful, since a clear, simple question has 3 close votes.
@Canageek I am not one of them.
@ArthurReutenauer Fair. Sorry, I should have been more clear I was talking to the chat in general. I did my best to help the usefer by editing their question several times and inserting an image of the title they asked about instead of a link
This has gone marginally viral:
Q: Can Stack Overflow and Meta's logos be changed temporarily to the "#LoveOverflows" logo?

TimStack Exchange just tweeted this image following the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in favor of gay marriage: #LoveWins #LoveOverflows Please can this be made the logo for a couple of days? I'm thinking Stack Overflow. LoveOverflow chat room for the more... off topic discussions...

@Werner Cool :-) Not sure how to adapt that to TeX.SX though.
@Canageek At last. Thank you. I’ll still point out that “talking to the chat in general” is completely unhelpful and unfair.
@Werner On a related note, I didn’t know that Joel Spolsky was gay.
@ArthurReutenauer I'd politely disagree on that point.
@ArthurReutenauer I would like to apologize for any offence taken form obtuse though. English is lacking in polite ways to tell people you think they are wrong.
@Werner We should have DuckOverflow.
@Canageek seems to be OK to me: the question was very unclear and got a few close votes on that basis, now it's been edited and is clearer, and at no point was it closed. Seems like the site working well, it happens that the question is clearer as you guessed with the OP wanted and fixed it, but that's OK.
@Canageek That’s not really what I was objecting to, but apology accepted.
@DavidCarlisle It just felt like people were telling me my edits were unclear, and I felt that the question didn't really need them in the first place.
@Canageek @ArthurReutenauer One question that seemed to split the userbase on the clear/unclear matter was tex.stackexchange.com/questions/244812/…; related chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/21622905#21622905
@Canageek at least two of the votes preceded your edits (mine did)
@Johannes_B Interesting, but it doesn’t surprise me at all that people would (not) understand that particular question in different ways. This is typically a matter of taste.
@DavidCarlisle Is the just linked Q a duplicate to tex.stackexchange.com/questions/24242/…? Both are highly accepted, so i don't think there would be any reason to close.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/24242/…
@ArthurReutenauer That is just how it is in the world. Some minor disagreements spice up the daily work. :-)
@Johannes_B In the case of the Federal Reserve of St. Louis review I would focus on the fonts (because I think Myriad and especially Minion are quite nice), but I don’t think that’s what the user wants.
@Johannes_B yes you could let it go, or you could invoke the mods and ask to merge.
@ArthurReutenauer I haven't even looked at the question in detail cause my machine was lagging like hell. As to the colored boxes, i hear tcolorbox and mdframed are quite nice. <- @Canageek
@DavidCarlisle Never seen a merge before. Let's ask @JosephW about it.
@Johannes_B But the disagreement is not about what the question means. Or rather that disagreement is moot. Those who claim they don’t understand the question obviously can’t do anything anyway. The ball is entirely in the camp of those who claim to understand the question. Hence my main objection is that these people should post an answer, not just say state “it’s obvious what the user wants”.
@ArthurReutenauer We had this discussion before. If you read a bit further the chat transcript i linked, you see a few of my thoughts on that.
@ArthurReutenauer Looking at the unasnwered questions, there are a few where i really don't understand what the matter is. Apparently nobody else did, it is unanswered. But there is no comment asking for details. That is what troubles me.
@Johannes_B It’s a little sad, but that doesn’t disturb me at all. Unfortunately we can’t address all the problems in the world. There are only 24 hours in the day.
@Johannes_B Yeah, I wasn't including you
@ArthurReutenauer Completely agree with you here, but still ... Asking for details costs you a minute of typing. The user could have gotten a solution, but nobody seemed to care (Might be what an OP thinks).
@Johannes_B No it doesn’t cost a minute of typing. If you actually want to help someone, you have to be ready to spend much more time than that - first trying to actually understand what the person means (not what they write), explain how you think you understand the question, be ready to react to follow-up comments, and eventually answer the question (hopefully). Say 15-30 minutes if you’re optimistic; more realistically several hours (counting the time not spent doing other things).
@Johannes_B Personally I don’t mind spending that time (not sure why, by the way), but it means you can only answer about one unclear question a day - probably less than that in practice. And sometimes when I know I won’t have the time, I just give up.
@Johannes_B So the obvious consequence is that people ignore these unclear questions, consciously or not, and look like they “don’t care”, if you will. It seems very natural to me. That’s human nature. It would be nice to be able to change that aspect of it, but I for sure have no idea how to do it :-)
@ArthurReutenauer Once again, agreeing with you. Chances are, that after the OP clarified the question i realize i cannot answer it, i don't have the skills. But now that it is clear what the question is really about, someone with the skills can jump in and answer. Sometimes i leave a request for clarification even though i know i will shut down my laptop in two minutes because i have an appointment. I just assume that by adding details, the question will be easier to answer for others.
@Johannes_B Hum, I’m not so sure we are in agreement. The general issue I outline above has nothing to do with not begin technically able to answer the question yourself. It’s about starting a dialogue with the OP. I also think that a quick request for clarification is mostly useless (since it doesn’t really initiate a discussion).
@ArthurReutenauer I have to add that i try to check every one or two days alll questions i left comments at. Check if there ae news, upvote answers if any. Most new users don't know about the @-ping, so i don't get notified when details come up.
@Johannes_B Yes, I try to do that myself, too. How does it work for you? In my case I find it’s mostly fruitless: the user just doesn’t really react to comments and questions.
@ArthurReutenauer TeX-related? Or generally?
@cfr I see you're doing some clear cutting of all the trees questions... :)
@ArthurReutenauer Once again, agreement. Sorry @percusse, have to be bad for a moment. The site is about questions, and answers. Ever tried starting a discussion in comments? The system will get mad and ask you to drag this to chat. Not in a classical forum, discussing can be done there in a very relaxed mood. No need for twitter-like character limits.
@cfr Are you referring to what I just wrote above, or to the last time I @-pinged you about accents?
@ArthurReutenauer <- look at that little arrow, it is a pointer to the referring message :-) quite helpful.
@Johannes_B Well, if you agree with what I just wrote, you must see that the logically conclusion is that it’s physically impossible for people to address more than about one unclear question a day :-)
@Johannes_B Oh thanks, I didn’t notice the arrow before, it’s very pale grey on white in my browser window.
@ArthurReutenauer As a moderator in two classical discussion forums, i encounter quite a few questions. But it seems that asking there for clarification leads to better response. Almost every question can be answered quite quickly by the helpers.
@cfr Generally about how accents are used in orthographies. But it’s probably way too much work.
@Johannes_B Well, that may be the nature of TeX & co :-) And the SX format doesn’t really help actually - a classical forum, or email, works better to have a discussion, of course.
@ArthurReutenauer Some helpers on SE sites are like stressed out MacDonalds people. You don't know what you want. Get back at the end of the line and try again. Reading that you couldn't judge my tone when i am thinking that (we don't know in person). Doing support stressed, no good idea. Take a break instead. Well, this is addressing a completely different matter.
I'll take my break and go to bed. Night guys.
@Johannes_B Generally there’s the issue that TeX attracts an extremely large variety of people (amazingly large, actually), so the basic expectation of one user may differ widely from that of another. In fact, I’ve had interaction with people where it was not only hard to understand where they came from - which can usually be solved in a finite amount of time - but where they also wanted a specific type of answer. Which didn’t work, so you couldn’t really help me.
@Johannes_B I don’t go to McDonald’s, but I think I know what you mean. Anyway, good night, let’s continue that conversation some other time.

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