I think the way to go is that the academic institutions have to take the responsibility. I know couple journals which are university-driven, and some large publisher (e.g. Cambridge UP) only takes care of printing and proper indexing
FrameMaker 12 is out, and has support for Mathematics. So I decided to download a trial version and compare it with Latex to see. Well, it does not look good. The PDF output is not bad, but the HTML output is not good. The limits on an integral sign are corrupted in this example. So, I do not think Latex has to worry about this.
This version supports XML they say, but I do not know how to use that part. I was only testing the math support to compare it with Latex.
They use GIF images for equations.
<DIV> <IMAGE xml:link="simple" href="2-1.gif" show="embed" actuate="auto"/> </DIV> That is why the math looks not sharp and fussy
I wanted to ask, if there is a best practice for posting answers with extremely long cope snippets. I just posted this answer and used GitHub Gist to store the file.
I'm sure there must be a question on this, but I can't seem to find it... My font (Fontin) doesn't have the character ğ — is there some way I can create it?
@cgnieder That's how we work: we discuss things before beers, then the very same things after beers; the ones that keep coherent after this step, we move on. :)
Suppose I have a set A = { a, b, c }. I'd like to have a new set B with all the possible subsets of A, with size 2, B = { { a, b } , { b, c } , { a, c } }, but I don't know a good "generic" notation for that. :(
@PauloCereda well, I can use a reduction, but then I lose quality, or I can ask for a one-piece made cable, but then I lose quality too (and it's expensive)
@tohecz I know some maths, but sadly the trend in Brazil is to "loose" the formal stuff in favour of practical stuff. When submitting things abroad, we need to go formal, and that's where I see I'm very rusty. :)
@PauloCereda Also \mathcal{P}_{2}(A), which can be also \mathcal{P}_{\le2}(A) for the subsets of at most two elements; or \mathcal{P}_{<\omega}(A) for the finite subsets.
The StackStatus twitter account says this:
Our network provider is experiencing a bit of increased traffic. We and they are investigating.
We have partially mitigated a DDoS attack against our network. We are continuing to watch traffic.
btw, going through the list of chat rooms, and some are really funny: The Appendix (do you still have your appendix?), The Water Cooler (no, thanks, it's too cold outside anyways), The Observatory, and most importantly, remember that You Are Here :)
@egreg Could I consult a LaTeXnical detail with you please?
Imagine I have a command like \NomenclatureItem{<symbol>}{<description>}. Now, symbol is always a math guy, so it would be reasonable to define it like \NomenclatureItem -> $ #1 $ --- #2 (formatting doesn't matter now).
But it has a drawback, which is when someone writes \NomenclatureItem{$S$}{My set} instead of \NomenclatureItem{S}{My set}. Any ideas? What variant would you prefer?
I was using \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty to get rid of Beamer's navigation bar... but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Perhaps changed with a recent package update. Does anyone know any alternatives?
Hello @ all. StackExchange is back, but TeX.SX is still dead here. How is it for you? Last reachable server in traceroute here “nyk-b6-link.telia.net []”.
The reason for my rage is that a lot of Brazilians that work with software development or even in academia, IMHO, is very lazy and fail to make an effort on trying to learn new things when these things are not in Portuguese. Making a SO in Portuguese doesn't cover a demographic need of the language expansion, but makes people more lazy to move their buttocks out of their comfy chairs and try to interact with the rest of the world. :)
@Speravir Oh thanks! I plan to revamp the arara logo as well, in the same lines. :)
@topskip: Yay, Patrick is back from the <xml>conference</xml>! <3
The StackStatus twitter account says this:
Our network provider is experiencing a bit of increased traffic. We and they are investigating.
We have partially mitigated a DDoS attack against our network. We are continuing to watch traffic.
The tombstone, Halmos, or end of proof mark "" is used in mathematics to denote the end of a proof, in place of the traditional abbreviation "QED" for the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum" (Q.E.D.). In magazines, it is one of the various symbols used to indicate the end of an article.
In Unicode, it is represented as character . Its graphic form varies. It may be a hollow or filled rectangle or square.
In AMS-LaTeX, the symbol is automatically appended at the end of a proof environment \begin{proof} ... \end{proof}. It can also be obtained from the commands \qedsymbol or \qed (the ...
After being DDOSed (cf. What just happened to StackOverflow?) StackOverflow works again and Meta.SO obviously, as well. I also noticed, that superuser.com works. But all subdomains of stackexchange.com are still down (I actually did test only some of them).
Are there known reasons? Can someone t...
@egreg Back for life, and I've just recieved an article review: "In my opinion this paper will be reconsidered when the authors check the proofs and rewrite carefully the text." That's a Pyrrhic victory :-/
I wonder who would launch a DDOS on SE? Somebody who got banned and wanted revenge? :P — Mysticial2 hours ago
@Mystical: Whoever did it, I'm sure at one point in their development of the DDOS tool they got advice from SE. (Assuming the people who launched it developed the tool, which is probably unlikely...) — Chris Laplante2 hours ago
Lousy losers (for another meanwhile deleted article with same content see answer in my question):
@PauloCereda well, the reviewer seems to be right. But I have to forget it for the last 2 weeks in France and finish my work here. I can concentrate on it when I'm in Prague.
@Speravir well, it's exactly how people thought it is. Angry user who's very likely a complete asshole :)
I would like to use $\sqcup$ as a tape symbol for a Turning machine. How would I eliminate relation spacing from it to be treated as just some character?