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I'm using revtex 4.1. I need a figure that spans two columns, i.e. the figure* environment. I have such a figure at the beginning of the document, it shows fine. If I copy the same code towards the end of the document, the figure (or its caption) don't show up at all in the output.
I see no errors on the console.
Does this sound familiar to anyone, and can you point me in the right direction (before I finish making that minimal example)?
damn it, I'll just put it earlier than where it belongs!
2 hours later…
Is there a way to compile only certain sections of a document if I wasn't smart enough to set my longer sections up with \includes and \includeonly?
2 hours later…
@egreg I'll add a line
@egreg If not, it would be a reason to learn german. Not a good one, tough.
2 hours later…
Q: How to hide auxilliary files under Linux?

Tim Npdflatex generates a lot of files that are of no use to me but are important to pdflatex (.aux, .fls, .log, .nav, .toc etc). How can I hide these files, e.g by putting them in some other, global directory? I don't want to see them when using LaTeX normally. latexmk has the -auxdir option, but it...

Must be a dupe
@mico I've swapped the dupe about BibTeX and tidied the comments up
@JosephWright I added a comment and a dup suggestion
@DavidCarlisle Great
@Dennis well you could split your document into files even now:-) otherwise (usually) you can put \newif\ifthingy \thingyfalse in your preamble then surround sections by \ifthingy ... \fi and they will be included or not depending on whethet you use \thingytrue or \thingyfalse in the preamble
@DavidCarlisle amsmath provides displayskips for long alignments, but right now i am not able to find the command. Do you know it from the top of your head?
@DavidCarlisle Nevermind! tex.stackexchange.com/a/51883/37907
4 hours later…
Very strange: an OP just commented on an comment of mine from November, even though he accepted @DavidCarlisle's answer then already. Weird.
o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o
@PauloCereda Goooooal?
@AlanMunn Nah, just some random crowd movement. :)
@PauloCereda How was last night?
@egreg Very noisy, but I managed to sleep a couple of hours. :) I'm still running on energy drinks, but my brain entered some sort of monotask mode. :)
I think that this can be re-opened tex.stackexchange.com/q/163627/3954 The OP needs to change the position of the title; the alleged "duplicate" changes the title itself.
I initially misread the question, and voted for closing it :(
@PauloCereda Good to hear :)
@tohecz <3
@PauloCereda Be happy! Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. And Italy plays Spain.
@egreg Indeed. :) I can't wait to finally rest a little. But I have a paper due Sunday. :P
Oh I hope that Brazilian guy playing for Spain doesn't score. I don't like him.
@AlanMunn Not sure which question you mean but obviously the OP had good taste in answer selection.
Heya =)
Stefan Kottwitz update: -96 to 100K. Party soon!
Hello to everyone! Can someone say whether there was a question on how to replace AUCTeX's "LaTeX" command with latex->dvips->ps2pdf chain? (I did not manage to find it by googling)
@egreg Yah
Q: How to replace AUCTeX's "LaTeX" command with latex->dvips->ps2pdf chain?

Andrew ZabavnikovWhat is the proper way of solving this problem with respect to AUCTeX's design - I mean, how to do that in a way that it will still recognize the errors, display log on demand, make "View" command default on successful compilation, etc. Or, what is a way to define my own command with the same fun...

So, now there is one! Feel welcomed to mark for duplicate :-)
If I have something like
\draw [red] plot [smooth,tension=1,->] coordinates {(0,0) (1,0.25) (2,-0.25) (3,0.5)};
Is there any way I can insert arrows between two or more of the points?
@egreg -6 who wants to push him over the edge?
@DavidCarlisle Ooops :-)
@StefanKottwitz welcome to the club!
Royal family of 100K moderators
@StefanKottwitz Congratulations!!!!!
@StefanKottwitz: Congrats! :)
@DavidCarlisle Haha thanks for the input, yea I figured that conditionals would be a decent strategy. Question for you, if I could pick your brain once more. Would having, say, 20 sections conditionally compiling slow down my compilation (as opposed to either \include-ing or just compiling the whole document)? How does \include-ing files effect compilation time? I just ask because I'm writing my first document in LaTeX that actually is getting long enough to sputter a bit when compiling.
So I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to just worry about the section I'm working on, ideally without disabling things like BibTeX key processing (I make enough errors there that I want to be yelled at by my compiler ASAP when it sees a problem)
@Dennis when I wrote my first latex document 15 minutes per page was common so I haven't much sympathy with your timing problems:-) Basically the time taken to skip over a conditional section is negligable
@DavidCarlisle Ok that's what I figured. Haha, yea, you know, kids these days and stuff....
Congratulations @StefanKottwitz! :)
@Dennis but if you skip sections then you can't use \ref to refer to anything in the skipped section (that's what \include allows)
@DavidCarlisle Very nice consideration. Not a huge issue for this document, but easily could be in future documents. I just have to start utilizing the power of \include.
@Dennis include preserves the page number and labels from sections so as long as you have run it once when skipped the aux file for that section is still used. so if you skip the first two sections and include section 3 it will start on page 50 (say) and you can \ref things in the earlier sections, equations will not start at 1 etc. If you use \iffalse to omit a section, it's as if it isn't there and page numbers and equations start at 1
@DavidCarlisle Ok, I'm absolutely sold on include :-)




\multirow{3}{*}{\parbox[t]{1.6cm}{\centering subjacent table conditions}} & State \\
 & Input \\
 & State \\
1 & 2 \\

Guys, I'm missing something? The lines in \multirow don't seem aligned. :(
@PauloCereda One of my battlehorses is: "I've yet to see a table using \multirow that can't be improved by removing it".
@egreg I share your thoughts. :) Sadly, I have to reproduce a table as it is, and it's terrible. :(
@egreg What did you get the check from DEK for? Spot a bug?
@PauloCereda it's hard to understand why you would use a \multirow there instead of three cells like in the second column. Add \strut at the beginning and end of the \parbox contents.
@Dennis A bug in the documentation.
@egreg Oh.
What does \strut do?
@egreg Ah nice, well congrats!
@Dennis It will be a hit in my LaTeX course starting next Thursday.
@PauloCereda adds basically a \vphantom{ky} to ensure that the line contains both an ascender and descender, but @egreg will be more precise ;)
@PauloCereda Every done any 3D modelling?
@tohecz Ah cool. :)
@JosephWright Yep. :)
@PauloCereda Which tool do you use?
@PauloCereda A strut is an invisible rule whose height+depth equals \baselineskip
@egreg Oh genius! :)
I missed that in TeXbook, didn't I? :)
@JosephWright Blender? :)
@PauloCereda By why not splitting the rows into different cells?
@PauloCereda Ah right
@egreg OK, I'll do it. :)
@PauloCereda We've got to knock something up, and based on a recommendation are playing about with Rhinoceros
Seems quite good
@JosephWright Oh I heard about it!
Hey guys, Mico became Jabba the Hut?
@egreg: you were right, I'm better without \multirow. :)
@PauloCereda Ho ho ho
@PauloCereda Academic license is not too bad, and so far (a few hours) I'm really finding it to be good
At least for what I want: technical mock-up/exploded diagrams
I came in like a wrecking baaaal...... ahem, it's my gravatar pushing others... sorry had to be done
@PauloCereda Last day of carnival?
@egreg Thank God. :)
@percusse Percyrus. :)
@JosephWright Cool. :)
@PauloCereda I meant, perhaps also Mico is in a mask.
Thanks, friends, for welcoming me in the club, and for the congratulations!
Some people pushed that today, I guess :-)
What is a good choice of environment if I want to have the steps of a proof numbered with text explanations between these steps, and with the whole environment indented?
(the numbering is self-contained, it doesn't need to be continuous with previous theorems or anything)
@PauloCereda to walk like a duck
@egreg :)
@DavidCarlisle \quack :)
@StefanKottwitz That would be serial voting and against the rules, I'm sure no one would to that, the moderators might be watching:-)
@PauloCereda You should hide a \quack macro in a package you upload to CTAN as an easter-egg. When LaTeX expands the macro it should produce a giant ASCII art duck. Just sayin'....
@StefanKottwitz Just know there's Leporello singing the "Catalogo" aria: does this mean something? ;-)
@StefanKottwitz In Lamagna 231. :)
@egreg I don't know this aria yet
@StefanKottwitz In Italia 640, in Lamagna 231, 100 in Francia, in Turchia 91, ma in Ispagna son già 1003!
The list of Don Giovanni's conquests.
@egreg I tried with google and google translate :-)
@Dennis ooh
Out of curiosity, is it possible to change the margins of the document for an especific block?
@StefanKottwitz That's one of my favorite jokes in class: asking students what number comes after the list 640, 231, 100, 91. The other one is 5, 10, 20, 30, 36: what number follows?
@PauloCereda you want a (hidden item) list environment eg quote (that's all it does)
@DavidCarlisle Oh true.
@PauloCereda Package changepage and environment adjustwidth
@egreg Thanks. :)
@PauloCereda You should find plenty of examples in the site
@egreg Thanks. :)
@DavidCarlisle: I tried texdoc lscape. I feel trolled.
@PauloCereda Look at the colors in colortbl: they're good for the days, when Harlequin is around.
@egreg \usepackage[pierrot]{colortbl} :)
@egreg a masterpiece of good design?
@PauloCereda what's troll in particular?
@DavidCarlisle Some punches in the reader's eye?
@egreg I should take over booktabs package maintenance, that document needs jollying up a bit
@DavidCarlisle Tables too sombre?
@egreg quite: booktabls should have an interface to rainbow coloured vertical rules, don't you think?
Did you know that “sombrero” has the same etymology as “sombre”?
@DavidCarlisle Possibly invisible: you just know they're there.
@DavidCarlisle Or it can add random colored lines and cells; different for each run
@DavidCarlisle Dunno, the whole manual in landscape? :P
@PauloCereda always best to have a test document, may as well make it the manual as well, saves the effort of making two
@DavidCarlisle :)

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