@FaheemMitha yes the first test release of 2e were just over the limit of what could be loaded into emtex, we got it down so it could load but if you loaded article and amsmath you had (as I recall) about 50 command names left so at most 50 \label or \newcommand etc
@FaheemMitha I don't mind the question at all! :) But no, I'm not indigenous. Introducing myself that way is just a political choice I make in order to recognize the fact that I grew up on occupied land and that the United States is a country built on top of stolen land and genocide of indigenous peoples.
@Manuel A macro is robust in LaTeX sense if it works inside \protected@edef (or \protected@write). Something defined with \protected\def is robust in this sense.
But for instance, why should \rule be robustified? I mean, it would expand to some \vrule X width H height etc. and then it would stop there without the need of robustifying.
@JosephWright Okey, so we call “robust” some kind of functions that do behave (i.e., not expand) while inside certain “controlled expansion” (this controlled expansion is used almost everywhere so things go “well”). Now since \protected\def we do have robust functions that do behave in every kind of expansion.
@DavidCarlisle Okey, silly thing. That's the reason :)
@DavidCarlisle In any case, what would be the problem of expanding \rule until we get an \futurelet. I mean, the expansion would stop there?
@Manuel if you define a command with an optional argument with \newcommad it is automatically robust but internal commands take some shortcuts to save space
Got to go: mathjax steering committee....
@Manuel That's not the way expansion in edef or write works it expands everything
BTW, semi-related. If we have a \protected\def\foo{..} and then \edef\baz{\foo} it wouldn't expand. But what if we have \edef\baz{\expandafter\empty\foo}, what would happen?
works but that's the same as not using \edef at all.
Basically the answer really is don't do that. \noexpand just stops one expansion occuring so you need exactly the right number of \noexpands depending on how many expansion co...
@FaheemMitha don't know how to ask questions but I could probably answer them
@DavidCarlisle Yep, but I was just born, and I don't know what kills a living thing, wether it's the sound of a gun or the bullet of the gun or the gun itself :P
@Manuel \futurelet is an assignment so doesn't get executed inside an \edef. Now one can argue that the actual issue is then then the following token is expanded into whatever it currently means, but it's the overall construct that's the issue
@Manuel You'll notice that both the LaTeX3 team and ConTeXt people have decided that all macros should be \protected unless they are fully expandable (in new code)
@Manuel A fully expandable macro is one that can be used inside an \edef or similar context and give a 'sane' outcome. For expl3, we've marked up such macros with a star in interface3.
@Manuel The moment you write a macro that uses another unexpandable macro, your macro is unexpandable
@Manuel For example, \protected\def\foo#1{\def\myvar{#1}} then \def\baz#1{...\foo{#1} requires that \baz is \protected as it can't be fully expanded (as \foo won't expand)
@Johannes_B that's what I love about SE :) And as well, it means that you don't get much spam here (simply because it's not useful for anything, and moreover it completely disappears from search engines)
@FaheemMitha Yes, I suppose it's a general comment most people living in the so-called America's could make. And yes, it's definitely not an easy thing to start a conversation about. Much (much, much) harder still is figuring out what can be done to start making amends for the history of colonization and mass murder/genocide and then actually doing those things.
@AdamLiter Few are interested in even acknowledging the facts. Let alone doing something about it. I thought your friends essay was interesting. I didn't know a native tribe attempted to buy back land. An impressive attempt.
I actually tend to use what happened to the people of North America as a counter-example to people you are deluded enough to think the world is a fair place. I.e. see what happened to these people. Yet, everyone thinks it is reasonable, and normal, and nobody even talks about it.
A small rant: why could someone accept an answer without upvoting it? I can think of extreme cases where that could be the (theoretically) appropriate, but, in any case just upvoting the answer that you accept seems logical to me. In a similar way, why would people mark a question as a favourite withou upvoting it? I mean, if I mark a question as a favourite it definitely deserves my upvote. Am I wrong? Why people act that way?
@FaheemMitha Yeah, it's certainly not an easy thing to acknowledge or think about, though that doesn't make it any less imperative to acknowledge it. As you bring up, it's an unfortunate but good example of the world not being a fair place. And the effects of these histories persist into the present day. There are lots of systemic injustices that are faced by people living today because of what happened to their ancestors.
in your home directory ypu will have a .profile or .bash_profile or similar in which you can put export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-linux :$PATH (assuming your login shell is bash)
@EnthusiasticStudent oh OK of course you are root. OK my previous intruction was for setting your personal user path but you can change the system one, better profile than bashrc though as otherwise it'll get reset for every nested shell
@EnthusiasticStudent PATH should be set in /etc/profile already ? you just want to put texlive at front of the existing setting with a : in between
@EnthusiasticStudent as I say it's just text. just edit the line and add the directory path as in the message. It's exactly the same as on windows but with : instead of ; for the separator
@EnthusiasticStudent I usually avoid monkeying with /etc/environment. But I think that INFOPATH and MANPATH shouldn't be set there. They are not very important, anyway.
@EnthusiasticStudent What's the contents of /etc/environment?
@EnthusiasticStudent if it's your.profile you don't need sudo, just edit the file
@EnthusiasticStudent it depends on the editor, for editors like emacs that can handle multiple files typically I just leave it running for months and load files in as required, so dont normally start the editor with a specific file on the commandline
Also I tested the latex and compiled a sample file, it worked correctly and I can see the pdf output
@DavidCarlisle in the logfile, I still see the following sentence: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2014.11.14) 14 NOV 2014 01:55 entering extended mode
@PauloCereda in the texworks, I went to preferences
and in the paths I can see there, I brought my PATH address which I talked about in to the top of the list
the log file changed to this: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2014.11.13) 14 NOV 2014 01:59 entering extended mode
ooh Unicode in my iPad! 🐥🐣🐤🐔🐍🐢🐛🐝🐜🐧🐻🐷🐯🐸🐹🐰🐭🐱🐺🐶🎅👻🎁🎊🎉🎏🎃🎥📞☎️📱💻💾📹📼📷🏫🏥🏪🗻🌄🌅🌇🌆🏯🏰😄😜😂😭😝😀😛😪😥😳😊☺️😁😰😅😔😉😌😓😩😒😘😘😚😞😫😨😣😗😗😢😱1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣7⃣8⃣9⃣0⃣🔟↗️🔤🔡🔠➡️⬅️⬇️⬆️🔣#⃣🔢↖️↘️↙️↔️↕️◀️🔄▶️🔼🔽↩️
@PauloCereda It's not experimental: just needs to be updated to reflect things we've found getting it working with LaTeX2e (it now builds the base release for the kernel)
@JosephWright Out of curiosity (and towards your machine name), does any Brazilian children show was broadcasted in UK? It was a show about dog puppets.
I once saw it in France 5, I guess. Dubbed in French. :P
@David: there was this dog named Jaca Palladium; Joseph's machine name reminded me of him. :) It was one of my favourite dogs in the program. He told a lot of lies in his program (he said he was from New Zealand and everything happened in there) and if one of the spectators doubt his stories, he invaded the house holding an axe. :) And his program was called Believe it if you can. :)
see my coment about TV above. You meant this? This PEP contains the index of all Python Enhancement Proposals, known as PEPs. PEP numbers are assigned by the PEP editors, and once assigned are never changed[1]
@percusse well ive only known of this for a minute so hardly got a deep feeling for how these are used, but aren't these proposals fro extending the core system, like proposals to go from 2e to 3
I'm using gregorio to write a gregorian chant.
In that chant, I would like to have two lines above the initial.
Unfortunately, in the TeX file, there's only a command which produces a single line of text above the initial.
I read that there's also support for having two lines above the initial, b...
Hi @PauloCereda! Sorry, I'm out to dinner after a colloquium talk right now, but I'll get back to you later tonight. I'm excited to see that it worked though! :)