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@TorbjørnT. Thanks a lot for the image inclusion!
@subhamsoni Why resumes need to be in Times New Roman? That is the (bad) habit of word users ;)
@HarishKumar can u please suggest me a good font for resume
@subhamsoni ,libertine (\usepackage{libertine}), palatino, helvetica, charter......
2 hours later…
Does \\ not work inside \sbox?
...this is impossible :p
1 hour later…
What is the purpose of Stata and R-Sweave
1 hour later…
@jtbandes hbox, so no line breaks: you'll need a \parbox inside it
Q: Low Concord 11s firing

lingYou see these kinds of arrows were being made with firing equipment and lighting to entice that consideration connected Low Top Concord 11s with potential customers that had been travelling through. It was these kinds of Low Concord 11s firing arrow in addition to celebrity signals which propelle...

@JosephWright Spam above.
anybody there
@hugovdberg there?
@HarishKumar there????
@HarishKumar Killed
@JosephWright Thanks :)
@subhamsoni Yes I am here.
in the \address macro
for moderncv
if I give a lengthy string
it doesnt fit
address{No.8, I-Floor, I-Cross, Suriya Gandhi Nagar(North), Muthialpet}{Puducherry $-$ 605003}{India}
@subhamsoni This is what I get:
@subhamsoni Make the first \parbox that I have introduced to be \parbox[t]{0.65\maketitlewidth}{\raggedright% and the second one \parbox[t]{0.3\maketitlewidth}{%
Why this change of output????
@subhamsoni May be you are using a different version of moderncv.cls.
@HarishKumar yup doing...
@subhamsoni mine is `moderncv.cls 2013/04/29 v1.5.1 modern curriculum vitae and letter document c
lass`. Add `\listfiles` just before `\documentclass....` and in the log file at the end, you will get the list of files used -- under the heading ` *File List*`.
Undefined sequence \listfiles
before document class
got it
The previous one was other code
I missed both of them ;)
but \listfiles is not working
@subhamsoni \listfiles should work. Add it like:
2 hours later…
@subhamsoni you've been here long enough to know "not working" isn't a useful comment: does it generate an error message or list the wrong files or do nothing or burn the toast or....
Q: BibTeX generating "\BIBentryALTinterwordspacing ------" in BBL file using IEEEtran.bst

AntonI'm writing up a LaTeX document in TeXnicCenter, using MikTeX as an interpreter and JafRef to write my .bib file. I've downloaded and specified the latest copy of IEEEtran.bst, and while most of my bibliography displays fine, I have two entries that have the author listed as "------". Looking ...

Based on comment, close as OT? I have a feeling we've been asked this before, so instead could be a dupe.
Q: Is it normal for BibTeX to replace similar author names with "------"?

slhckIn my .bib file, I have two entries with exactly the same author names: @article{Seshadrinathan2010A-Subjective-St, Author = {K. Seshadrinathan and R. Soundararajan and A. C. Bovik and L. K. Cormack}, .... @article{Seshadrinathan2009Study-of-Subjec, Author = {K. Seshadrinathan and R. So...

@egreg Excellent
@JosephWright Reminds me of:
@Johannes_B looks a lot more like the real Joseph than that duck image
@DavidCarlisle Thanks
@JosephWright I help where I can
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle Thanks for a good laugh :-)
@DavidCarlisle He should cure his jaundice.
@egreg speaking of illness, you've been looking a bit green recently, are you OK?
@DavidCarlisle I've always been green!
Ack! En route to São Paulo. :)
/insert Kermit the frog's "it's not easy being green" song here
@egreg: the last time I tried to add colour to David's profile picture, the tones were all wrong. I blame a bad calibration from my monitor. :)
shutdown -h now
2 hours later…
Since my modification of KOMA-script slide document isn't getting much attention, what would you advice for this package : lecturer http://www.ctan.org/pkg/lecturer.
Basically used in plain Tex which is something I'm not used to. But seems possible to use with standard LaTeX.
@s__C seems most people these days just use beamer (even though that is distinctly odd at times:-)
you mean @DavidCarlisle? I've messed a lot with beamer but some elements are really annoying. That's why I tried with KOMA-script (tex.stackexchange.com/questions/173315/slide-template-mod), but still some hidden ares. Then I saw the lecturer thing which seems IMO more appropriate for slides, but not many feedbacks about it...
Zitiere Onlinequelle: \cite{ctan}\par
Zitiere Buch: \cite{companion}\par

Is that a feature or a bug? I couldn't find an explanation while skimming the documentation.
@s__C I only used beamer once (and it was a bit odd:-) but I was just commenting on why you are not getting much feedback on alternatives, I think they just are not used much so not many people can comment on them. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't try them, just that you may not get much feedback in a general site such as this.
@Johannes_B There are no references in the refsection; move \begin{refsection} before the first Zitiere
ok @DavidCarlisle
@egreg Oh, thanks. Seems i just understood what this is really about.
@subhamsoni wasn't until just now ;-) did get your ping but had no time to answer
But it seems you don't need me anymore ;-)
Finally weekend here, how's life with you guys?
Yup going on @hugovdberg
@s__C beamer is certainly different from some standard LaTeX stuff, but it does seem to work (note: while I am on the team looking after it that's very much a fix-bugs not design-interfaces job)
@s__C Problem with perhaps most (all?) TeX-based approaches to presentations is they encourage too much text. Of course, you can do the same using other tools ...
Does anyone know of a tool that can handle this?
Q: Tool to convert Matlab numerical equations into LaTeX

user2871665I have some equations in c and Matlab that I need to type into LaTeX, but I cannot find an automatic way of doing this. I wanted a tool that transformed Matlab code like: tauf = 200./(1+exp(-(V-15)/20)); into LaTeX, as in: tauf = frac{200}{1+exp(-\frac{V-15}{20})} \\ I can find plenty of to...

@Werner I think OP is looking for a regexp tool.
TeX request is only sugar-on-top
Gelukkige Koningsdag Nederlanders!
@StephanLehmke I needed to include your old (bounced) university address (otherwise the mail wouldn't appear in the public view of the pr, as that only happens if the OP is included) so I thought I may as well include an address that worked as well, even though you told me you were not desperate for an answer:-)
@DavidCarlisle I hope it was worth all the trouble for somebody ;-) Actually I'm surprised you acted on change #2 as I assume it might break legacy code. Is there a specific reason for this now? After our discussion in 2002 I had the impression both variants have about equal advantages resp. disadvantages.
@StephanLehmke yes well not doing anything is always a possibility (which is why I have open bugs reports from 1998:-) but once you look at the code it's hard to justify always removing two brace groups. My initial comments actually misread your change as I thought you were removing a group that I'd preserved so you could hide , but...
@StephanLehmke now as we are going through the bugs database prior to a latex update we hope to get into texlive 2014 which means now :-)
@DavidCarlisle Good idea. So you have a prolific test base if anything goes wrong with packages depending on keyval ;-)
@StephanLehmke we have some tests. Is that the same thing? Anyway if it breaks anything it's on record as being at your suggestion:-)
@DavidCarlisle: will you blame me?
@PauloCereda If Stephan ducks his responsibilities and avoids blame, I'd need to blame someone so you would be a possibility, yes.
@DavidCarlisle Oh. :)
Does anyone feel the need for a \protect FAQ? Or something a bit more general like a \protect, \noexpand, \unexpanded, FAQ?
...answers should show examples of uses with/without to show expansion problems and perhaps global replacements so users can forget about it like \robustify.
@Werner yes, for certain!
@JosephWright ah I was just looking that up:-)
@Werner I just posted quite a few links in the comments to tex.stackexchange.com/questions/173495/…
Is anyone here fluent/conversational in spanish? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/173476/…
@JosephWright I saw that, but didn't notice the \protect sneaking in the question end.
@JosephWright it's a good resource; I wonder if we could post a CW answer that has links to the questions that discuss it
@DavidCarlisle I get the odd vote there, so it was easy to find
@Werner I think actually this comment of mine says all there is to say:
Ah, the honest answer is a "moving argument" is any argument in which things go wrong sometimes. A fragile command is a command that goes wrong in a moving argument, and \protect normally does nothing but in each such command it is locally defined to do whatever necessary to fix the problem. This case is typical, the heading is typeset as the section head, but also perhaps written to the toc file and/or used at a different font size in a page head. \protect holds the command unexpanded so it is written to the toc file unexpanded and only expanded when the toc is read back in. — David Carlisle Feb 1 '12 at 23:26
Help! There's a huge traffic jam nearby! How do I get out?
@PauloCereda press space bar to jump?
@DavidCarlisle Classic!
...almost like Frogger... just not with frogs, or logs, or a river...
@DavidCarlisle awsd. :)
@DavidCarlisle Thanks Mr Wikipedia.
@StephanLehmke ooh I need this propeller suit. :)
@PauloCereda My kids are currently playing Mario Bros continuosly on the Wii :-)
@StephanLehmke How nice, it's a great game! :)
I have it. :)
Speaking of games… flappy2048.com
The amalgamation of two of the most viral games of the month.
If you end up getting a Wii U, get Super Mario 3D World. The multiplayer is superb.
Looks like I really have to sort \str_fold_case:n soon
please help me with this
@Werner well it's hard to give any other justification for \protect meaning \relax or \noexpand\protect\noexpand (my favourite:-) or \string or \noexpand depending
@PauloCereda Well my 3 1/2 yo son is slightly addicted... I'll need to retire the Wii for a couple of weeks :-)
@DavidCarlisle I know... my original inquiry into an FAQ was because of the trickles of \protection-requiring questions...
Q: How to set uniform font size both in the table and the paragraph

subham soniWhen I resize the table, using \resizebox or any other thing, the font size gets reduced. How do I set, a uniform font size for the whole document, I need at least 12pt (the minimum requirement). The code: \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper,borde=10pt]{moderncv} \moderncvstyle{banking} \moderncvco...

@Werner although I don't really understand how faq work here do you just fake some cw question with a canonical answer then close later real questions as duplicate?
What I really like about this game is that they're always playing multiplayer cooperatively... no competition, no tears (unlike monopoly :-)
@StephanLehmke I bet they fight when you are not watching:-)
@DavidCarlisle Something like that... almost like your "Grandma explanation answer" if anyone questions why they still use LaTeX.
But seriously, it's meant to be a question that is frequently asked for which a canonical answer (or answers) exist.
@StephanLehmke The fun of the multiplayer is killing your partner. :P
@Werner hmm Not sure that has really helped the general level of knowledge about latex (but it got me two gold badges:-)
@DavidCarlisle TWO?!
Wasn't that just a picture at first?
...so you thought you'd spruce it up with half a sentence of text.
@DavidCarlisle :-) I'm on leave right now (clearing out the corners of the house towards loft conversion), so I watch everything :-)
@Werner yes one for the number of votes and then one because Stefan accepted an answer with less than half the number of votes so I got another:-0
@Werner no it had the sentence originally, I did add the citation to wikipedia a bit later I think.
@DavidCarlisle Ahhh, Great Answer + Publicist.
@DavidCarlisle Yes, that must have solidified what was to follow...
...hence my Mr Wikipedia comment. :-O
@DavidCarlisle do you need to write documents in latex with other authors?
@user42634 me? I've only written a couple of documents in latex this century:-)
ohh... i'm still looking for tools to write large latex doc's with other people
@user42634 In what sense?
emacs is hard to them
@user42634 What's that got to do with it?
For example, what's wrong with e-mail with perhaps a version control at your end so you can merge in changes?
well, i'm working with some projects, we are in 4 people
we are writing in latex...
actually i need something beyond version control
version control + project management
@user42634 Several of the online LaTeX services claim such things: I can't say
@cgnieder: Happy birthday, Clemens! :)
@user42634 I'd only share a TeX document with other people if and only if (a) they understand what they are doing TeX-wise, and (b) never ever touch my preamble.
@PauloCereda Na verdade, eu implantei o latex aqui na micro-empresa, usamos basicamento o mesmo preambulo para todos os projetos. Só preciso encontrar uma forma de gerenciar as tarefas de cada um.
@user42634 Force todo mundo a usar arquivos texto. :)
@PauloCereda Sim, todos nós dividimos os projetos em arquivos em texto e trabalhamos com eles :-)
@PauloCereda It's his birthday?
@cgnieder All the best to you
Next week is BachoTeX!
It is. :)
@topskip Yay!
two talks ...
(still need to be prepared)
@topskip Hopefully there will be a slide with a duck. :)
Jan 29 at 16:40, by Paulo Cereda
user image
A duck orbit.
@topskip I'm particularly interested in Grzegorz Murzynowski's talk. What I know is that nobody uses his packages. ;-)
@egreg sounds like the talk is in polish ...
@topskip The same language he writes LaTeX in. ;-)
@topskip Maybe I'm too polemic. But have you ever tried reading the documentation of GM's packages?
@egreg no, never
@topskip However, if you don’t like such a conditional behaviour, you may specify some $$$$’s (any nonempty seQuence) mixed with star(s) if you wish as an optional argument to keep the short-verbatim char behave as short-verbatim also in math mode.
@JosephWright The ratio text/image is, IMO, closely linked to the subject you're dealing with, as well as the audience. I prefer to use a TeX solution because of the math support and the drawing tools (like TikZ) especially because I'm not an artist.
@topskip Are you going?
@JosephWright yes
my first time
oops, just replied to a latex bug report from 1998 :-)
@DavidCarlisle I know: I see all of these exciting emails
@JosephWright How come you don't have a gnats ID so I can't just assign them all to you?
@DavidCarlisle Simple: don't do 2e stuff
@DavidCarlisle Have a LaTeX3 bug, easy to assign to me
@JosephWright there are lots of open l3 ones in gnats under latex-internal going back to 1994, if only you had a gnats account we could give you all those:-)
@DavidCarlisle Nah: only count on GitHub
@JosephWright you're so modern and trendy
@DavidCarlisle Also, they are probably all out of date
@DavidCarlisle Realistic
@DavidCarlisle: Hmmm...
A: How to set uniform font size both in the table and the paragraph

David Carlisle\documentclass[12pt,letterpaper,borde=10pt]{moderncv} \moderncvstyle{banking} \moderncvcolor{blue} \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage[scale=0.75]{geometry} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{threeparttable} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{tabulary} \makeatletter %\renewcommand*{\maketitlesymbol}{}...

@DavidCarlisle You should have posted another picture of a printing press.
Oh, I see...
...you used tabulary...
@Werner excellent package, who wrote it?
...I thought you just removed the \resizebox{..}{...} construction.
@DavidCarlisle Some guy who has a reputation for waiting more than a decade to respond to questions... ;)
@Werner I should have posted a pic but I was i a hurry
@Werner has the advantage that you can respond to most change requests with "was a good idea but we can't change now..."
@DavidCarlisle :D That deserved a LoL, literally.

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