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9:21 PM
hi @JosephWright
@Jin, hello: I saw on meta that you were here, so thought I'd pop in
Very quick movement on the site design :-)
@JosephWright thanks :) it's getting easier with CSS conversion now since I've done a few other SE sites
Woohoo! Love the new design!
@MatthewLeingang thanks Matt.
I guess you still had to get the assets sorted, though. The artwork looks great.
9:23 PM
speaking from experience, i'll be doing some CSS bug fixes tonight :)
I'm seriously going to learn how to use TikZ.. it looks so powerful
(when i get some free time)
Yup, Tikz is great if you know how
I always have to look up how to do things when I need it: luckily not too often
can TikZ produce something like the illustrations on kunstformen.blogspot.com
(minus the color shadings)
btw, this chat room will get its own skin too, familiar to the new TeX site.
9:45 PM
Just had to sign in here and say that I am really happy to see elvish represented in the design.
jin, i guess it can, but there are probably easier ways to do this. i wonder what tools are used for this.
@Caramdir same here.. it's so CAD like, I'm not sure if he did it with Illustrator or not..
@jessegavin i actually used that Elven font once, for a World of Warcraft video I made
i see you are already fixing css bugs. The one I wanted to report disappeared...
@Caramdir which? i haven't pushed any changes since launch
the same thing juan just reported, but i couldn’t find any question where the second case appeared so i assumed it was fixed
10:00 PM
i think i know what it is.. it depends on if the text inside of the blockquote has a <p> wrapped in it

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