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:15302136: :-) Sorry, didn't get to this earlier.
@egreg: I meant my old MacBook. :) Now I'm on temperantia (one of my tablets). I admit I have an unusual naming scheme for my devices. :)
5 hours later…
...hhhmmm... I seem to be late to the party, as @PauloCereda already posted this!
Time flies when you don't know what you're doing.
5 hours later…
Hey dudes has anyone finished the 2048 game on a 4x4 board?
@PauloCereda No. you simply have too many devices :p
@Werner I blame my RSS feeds. :)
@tohecz <3
@PauloCereda How do you do, pal?
@tohecz Fine, thanks. :) And you? :)
@PauloCereda I pass an exam on Monday ... I curse the creator of 2048!
@tohecz LOL
@PauloCereda but I love the game
@tohecz I never played. :)
I've almost done it once. I've got to 1024 many times though
@JosephWright: speaking of games, get Trials Fusion for the PS3. :)
@tohecz ooh now I want to open it!

The authors wish to thank the creators of 2048 for screwing the writing of this paper and making us fake data in order to meet the submission deadline.
@tohecz: ^^ :)
@PauloCereda I was immune to the game for a long time ... until yesterday
and I hope to finish it soon and move forward
@tohecz Uh-oh. :)
@tohecz You are a mathematician, you'll be fine. :) These games usually bring hell to dummies like me. :P
@JosephWright: get Skullgirls Encore for the PS3. :)
@DavidCarlisle: get M a PS3. :)
@PauloCereda it's not so bad. It's more about choosing a strategy, you, as a programmer, should do well, too.
@PauloCereda He's already in trouble with his mother for spending too long on Minecraft without getting another device:-)
@DavidCarlisle Ah I see. :)
Which reminds me of...
@JosephWright: get Minecraft for the PS3. :)
@PauloCereda we all miss your credit card number for that :)
@tohecz Oh no! :)
@DavidCarlisle: minecraftnorway.com
Hello everybody!
@HenriMenke 'ello! :)
@StefanKottwitz Do you think this question /answer fit's for TeXwelt archive?
@PauloCereda What a nice welcome :)
@PauloCereda How is arara development going. I'm looking forward to the new version.
@HenriMenke It's very slow at the moment, to be honest. :) We found some issues in a couple of libraries arara relies on, so I'm studying how we can overcome them. :) But I hope to release something in the middle of the year, hopefully. :)
looks like it will soon be 1st of May
@DavidCarlisle I need some TARDIS. :)
@PauloCereda LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
@DavidCarlisle oooooh! :)
@HenriMenke Yes, it's a very nice example with a very good explanation, also regarding the making of the animation
@StefanKottwitz Processing... :)
@StefanKottwitz Done: texwelt.de/wissen/fragen/4912/…
@HenriMenke Proposal: add "Dies ist eine Übersetzung der Frage von LeO... " with Link to the original question. At the end of the questions, since then the name of the OP is clearly above yours to see
@HenriMenke So it's clear that this question has been translated to provide an answer in German
@HenriMenke Ah, I see now, you provided the link, great
Ich mag Enten.
@PauloCereda Ich auch :) Why didn't you choose another name for ararasuch that a duck as a logo would be possible?
@HenriMenke The truth is: arara came out as a joke. :) But people in here thought it would be a nice project, so I carried it on.
If Victor Eijkerjkrtkehgjdhgdgwhout can have lollipop, we can have arara. :)
@PauloCereda "Eijkerjkrtkehgjdhgdgwhout" - Made my day! :D
@PauloCereda Perhaps I should call my graphics application ducktex ;-)
@NicolaTalbot oooh! :)
@HenriMenke I can't spell his last name right. :)
Gasp! @David answered a question with picture mode and the question was actually about picture mode!
@tohecz Firefox?
@PauloCereda Firesh*t, to be more precise
if only the OpenSSL bug didn't happen now, I would have reverted to the older version.
The developers of products seem to think that the only purpose of computers is to look nice.
@tohecz I'm enjoying it so far. :)
Maybe if you try to customize the interface?
@PauloCereda they say: the only thing avaliable is Status-4-Evar. But that has only bad options.
@tohecz Oh. :(
@NicolaTalbot: I've been thinking: what if we create an arara group on Google Groups?
@PauloCereda I don't really understand it :( Introduction of idiot's interface in Gnome 3 made people switch to MATE (the Gnome 2 fork). I wonder where's this going to lead.
I was looking for my ProfileSwitcher icon: it's simply gone. Not accessible. Period.
@tohecz UI has going down the drain recently. For almost all major projects.
@PauloCereda but it's unelievable! There's nobody coplaining about the UI, and yet it gets molested like after getting fucked by 50 murderers in a prison.
@all ever seen this SE hint?
@tohecz oddly I've never seen a hint about "the question you're asking"
@PauloCereda Hmm. I'm not overly keen on the Google groups interface.
@NicolaTalbot :)
@DavidCarlisle Yes; that's because you're too busy fixing problems arising from your packages that @egreg solves with xparse!
Oh, wait... then he must be doing the same...
@tohecz That's somewhat... discouraging. I wonder what the criteria is.
@Werner probably some dictionary-based scoring. But I can't recognize any word in the title that would fit in such a dictionary.
@tohecz My questions are never subjective.
@tohecz Yes, perhaps based on past questions.
@egreg I think that all your questions ever are subjective :p
@Werner I dunno, I don't do really well, but I've got no downvotes or stuff, I think I have one deleted question because it was a dupe, but that's all
@tohecz Have you posted much on Stack Overflow or Meta Stack Exchange? AKA the Lion's den.
@Werner quite, with reasonably good score, too ;)
@tohecz Good! ...and admirable. I've not had a bad performance either... but they're quick to jump though.
One thing I've learned from before the split is how Metas work properly...
...in terms of voting.
I'll try and find the reference for it (in terms of votes I mean).
@Werner but I don't like that. I think that if a proposal is well thought and not really stupid, it should not be downvoted...
@tohecz Oh, well! I often ask students to find a relation that's reflexive and areflexive.
@tohecz True. I question many a downvoted post because it seems completely reasonable.
@egreg any relation on the empty set? :D
@tohecz Yes, all of them.
...this is funny:
A: The Many Memes of Meta

Brad GilbertMeme: Changing your display name on a whim. Originator: Welbog Cultural Height: TBD Official Response: Limited to one change every 30 days. Background: User Welbog likes to change his profile whenever it will make a post of his seem funnier. Other times it seems to just be on a whim. He will also...

We had a question about "Donut E Knuth"'s name-changes. on our Meta once... which was deleted for some reason.
@Werner No duck references? :)
@tohecz ...can't find the reference now. I think it may even be in a tag description.
Hello, I've got a quick question: I'm trying to make something conditional on whether two words are the same length with \ifdim \else \fi. The problem is that I need all possible cases, so = < >, but = is also part of either > or <. Is this a limitation of \ifdim?
@Jörg I don't understand the question but the answer is probably no
@DavidCarlisle. Sorry, after rereading it I don't understand it either :-)
if \a and \b are lengths then \ifdim\a<\b a short \else \ifdim\b<\ a b short \else equal \fi\fi
@DavidCarlisle Ah, let me try that.
@DavidCarlisle Yeah, it works. Thanks
@Jörg of course it works:-)
@DavidCarlisle Yes... I should have said "I understood it". Although it still fails in the command I'm trying to use, but now at least I know that nothing is wrong with my ifs..
@Jörg (of course had it been code from @egreg you would have been right to have doubted it:-)
@tohecz ooh!
@PauloCereda I can study my Symbolic dynamics, finally :)
@tohecz LOL
anyone got a reopen vote to spare? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/174998/…
The"duplicate" is specifically about tikz and pgfplotstable but this question and teh answer I was going to post) isn't necessarily about tikz
@DavidCarlisle cast
@tohecz thanks, we can't have all questions leading to tikz answers:-)
@DavidCarlisle Voted
@egreg thanks, answered:-)
@DavidCarlisle Voted and opened. :)
Oh @DavidCarlisle... :)
At least one problem with the current setup is that you're using @ in document commands without setting the appropriate catcodes. See What do \makeatletter and \makeatother do?Werner 31 secs ago
@Werner ^^ quite right, it's not safe to redefine \@ ;)
@tohecz He he...
What is the correct \expandafter magic here. This is being defined within a pgf's \foreach and needs to be accessible after the \foreach so needs to be \global:
\global\expandafter\newcommand\csname GlobalVarFor\x\endcsname{}%
@Werner Do you understand what he's after?
@tohecz, that have only deleted the first page of toc's pagenumbering and haven't unset the right foot pagenumber of the others. — dgs 1 min ago
@tohecz He sets \pagestyle{fancy} and then \rfoot{\thepage}...
...that means \thepage is in the right footer for the entire document.
However, he doesn't want \thepage in the right footer only within the ToC.
So I would set \rfoot only later perhaps.
@Werner yep, and he wants the pagenumber gone for ToC, which is what \pagenumbering{gobble} should do, shouldn't it?
ah I know now
Another (quick) question: does \settowidth return the right length when using font features such as \textsc or \textsf? I'm using a command to shift some text, and it works fine without those, but with them the offset I use is wrong.
@Jörg It does. Are you using \settowidth{<mylen>}{\textsc{<stuff>}} and such?
@Werner Yes
@Jörg they should work properly in-place, i.e., inherit the local font settings, too.
@Werner Strange, then I have a problem in my code. \textit and normal text work correctly, \textsc and \textbf create a wrong offset.
@PeterGrill You can't do \global\newcommand
@egreg ok, how about a \def?
@PeterGrill \expandafter\gdef\csname GlobarVarFor\x\endcsname{}
@PeterGrill Or \cs_gset:cpn {GlobalVarFor\x}{} if you use LaTeX3 syntax.
@PeterGrill Or, in LaTeX parlance, \global\@namedef{GlobalVarFor\x}{}
@egreg ok will try the 1st and 3rd suggestions. Thanks.
@PeterGrill If you want to ensure that the command is undefined, you can use \@ifdefinable.
\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname GlobalVarFor\x\endcsname{%
  \expandafter\gdef\csname GlobalVarFor\x\endcsname{}%
@Werner Discussion of individual user => not allowed
@Jörg beware italic correction (but that's more likely to affect textsc than any of thethers)
@JosephWright I see.
@Werner I checked about this one 'higher up'
Everyone ready for Answer the Unanswered later on?
@JosephWright M'kay.
@JosephWright can we close them all as "off topic as fixed by updating latex to 2014 release" ?
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@JosephWright we must be able to find one where that applies...
I'm looking for some tikz help... perhaps you can help @DavidCarlisle. :)
@Werner This usually works: \begin{picture}(10,10)\put(0,0){...}
@DavidCarlisle ...classic!
Here is what I currently have:

  \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    anchor = west,
    minimum height = 4cm,
    text width = \paperwidth,
    xshift = -\the\dimexpr\oddsidemargin + 1in + 1cm\relax,
    outer sep = 0pt,
    fill = red!50] (titlerect) {};
    anchor = south west,
    xshift = 3cm,
    text width = \textwidth]
It looks beautiful... :-/
The vertical rules (black) are from showframe, of course.
The construction of the chapter title is too complex and not needed.
What I do need is a rectangle that goes from current page.west to current page.east (at somewhat the same vertical positions currently visible)...
...and with the text (A chapter) to be situated where it is now, except for more control in terms of the horizontal location. Specifically, I want to control it in terms of current page text area.west, or whatever the left margin is.
@Werner You should get egreg to explain L3 coffins to you, aligning fancy boxes on title pages was a major design aim....
@DavidCarlisle I'd have thought you can deal with that one nicely :-)
@DavidCarlisle Get @egreg, or @Joseph (he's had a talk on it) ;)
@tohecz Erm, so I have
@JosephWright btw, me not being a good English speaker, I love that the name coffin resembles coffee ;)
@DavidCarlisle I haven't tackled coffins yet.
@egreg Take box, add handles, ...
@tohecz Well, it really means another thing. ;-)
@egreg Yup
@egreg you should know that for sure ;)
Q: Can one ask for TeX related software recommendations here?

RezaThere is a dedicated site for software recommendations here on Stack Exchange but I'm not sure people there may know much about something like CDLatex. I'm looking for a Latex IDE for Linux which has shortcuts like those of CDLatex, e.g. you press `z and you get \zeta. CDLatex is the main reaso...

How do people see this? It sounds to me like 'I want exactly the same software as I have now but ...', which feels to me like a feature request or similar
@DavidCarlisle So we are ready for the LaTeX2e release?
I see that @FrankMittelbach has uploaded new zips to DropBox: I guess we must be :-)
Any other Mac users following thread 'Contents of MacTeXtras'? (Perhaps @egreg?)
@JosephWright Link? Is this a question on here, or somewhere else?
@egreg: what is happening with Fiorentina vs. Napoli? What a shame. :(
@SeanAllred MacTeX mailing list
@JosephWright Personally I'm a bit surprised that we are including multiple builds of the same front end for one of the editors in the main distribution (if I understand correctly).
I understand the need to have a portable distribution, but I personally haven't witnessed 10.4–5 in the wild for quite a few years.
@SeanAllred If you've got a PPC system, I guess it's 10.5 or nothing
@PauloCereda Some people were shot while going to the stadium
@egreg: oh my. :(
@egreg that's terrifying :(
@SeanAllred Really.
@egreg: one of the Fiorentina players was talking with the Ultras. :(
@JosephWright I suppose so… I suppose I don't know how many people are still using these older systems. One of the great arguments for TeX is backwards compatibility; it would be a shame to compromise this in any way.
@JosephWright Where is it?
@JosephWright I guess it's unavoidable ending support for PPC.
@egreg That bit I can live with
And on that happy note, I have senior recitals to attend. My thoughts on the PPC bit: All good things come to an end. Ending support for PPC in MacTeX for a specific editor isn't the end of the world; TeX will live on.
@JosephWright So I don't really understand what's the problem.
@egreg Dropping TeXworks, possibly entirely
@JosephWright I'd be against it.
@JosephWright Although I use it only during LaTeX lectures.
@egreg I use it routinely, but it's the fact we use if for training purposes that makes me unhappy
@egreg I've tried to make that case: not sure if I've succeeded
@egreg Would seem odd to me to drop TeXworks but add TeXstudio in addition to Texmaker, when one is a fork of the other
@JosephWright I would definitely drop Texmaker. TeXStudio is actively developed and tries to conform to other editors (for the magic lines, for example).
@egreg Ah, OK: I'm not so up on which is in 'better shape'. I just know there's been some tensions one way or the other.
@egreg: game about to start.
@PauloCereda Yes. I'm not sure it will be a real game.
@egreg: I have the same impression. :(
1 hour later…
Right, unanswered questions
@JosephWright Looking through them
@egreg Cool
@egreg Just have a few LaTeX3 things to sort out first!
Hey there!
@Cheesey Hello
Do you mind help me figuring out what is more "beautiful" to use in LaTeX? I'm afraid it's a too small subject to ask on tex.stackexchange...
I'd like to hear your opinnion on that =)
I was looking through the net and figured out two ways to achieve sections with no numbers, but appearing in the TOC and subsections behaving normally.
What do you think is "better" in the way of using it? Redefining sections/subsections with renewcommand to fit your need or...
...using sections* and addcontentsline?
What do you think of it, @JosephWright?
Q: How to use LaTeX fonts to format the text?

begueradjAre there fonts in LaTeX equivalent to those of Microsoft Office ("Times New Romans, Veranda, Courrier ... ") ? If yes, how can we use them ? Which package contains them?

'Too broad'? Dupe?
@Cheesey I'd go with route 2 on the grounds you shouldn't have lots of these cases
@JosephWright Too broad
@JosephWright I want a document to have no section numbering, because every section is an example. And "1 Example 1" looks stupid, which is why I also changed the subsection to "1.)"
This one can probably be closed as too localised (or whatever it's supposed to be now). The solution is just to upgrade to a newer version.
Q: glossaries - \setglossarystyle is an undefined control sequence

SjiveruI'm having an issue where I'm fully able to create a glossary with the glossaries package, but I'm unable to change the style - the command \setglossarystyle isn't recognised. This example works: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[acronym, nopostdot, nonumberlist]{glossaries} \newacronym{acr}{...

Q: Set the line separation in a tabu table equal to the line separation in the document

SverreAs is known, the tabu environment does not automatically adjust the vertical distance between a cell with multiple lines and another cell, cf. Text too close to cell border when having a nested tabu and \vspace in a cell and Consistent vertical spacing with tabu. This can be adjusted with tabu's...

Anyone care to upvote to get this off the unanswered list:
Q: Glossaries: display only long part of acronym in section headline?

Hendrik WieseIn a report that I am creating I'm sometimes using acronyms in section and chapter headlines. I'm using the glossaries package for this purpose. I don't want glossaries to print the acronym's definition in the table of contents. Thus I'd like to use a command to print only the long version of t...

Off topic (bug report)
Q: Why there is a white space in the right side when using wallpaper & polyglossia in TexLive 2013

user25118when I use wallpaper & polyglossia there is a white space in the right side of the page. Please test this: \documentclass[a4paper]{book}% \usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} \usepackage{xltxtra,url,amsmath} \usepackage{showframe} \usepackage{wallpaper} \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O} \newfontfamily\...

Made a CW answer as the user was pinged many times without response. One vote, please.
Q: Zero error, but no PDF

Damien LI just installed texlive2012 on the new distribution Mageia 3, as well as the libertine font .rpm packages. I have a problem with this code : \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{libertine} \begin{document} This is my first LaTeX docume...

@egreg Done
Any suggestions for this one? No mwe so it's impossible to answer:
Q: Undefined Control Sequence ...entrycounter[]{page}\glsnumberformat{33}}}

User1291I recently switched from MikTex to TexLive. At first, the document I had begun with miktex build just fine. But now I'm getting the error below: File: Document.gls Type: error line 15: \setentrycounter[]{page}\glsnumberformat{33}}}\glsgroupskip Undefined control sequence ...ent...

What to do with items that are "can't fix"? Such as:
Q: page break in the middle of a \cite

themik81With pdflatex all my citation are pdf hyperlinks to the respective entry in the bibliography. This causes a problem when occasionally Latex decides to do a page break in the middle of a citation so that the citation starts on page n and and ends on page n+1. The problem then is that the footer of...

@NicolaTalbot Unclear
@cslstr It's a legitimate question. Unfortunately, even Heiko doesn't know how to fix it.
I've summarized the comments as a CW answer for this one:
A: Trying to create a glossary but my computer can't find the necessary files

Nicola Talbot(Converting the comments into an answer.) You need to either change to the directory containing the files using cd before you run makeglossaries or use the -d option when running makeglossaries.

@NicolaTalbot This might be a job for flowfram:
Q: How do I get an empty box on each page?

Kristian NordestgaardI'd like to have an empty box on the bottom of my pages in a certain chapter. I've messed around with wrapfigure and kinda sorta gotten something that looks okay, but I'd like to do it properly so I can publish my files as a template eventually. The box should stay in the same position on each...

@JosephWright phg didn't answer to this one
Q: Weird permissions problem with TeX Live 2013, Ubuntu 13.04, LuaTeX and problem fonts

bfootdavUpdate at bottom I recently installed vanilla TeX Live 2013 on my Ubuntu 13.04 system. Most everything works. It's just when I run into certain problematic fonts using LuaLaTeX that things go awry. Take the following MWE: \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Garmond Premie...

I'm thinking to close it as "unreproducible"
@egreg Yup: I guess OT
@egreg The paragraph wrap is a problem. Only static and dynamic frames can have shaped paragraphs. The main flow frames would have to have the shape set at the start of each page, which would be fiddly.
Anyone know anything about gummi?
Q: Gummi with glossaries

JavaJensI would like to know if and how I can integrate glossaries, or specifically makeglossaries, into Gummi? Any help is greatly appreciated!

Off topic (style, not TeX)
Q: Spacing in Dirac's ket vector

queueoverflowI have defined myself a \ket which does \left| #1 \right\rangle. For a state with two numbers, say n and m, one writes, on paper, |a b>. What kind of distance should I use to separate those numbers? \, or more?

Completely forgot the session. If tex.stackexchange.com/questions/172405/… is worthy of an upvote, and anyone has one to spare, that is one off the list.
@TorbjørnT. Done
Would someone mind sparing an upvote to get this one off the list:
Q: Reset package options

Eriksore\LaTeX seems to remember earlier stated options. How can I reset this? ! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package glossaries. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.14 The package glossaries has already been l...

@NicolaTalbot Done. Anybody can cast a vote here?
Q: Wrong TFM generated by mf2pt1 in TeXLive 2013

yyuI need to generate a font from METAFONT file. I used mf2pt1 and generated PFB file and TFM file, but TFM file was incorrect. I tried to generate TMF file of cmr10.mf by mf2pt1, then looked at cmr10.tmf by tftopl. (DESIGNSIZE R 10.0) (COMMENT DESIGNSIZE IS IN POINTS) (COMMENT OTHER SIZES ARE MUL...

@egreg Done
OT (see comments):
Q: Incomplete parametric curve, ''written letter e''

PeterBillGeorgeI have tried plotting some parametric curves like (x^3-3*x,3*x^2-9), and it works fine. The following, however, does not work: (x-x/(1+x^2),1/(1+x^2). I have tried several ways of plotting it but the best I can get is just a cusp, and not the loop above it -- part of the graph is omitted as if it...

Is this off-topic?
Q: Check pdftype do display different contents

Peter EbelsbergerIs there any way to check, which pdfreader is viewing the pdf? Can I display different contents to different browsers? For example I want to use the animatepackage, which should be displayed if acrobat reader will be used to open the pdf, but if I do so, no graphics will be displayed if any othe...

OT (unreproducible)
Q: .sty of installed package not found

Karen bingensI've newly installed TeXLive 2013 (following steps on http://www.tug.org/texlive/quickinstall.html) on Fedora 19. Using pdflatex on a test .tex, I encounter lots of error messages saying various .sty were not found, beginning with stmaryrd.sty. I checked with tlmgr and found the package is inst...

Too broad
Q: How to get "XeLaTeX + unicode-math" output as close as possible to that of pdflatex?

mhelvensI've started exploring XeTeX and the unicode-math package in order to use unicode in my input. Of the six math fonts described in unimath-symbols.pdf, Latin Modern Math seems to be closest to what pdflatex produces. However, I've already noticed a number of differences I don't like, such as \var...

Q: Galaxy notes to tex files

chessmathanyone knows a program that converts notes from Galaxy note 10.1 to .tex files? I am more concerned about the formulas. I am also looking for a good program to convert MML to tex language.

@PauloCereda Do you think that six months for an answer are sufficient procrastination? — egreg 10 secs ago
Wait… are we answering the unanswered today?
@SeanAllred First Saturday of a month.
Q: How to avoid the error Entity: line n: parser error : xmlParseCharRef:?

user12287I am using the hyperref package. If I use PDFLaTeX the PDF generated don't have problems, but when I use the classical mode compilation LaTex (DVI -> PS -> PDF) the PDF generated opened by Evince throw the next errors: Entity: line 5: parser error : xmlParseCharRef: invalid xmlChar value 7 <rd...

@egreg So it is. :)
OT (non reproducible)
Q: Strange EPS to PDF translate error in MacTeX

OphionI have an EPS file that was created with DataGraph. When this EPS is viewed with Photoshop or Preview (which converts it to PDF) it correctly shows the word "Interior": However if I let MacTeX convert the EPS to PDF I obtain: This happens for all instances of "n" (lowercase only) so words l...

howdy! Do you guys know if there is any way to put citebordercolor = false within hyperref package? I want border around citations invisible. Using rgb for white colour is really the solution.
is not
(and in the same time linkbordercolor={0 1 1}, so turning off colors isnt option either.)
Out of closing votes. This should be “Unclear what you're asking”:
Q: Errors from pdftexcmds.sty

Ben CrowellI have a book done in latex, which someone on another continent is trying to compile. The sources are here: http://www.lightandmatter.com/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi . It compiles for me but not for him. The latex output that he emailed me is 30,000 lines, but the relevant section appears to be the follow...

@egreg done
@egreg I have written an answer.
@Vochmelka The bordercolor setting could be removed by an empty argument: citebordercolor={}, then hyperref does not set the color. However, then a default color is used.
A little cumbersome way is to redefine the \cite commands (with support for the different syntax forms as optional arguments) and wrap the call to the original command in \begingroup\hypersetup{hidelinks}\OriginalCite[with]{all arguments}\endgroup.
That is beyond my current knowledge. I had thought about groups though :-).
I'm just creating MWE to put it on SE. It is a bit complicated considering I want to have colored borders around other references.
@HeikoOberdiek Thanks. Better an answer than closing; but the question wasn't clear at all.
@egreg Yes, pretty unclear: Is package ifpdf loaded; which version of pdftexcmds is used; MWE, ...

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