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9:01 PM
@DavidCarlisle The original code used
\chapter[About Writer]{About Writer}
That should use l@chapter, right?
Was `memoir, don't know if they set it differently.
@Johannes_B hang On I'll post a version of your complete document from above
@Johannes_B blame @brent
@PauloCereda Nihilistendynamittheaterkaestchenssprengungsattentaetsversuchungen Transvaaltruppentropentransporttrampelthiertreibertrauungsthraenentragoedie Mekkamuselmannenmassenmenchenmoerdermohrenmuttermarmormonumentenmacher
@Johannes_B yes actually, the version you posted above does get space before the unnumbered chapter.
@Johannes_B I gues I'll have to trace the OPs memoir :(
@DavidCarlisle -- the book class is badly designed in a number of ways, but people keep using it, and basing other classes on it, anyway. amsbook tried to take all of the usual ams requirements into consideration, sticking as close to the user interface of book as possible, but there are always exceptions that nobody thought of. so \addtocontents is a necessary evil. besides, it's in lamport, so who's to say it's "wrong"? (lamport certainly doesn't.)
@DavidCarlisle The code i posted above shouldn't get any space? Rather the word text
afk for a few minutes
9:13 PM
@Johannes_B see the space before "included file" in the toc here: If you change to memoir it is still there but the Ops image shows no space.
\chapter{included file}
\chapter[Chapter Title]{Chapter Title}


@barbarabeeton The \MakeUppercase imposed for all headings is possibly the worst feature.
@Johannes_B oh I see it's \part, Hmm OK. simplest would be to write \part{The Appendix}
@egreg I think I am misunderstanding noclearpage from imakeidx. I thought this was used to prevent indexes from starting on a new page, but apparently that's not the case or I am misusing it. Could you take a look (if you have time) to a little example document?
@egreg Oh my!
@GonzaloMedina: Hi Gonzalo! Hypothetical question: how hard would be to make a graphic progressively go from bottom left to top right in a beamer document based on the page number? :)
@PauloCereda Hi, Paulo! Off the top of my head, not too difficult. I'd use possibly TikZ and clipping.
9:25 PM
@barbarabeeton It's wrong in the same way that \vspace is wrong, Almost always if they are used mid document it means the document author is fighting the document class design decisions. It's OK to have that fight but it should be in the preamble, not mid document. \addtocontents isn't wrong in general: it's the way headings add their content lines, but if the headings aren't adding the right space the thing to do should be to fix that not just bolt on extra space in the document.
@GonzaloMedina Oh cool! I might ask a question in the site, later on. :)
@Gonzalo: This will be my epic UK-TUG beamer template: Mary Poppins flying over the rooftops of London. :)
@PauloCereda And you want the image in the background and uncovering as your presentation advances? Cool! I might "borrow" the idea (with some other image) :)
@GonzaloMedina I have Mary Poppins silhouette drawn in TikZ right now, and I'll draw London to be as the fixed background. :)
@Johannes_B I posted an answer:-)
@PauloCereda Ah, I misunderstood you; you want Mary to go from left to right... that's even easier.
9:30 PM
@GonzaloMedina Correctly. Diagonally, more precisely. :)
@PauloCereda Ah, yes, piece of cake!
@egreg -- well that's certainly bad, but i'll counter with the glomming of all author info into \author{...}rather than segmenting it nicely, identifying each bit of info separately for each separate author, and then putting it together properly according to what a publisher needs and wants. the top matter is really a mess.
@GonzaloMedina I have some backlog on imakeidx
@PauloCereda With some extra work, one could even make her follow a curved path...
@GonzaloMedina Yay! I have a feeling even @DavidCarlisle will use this template. :)
9:32 PM
@barbarabeeton Yes, sure! But I guess Leslie just wanted to be as generic as possible.
@GonzaloMedina ooh windy days! :)
@GonzaloMedina: Mary Poppins is drawn with \supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. :)
Are any mods around?
I want to have a community ad like http://meta.askubuntu.com/a/12383/62688 , but the system doesn't allow ads without images. :-(
@PauloCereda only if you use this:
@egreg I see. And is the "malfunction" of noclearpage already known to you?
9:34 PM
@DavidCarlisle Drawn with picture, I imagine?
@DavidCarlisle OMG
@PauloCereda Now you really wish you had Windows, don't you.
@GonzaloMedina I'll look also at it.
@egreg Do you want me to give you a problematic example or it's not necessary?
@DavidCarlisle -- okay, i won't disagree that style decisions are better made in the preamble. especially spacing of the sort being discussed. but can you provide a reasonable automatic method for avoiding a page break between a chapter listing and its associated sections? or between the fifth and sixth (the last) sections of a chapter? those are places i've found \addtocontents most useful.
9:36 PM
@DavidCarlisle I feel jealous. :)
@MartinSchröder I doubt that one will work (unless the Ubuntu site has special code): everything is automated around a particular format
@JosephWright The URLs are easy to adapt, the problem is I can't add it as an answer.
@DavidCarlisle You got my upvote :-)
@PauloCereda Can you send me your TikZ M.P. by email?
@GonzaloMedina Sure! I just need to finish her drawing. :)
9:40 PM
@MartinSchröder You'd have to ask the community team (via Contact us): outside of my control!
my tex4ht build is starting to get too big. 5 days now to compile what is about 8,000 pages in pdf. all the time is spend on math generation to svg images. I need to find a better way to speed this up. Or buy a supercomputer.
@JosephWright: ^^
@JosephWright Will do. Thanks.
@Nasser Ask Mr. Cray.
I thought svg generation will be faster than png images for math, but no difference really. But svg looks little better and loads faster in browser
9:41 PM
Time to vectorize her bumbershoot, which does not seem English at all. I blame Daphne and Frasier. :)
@barbarabeeton If you never want a page break after a chapter toc line \l@chapter should add the \nobreak in all cases you shouldn't have to adjust the individual ones. Well for final copyediting as you know you may need adjustments or \enlargethispage or re-wording the title or whatever, but I see these things in first drafts not in fine tuned final publication copy:-)
We need more Word vs. Latex questions on main board. Nothing too exciting happening now :)
@PauloCereda Disney's lawyers will be after you....
@Nasser how often do your math expressions change?
@DavidCarlisle After UK-TUG. :) /pokes @JosephWright with a pointed stick
@DavidCarlisle: I could replace her head with a duck's neck.
@DavidCarlisle when I add a small section, I have to recompile everything again, which means I have to wait 5 days each time. At the end of this, I'll end up waiting one month for each build, since I have 20,000 more pages to add. I need to change my build makefiles to do something smarter. But tex4ht needs the whole latex file to make links.
9:45 PM
1 min ago, by David Carlisle
@Nasser how often do your math expressions change?
@Nasser Can't you parallelize parts of the job, e.g. the image generation?
Here come the lawyers, step in time!
@PauloCereda Paulo, see this:

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  at ( $ (current page.south west)!5*\thepage/100!(current page.north east) $ )



Use your image as mp in my code.
@Nasser why are you doing it as a single latex file anyway? but even if you do you only need to convert a math equation to svg if you have not converted it before.
And process the document two or three times.
9:48 PM
@DavidCarlisle my build is like this: I run Mathematica and Maple, they generate latex, then I compile them using pdflatex and tex4ht. the problem is everything goes to one latex file. so even if I change one line, have to recompile everything.
@DavidCarlisle I need to do it in one file, so that tex4ht can generate the links ! If I break the file to small separate files, then I have to make the links myself. May be I have to do this.
@Nasser it's only that way because you made it that way, but as I say even if you make it all one file then you still don't have to convert math you have previously converted
@GonzaloMedina Wow! Thank you very very very much! I'll send you the final artwork!
@Nasser I'm sure tex4ht supports cross document links
100 close votes cast
@DavidCarlisle not that I know about. I have to build the links myself if the document are separated.
9:49 PM
@PauloCereda Here's the general version (for arbitrary number of frames):

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  at ( $ (current page.south west)!\thepage/\inserttotalframenumber!(current page.north east) $ )


But I'll sort it out. I have to find a way to reduce the build time.
@Nasser doesn't it support xr package? (I'm sure it could easily, it is a very simple package)
@DavidCarlisle I do know what xr package is. Will look into it now. thanks.
@GonzaloMedina Thank you! :) I feel bad for bothering you with my silly ideas. :)
@Nasser It's brilliant it will save your life, you should send its author loads of money in thanks.
9:51 PM
@PauloCereda You're welcome! I should have waited for the question in the main site; this is the kind of simple stuff that fools people around here and gets you a lot of rep. points.
@PauloCereda don't give @GonzaloMedina lots of rep points!
@PauloCereda you could add inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt to the \node options.
@GonzaloMedina I have to post a question. You might have a competing answer. ^^ :)
Featuring DPC's Mary Poppins, which is not I don't know to write this word.
@MartinSchröder I do not know how to parallelize things. too advanced for me. I do not think tex4ht is designed for this sort of thing. I just run tex4ht foo.tex and wait and wait....:)
@Nasser but presumably 99% of what you are waiting for, you already had.
9:54 PM
@JosephWright have you tried it? Maybe you could do it, no, as a mod? ...
@PauloCereda which is not written in tikz ?
@DavidCarlisle yes. I add one line, have to compile 8,000 pages again. again, only made one file to get the links does right by tex4ht. (chapter, section, subsection, toc etc...) But will looks at xr or add the links manually if xr does not work with tex4ht.
@DavidCarlisle Close enough. :)
@yo' Nope
@JosephWright ok, fair enough. Thanks.
10:01 PM
Umbrella is drawn!
@JosephWright mail...
@Nasser this 8000 page document is your whole website, or just one article?
@michal.h21 it is one pdf in one link on my page. Here is the link fyi: 12000.org/my_notes/CAS_integration_tests/index.htm it is the last one in that table which is LARGE, the one which says "algberaic functions" the pdf build fast, but the tex4ht is very slow.
I am now breaking the build to small files, then have to make the toc by hand or use xr package.
@Nasser every time you ask about these things, I'm thinking: who actually reads these 8000-page documents?
@PauloCereda Bad line of code; noe it's corrected:

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,
  mark=at position \thepage/\inserttotalframenumber
10:12 PM
@PaulGessler probably no one reads them :)
Except for me :P
@Nasser then why go to all this trouble to create them? :-)

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,
  mark=at position \thepage/\inserttotalframenumber
@PauloCereda the corrected version ^^
I assume you have image files mp and london.
@PaulGessler because I like to compare different CAS systems.
@Nasser you can also use -p option for t4ht, it will turn off image conversion, and convert the images only at the real end
@GonzaloMedina Soon. :) I'm finishing MP. :)
@GonzaloMedina: I'll test it ASAP, thanks. :)
10:15 PM
@Nasser ok, fair enough. But why do you need HTML? If it's only you looking at them, and you don't want them broken up into separate files, then why isn't PDF/some other direct LaTeX output format good enough?
@michal.h21 I did not know about -p, but how will this speed things? Since it is image generation which is slow? Does the order matter? But will look into -p option and see if it will help, thanks!
@PaulGessler I do not like pdf files for browsing. Imaging if wikipedia articles were all each made of a pdf file. Would you enjoy browsing wikipedia then? Having to download each pdf file, open it using local reader, scroll down, etc... vs. just looking at html page directly. There is a role for pdf files ofcourse, but for browsing, I like to look at something in html, then download pdf if I want as an option.
@Nasser it will not speed image compilation, of course :) it is good when you want to just to make quick fix, like fixing spelling etc. you need to regenerate images in the end, of course, to be sure that everything is ok
@Nasser if a Wikipedia article was 8000 pages long, I wouldn't enjoy browsing it whether HTML or PDF... ;-)
@PaulGessler but my HTML page is not one 8,000 pages. That is the whole point of using tex4ht. It splits one large document into many separate HTML pages (by section, subsection, subsubsection, etc... as configured) and sets up the link directly to them from main toc.
So instead of making links manually to many separate pages, tex4ht does all that automatically. That is the main advantage of using it vs. manual HTML coding where one have to do all these by hand.
@egreg -- if you are going to undertake updates to imakeidx, i have a request: provide an option that doesn't clobber the page headers and footers, just formats the content. although imakeidx is way above any other multi-index processor, we have to ask authors to specify [original], otherwise the page style is irreparably damaged. (and don't ask us to revise how the page footer is formatted; it took michael downes close to a week to get it to work in the first place.)
10:29 PM
@barbarabeeton Note taken
Hello all. Has anyone used inkscape's textext extension to write math formulas in an .svg graphics file? I am having trouble inserting a \begin{cases} \end{cases} environment.... ???
@becko haven't used (or heard) of it, but that's amsmath, does it include amsmath commands?
@DavidCarlisle -- okay, thanks. that gives me a place to look. (how about adding the \enlargethispage from the body of the document? more attractive than manually altering the .toc file.) you sure are lucky, never having to cope with unruly authors.
@becko ah I see it does, first example I hit with google showsalign
@barbarabeeton i never use latex these days either, so I can be very purist in my approach:-)
@DavidCarlisle can you send a link to that example?
10:35 PM
@becko i assume it's same thing, it was first hit with google pav.iki.fi/software/textext
@becko why bother with inkspace? Just write the latex, compile with tex4ht, it will generate svg image of the equation.
Is there really an article that has 166 pages? WTF?
@Nasser textext allows me to edit the equation in place. Inkspace is because the picture contains other stuff besides the equation
@becko ok, but you can do all that Latex. You can use tikz for the picture, add Latex code there and compile all using Latex. ofcourse, you'd have to use tikz to make the pic, which might not be as easy as inkscape.
@DavidCarlisle yes, thats the page of the package. But they dont show the actual example, just a picture
10:41 PM
@becko yes sure but I assumed the first picture they show is something it could do (didn't read past that though:-)
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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