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@egreg Why would you have italic around a formula? o.0
@Canageek Why not? In math it's pretty normal.
@egreg That would be strange?
@Canageek In math, statements of theorem are always in italics, for instance.
@egreg Odd, as far as I know in chem you avoid italics except for emphasis or variables and latin and such.
I can't recall seeing much italic in any of the 160 papers in the last few weeks.
Anyway, have to head back to the lab for a bit, have to make some elephant toothpaste
@Canageek Can you exclude it?
@egreg I can't say it would never be done, just seems strange.
He is going to put everything new in siunitx, and then as he edits move all his old stuff to it
As it is going to bug him if it isn't proper
Congrats, we have a convert
BTW one upvote for my CW answer would be fine: MikTex Download Failure - toptesi.tar.lzma.
And thanks.
@Speravir Done, I was out of votes until some minutes ago.
@Speravir I usually go out of votes a few hours later than @PauloCereda
@egreg :-D
@Speravir “A few hours” means 20+, of course.
@egreg LOL, ROFL and so on … ;-)
@Paulo 246 votes 10 minutes after the 6th day ended. We know you are around! tex.stackexchange.com/users?tab=voters
@tohecz You mean he must have voted 6 times after Greenwich midnight … right?
@Speravir yep :) (well, it's not entirely true, since AFAIK close, reopen, delete and undelete votes count too)
@tohecz I never have understood this completely. I vote clearly to little. ;-)
@tohecz I'm not sure about this.
@Speravir neither have I. It's surely covered in Meta.SO/Meta.SE somewhere
@tohecz Surely.
@egreg I remember someone complaining they had 41 votes in one day without an obvious reason, and it was concluded that this might be the case and they just shouldn't care
@tohecz It can happen if a vote is nullified because the voted question or answer is deleted.
@egreg no, then you get vote capped with 39 votes AFAIK, because the vote counts as a vote for the cap, but not for the number of votes. Or maybe it's the other way around
@tohecz I never understood precisely why; but certainly sometimes I only get 39.
@egreg you get vote capped after 30 votes on answers, no matter what. But I believe that's not usually limiting you since you vote for questions probably a lot
Damn it's the other way around of course Corrected.
@DanDascalescu: Here on TeX,SX the mood is much more laazyyy. Think alone the existence of a tag big-list (click on it). — Speravir 3 mins ago
Gotta go. Good night!
7 hours later…
@michal.h21 Doesn't work for me: what's it supposed to do?
@michal.h21 I take it luatexbase is part of some LaTeX Lua package and not the LuaTeX binary?
@JosephWright oh, I forgot to include \usepackage{luatexbase, luacode}
it should print uppercase letters to the terminal
but it doesn't work correctly, the callback should be removed after printing the command argument, butr it process document until the end instead
@michal.h21 Ah
So a call-back should be broadly equal to a hook macro?
@michal.h21 Looks to me like it processes the tokens you use to try to do that!
@michal.h21 What's t[3] here (I get the other two parts)
@JosephWright yes, it process tokens, but it should process only nazdar, not rest of document :)
@michal.h21 :-)
I thought it was processing up to the end of the removal line but not beyond
Doesn't do the last ahoj
@JosephWright from luatex manual
The token table contains interface functions to TEX's handling of tokens. These functions are most
useful when combined with the token_filter callback, but they could be used standalone as well.
A token is represented in Lua as a small table. For the moment, this table consists of three numeric
index meaning description
1 command code this is a value between 0 and 130 (approximately)
2 command modifier this is a value between 0 and 221
3 control sequence id for commands that are not the result of control sequences, like letters and
see the token library
@michal.h21 Ah right
So you could use token.get_next in a simple loop over the TeX input?
@JosephWright yes. but it is hard to find examples of the usage
@JosephWright ah, you are right, it process only to end of luatexbase.removecallback(...)
I tried using tex.stackexchange.com/a/15838/3406 to change font size after a tikzpicture, but it changed the font of the tikzpicture too.
@michal.h21 I've asked about this on the LuaTeX list: probably there is something obvious
@JosephWright Khaled suggests usage of nodes, but I don't know if that is useful if you want to have expandable case changing macro
@michal.h21 I've replied: two concerns, one of which is it doesn't change the 'real' case and the second that I suspect this is dependent on the font
@michal.h21 I had wondered about that approach, though, as I believe a similar thing in doable in XeTeX
@JosephWright I hacked something not very clean, but at least it process only text in parameter:
local upper = unicode.utf8.upper
local char = unicode.utf8.char
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
bracket_level = 0
start = true
stop_bracket = false
mytokens = function()
local t = token.get_next()
local command, modifier, cs = unpack(t)
if cs == 0 and command == 11 then
if start or bracket_level > 0 then
print(upper(char(t[2])), t[1], t[3], bracket_level, start)
elseif command == 1 then
if not stop_bracket then
bracket_level = bracket_level + 1
Can someone explain me why Google's olympics logo celebrates LGBT? Maybe some sort-of hidden manifest against Russian homophoby politics?
@tohecz Rainbow is a common reference to Gay pride
Look at the TikZ manual and search for PRIDE :)
it's almost hidden there
@percusse well, the point is that it's the Olympics logo, and not the Gay logo :)
so I just sort-of think that it's not a coincidence that Google's logo for the Olympics in Russia resembles the gay pride flag
@tohecz There is a ahuge political context about it
and about Putin's views against LGBT
gotta run
1 hour later…
@tohecz At least you're not the only one to notice this :-)
@DavidCarlisle Case changing certainly is interesting!
Man there are really some extremely funny ones among the "sad sotchi photos" :-)
@JosephWright \uppercase{𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰}
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle Math mode, I guess, so no change :-)
1 hour later…
@egreg I see case-changing + math mode has popped up :-)
@JosephWright Yeah! Just talk about things, et voilà! Or, as they said once, lupus in fabula
@egreg I would say Speak of the devil and he does appear
@StephanLehmke Honestly, this is the first olympic games I would never attend for safety and comfort reasons. I'm not a fan of sports in general to the extent of coming to large sports meetings, but here I would be really concerned.
Ack. :)
@PauloCereda Hard work?
@PauloCereda Hi man!
It seems like there might be a bug in biblatex. In the following example I expect to get the same thing with \footcitesand \autocites
I can "fix" it with \letcs\autocites{blx@macite@footnote}, but that seems odd.
2 hours later…
Hi texperts
just a small question
after being inspired by you all, i have decided to thoroughly learn how to make diagrams using latex
but need a starting point:
should i start by reading up manuals
for pstricks/tikz/pgfplots?
@AbhimanyuArora no. start with simple examples.
thanks @FaheemMitha
and how to decide on the tool---tikz/pgfplots/pstricks?
@AbhimanyuArora There have been some questions like that on the site, e.g. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/60778/… and tex.stackexchange.com/questions/6676/…
@TorbjørnT.:Thanks for the wonderful references!
@AbhimanyuArora Should you decide on TikZ, start by going through the first five or so chapters of the manual, they contain a series of tutorials.
Okay, I am starting now
shall keep you guys updated
thanks for the advise
@AbhimanyuArora TikZ is the most popular. I'd probably start with that.
@FaheemMitha I'm resisting the temptation to suggest alternatives...
@DavidCarlisle Don't resist. Give in to temptation. You know you want to.
@DavidCarlisle I'm hopeful I've cracked the case changing :-)
Any XeTeX experts about?
Is there a XeTeX equivalent of LuaTeX's \Uchar?
@JosephWright No.
Evening, everyone!
@egreg Thought not, but XeTeX's docs are not that up-to-date
@JosephWright That would require big work on XeTeX, I believe.
@tohecz hello
@FaheemMitha Hi, pal!
@egreg Probably
Well, I'm here only for a short while. I'm in a good mood after discussion today with my supervisor, so I just needed to share this mood :)
@tohecz That's nice.
I'm trying to write a shell script, so not in such a good mood. :-)
@FaheemMitha yep. Two painfuls little math details in our article-in-progress, one seems to be solved, and the other one got some ideas, too
@FaheemMitha ouch :D
shell is annoying, generally.
@FaheemMitha which shell do you use?
Shell is kind of like TeX, but without the cool factor.
@tohecz plain ordinary bash.
@tohecz Nice to have a supervisor who actually works with you. Mine was a cloud-cuckoo-lander.
@tohecz Done.
Though that changes my meaning, but whatever. I'm an obedient kind of chap.
@FaheemMitha mine is strange sometimes (the French one, well, the Czech one too, but that's another story), he is available when you need
@tohecz You have two supervisors??!! Double trouble.
Academics are often strange, I find.
@FaheemMitha that's just quite a good description -- "double trouble"
@tohecz heh
@FaheemMitha no, he's fine. It's just that he doesn't force me to do anything, which is quite correct I think. But he proposes good questions, and he is helpful in many senses. He's just not quite giving any positive feedback
The most positive feedback I got was when we explained the results to a 3rd person, and he said: "Well, I was really surprised that Tom managed to tame the beast" :D
@tohecz Sounds reasonable. If he is not a credit-grabbing psycho and is not out to lunch, he is probably better than average.
@tohecz That is the area again? I thought you did CS, but I forget.
@FaheemMitha Yep, I do TCS, but this now is a bit more math. Read "beast" as "some property of something"
@tohecz Ah. TCS can be hard.
@FaheemMitha indeed. Mine is in-between automata theory, number theory, combinatorics and dynamical systems. Again, I have two supervisors, both with quite a number of topics :)
Hi, just flagged the wrong question and said it should be moved to tex.stackexchange.com. Is there any way to unflag?
@Okuma.Tony Hi! There's no un-flag. At which site is the question?
@tohecz Wow. Sounds complicated. Is is motivated by a real problem/situation?
@Okuma.Tony just don't care. Mods will kill the flag. It's not a big deal
Thank you. Sorry bout that.
@FaheemMitha Kind of. We have a real object that we study, and it turns out that it takes a lot
The object is this simple map: x -> b*x - floor(b*x)
Well, gotta go. See you later!
@tohecz I'll send you my publication if you send me yours. :-)
@FaheemMitha well, my homepage has all and is linked in my profile :) but if you want to see the beasts, here they are: kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~hejdato1/main/www/papers/…
@tohecz slides?
@FaheemMitha well, this is the article-in-progress, and so far certainly the most complicated stuff I've been doing
the slides show some nice pictures :)
@tohecz It does look complicated.
I don't have a slide but I can send you my article if you want.
and I apology, I really gotta go. So bye :)
@FaheemMitha hit me! :) Mail is here: kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~hejdato1/main
@tohecz Ok.
and good luck with your bash!
@tohecz Paper sent. And thanks.
I wonder if I could make my Sochi Games logo in LaTeX?
@Canageek Colorful. Or, should that be colourful?
@FaheemMitha Colourful of course.
@Canageek Ok, colourful then.
I think that is what is called the Queen's English.
@FaheemMitha Canadians actually use a bastard form of British and American English in practice. I'm sure @PauloCereda can tell you all about it.
@Canageek I await that. With bated breath.
3 hours later…
I found a bug in this site: functionx.com Can you also spot the bug? :-)
@CodeMocker it's not 1900 the last I checked? ;)
@PaulGessler You won!
@CodeMocker what did I win? :~)
@PaulGessler So they want to teach programming and they aren't able to set the year in their own web page? Good start indeed! ;-)
@egreg also Web Design!
Anyone see if I'm making an obvious mistake with:
\iffalse μΜ\fi
\openin\tmpread \jobname %
\read\tmpread to \temp
\openin\tmpread \jobname %
\readline\tmpread to \temp
Gives what I feel is a funny result in LuaTeX
@JosephWright Faulty implementation of \readline, I'd say. It detokenizes before translating UTF-8 into single characters.
@egreg I'm sensing a bug too :-)
Stumbled across it entirely by accident :-)
@JosephWright Note that \readline is only listed as an extra e-TeX primitive. I guess it was imported "as is".
Evening! In all honesty, I start missing a "useless " close reason. And I start to agree with D.W. in his points.
@JosephWright The UTF-8 representation of μΜ is <CE><BC><CE><9C>; what's shown the third time is <C3><8E><C2><BC><C3><8E><C2><9C>. It's worth investigating
@JosephWright If the Μ is removed, I get <C3><8E><C2><BC> from \readline
It could have something to do with UTF-16

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