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@PauloCereda I should go to bed. Oh man I have soooo much stuff here!
@tohecz I'm awake since Friday morning. :)
@PauloCereda pull the other leg, or go to bed!
oh moment, it's the carnival thingy, isn't it?
@tohecz Yep. :) But I'm not partying, I'm working and since I live nearby the place where carnaval is happening, I can't sleep due to the huge noise. :(
@PauloCereda ah :(
@tohecz Now I understand why they call Ash Wednesday. I'll be reduced to dust soon.
@PauloCereda I'm sorry
@tohecz I'll be fine. :)
@PauloCereda yep I know. I just couldn't resist posting an XKCD too, it seems to be in now :)
@tohecz Do it. :)
Oh you did. :)
@PauloCereda :p
figured it out on my own :)
@Nasser How to remove statements from chat? ;-)
@Speravir oh, you can't. It only works if you do it within, I think 2 minutes. Within 2 minutes, you can just click on the little menu to the left of the message and select delete. This option goes away after this time.
@Nasser Yepp, you’re right and it’s too short IMHO. But I what I meant: I see your posting “Figured it out on my own” after two removed statements … ;-D
@Speravir I figured the answer myself, within 2 minutes, so I deleted my question as not needed ;)
7 hours later…
Currently re-writing a lab manual for a professor who wants it done in MS Word. I'm about to cry. :'( Everything is broken... He also uses Comic Sans in an alternating green-red color scheme for a part of his homework policy discussing the importance of submitting professional-quality work. <facepalm>
does someone know of a bst file that correctly handles "collection" type items -- i want to cite an entire book of collected articles which should appear as "book" eds. J Doe J smith or something like that
@PaulGessler Kill the manual with fire. :)
@PauloCereda or the professor
@DavidCarlisle make it look it was an accident? :)
@PauloCereda I'm sure we know some chemists who could suggest suitably explosive combinations
@DavidCarlisle ooh I like this idea! Some sort of explosive ink would be great! /pokes @JosephWright
The best part is, it was created in Word, converted to PDF, and the source doc was somehow lost. Now he wants it back in Word so he can edit it, but the PDF->Word converter does all sorts of horrible horrible things.
Columnar layouts when the text is actually single column... random stretching/indenting of paragraphs... spurious spaces everywhere... I can't even...
I'm now with an uptime of 72 hours. I'm starting to see macro expansions. And they see me back.
@PauloCereda just survive another day, then you can eat pancakes!
@DavidCarlisle ooh pancakes! :)
I'm probably sponsored by Red Bull these days. :)
@PauloCereda will we see you driving in Australia on March 16?
@DavidCarlisle Flying ducks. :)
@PauloCereda oh macro expansions! \input xii
1 hour later…
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could point me towards a package that'll let me create a calendar and then add timespans in which certain things need to be done.. Like lines with arrows at each end for every task... Not sure if such a thing exists? I looked at a few of the calendar packages but they all seem to only support tasks per day, not time spans
@myrtille Not sure if this is what you're after, but maybe pgfgantt?
@PaulGessler Looks promising, but apparently tikz isn't isntalled on this pc :/
downloaded and installe pgfgantt, it installed fine, but when trying to use it I get this error: pgfgantt.sty:25:I can't find file 'pgflibrarytikz' }
Package: pgf 2006/10/11 v1.10 (rcs-revision 1.7)
Guess that explains that :p
2 hours later…
@PaulGessler Thanks, once I got it working it's exactly what I was looking for :)
@myrtille great! Glad it worked out for you. :)
@SeanAllred package interface design would be easier if there were no users. — David Carlisle 1 min ago
2 hours later…
quack quack
@PauloCereda it's quiet here when you're away:-)
@PauloCereda A duck!
@DavidCarlisle <3
@JosephWright <3
@PauloCereda Busy all day for following the chat.
@egreg :-)
@egreg I was in a hurry today too. :) I had to take a friend to the hospital. :(
@PauloCereda :(
@egreg Thankfully he's ok now. ;)
@egreg I just remembered, there was this guy asking for a symbol which could have been a roman numeral. Do you know what it was?
Q: Problem with symbol

user2287089I am trying to write a math paper, and I need to write the following symbol: $\overline{\underline{X}}$ Is there any package that already contains it?

@PauloCereda Good to know. How's the Carnival going?
@egreg I'm close to reaching zombie mode. :) Less noise than yesterday, but the party goes on today. Again. :)
@egreg: by the way, the friend of mine I took to the hospital was our priest. :)
Plan 9 from Outer Space (originally titled Grave Robbers from Outer Space, or simply known as Plan 9) is a 1959 American science fiction thriller film written and directed by Ed Wood and released by Distributors Corporation of America (as Valiant Pictures). The film stars Gregory Walcott, Mona McKinnon, Tor Johnson and Maila "Vampira" Nurmi. The film bills Bela Lugosi posthumously as a star, although silent footage of the actor had been shot by Wood for other, unfinished projects just before Lugosi's death in 1956. The plot of the film involves extraterrestrial beings who are seeking to ...
@egreg ooh! :)
@PauloCereda The worst movie ever made, someone says
@egreg My standards are currently very low due to my lack of sleep, so I might give it a try. :)
@JosephWright Can you have a look at the comments to tex.stackexchange.com/a/163525/4427? When you have some time, you should add the explanation to the documentation of xparse.
@egreg Thank you
@egreg Saw it. Wasn't that bad, if you have a strange kind of humour.
@Johannes_B Very strange. ;-)
@egreg Seeing a movie which makes you angry, sad and laughing hystarically, because it is just soo should be the worst movie. Sadly, there ist not even a wikipedia entry in other languages other than german
Piratenmassaker ist ein deutscher Splatter-Piratenfilm aus dem Jahr 2000. Handlung Ein mysteriöser Mönch lässt sich von Piraten auf eine Karibikinsel bringen, um nach einem dort verborgenen Dolch zu suchen, auf dem eine Schatzkarte eingraviert ist. Nach der Ankunft teilt der Piratenkapitän ihm mit, dass auch er von der Legende um den Dolch weiß und verlangt von dem Mönch, sein Wissen über das Versteck mit ihm zu teilen. Daraufhin beschwört der Mönch mittels magischer Formeln Horden von kuttentragenden maskierten Bewaffneten herauf und sprengt das Schiff, wodurch Besatzung und Passagiere...
User comment: Jochen Taubert doesn't know how to make a movie, even a bad one.
Another user comment: The movie production has maybe never reached the 200€ limit, but every singe cent was wasted in a useful matter.
@egreg from the same user: »So I recommend you to have a drink or two with this movie.«
Excellent advice
@Johannes_B I hope they will never dub it into Italian.

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