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Do we have a question about the translation of LaTeX documents? That is, I have a LaTeX document in language x and want a second document in language y, translated from x. Translation should be done by a professional translation agency.
@StephanLehmke We've had some about documents in two languages, but I'm not sure about translation
3 hours later…
@StephanLehmke I think I'm about to act on this (I hope you weren't holding your breath waiting for a response:-) latex-project.org/cgi-bin/ltxbugs2html?pr=graphics/3446
@DavidCarlisle Not more than 143 months without breathing, you're still in time.
@DavidCarlisle pheeeeeeeeeew – In fact, I've given up on TeX syntax'd input at about this time. So from my point of view, you could as well work on xmltex :-)
1 hour later…
@egreg: you are close to 300k. :)
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda ETA: August 1, that is, 99 days from now.
@egreg Yay! :) Countdown.
@PauloCereda OTOH, Gonzalo is very near to 200k
@egreg Party? :)
@PauloCereda Oh yes, party! I'm near the 10k bounty mark :)
@PauloCereda Surely in less than one month
@Christoph Yay! :)
@user:49340 I've just seen your edit in tex.stackexchange.com/a/173223/13304; I'll leave that option, but in a circuit almost nobody would place a ground in the middle of a wire (at least my professors would have complained ;) )
@ClaudioFiandrino I doubt they receive your message here, you should post it as a comment there. Anyways, IMHO the edit is a non-sense, I would have certainly rejected it.
Q: How can I make beamer and tikz work in my PC?

user50453I am a newbie in latex, I have ran a few articles now with latex, but I am struggling with getting beamer and tikz to work without internet connection. Please help...I am using texmaker as my platform. I have already installed MiKTex 2.9. Here is an example with beamer: %=======================...

Where is the »install missing sty« question?
I didn't found it in the list with buidling blocks.
hello anybody there???
@subhamsoni hi
Q: Often referenced questions

Martin ScharrerQuick links (alphabetically) Bibliographies ❧ Correct centering ❧ Cross-referencing ❧ Figure/table numbering ❧ Figure/table positioning ❧ Fonts & font encoding ❧ Frequent source code related issues ❧ Images ❧ Installing ❧ Math environments ❧ Naming ❧ Old font macros ❧ Spacing ❧ Symbols I keep...

this one?
hi @tohecz
in the \documentclass declaration
\documentclass[12pt, roman]
does it mean that
it uses times new roman throughout
@subhamsoni there's no [roman] option as far as I know
it is there @tohecz
just run a small document
@subhamsoni well, then it has no effect. Can you post code of such a document, please?
\documentclass[12pt, roman]{article}
@tohecz I was thinking using the standard @user... would had been sufficient; I will ping him in another way ;) BTW: I totally agree with you about the content of the edit. Unfortunately it was launch time and others accept it; a simple delete seemed me too rude, hence I wanted to contact the guy.
@ClaudioFiandrino there's nothing rude in reverting an edit on your post, especially a questionable one
it is giving a output perfectly @tohecz
@subhamsoni \documentclass[excrement]{article} will give an output as well.
what is excrement???
@tohecz I'll try anyway to contact him and if I don't get feedback I'll revert the edit in a couple of hours
@subhamsoni whatever. Tell me any word, I will put it there and it will work. It will have no effect, however.
oh ok ok... so for times new roman font I ought to use mathptmx package right?
@subhamsoni that's one option
another option is not to use such a bad font if you don't have to ;)
@tohecz Thanks Tom, once again.
@Johannes_B you're welcome :)
but resumes are to be in times new roman font
@subhamsoni use computer modern, the teachers won't be able to see the difference, since CMR is nicer and easier to read ;)
otherwise, it seems that newtxmath is the answer:
A: Times New Roman fonts and maths WITHOUT mathptmx

egregThe txfonts package used to be the answer, but since some days a new package has been developed based on the first one, with new metric files for fonts that should avoid some of the weaknesses shown by txfonts: \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} Compiled with mathptmx Compiled with txfonts...

:15133253 don't ignore messages from latex!!!! your example document producesLaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):
Oh god!!!!
is not printing any warnings!!!!!!
and also
If I view the pdf
2 files are viewed
1 shows an error
2nd shows the pdf
There is an idiom in English about "workman blaming his tools" :-)
@subhamsoni actually I have a feeling that that message is in fact from me :-)
I am a bit confused there.
@Johannes_B that's the usual state for inhabitants of this chat room
@DavidCarlisle Hey, I'm not confused. Sort of.
now what am I supposed to do @DavidCarlisle
@PauloCereda Hmm I was going to mention you as a prime example
@DavidCarlisle I think there are days, when people come together in groups to post on forums.
@DavidCarlisle Uh-oh. But I'm not confused. I guess. :P
Oopsie. :)
@PauloCereda Quack
@Johannes_B Quack! :)
@subhamsoni other than not use unused options?
now u are confusing me @DavidCarlisle
1 hour later…
Please vote for the create of this SE site (If you like the idea)
Hardware Recommendations

Proposed Q&A site for people seeking specific hardware recommendations, either for home or office.

Currently in definition.

@ppr well, in all honesty, I don't like the idea. Purchase recommendation is off-topic on most SE sites for a good reason.
@PauloCereda so tempted to say no :P
Strange weather over here, you could hear thunder rumbling for half an hour while it still was mostly sunny, and 5 minutes later a hailstorm broke loose..
luckily I've got to wait indoors for at least another hour :P
@tohecz I agree: purchase recommendation should not pollute SE websites. However, it's an legitim question to ask opinion about products (for example: computers). Therefore, having a SE website only for Hardware recommendations could clean another Se website from these kind of questions.
@tohecz In the same spirit, there is a SE site about software recommendations (softwarerecs.stackexchange.com)
@tohecz In my opinion, these sites helps the other to stay clean.
@tohecz clean of these questions (which are no dirty or bad ones).
@ppr however, it will fail in doing so. In a similar way how SO/SU/Unix distinction fails. SR is a bad project, it only removes traffic from other sites in a completely non-sense way. Most of the questions there are on-topic elsewhere.
@ppr hmm, that's a nice borderline proposal, giving people advice what software or hardware to use for a specific set of requirements could be done factually mostly, but there will always be fanboys (nvidia/amd, intel/amd, apple/microsoft/*nix, open source/commercial) and it will be really hard to keep it clean either I think
@ppr I think as soon as a request is an honest request what software or hardware fits a specific set of requirements it quickly becomes too specialised for a general hw/sw recommendations SX, and you'll actually need the knowledge available at the other sites to give good advice
@tohecz An example: few weeks ago, I was looking for a new basic phone. I posted a question on SU (SuperUser) with precise needs asking for models. My question was deleted for the reason: "no shopping recommendations". So, you can ask which editor to choose for LaTeX but not what phone to use for your specific needs...
@ppr But wouldn't such questions become outdated too fast?
@Christoph Indeed, but it would help me (and maybe several other users) before.
@Christoph Plenty of question in TeX.SE are quickly outdated (because of packages updates).
@ppr I think for such volatile questions where the answer becomes outdated so quickly the chats are quite appropriate, you won't reach every user of that site, but usually the core users are represented there quite well
@ppr well such questions could be useful to someone experiencing the same problem later, only to learn through such a question he should update his tex distribution (provided the question is updated as soon as someone notices it is no longer relevant, perhaps with a standard form banner on top which versions it applies to)
ok, it seems it's going to be dry for only half an hour, so I'll go and wait at the trainstation, see you guys later!
@ppr by the way, such updates are hardly possible for hardware recommendations as you could only provide a banner "this question was useful from this date until that date, the phones are no longer in production" ;-)
@hugovdberg Good point
@hugovdberg But I still thinking than another SE website couldn't harm other websites.
@hugovdberg Good old Prolog terminal. :)
@ppr However, you'll always have people saying "Don't buy Samsung it's crap" and "Don't buy Nokia it's crap" and "How in the world can someone use Apple". Notice that one of the few sites which allow hardware recommendations is Sound.SE, because amongst these people, brands play a little role. On Photo.SE, they're strongly forbidden, because of the never-ending was between Canon and Nikon and other brands.
@ppr And I doubt this is true. For a good reason, sites like Typography were closed. For a good reason, MathEducators exists while BiologyEducators does not. For a good reason, ELL exists /sarcasm/ and GLL does not.
@tohecz <3
@tohecz LOL
@PauloCereda something's wrong, sir? :)
@tohecz au contraire, mon ami. :) Gotta love the sarcasm part. :)
@PauloCereda well, that's all because ELU is a group of analphabets who think that English is the saviour :) (this is not to insult any single person, it's just how I see the site as a whole)
@tohecz LOL
@ppr I, for one, don't understand why tea.SE and coffee.SE have to exist: In my opinion, the proper way to go is to widen cooking.SE's scope a bit, and not to make a small specialized site. Especially since cooking.SE is not very busy.
@Christoph: Can you compile the first example in this page tug.org/PSTricks/main.cgi to get the same result as shown there? I have tried it many times and I always get different result. Probably Herbert's update in the PSTricks core has not been propagated to the nearest CTAN mirror, what do you think?
Gotta go, we have our All-Nuclear Fusion today
Given the hassle to get things working like I want with beamer, I thought it'd be worth to spend some time on the scrartcl template for slideshows. (I'm referring to this : tug.org/pracjourn/2010-2/hofert.html). The idea is very nice, but I'm wondering if it'd be possible to put section and subsection names into the header, which is basically created through a tikzpicture image.
My question is : how to access the current section name? And consequently how to avoid it to be displayed in the "main" text space?
It seems possible to make sections invisible according to tex.stackexchange.com/questions/68272/…
SO only the 1st question remains
In class I showed \left( and \right) (in a case where it's admissible); then I added: “Should you always use \left and \right? No. And why not? Because I said it so.“
ahah @egreg
@egreg I hate teachers like that:-)
@IamwhoIsayIam No, I don't get the same result. I guess we'll need to wait for the latest changes.
@Christoph OK. thanks for confirming.
@IamwhoIsayIam After you found a good example where one needs the current point to move before plotting circles, it could be that Herbert will change that behaviour. We'll see.
@Christoph I see. :-)
Great! I envy your students for having such a wonderful LaTeX teacher like you. They will surely be guided on the right path :-) — azetina 5 mins ago
@egreg It is up to you to weigh comments and decide which you are to believe:-)
Mhh is it possible to remove section/subsection numbers for a document?
nevermind found it thx @Christoph
@s__C I think my guess was also wrong ;)
Hm, 3000 unanswered questions.
Is it possible to move section to the header (out of the text basically)?
Is there a way to scale a pgfplot legend with the size of the plot?
So if i set my plot height as 5.5 in and later change it to something like 3.5in, the legend will automatically scale with this?
Well I managed to get all things working except one... The I'll share the result.
Do someone know how to define/modify the font of a two-line header with scrartcl & scrpage2?
@TorbjørnT. Sigh
The last days have been stressful. I couldn't even read the log of this room and this is something i usually enjoy. Even, or because, some of us are »confused«.
Happy TeXing to all of us!
@JosephWright Yep, that sums it up pretty good.
@JosephWright Is there some list of common tags available here on TeX.SX?
@JosephWright Reason for asking, the geman complement by @StefanKottwitz
@TorbjørnT. Thanks, that seems good enough :-)
Okay here we go http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/173315/slide-template-mod
If all is fixed it could become my beamer replacement!
@Johannes_B Just tex.stackexchange.com/tags starts of as 'popular'
@TorbjørnT. The depressing thing is most of them are probably poor questions, dupes or what we've have called in the past 'too localized'
@JosephWright Thanks, @TorbjørnT. already send me th elink
@JosephWright btw: What is the right form of send (past)
@Johannes_B sent
@JosephWright send sent sent?
@Johannes_B Huh?
@JosephWright present past perfect
@JosephWright my english school lessons are a while ago
I can't even remember what it was called, i think it's time for bed
Past participle
Good night guys
@JosephWright Yeah, true. I have a little list of questions where some action possibly could be taken, but I haven't really done more than create it (I mentioned it last unanswered session, don't know if you noticed). I should really go through it again.
@PauloCereda :(
@egreg There's the second game in Torino. Things will be different. :)
@PauloCereda :)
@PauloCereda Don't tell me it's finished!
@egreg Very close. :)
@PauloCereda Will they do by the start of the World Cup?
@egreg The stadium should be ready before the World Cup, but there were some problems with bureaucracy. But "inexplicably" the stadium was not included in the list of World Cup stadiums (it's the only stadium built with private money, the others are being reformed/built with public money).
I think it will be ready by July/August. It will be the centenary. :)
World Cup in Brazil will be a disaster.
What they did to Italy in the last Conferedation's Cup was simply inhuman.
You put an european team playing in Salvador (a very hot weather) at 1 PM.
@PauloCereda We'll see what happens in Manaus.
After all it will be winter time. ;-)
@egreg Don't count with winter. :)
@PauloCereda Yes, I don't expect snow.
@egreg Maybe. :)

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