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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

My first attempt:
@PauloCereda This ^^^ might be luckier
@egreg Oh thanks! I'll try!
@PauloCereda There are many examples on the site with fancy titles, also using mdframed
@egreg I'm trying to find one that fits my needs, but no luck so far. Maybe I'll post a proper question.
@egreg: I got a good result, thank you. :)
Hi @paulo I read that centos and redhat are forming voltron!
@JasperLoy Hi Jasper! Oh I can't remember the name, but they are trying a common project. :) The name sounds like some sort of Japanese hero, like Power Rangers. :)
@PauloCereda Well, I think it is some kind of robot!
@JasperLoy :)
@egreg: any hints for a cross glyph? :)
I went with amssymb's \maltese. :)
A: Indexing does not work with index package

Harish Kumaregreg knows that people like us are lazy/ignorant while running extra commands ;-) That is why they wrote imakeidx that makes use of --shell-escape functionality and runs makeindex/xindy automatically. Hence one can (never) forget to run MakeIndex. Here is an example of it (I believe in learning ...

2 hours later…
@egreg :13397073 For what it's worth, the expl3's signature solution is far less annoying coming from a practical CS background—I'm sure this point was brought up those years ago. If LaTeX and expl3 is going to attract any real library writers (which I'm not entirely confident is the way LaTeX is going to go, given that it is very much a domain-specific solution), expl3's function signatures will go a long way in keeping people sane (at least those with a bent as mine).
I definitely would not be where I am without expl3.
Q: What will happen if the serial-upvote reputation is lately reversed for this scenario?

Code MockerLet's assume at the beginning I have 1 reputation. Another user serially votes my posts up until I get, for example, serial-upvote reputation of 150. Thus my rep becomes 151 in total now. If I spend this reputation for a bounty of 150 before the system reverses the serial-upvote reputation of 15...

@CodeMocker Probably a question for MSO
@SeanAllred :-)
2 hours later…
@CodeMocker Are you ready to test?
@HarishKumar Ready now.
OK. Shall I start?
@HarishKumar No. I cannot offer bounties
Please wait 1 hour more.
@CodeMocker I will now. Any way reversal will take some time. So you can start after one hour. Will it do?
@HarishKumar No. Reversal sometimes happens in several minutes after serial-upvotes.
@CodeMocker oh!. Ok. How long you will be online?
@HarishKumar I am stand by here.
@CodeMocker Already you people gave an attempt?
@HarishKumar Yes, before I asked it on meta. But I had no chance to offer bounty because the reversal came too fast.
@CodeMocker Fine. Now it is 11am here. I will be back in exactly 1 hour. ie 12noon. I will ping you then before I start. Is it OK?
@HarishKumar OK. Thanks.
@CodeMocker OK. I will go offline now bye. See you at 12noon (IST) in 1 hour.
Hi all—if anyone feels up for a challenge, I've got a real brain-teaser up on GitHub right now: github.com/vermiculus/yacv/issues/1
From the log file, for a teaser:

LaTeX Warning: You have requested package `yacv.abbreviations.logic',
>>               but the package provides `yacv.abbreviations.logic'.

Package: yacv.abbreviations.logic 2014/01/25 v0.1 Abbreviation support in yaCV

The github repository is itself a minimal example, but it seems far too large and involved for a question here on TeX.SX. (As an aside, do you think it matters how large and complex questions are?)
@HarishKumar: I am ready to execute the bounty.
@CodeMocker I ma back. I will first open tabs and then start. You be ready with a question open in one tab. Done?
@HarishKumar OK. I am ready.
Here we go.
@HarishKumar Ready.
@CodeMocker Go!
@HarishKumar more until 150
@HarishKumar need 4 more upvotes
@CodeMocker Now?
@CodeMocker Done?
@HarishKumar You just gave me 125 reps. I don't know if it can still be regarded as serial upvotes. Done.
Your rep decreased. Does that mean you already gave? Oh. I voted many. Wait.
@CodeMocker I gave almost all of my votes for today. That must be some thing like 30-32. Strange!
But you are still at 12!
My votes exhausted for today :)
@HarishKumar maybe because I reached the limit of 200 reps. Thanks anyway.
@CodeMocker I voted 30 votes for today (less questions that is why). But I think 3-4 votes earlier for some thing else. That should make it some 23-25. Any way, let me know the result. If you are not happy with the trial, let me know. Tomorrow at 00.00UTC, we can give another try. :)
@HarishKumar OK. I think I have to wait for a week because all my offered bounties have no target so I cannot execute it soon.
@CodeMocker it shows 18 votes 10 mins ago :)
@CodeMocker OK. Let me know then. No problem :)
@HarishKumar OK. Thanks.
@CodeMocker 17 votes above rep cap. Next time we should take that in to account. Now I don't know whether they will be reversed too ;)
@HarishKumar OK.
@CodeMocker bye, I will be offline again for 4-5 hours. See you :)
@HarishKumar Bye see you later with the same game.
3 hours later…
@egreg: I composed a friend's wedding mass in LaTeX. I'm tempted to send you the final result, but I'm afraid you'll contact the Holy See in order to excommunicate me because of the typographic heresies I did throughout the whole document. :)
@PauloCereda com'on, boy!
How is everyone today?
@JosephWright Cold. ;-) 7 degrees. Can I ask you an English question? Would there be reactions such as eyebrow raising, eyeballing or laughing if I say "the English tongue" instead of "the English language"?
@egreg Yes, much laughter
@JosephWright Can one use "tongue" as a synonym of "language"?
@egreg Not really, no
You can say for example 'common tongue', but it's not in general usage: sounds poetic/archaic
@JosephWright So you'd prefer "mother language" to "mother tongue".
@egreg Ah, there you can use it :-)
@egreg Indeed, 'mother language' sounds wrong
@JosephWright The Oxford dictionary gives "tongue" as first synonym for "language".
Where's @AlanMunn when we need him? ;-)
@egreg Like I say, in general it feels archaic to me, although 'mother tongue' is clearly an exception!
Mother nature. :)
We still like you even if we are not of your favorites. Come to the chat room and be properly friends with them instead of clicking strange buttons and faking it :P — percusse 14 mins ago
Listen to this guy. @percusse: <3
That question reminded me of a yo momma joke.
> yo momma's so fat that when she went to school she sat next to the whole class!
@JosephWright that's why I tend to say "native language" unless it's confusing (I mean, my German supervisor and his Ukrainian wife have a son in France: what's the mother tongue and the native language for him?)
@tohecz Same with the motherland and citizenship for him
@percusse yep. Well, he has three citizenships, it's a very strange situation, and he'll have to deal with it in the future, but that's it
@tohecz He is probably going to be trilingual
@percusse well, that's the plan, at least at the beginning
@tohecz So mother tongue concept doesn't apply him
@percusse yes, still, literally, his mother tongue is Russian and his father tongue is German. On the other hand, his native language is probably French :p
anyways, they said that they are (gladly) going to strictly follow the rule that he speaks only German to his son, and she speaks only Russian. Otherwise he could end up with a serious language mess in his head.
@tohecz At that age, it's very difficult to make a mess. It's like sponge everything goes in and stays there.
I know a friend from a similar family. I hate his command of languages. He says it's natural. Of course lots of cursing and swearing follows from me
@percusse well, it's important to set the rule up and keep it until the age where he speaks reasonable well the languages. I know a boy speaking Czech with French word order, just because his mom mixed the two languages when he was pre-school
"command of languages"?
Q: A word to describe having good command of the English language?

defayeIs there a word to describe having good command of the English language? The kind of word that could be listed as an attribute?

after quick search around
I'm an idiot in several languages. <3
I don't know why it is closed though...
@percusse not that that one helps a lot: it's messy, the discussion is a useless almost-flame ... well ... ELU :-/ But I think I get what it is.
Oooh, now I know what elu and ell means......
@percusse lol, it's so bad, isn't it?
the whole problem of ELU is that by definition, everything belongs to ELL
@tohecz Interesting. It's like MO and MSE then, eh? Quite elite
Hahaha true
@percusse yes, but with MO vs Math.SE, it's much clearer to me IMHO.
@percusse Ηλει Ηλει λεμα σαβαχθανει.
btw, MSE will soon be quite confusing: meta/math
I wonder if even @egreg will get this reference. :)
@PauloCereda Why greek? Wasn't it supposed to be some middle east dialect ?
@percusse It was a joke with the famous Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? phrase spoken by Jesus in the cross. You guys were talking about elu, ell, and I contributed with eli. Oh my, bad joke just happened. I'll go away.
@PauloCereda I got that part. But why greek? By the way, I miss my hometown now and ma greko dudes :(
@percusse I dunno, I tried to be fancy. :)
anyway pointless to analyze a joke hehehe ... i sound like my ex-supervisor
Oh no, look what I did. :(
@percusse They say analyzing a joke is like dissecting a frog; you understand better, but something dies in the process. :)
@tohecz I think people need to hang out in n-cafe more and leave internet alone :)
@percusse n-cafe?
@AndrewStacey is the barista in there :)
I think this is the official link golem.ph.utexas.edu/category but i'm not sure.
Well it's category theory, how should one ever know about anything about that ?
Anyway it tells more here
The nLab is a wiki for research-level notes, expositions and collaborative work, including original research, in mathematics, physics, and philosophy, with a focus on methods from category theory and homotopy theory. The nLab espouses the "n-point of view" (a deliberate pun on Wikipedia's "neutral point of view") that category theory and particularly higher n-category theory provide a useful unifying viewpoint for mathematics, physics and philosophy. The nLab was originally conceived to provide a repository for ideas (and even new research) generated in the comments on posts at the n-Ca...
Now I need coffee.
@PauloCereda Well, it's a quotation from Psalms, made by a famous person in a rather difficult situation.
@PauloCereda When I talk about "truth/falseness" related to mathematical logic, I usually quote "Che cos'è la verità?" (Not "quid est veritas?" that would be too easy). Some students, after a couple of hints, know where it's from.
@egreg Indeed! :)
@egreg Cool! :)
Q: teTeX Distribution in Slackware

subham soniI have installed slackware 14. It has an in-built support for TeX. The distributions provided are teTeX and eTeX. Does it make a difference if I install TeXLive 2013? Secondly, I am not able to compile the documents using XeLaTeX in slackware.I can compile only using PdfLaTeX and eTeX.What should...

Holy cow, Slackware!
@PauloCereda Holy cow, teTeX!
@JosephWright this!
Did they miss the announcement?
@JosephWright LOL
@tohecz dat.
btw, my friend encountered a strange problem: when he includes images using \includegraphics, the PDF file inside always contains the full path to the image, no matter what? If I take the very same document and compile it myself, there's only filename.png or ./filename.png in the PDF file
@tohecz maybe defined an image path?
@percusse no. nothing. that was such a mystery that I didn't know what to do
and he's pissed off of course, it's a security flaw
@tohecz Local config files and/or altered core files?
Or env variables, of course
@JosephWright well, I doubt he ever molested the distro
@tohecz Have you?
ENV variables are a possibility, maybe because he works in tmux
@JosephWright well, I was tempted to say something very nasty just now :p
@JosephWright :-)
@percusse Scotland Yard move. :)
I received this mail now;
Dear Customer,

Due to recent updates we are asking many of our customers to confirm their information this is nothing to worry about. We are making sure we have the correct information on file and that you are the rightful account holder. Failure to comply with this may result in your account being suspended.

Once completed you may resume to use your account as normal and we would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to confirm your information.

Verify Now >

Wondering why you got this email?
hehehe, winter is coming :)
@percusse well, I suppose I won 1 million dollars 5 times today, I dunno :)
@tohecz I can make that money five-fold via my uncle in Nigeria if you are interested.
I also just met him via email
My grandpa was apparently an international womanizer
@percusse oh, that's already 25 millions!
Hi everyone.
@tohecz If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?
@FaheemMitha Tom would buy a lot of McGyver knives (I never remember their names). :P
@PauloCereda Not sure what those are.
Any biblatex expert?
Q: Double bibliography, at the end and for any chapters

cesarino87Hi guys I've many difficult to do a chapter bibliography. In the attachment there are a pdf after compile and the source. I would like to have a bibliography for each chapter, and a final as well as I have already. Can you help me? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15269862/main1.pdf https://dl...

@FaheemMitha Some sort of Swiss army knife thingy. :)
@PauloCereda I see. Why would anyone want lots of those?
@FaheemMitha One for every day in the year? :)
@PauloCereda That is a lot of knives, but would they cost a millon dollars?
@egreg Quite amusing question: per-chapter bibliography and an additional one in the end?
@FaheemMitha Nope. :)
@PauloCereda I believe that biblatex can do it.
Can someone help me with installing a package not in TL repository on a mac? I am not sure how I would go about this!
@kan Is it font related?
I am not sure what is the best way to do it here... manually extract into the right directory and mktexlsr?
@kan No; create a texmf folder in your home Library folder; inside that create tex and inside it latex; then put the smflatex bundle in a subdirectory.
Q: What is the error in this latex code

user34083I am not able to understand why I am getting an error on line 40, though I can see nothing wrong here. Please help. I understand this question may be withheld 'as it may not be useful to others'. \documentclass[]{beamer} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{makei...

@kan OK, it's a bit more complicated. It's easier to use the terminal. Download the archive from CTAN and expand it in a working folder, cd to it. Then put the files where they belong.
We've got another question on this: I've never tracked down what beamer gets wrong here!
@kan You don't need to hash your personal tree
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/smflatex
mv *.cls *.sty ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/smflatex
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bst/smflatex
mv *.bst ~/Library/texmf/bibtex/bst/smflatex
@JosephWright Hah!
@JosephWright \subsection has no parent.
@kan After those four commands you're ready to use your new class.
@egreg Yes, but:




works without error
@egreg Hmm, Can I only use bibtex with that class? I have been using biblatex these days!
@egreg I'm also confident. Maybe copying every item from the per-chapter bibliography into one big category and them print it at the end.
@egreg All set! Thank you!
@JosephWright It's beamer specific
@egreg Yes, I know!
@egreg That's the problem :-)
@JosephWright It would be nonsense anyway.
@egreg I know that, but I'd like a better error message
What would happen if I delete my account? :)Paulo Cereda 17 secs ago
@JosephWright I agree. What about checking if the section counter is 0 when \subsection is processed?
@egreg: ooh you are close to have more votes than the SO top voter!
@PauloCereda Damn, yesterday I missed two votes. ;-)
@JosephWright: great comment. No experiments. :)
@egreg Oh no!
Every vote is sacred. /pokes @Joseph for subtle MP reference
@egreg Might work. What bothers me is I can't work out what Till changed so that you get a low-level error in the first place.
beamer is not fun to maintain
@PauloCereda No option really: this one is a clear case as a mod
@JosephWright Agreed.
@JosephWright: did you get your tickets for July the 1st? :)
Hi everyone!
I was trying to make an implementation of RSA in python
I made it, but sometimes it fails
gist: Buggy RSA implementation, 2014-01-26 16:32:01Z

import math
import random
def test_prime(p):
    max_test = int(math.sqrt(p))+1
    for x in range(2,max_test):
        if p%x == 0:
            return False
    return True

def gcd(x,y):
    if not z == 0:
        return gcd(z,x)
        return x

max_primes = 100
min_primes = 50

primes = []

for x in range(min_primes,max_primes):
    if test_prime(x):

p = random.choice(primes)
q = random.choice(primes)


phi = (p-1)*(q-1)

possible_e_s = []

for x in range(1,phi):
    if gcd(x,phi) == 1:

e = random.choice(possible_e_s)

for x in range(phi):
    if (e*x)%phi == 1:
        d = x

print (n,e)

del phi
del p
del q

messages = list(range(30))

m = random.choice(messages)

c = pow(m,e,n)
print c

message = pow(c,d,n)

if m == message:
    a = ''
    a += "\n ____    ____      _       __        __         _        _ \n|  _ \\"
    a += "  / ___|    / \\      \\ \\      / /__  _ __| | _____| |\n| |_) | \\__"
    a += "_ \\   / _ \\      \\ \\ /\\ / / _ \\| '__| |/ / __| |\n|  _ < _ ___) "
    a += "| / ___ \\ _    \\ V  V / (_) | |  |   <\\__ \\_|\n|_| \\_(_)____(_)_/"
    a += "   \\_(_)    \\_/\\_/ \\___/|_|  |_|\\_\\___(_)                       "
    a += "                         \n"
    a += '-'*100
    print a

    print "`m` was:\t", m
    print "`message`:\t", message
So can you help me find the bug?
@Kartik There's a big untold secret problem in RSA that you never find a mention of, this might be it
@tohecz Really? What problem?
The problem is that RSA peforms a one-way permutation of numbers from 2 .. pq-2. But if you code messages from 1 .. 2^n for n such that 2^n<pq-2<2^(n+1), you in the end need one extra bit. But that's probably not where your problem lies
@egreg You should not say 'The English tongue'. That refers only to the anatomical part of a (generic) Englishman. 'mother tongue' is also not really used professionally at least; linguists use 'native langauge' instead.
@AlanMunn What about "speaking in tongues"?
@AlanMunn I think he was looking for 'common usage', where I'd say 'mother tongue' is fine
@egreg 'tongues' here are not a language: rather the point
@egreg That's fine.
@JosephWright Well that's one case where as a linguist I'd tend to be somewhat prescriptive here and actually discourage that usage.
@AlanMunn So, when did "tongue" in the sense of "language" disappear? It's used in that sense several times in the King James Bible.
@AlanMunn But you also know that being prescriptive about language is a doomed exercise :-)
@egreg As Joseph says, it's probably not totally gone from common usage. Looking at Google ngrams 'mother tongue' still seems quite active compared to 'native language', but when you look for 'English tongue' is pretty much gone. goo.gl/aHPqc2
@JosephWright Yes, and I'm very conflicted by that. But I think as scientists we have some responsibility to encourage sensible terms for things when we can.
@AlanMunn Thanks!
@AlanMunn Certainly
@JosephWright: got the tickets for July 1st?
@AlanMunn Around 1750 the frequency of the two phrases was about the same, then “English language” took over.
@egreg And one more ngram view that includes 'native tongue' shows quite clearly that 'tongue' in this sense is now restricted the the idiom 'mother tongue' and not much else: goo.gl/EW2rqK
@Alan: in Portuguese, NLP was usually translated to Processamento de Língua Natural, but quite recently it became Processamento de Linguagem Natural.
@AlanMunn It's curious that the Oxford dictionary still lists "tongue" as the first synonym for "language". Check on your Mac.
@egreg Of course Google ngram data should always be treated with some (great?) suspicion, but it can be helpful.
@JosephWright I added a LaTeX3 version for the "expand all" question. With f expansion.
@egreg Dictionaries (especially Oxford) are always trying to serve two masters: the compendium of current usage and the repository of historical usage. But thesauruses are worse, since they tend to err on the side of broadness.
@egreg In the dictionary itself, the 'language' meaning of tongue is the very last one.
@AlanMunn In the online version there are also some examples with "tongue" for "language", but they don't mention the source.
@PauloCereda But I think in Portuguese, although 'lingua' also means 'tongue' it somehow also means 'language' in the relevant sense. Because 'linguagem' can't be used in the same contexts.
@AlanMunn Indeed. Estudo da língua inglesa doesn't sound odd, but somehow Estudo de língua natural does. :)
@PauloCereda Exactly.
@cgnieder The same faces over and over again :-) latex-community.org/forum/…
@Johannes_B :) quite true
@cgnieder I somehow want to welcome her with balloons and a big »Hey«
@Johannes_B You could create something with TikZ :) tex.stackexchange.com/a/134120
Are these two questions all that there is about family trees on tex.sx? tex.stackexchange.com/q/83110/3406 and tex.stackexchange.com/q/82615/3406.
1 hour later…
»Stack Exchange is a network of sites where users can ask and answer questions. The TeX-LaTeX Stack Exchange is a great resource for finding answers to both common and esoteric questions—but be careful! Not every answer is good!« (wiki.carleton.edu/display/carl/Carleton+LaTeX+Workshop) What? We only have good answers, don't we?
@cgnieder Their jealousy is something pathetic.
@PauloCereda It's a strange and not very helpful remark. Don't they believe students are intelligent enough to realize for themselves that not every answer to the > 50000 questions can be good?
@cgnieder Yep
1 hour later…
Can a newbie comment on answers to his question?
@tohecz Sure.
@egreg ok, then the guy is probably not quite UI-friendly
@tohecz Hmm, the “About” page is not really clear: it says you can always comment on your own questions and answers
It doesn't say "comment on answers to your own question"
@egreg well, that's why I ask ;)
btw, do you think it's wrong to vote to -1 so that we can vote to delete, for stuff that obviously need deletion?
Namely all the mess here:
A: Double bibliography, at the end and for any chapters

cesarino87the result is not ok infact after first chapter i've "Bibliography", and after the second chapter I've "References", and there aren't a complete bibliography at the end. Here there are the result \begin{filecontents*}{references.bib} @BOOK{childs_temperature, title = {Practical Temperature M...

@tohecz Sorry, but it's been a long time from when I couldn't comment. And, for some reasons, I have never felt the need to comment on answers to my questions.
@egreg yeah, I know :)
@tohecz The correct procedure is to flag them as "not an answer".
@egreg yep, but in some cases, it seems as a non-sense: first, 7 people flag it, and then mod simply deletes it. What is the vote-to-delete priviledge for then?
@tohecz That's for really wrong answers, I guess.
@egreg ah ok
@tohecz So that mods don't have to do all of the work: more important for SO than us
@JosephWright ok, so you don't recommend to vote to -1 and then vote to delete? You say flagging is enough?
@tohecz Voting to delete perfectly sensible
@JosephWright but we normal citizens can cast that vote only on a post with negative score
@tohecz Ah, right
@tohecz Shame
It would be sensible to add that option on posts with some minimal number of spam/nonanswer/lowquality flags ...
@tohecz I think the Powers would turn down such a request
@JosephWright yeah, probably. We're likely the only site where it would make sense; on all other sites people downvote when they flag :-/
@tohecz Quite
@tohecz Or just downvote
@JosephWright which is the worst option
@tohecz Certainly I don't see it as that helpful if what you are trying to do is remove something that is not an answer because the OP has got the 'approach' wrong
@JosephWright ah ok
well, I dunno, he can still see the deleted post and the comment I leave, can't he?
@tohecz Yes
I suspect we might annoy/confuse the Powers quite a bit :-)
@JosephWright so is it any wrong if we delete that stuff?
@tohecz No, don't think so
@JosephWright we probably annoy the Powers by the fact that we try not to annoy the newcomers ;)
@tohecz BTW, where are you physically based at the moment?
@JosephWright in Leiden, why?
@tohecz Nice
@tohecz Wondered if you were in the Paris area next month
@JosephWright would be, if I weren't ill
@JosephWright probably I'm in Paris from Feb 1 to Mar 3 or alike
@tohecz Ah ha
@tohecz Asking as I'll be in Paris at least one weekend in February
@JosephWright damn, you really used "were" for something that is in the future?
@JosephWright kool!
@tohecz Yes :-)
@JosephWright ok, gotta remember that it's possible
@tohecz AS @AlanMunn if it's legit ;-)
@tohecz I'm working out if it will be two weekends: current problem is they'll have to be back-to-back and that's a lot of Eurostar
@JosephWright do you live in London?
@tohecz No
@tohecz Travel to London from 'home' (my mum's) is about 50 mins, from 'work' (in the week) is about 2 h
@JosephWright ok, then that's annoying
from London city, I think it's fine (just expensive)
@tohecz Hence not being keen on two weekends in a row
@tohecz One weekend is a definite: short break for mum's birthday. The second is not so certain.
@JosephWright yeah, I get it
@AlanMunn Hi. I saw your nice graph at
A: Joining two branches of a family tree

Alan MunnIt's hard to meet all of your requirements in an aesthetic way, but here's an attempt. Here first are some answers to your questions: You can manually insert some negative space before the picture to move it to the left. (Not an ideal solution, but it works) If you don't want nodes connected, p...

I was wondering - what would it take to have this tree extend up and down except left to right?
Also, tikz-qtree the best thing for drawing family tree like things? The syntax seems pretty good.
Any other tikz-qtree users here?
@FaheemMitha I dunno, the one in the answer is completely wrong as a genealogy tree: for married children, it doesn't show which one is the child actually
@tohecz That's a good point, actually. Didn't notice it. You should post a comment.
I wouldn't say completely wrong. It is probably fixable.
Still tikz-qtree looks pretty good as a basis for a family tree. What do you think?
@FaheemMitha I have zero experience
@tohecz Ok.
I see Alan was around here earlier. Missed him my a few hours.
but as mentioned in the other posts: positioning gives you much more flexibility. My family tree has brothers marrying a girl and her (widowed) mother, therefore one of them becoming a step-father-in-law of the other one, and having two brothers marry two sisters etc., you need a lot of control to draw that
Phew, I'm back from my jogging. I had to burn those Pringles! :)
@PauloCereda lol. Now what can a person with the mumps do to burn a high steak? :D
@tohecz Read xii.tex 20 times backwards. :)
@tohecz Sounds complicated. Have you ever drawn your family tree then? :-)
I'm trying to work on it, but not as a fun exercise. A lawyer wants it.
@PauloCereda and then you tell me to use emacs for an hour or what? :D
@tohecz You mean the positioning library? Like the answer by gonzalo medina?
@tohecz No, that would be torture. :)
@FaheemMitha well, not really. The most bizzare thing is on my mom's side, and there's noone to dig the information deep. On my dad's side, we have some information 5 or 6 generations back I think
@FaheemMitha yep, that
@PauloCereda Exercise is good. :-) Nice jog? Scenic vistas are nice when jogging.
@tohecz I was trying to use it - it looks good - but I didn't like the right to left feature. I don't see an easy way to spread out the boxes either.
But maybe I should read the documentation. So, you think positioning might be better than tikz-qtree for this?
@tohecz Oh, and I forgot to ask how you are feeling today.
@FaheemMitha 'tis getting better
@tohecz Good.
@FaheemMitha right to left can be switched to top and down by some easy rules, can't it?
@PauloCereda Now, who is saying bad things about emacs?
@tohecz Possibly.
@FaheemMitha I am :D
@tohecz Naughty.
@FaheemMitha but the truth is that emacs might be a good excercise for playing the piano
@tohecz How so?
@FaheemMitha So your point is? :)
@FaheemMitha you need flexible fingers for playing the piano. You need them for using emacs, too. With vim, it's enough to type rapidly ;)
@PauloCereda One should not say bad things about emacs. emacs is GOOD.
@tohecz Dunno, my fingers are not very flexible. I can cope with emacs.
@FaheemMitha Not my cup of tea, sorry.
@PauloCereda Well, that's too bad.
@FaheemMitha and how do you use the crazy keyboard shortcuts? The only multi-key commands I use in vim are C-W, C-C, C-V and C-P. Everything else is linear, very similar to simply typing
@tohecz What crazy keyboard shortcuts? Tell me about them - maybe I can use them. :-)
@FaheemMitha Matter of perspective.
A: Useful shortcuts or key bindings or predefined commands for emacs+AUCTeX

SeamusSummary answer This answer is CW. Please add the best tricks to it! First things first: these cheat sheets are very useful: AucTeX refcard Emacs refcard C-h m will show information on the current major mode. C-c C-h shows all bindings that start with C-c C-h b shows all bindings currentl...

Yes, but I don't know most of those. Probably I should.
With lots of things you can just go M-x and type stuff.
I don't know any, I think I've never opened the program
Ooooo editor wars? Let's even the battle here :)
M-x is nice, but C-h f is better. Only was to master it all is to use it all :-)
To all plotters out there, Python's Bokeh is amazing for interactive visuazlialairioiatuition ..... ffffff ..... visualizations.
@SeanAllred well, whatever :p one thing: can you run emacs through ssh without X?
@tohecz I agree that to each his/her own, and yes, I do with regularity
@SeanAllred ah ok, I always thought it's not so simple
@tohecz My only grievance is that it is often not pre-installed on the minimalist systems I work with; I often would have to set up emacs server-side before I could do any work
This is, of course, before I discovered remote editing ;-)
@SeanAllred oh yeah, that's true. vim is just everywhere
@tohecz Like a disease. :-)
(I kid, I kid…)
@SeanAllred not funny, I've got the mumps...
$ cat > doc.tex
That's the way we do.
Editors pfffff. :)
@PauloCereda cat > doc.tex -- that's the way @egreg does ;)
@SeanAllred No ed please. :)
@tohecz LOL
I think the editor configuration is a form of addiction. You prepare for the day when you'll receive a huge task and you'll need that configuration but that day never comes. So you mentally implode and optimize pixels via shortcuts.
@percusse macro macro macro macro macro. :)
I know a guy who uses AnSYS and he doesn't really use it for a lot of stuff. But he basically knows every damn shortcut and trick.
There is another one who does TTO and gets huge projects done. Continuous swearing and online searching....
Take away message; brush yo teeth
Did people see that the TUG2014 date is sorted: tug.org/tug2014
@SeanAllred C-h f ?
@FaheemMitha M-x describe-function
@tohecz Sure, emacs -nw
@JosephWright Ahhhhhhh!!! excitement intensifies
Long way to go from the east coast, but still: media.tumblr.com/da8b085c212c42ec40e04544c2a35e47/…
@SeanAllred Erm, looks a bit further for me :-)
@JosephWright Well, yes, that… that is a point… yes :-)
@JosephWright We can lure Chris. :)
float-only pages in scientific articles: is it a bad practice?
@tohecz I won't say it's a bad practice. I once had to use a Springer template and the margins were large. I ended up with a float-only page with two plots. :)
@PauloCereda here, I have two choices: float-only page, or floats 3 pages after the reference :-/
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