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@ChristianHupfer well, certainly this is possible for all Slavic languages, but that's not a surprise
The OED entry for 'penguin' has the longest etymology I remember seeing. Probably not the birds which are meant to have white heads, but the land.
@yo': The Slavic languages are part of the Proto-European language ... i.e. a branch of it, of course
@ChristianHupfer @yo' What does it mean to construct a language in that sense? Is the idea that it is possible to posit a common ancestor for all languages in a certain group?
@ChristianHupfer German also gets penguin from Welsh, it seems. (Via English or Dutch.)
Pinguin, that is. (According to the OED.)
@cfr: I understand it this way: find similarities in languages from nowadays, going backwards to the past and trying to retrieve a proto-word ...
@cfr Well, there are two things for the Slavic language: the Old-Slavic, and the Pre-Slavic. The Old-Slavic is certain to exist and it indeed is a common predecessor of all Slavic languages. However, some things indicate that a Pre-Slavic language had to exist, it has been constructed to some extent, however, it hasn't be proved to have existed.
@cfr: German Duden (somewhat similar to OED) says: "Origin unknown"
@ChristianHupfer for instance, almost all European languages use a variant of est for 3rd sg present of to be
@yo' Thanks.
@yo', @cfr: the oldest evidence of German language (recognizable as such) is from the 6th century A.C.
@ChristianHupfer Interesting. I guess they don't talk to each other.
@ChristianHupfer A.C. ?
@ChristianHupfer the evidence of Old-Slavic is from the 7th century A.D., but it's certain that something had existed before.
@yo' Which third person singular? ;)
@cfr which of the four you mean?
@cfr: Say the year 550, after the fall down of the Roman Empire
@ChristianHupfer Ah, OK. CE or AD (to me).
@yo' Not sure...
@yo': Of course something must existed before -- a language does not develop within ten years ;-)
@cfr we have four genders in Czech, luckily not for verbs...
@cfr: Yes, that's what I meant... confused it somehow
@yo' Good grief! What do you do with them all?
@yo': Four genders???? Why???
@ChristianHupfer to make it funny ;)
@cfr wait! They influence the verbs, but only the participles / gerundium
@ChristianHupfer Welsh has different third person forms of the verb to be depending on their grammatical role in the sentence. (Nothing to do with gender.)
@cfr damn
@yo' Why?
well, the past participle is different in different genders, and the proverbs
@cfr well, it sounds complicated :p
@cfr: Sorry, German is not inventive this way :D
@ChristianHupfer indeed. 3 genders, 4 cases, moreover only the article changes. The only things that make German interesting are the consonant ch, presence of nicht at the very end of a sub-sentence and the compound words ;)
@yo' Doesn't have 4 genders, though. At least there's that. My linguistic vocabulary is not really equal to this conversation. (I would do a bit better in Welsh.) But proverbs? Good grief!
@cfr damn, I again messed something up
@yo': 3 genders, 4 cases too...uppercase nouns :-P
I meant pronouns of course, not proverbs
@ChristianHupfer uppercase nouns are there because most of your nouns are actual sentences ;)
@yo' 2 genders. Don't know how to count cases - maybe we don't have them? (Not sure this is possible or not.) Oh. Pronouns. Of course. (I was wondering about adverbs.) Pronouns makes more sense.
@cfr you probably don't have cases. French has 2 genders, and it's not enough :p
@yo': Jealous guy :-P
Welcome to Linguistics.Chat.SX :-P
@ChristianHupfer I have my 7 cases in (up to) 3 numbers, I'm not jealous :p
And gender only affects the pronouns, adjectives mostly. But gender also affects the word itself if it follows the definite article. (No indefinite article to worry about.)
and you have words that do not know in which gender they live
@cfr no articles here :p
@yo': We have articles :-P
@yo' We do?
@cfr we don't ;)
however, the craziest thing is, without any doubt, the grammatical aspect
@yo' Your language or mine or @ChristianHupfer's?
@cfr in Czech
@yo' Why? What's crazy?
@cfr for half of the verbs, the present tense does not exist; these have a simple future tense. The other ones, that have the present tense, use the composed future tense.
@yo': Do you refer to the aspects of verbs, as in Russian, for example?
@ChristianHupfer yep
@yo': ponimaju ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Ja ponimaju would be better I think ;)
@yo': I was lazy ... many Russians omit the pronouns too... almost impossible in German
@yo' Is composed something like cwmpasog? That is, you make the tense by combining a base verb, in whatever tense, with the verb in question?
@ChristianHupfer Welsh omits pronouns whenever possible in formal, written Welsh.
But not in spoken or informal Welsh.
@cfr composed like in passé composé in French, or like will future in English
@yo' cwmpasog then.
@cfr: Strange... I would have guessed the other way round...formal: Pronouns, informal: no pronouns
@yo' Welsh does not, strictly speaking, have a future tense at all. That is, the future and the present are one. The more formal the language, the more this is true.
@cfr interesting.
We have lots of past tenses to make up for it.
Well, I'll take my 7 cases, 3 numbers and 4 genders into my bed, and leave you alone here :)
@cfr@yo': It's late, I should sleep. Busy, long day tomorrow with almost no TeX.SX possibilty :-(
@ChristianHupfer haha, we've got the same ideas ;) good night!
@ChristianHupfer Think: opposite to English.
@ChristianHupfer @yo' Nos da!
Too bad they left the treigladau.
@yo' Obviously ...@cfr: Guets naechtle ...
5 hours later…
Any TikZ-perts here?
I'm looking for a way to include an image that I put a border around. The border should around but overlap the image using 50% transparency so that it seems like the image is fading out...
Something like...
    \node (something) {\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{<image>};%
    % <draw rectangle>
  \caption{Some caption}
@Werner like this?
@PaulGessler Ooooo.... looks beautiful. That's an ellipse... what about a rectangle...
...and please give me the carrot.
What about a rectangle with very small rounded corners?
@Werner the path I faded is a rectangle but for some reason the radius is huge. I'm looking into it now.
Just wanted to make sure I had the right idea. :-)
@PaulGessler Looks good.
1 hour later…
@cfr Not an accent
@Werner well... it's not ideal... but:
@Werner I can show the code here, but I'm going to suggest you ask a question on the main site about this, since I'm sure the wizards can come up with a better solution than I. :-)
@PaulGessler ...another carrot. :)
@PaulGessler I can do that.
\tikzfading[name=fade left,
            left color=transparent!100,
            right color=transparent!0]
\tikzfading[name=fade right,
            right color=transparent!100,
            left color=transparent!0]
\tikzfading[name=fade down,
            bottom color=transparent!100,
            top color=transparent!0]
\tikzfading[name=fade up,
            top color=transparent!100,
            bottom color=transparent!0]
@Werner You will find viewer artifacts.
Good maen...
@Werner need to get some sleep for now; I'll check when I wake up if you've pinged with questions/bugs. ;-)
@AlanMunn In msu-thesis.cls what is your intention in setting an empty unnumbered chapter ind fron of the dedication (and bib)?
@cfr @ChristianHupfer I can't imagine how a close/reopen vote period would work. (ad meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5913/…) As I said, the system very correctly discourages close and reopen ping-pong by not allowing users vote again. The standard thing to do in such cases is on TeX.SX to simply start a meta discussion, as I did.
@yo' The Powers are not keen on 'cool off' periods in any case
@PaulGessler You are calling addcontentsline before chapter. chapter calls a clearpage/cleardoublepage so the entry in the toc might be wrong.
@cfr Rarely a question is closed (other than obvious duplicates) without some explanation in the comments, I mean, on TeX.SX. On other sites, this is very common. Here, we mostly seem to follow Rule 1 strictly: Explain the person what is happening before you take the action, and only take the action after the person understands it or when you believe it's not possible to explain it more.
@alan @paul Why are americans so obsessed with uppercasing stuff? :-)
@JosephWright yep, even the [on-hold] label took a very long time to be implemented, and it's really just a label, nothing more.
Yay common prefix!
@PauloCereda :)
@Johannes_B I think you meant @paulg :)
@paulo MEOW :-) t was actually for paul gessler, but the system wasn't able to read my mind.
@Johannes_B: the system applies the quickest search. :)
When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at
you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".
	-- Linus Torvalds
Q: Showcase of surprising posibilities with TeX

GausslerLaTeX is more or less built to typeset books, particularly (but not exclusively) scientific literature. It is less obvious that LaTeX is also extremely good at producing Songbooks Play scripts Chess diagrams Linguistic literature and IPA Bibles Dictionaries Presentations Can people mention ot...

YAQ... Yet another question...
2 hours later…
these show case questions are getting a little boring.
@Nasser Can't say I'm a big fan of the latest one: I'm not sure what 'surprising' is here, particularly for TeX not LaTeX
@JosephWright People using LaTeX for actual work! :)
@JosephWright I commented and voted in that manner. These blatantly bad question significantly increase my downvote ratio :(
@yo' That's what downvotes are for
@yo' Some other people see it differently :-)
Pleased to see voting is going well on the TUG thread
@JosephWright yes, 100+ votes for an unsuitable question. WTF?
@yo' That's not quite what I was thinking of, but I see your point
@yo' Some people want discussion, lots of people I guess feel LaTeX is hard to use
@JosephWright I see that one got closed again. I voted to close originally but having it oscillate between open and close as groups of 5 people pass by can't be good.
@DavidCarlisle sounds correct. However, so far there seems to be no consensus which is the correct state. It seems as one of the rare cases where even meta discussion doesn't help... :-/
@yo' personally since both question and answers seem popular I can't see what advantage there is to closing it, I'd have left it open and move on.
@yo' Indeed. I guess for some people it's obvious that LaTeX is complicated (I guess 'more complicated than necessary'), and for them the question is thus objective. On the other hand, as pointed out in comments complexity comes in part from unfamiliarity, ...
@DavidCarlisle Certainly it's one I'm keeping away from in terms of open/close status
@DavidCarlisle The argument for closing it I guess is that existing questions do tell people what is acceptable: if this debate is OK then ...
@DavidCarlisle Yay!
pythonTex is really nice package! I am learning it now. Much easier to program in Python inside Latex than having to do \def\let\\fi\makeLetter@ stuff all the time! I think I will use this more from now on.
I wrote a small note just now on it: 12000.org/my_notes/python_in_latex/index.htm  my first Python program in Latex:
  x = 987.27
  x = x**2

  The variable is $x=\pycon{x}$
I think this a cool package.
@Nasser ever seen sageTeX? It even knows how to write LaTeX math ;)
@yo' I did. Yes, sagetex is nice also. I tried it.
@Nasser if you are using luatex why not use lua (since it is built in) rather than python (which isn't)
@DavidCarlisle ... because lua sucks ... ? :p
@DavidCarlisle yes, I am now using lualatex all the time. I heared about lua but never seen it. Is it as flexible/general programming language as Python ?
@Nasser It's much smaller than python but its executable and many of its core libraries are compiled in to the luatex executable, that's the whole point of luatex.
@yo' You can stick to Word macros if you wish.
@yo' oy
ooh a palindrome! ^^
@Nasser it's a programming language. :P
Is this LuaLatex language, same as this Lua? lua.org/about.html
I just to make sure I am looking at the right one since I do not see Latex mentioned in the above link.
Everything is right with the world. I provide a quick workaround and pointer to the problem without any real analysis. @egreg provides full analysis and fix which also works in utf8 as OP wanted. I get the tick.
@Nasser yes, currently luatex has lua 5.2 although lua 5.3 just came out and they may switch to that, probably doesn't make too much difference for teh kind of use here though.
@PauloCereda :)
@Nasser latex would not be mentioned in the lua pages. It is the other way round, luatex incorporates the lua language, but unlike pythontex which does it by calling an external command luatex integrates lua in the engine internals
@yo' I agree.
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@yo' It is rare, but I have seen it. My point was just that a cool-off period would make such cases more problematic.
@DavidCarlisle do I need the luacode package then? ctan.mirrorcatalogs.com/macros/luatex/latex/luacode/luacode.pdf I am searching for very simple examples of Lua code inside Latex and having hard time finding simple examples so far, but will keep searching...if this package is what I need, then I can use examples in it as starting point.
@cfr: the hwyaden is feeling better! :)
@Nasser you could although it's not strictly necessary:
Q: LuaLaTeX for dummies: basic directlua use

Andreas HettelI'm trying to understand the basics of lua programming within LaTeX. I have this simple function in a file called luatest.lua: function fact (n) if n == 0 then return 1 else return n * fact(n-1) end end Then I have an usual .tex file: \documentclass{article} \directlua{dofile(...

@DavidCarlisle thanks for the link.
@Nasser search for \directlua on the site, there are lots of examples,
@Johannes_B RE uppercasing: I was the copy-editor for a systems engineering periodical for several years. Most of my work was lowercasing Important Buzzwords and spelling out acronyms.
All the lua examples are so complicated. Is there a way to translate this very basic latex which just prints a x^2 using Lua so I can see how it is used? I'd like the lua code in latex itself, like with python. Here is the MWE
UPDM = Unified Modeling Language Profile for the United States Department of Defense Architecture Framework and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Architecture Framework (or somethign like that)
  x = 987.27
  x = x**2
  The variable is $x=\pycon{x}$
How would the above look like in Lua?
I compile the above like this
lualatex foo.tex
/usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/scripts/pythontex/pythontex.py foo.tex
lualatex foo.tex
need Python installed (the above is Linux)
@Nasser For example

$x = \directlua{tex.print((987.27)^2)}$

Depends how much complexity there is to the Lua code: longer blocks are better in a separate file
@JosephWright thanks. But I meant to have the variables computed in one "area", and then used in Latex. Like with the example I show. This will make it easier to see things. Is it possible to do the same in Lua?
In the Python example, x is python variable, the I access it anywhere in latex later on, using \pycon{variableName}
@Nasser you could use that factorial function example in the link above and inline the function definition with \directlua rather than have it in a separate file
@Nasser Can be done: give me a second

function fact (n)
  if n == 0 then
    return 1
    return n * fact(n-1)
  test \myluafact{5}
@Nasser ^^^
@DavidCarlisle I was thinking of a set up where the calcs were all done but stored in a TeX array, but the idea is the same
@DavidCarlisle thanks, so one must setup an "interface" to the function "fact" by first creating a newcommand*? I thought one can do "\fact{5}" directly from lualatex, since it is "build in"? no problem. So for each Lua function, one needs to make it a Latex command first, then one can call it.
Something like
\protected\def\defLuaVar#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname LuaData-#1\endcsname{#2}}
\def\getLuaVar#1{\csname LuaData-#1\endcsname}
  varname = "x"
  tex.print("\noexpand\\defLuaVar{" .. varname .. "}" .. "{" .. (987.27)^2 .. "}")

$x = \getLuaVar{x}$

@Nasser Depends what you want to achieve
@Nasser Direct translation of your example:

  x = 987.27
  x = x^2

  The variable is $x=\directlua{tex.write(x)}$
@Nasser You could set up a general system that will save 'some maths result' as a recoverable variable of some form
How about this? :)
\x = 987.27sp
\multiply \x by \x
The variable is $x = \the\x$
Just beware of variable scope in Lua!
@AndrewCashner oh you are so old fashioned
@DavidCarlisle Thank you very much ;)
@JosephWright thanks. Your code it too advanced for me to figure out :). I understand @DavidCarlisle example more, since it is simpler. I only have 20 minutes experience with Lua but will keep all these example for reference. I'd like to learn more about this Lua language.
@DavidCarlisle There wouldn't be a simple way to do that without translating into length units (or converting from them), would there?
@Nasser Joseph and David's codes involve specific LuaTeX namespaces.
@PauloCereda Well LuaTeX nowadays uses one chunk for the entire run, so it's not too tricky
@AndrewCashner Not really, unless you were crazy enough to implement a IEEE floating point arithmetic unit to do the calculation "by hand" in the macro layer, and not use the TeX arithmetic at all. Now who'd be crazy enough to do that.....
at least Lua seems to have a nice syntax, reminds me of Pascal, my favorite language.
@JosephWright Jabberwocky. :)
@AndrewCashner expl3?
\input expl3-generic
\fp_eval:n { 987.27 ^ 2 }
@Nasser It's OK, but not as nice as TeX
@JosephWright as I said...
@Johannes_B I think it was a quick way to get the vertical spacing of the content of those pages correct. There may be a nicer way to do it, but this worked.
@Nasser You probably know TeX was written in Pascal, so you're not alone in your preference! :)
@DavidCarlisle Was putting my example together as you posted that
@JosephWright I half suspected you might be
Bah, people don't write their own languages anymore.
@JosephWright cool
@DavidCarlisle Did you actually do that?
@AndrewCashner As @DavidCarlisle says, this uses an IEEE FPU implemented in TeX in an expandable manner (well, in e-TeX + \pdfstrcmp: doesn't work with TeX90)
@AndrewCashner Bruno
@AndrewCashner BLF
@AndrewCashner I wrote the earlier non-expandable precursor :-)
@AndrewCashner monsieur Le Floch. :)
@AndrewCashner Have you seen the regex engine?
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle I begin to see why L3 has been such a major undertaking! Very impressive.
@JosephWright The regex engine in expl3, you mean?
@AndrewCashner Yes
@JosephWright No, where should I look?
@AndrewCashner These weren't on the original 'manifesto': Bruno just wanted to have a go at them!
@AndrewCashner texdoc l3regex on an up-to-date TeX system
@Andrew: as we usually say, when you try to solve a problem with regex, you end up with two problems. :)
\tl_set:Nn \l_my_tl { That~cat. } Why is L3 so complicated? Maybe I should go write a question on the main site, just for @yo' :p
\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { a ^ b # c & d }
\regex_replace_all:nnN { \w+ } { X } \l_tmpa_tl
\tl_show:N \l_tmpa_tl
@AndrewCashner Nice and easy to read
@AndrewCashner with this pace, I'll be running out of close votes ;)
@yo' Why is the closing process so complicated?
@yo' He could always complain (again) that LuaTeX uses Lua not ... [insert favourite much too large scripting language here]
@JosephWright Whitespace.
@yo' Another proposal: "Showcase of Things I Personally Find Difficult to Understand because I Haven't Read the Documentation"
I have been programming Latex the other way. I write Latex in Mathematica, using WriteString[file,"\\begin{document}"] like this. One nice thing, is that I can use the computation in-line as I build the string. Like this
WriteString[file,"The mass is $"<>ToString[x^3-Exp[z^4]]<>"$ and so on"];
@PauloCereda Closing Nazi, at your service.

\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { a ^ b # c & d }
\regex_replace_all:nnN { \w+ } { X } \l_tmpa_tl
\tl_show_analysis:N \l_tmpa_tl
the <> is string concatenation in Mathematica.
Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
@GonzaloMedina Hi Gonzalo! Happy New Year to you too!
@GonzaloMedina Hi Gonzalo, Happy New Year!
@GonzaloMedina 'lo, happy to ya too, yo!
@JosephWright I got ->X^X##X&X in the terminal. So all the word units were replaced with X and displayed in the console output, right?
@AndrewCashner Yes
@AndrewCashner # gets doubled as it's 'special'
@AndrewCashner I added the second example as this shows you a full catcode analysis
@AndrewCashner For example, try
\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { a ^ b # c & d }
\regex_replace_all:nnN { \w+ } { \cDX } \l_tmpa_tl
\tl_show_analysis:N \l_tmpa_tl
@JosephWright I just saw your message about TUG membership. I had a personal membership until last year, but I couldn't renew it. Would it be too late to add my name to the list of possible candidates for a 2015 membership?
Very cool
The token list \l_tmpa_tl contains the tokens:
> X (subscript character X)
> ^ (superscript character ^)
> X (subscript character X)
> # (macro parameter character #)
> X (subscript character X)
> & (alignment tab character &)
> X (subscript character X).
@JosephWright Ah, nevermind! I just saw there are 10 good candidates already. I won't add my name.
@GonzaloMedina There are still 4 days of voting
@AndrewCashner Note you have to read carefully how the regex engines handles catcodes: these are unique to it in terms of regex syntax. See for example tex.stackexchange.com/questions/88394/…
@GonzaloMedina I don't think it's too late, you can for sure give it a try
@AndrewCashner For example a bit of cnsame fun:
\catcode `q=12
\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { a ^ b # c & q }
\regex_replace_all:nnN { (\w) } { \c{\1} } \l_tmpa_tl
\tl_show_analysis:N \l_tmpa_tl
@JosephWright That looks like an exemplary answer
@JosephWright Wow. It's converting plain characters to control sequences based on the regexp match?
@AndrewCashner Yup :-)
@AndrewCashner Obviously, the regex engine is slow if there is an easy 'classical' way to handle it in TeX, but it is very powerful
Got to go for now. Take care!
Q: LaTex editor that support Hebrew

newbieI am looking for a LaTex editor that can manage Hebrew and RTL, and that is supported on OSX, I came across many but did not find that works. Thanks

@DavidCarlisle Puah. :-D
@egreg apparently Italian for "Pah":-)
Q: Who is "juergen" and why can I see the value of his exec-path?

itsjeydI noticed something strange when calling C-h v (describe-variable) on exec-path today: exec-path is a variable defined in `C source code'. Its value is ("/usr/bin" ...) Original value was ("/home/juergen/.opam/4.02.0/bin" "/home/juergen/.cabal/bin" "/usr/local/sbin" "/usr/...

One of the pleasures of open source...
@DavidCarlisle How did you guess?
@egreg I have authoritative sources of information on all such language questions.
@DavidCarlisle @egreg It wasn't me.
@AlanMunn as a mere human you could not compete with the awesome linguistic abilities of google translate
@DavidCarlisle Indeed, as Robert Mercer once said "With friends like statistics, who needs linguistics".
@AlanMunn or for the benefit of @egreg: Infatti , come Robert Mercer ha detto una volta " Con amici come statistiche , che ha bisogno di linguistica " .
@DavidCarlisle Very bad Italian. ;-)
@egreg self description?
Come disse una volta Robert Mercer “con un amico come la statistica, che bisogno c'è della linguistica?"
@egreg It's interesting how you rephrased that using the singular 'um amico'. The English original is in fact marginally grammatical, (although it sounds fine) because statistics in this meaning isn't a plural in English either. But this was a title of a talk (which Mercer gave in 1992) and evokes the well known expression in English With friends like that, who needs enemies.
@AlanMunn “La statistica” is an (abstract) object that can be considered a friend; “le statistiche” are inanimate objects that can't be friends.
@AlanMunn I was also wondering about that: the free translation looses the link, but then that probably fails in Italian anyway
@PauloCereda ;).
@egreg I'm not sure I see what the two types usually refer to!
Q: LaTeX editor that supports Hebrew

newbieI am looking for a LaTeX editor that can manage Hebrew and RTL, and that is supported on OSX, I came across many but did not find that works. Thanks

I'm thinking this is a dupe and the issue is fonts used by default in the editors: other views?
@JosephWright I'm sure Aquamacs supports Hebrew. But I can't test it. ;-)
@JosephWright I agree, but I'm not sure if we should leave some time to the OP to realize it
@egreg I know TeXworks does :-)
@yo' He's found essentially the same with ShareLaTeX but hasn't actually picked up on what I said
@yo' I'm also not sure if he's understood the difference between the font in the editor and the output (the ShareLaTeX comment could be read either way)
@JosephWright Well you can say something like "The statistics in this paper are terrible" which refers to instances of particular analyses, and therefore countable and plural. But you can also say "Statistics is difficult for many people", which is the abstract object and singular. In this usage, it cannot have a definite article in English (unlike Italian, which must use the definite article for this meaning.)
@egreg statistics is never a friend :D :P
@yo' Correction. “La statistica” is an (abstract) object that could be considered a friend; […]
@egreg better ;) :)
@AlanMunn Isn't the first sentence just an abbreviated way of saying 'The use of statistics ...'?
@JosephWright No, I don't think so. Perhaps a shorthand for "the statistical analyses".
Mum's PC is ready. :)
@JosephWright Also, there's another everyday use of the word that usually means just descriptive statistics, as in "The statistics on crime in this region are terrifying."
@PauloCereda she'll be cross with you for not providing windows
@DavidCarlisle That's the beauty of it: she has never heard about Windows before. :)
does anyone understand this?
Q: create table with multicolumns and multirows

werythe code I am workin on this thsi \documentclass{article} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{multirow} \newcommand{\head}[1]{\textnormal{\textbf{#1}}} \newcommand{\normal}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{l}{#1}} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{@{}...

@DavidCarlisle No, there's multirow. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle not only I don't understand it, but I'm a bit worried since it looks like a LaTeX manual in progress :-/ :-(
@yo' I'm hoping that is just sample data picked for the occasion rather than it really being the start of a latex manual.
anyway I leave it to @egreg, I have a car to catch.
@DavidCarlisle ok, take car I mean care :)
Nice show off of bad Italian; the user writes in Italian (or maintains to) and doesn't use babel; so he changes the word “Contents” into “Contenuti”. :(
Q: Duplicate entry on toc when using lstlistoflistings

Marco PredariHi i am making my thesis on latex and i have write some code examples using the lstlisting package. Then i have used the command \lstlistoflistings to add all the example at the beginning of my thesis but on the toc i have another entry with the name contents. In the main.tex of my thesis i hav...

@egreg Ma chè!
A nice joke for today.
@pleasestopstalking There's nobody living in New York. Indeed, if you remove a newyorker, there are still plenty of them. So by induction you could remove infinitely many newyorkers. Therefore there's no newyorker.
@egreg but this is co-induction. By induction you can prove that the capacity of a train is infinite.
@yo' By counterinduction we could say a duck's quack has no echo. :)
@egreg Good one. :-) Thanks.
If a duck quacks in a forest and no one is there, does it make a sound? The answer is: what is a duck doing by itself in a forest quacking? :)
@PauloCereda and can I counter-induce your counter-induction? Does it work like a counter-spell? :D
@yo' we can open a wormhole and travel back in time and warn ourselves to not do these devilish tricks. :)
@PauloCereda we should! :) If for nothing but the fun of travelling through a wormhole :)
@HarishKumar Thanks for answering :-) tex.stackexchange.com/questions/194314/…
@AndrewCashner Whoa :-)
google translate again, I hope my Chinese is better than my Italian
@DavidCarlisle well, probably not, your post got low-quality auto-flagged :P
I have a new LaTeX book to proofread
Nicola's third volume: LaTeX for Admin Work
Much longer than I expected!
@JosephWright Full of birds, so I heard. :)
Ducks, gooses and araras, all wearing hats. :)
@PauloCereda Full of pages!
@PauloCereda s/gooses/geese/g
@JosephWright :)
@JosephWright Oopsie I forgot. :) I blame my Portugoose. :)
Voting going well, I see
@yo' :-)
@PauloCereda -- if there are lots of birds, i hope there are also codornizes. but they don't need hats; they come with a charming little topknot.
Two mini questions. The same way \mathcode gives you the opportunity to set math active characters, is there a way of “generalizing” that? I mean, create a new mode, where you can set “that modeactive. Like if \mathcode was a particular one of a more general \specialcode{math}. Would that be too difficult to implement? May be in LuaTeX is easier...
And secon one: is there an acceptable easy way of implementing “defaults” in an argument or a key=value? E.g., \vspace{2cm} or \vspace{2pt} create a default like mymediumspace so when you use \vspace{mymediumspace} it doesn't complain but uses that default.
@Manuel TeX has only math mode and 'everywhere' from this POV
@Manuel Of course: depends on the keyval backend you use
In the same way, add defaults to a key \foo[width=1cm]{..} then create a default middlewidth for taht key, so that that lets you use \foo[width=middlewidth]{..}.
@Manuel Also doable, but I'd recommend not
@Manuel My experience with siunitx is that 'magic' values are a potential pain
@JosephWright I don't have your experience :) But in any case, wouldn't it be possible to create those “preset values”? At this moment the most doable is create a new meta key middlewidth that equals to width=2.44cm for instance, and then use \foo[middlewidth]{..}, but that's less readable in my opinion.
(My two examples are with dimensions, but that's no necessarily the case.)
@JosephWright But that's a bit weird, isn't it? I mean, in its origin, may be Knuth wanted only a system to typeset primarily math. But, I don't know, wouldn't it be cool a generalization of that? Like, hey, I don't have only “everywhere” and “mathmode”, I do want to have three more “modes”.
@Manuel All you need to do is have the width key not directly set a dimen (or whatever) but rather to check the <value> supplied for a 'special case'
@Manuel What for? Math mode exists as there is special spacing/typography to consider.
@JosephWright I know, it was just if there were already something like that, Or may be a one line solution, to include that preprocessor to all keys (or only to those which have “presets” defined).
@Manuel Difficult to generalise: depending on what you are doing, you might have a very complex situation
@JosephWright Yeah, I wasn't sure about it. It's just that it seemed weird the \mathcode`\?="8000 which only works that way for math mode.
@Manuel As I said, I suggest you don't do this: my siunitx experience is that it's a bad plan
@Manuel I'm not seeing the link between keyval setting and mathcode here
Two different questions, no link in between.
@JosephWright Okey. Last one, if you were to do so, e.g., for \vspace what expl3 command would you use? \str_case:nnF {#1}{{middle}{\originalvspace{1cm}}{big}{\originalvspace{2cm}}}{\originalvspace{‌​#1}}?
@Manuel \vspace?
@Manuel You are setting a key here, not defining a command: there's no renaming of document interfaces
@Manuel why not just use a dimen register and \vspace{\middlewidth} ?
@egreg @DavidCarlisle Just an example, I meant just to preset something, not necessarily a dimen.
@DavidCarlisle Was about to say much the same but with a key -> skip link
@Manuel or a macro then rather than a dimen register
@Manuel In general I'd still abstract: \str_case:nnF { { middle } { \l_my_middle_skip } ... } {#1}
@DavidCarlisle I'm guessing the 'internals' need to be namespaced out of the global space
@JosephWright There should be an internal for \makebox, one for \vspace, and so on.
@egreg It's a bit more complex than that, but I take your point
@egreg For example, implementing \vspace properly needs l3galley
@JosephWright Of course this is a different level from expl3
@egreg I did do some experiments on an equivalent of LaTeX2e's \...box stuff: github.com/latex3/svn-mirror/tree/master/l3trial/xbox
@JosephWright I guess I should try to update the 2 col float order stuff, since no one commented..
@egreg Yes
@egreg Some things though don't 'belong' at the expl3 level without considering their interaction with other ideas
@egreg AS it is the entire box module is at best not properly explored
@JosephWright A (may be) better example with TikZ, imagine you set a style for a node (which presets dimension, color, and shape of the node) called foo so you could call \node[foo]. But then, imagine you only want the color of that setting so, it would be fine to be able to use \node[color=foo] (mmm, wrong example, because then it's easy to set a color called foo, I hope you get where I'm getting), or may be be able to use \node[size=foo] or \node[shape=foo].
(in the hypothetical case that size or shape keys existed.
@Manuel That's normally covered by an 'unknown key' handler (pgf)/property(l3keys)/whatever xkeyval calls it
@Manuel Logic: 'If the key name is unknown pass it as a value to the unknown key' (or similar)
@JosephWright Okey, I get it.
@barbarabeeton ooh indeed! :)
BTW, what did you mean with “I'm guessing the 'internals' need to be namespaced out of the global space” (just curiosity, I don't know what you are talking about).
@Manuel texdoc interface3, page 166
@Manuel @DavidCarlisle Used \middlewidth as a document-level name for the default. That's fine if there is only one possible \middlewidth, but if you want one just for your package, or just for one environment of one package, you need a logner name or more likely something like \my@env@middlewidth
Good maen...
@PauloCereda: Don't steal my line ;-)
die Stealth-Ente :)
@ChristianHupfer <3
@PauloCereda: The soon-to-be-fried-Ente :-P
@ChristianHupfer I'm a bee. :)
@JosephWright And if you remove the first \ you have my question, where you can set \vspace{middlewidth} and in case it's a preset, use it, and you can also use \vspace{3cm} with no problems.
@PauloCereda: Bee - salad :-P
Mum loved using the computer!
@Manuel obviously you could do this but why remove the \ with it it's trivially easy, without it you have to do some fragile test to distinguish a symbolic name from an explicit length
@PauloCereda You wait until all her friends start sending her spreadsheets with vba macros and she can't run them....
@DavidCarlisle Yes, that's where the fun starts
@DavidCarlisle oy
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