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@WheatWizard I had a feeling you could save a few bytes by using uppercase TRICK and TREAT.
I'm actually a bit surprised its only 4 bytes
I have another idea that takes advantage of the differences between the languages to shave off a couple bytes
@WheatWizard Me too.
I know I can shave off a few more. Hopefully I'll some time to work on it later.
I'm down to 125 so it better be good
1 hour later…
@WheatWizard One more (potential) BFBD:
in The Nineteenth Byte, 15 mins ago, by Pavel
CMC: Given a string of balanced brackets (){}{}<>, output the position of the bracket closing the first one. E.G. ({()}<[]>){{}} -> 9/10 (0/1-indexed)
Cool idea
Yeah, it's got a really fun vim solution:
in The Nineteenth Byte, 32 mins ago, by DJMcMayhem
@Pavel vim, 10 bytes: %DVr<C-a>C1<esc>@"
@DJMcMayhem Brain-Flak's Birthday is the 29th
I was also planning on doing the challenges one per day leading up to the 29th so that each question gets more attention. Rather than flooding all of them at once
Do we have a challenge to generate all balanced strings from a list of characters? Would something like that be a good challenge?
What do you mean?
Given a list of character e.g. "`(())`" print/return all balanced string from those characters:
Oh thats a pretty cool idea
I'm a bit surprised no one has done that.
I didn't see a dup, but I didn't look very hard.
There seem to be a lot of balanced string questions that have not been asked yet
imo its a bit of an untapped gold mine
@Riley Maybe for simpler input format, you could instead have a number for each bracket type. So that input would be (): 2
@WheatWizard Absolutely agree. There's a lot of good challenges based off of balanced strings
Which is nice since any balanced string challenge could be an in honor of brain-flak challenge
@DJMcMayhem I was thinking about that too. A list of numbers corresponding to each bracket type. E.g. "(){}{}[][][]<><><><>" would be [1,2,3,4].
@WheatWizard How many BFBD are we up to now?
3 sandboxed ones iirc
plus the two in chat
Pavel's and Riley's?
Maybe make a hackmd, list them, pin it here?
I'll Sandbox mine tonight if I have time.
Yeah, same.
I think each challenge should have the same header linking to somewhere explaining what the BFBD are
@Pavel Don't know what a hackmd is but sounds like a good idea
I'm just not sure where to link
Chat would be easiest. Meta would be nice, but probably OT
@WheatWizard Globally editable markdown document
Ok I guessed it was something similar
Maybe a gist?
Could we maybe make a meta question kind of like the sandbox or indefinite bounties?
Pin ^^^ ?
Hackmd is nice for planning anything with multiple people. It also saves versions, so it can be recovered if someone nukes it.
I can't find 1000000000's profile, lol
It is 0 <twenty horizontal tabs> '
I think his user number is 20059 or something
0 ', New York, United States
1.6k 1 5 23
Crud, I GTG
Yeah, just found it. Thanks!
Bye Pavel!
@WheatWizard I'm not sure if you were the editor, but it's definitely the 30th
Wait i'm on github and it is sayiung 29th
Ok I see
Is it a timezone thing?
we have had this conversation before
Cause if it is, we should stick with UTC
The network diagram does a weird thing with dates
So which one is it?
One thing I would love to do somewhere is first-year stats.
When I posted Happy Birthday V, I wrote:
I realize it had the same controls as nano and tried to cut but it turns out they are only similar commands and it just deletes. ;_;
> Over V's first year of existence, there have been 176 commits from four different contributors, 140 answers from 12 different users, and too many broken duplicate operators to count.
> It has an online interpreter, generously hosted by @Dennis, which has been run almost 8,000 times since December.
I'd love to do the same thing for brain-flak
So we'll need some answer stats
Well we have 232 commits across 5 users
And four language-variants
I can count answers
(or three depending on how you count)
Oh, wow
What are they?
Flak, mini, classic, flueue, cats... (2 more?)
Actually just 6
The 7th one I have not released
Oh cool. What is it (roughly)?
actually I have 2 I have not released
I've also had another variant bouncing around in my head for a while, but I'm not very happy with it yet, so I haven't said anything about it
fλak is intended to be a functional version of Brain-Flak. It replaces the ability to loop with function calls.
It is a bit of a neglected project especially since I started work on Flap-Jack which is another function Brain-Flak derivative
Hahaha, great name
What's it like?
It adds a function array. You can declare new functions with <...> which just pushes them to the back of the array and you can call them with {n} which runs the nth function
here is the github. As you can tell its a bit neglected
That sounds like lambda flak. How does flap-jack work?
Flap jack replaces everything with functions
two stacks that only hold functions
they can be manipulated a lot like Brain-Flak integers
unfortunately because of the way it is currently set up the only IO is whether or not it halts
The last language I am working on is Micro-flak. Which is more of a proof than a language. I don't want to jump the gun, but I am damn near sure that there is a Brian-Flak subset smaller than Miniflak that is TC
@WheatWizard Alright, I don't have stats on the number of answers, but I can see 17 users:
> Pavel, Riley, DJMcMayhem, Wheatwizard, Megatom, Destructible lemon, Erik, 0', Down Cristopher, Leaky Nun, Feersum, Zwei, Martin Ender, Mistah Figgins, JungHwan Min, Dennis, and Chance
OK, I gtg
When I'm counting the number of answers in Brain-Flak should I count all of the answer-chaining polyglots?
I think answer chaining should only count when brain-flak (or a variant) is explicitly added
ok will do
I'm also not counting answers on Robber's threads
Ok of the 206 non- answers mentioning Brain-Flak
1 was in Brain-Flak Classic
4 were answers on Robber's threads
28 were simply not in Brain-Flak
49 were answers that did not introduce Brain-Flak
That leaves 124 answers
I wonder what the ranking of answers by user is
I'm sure you're first, and pretty sure I'm second
Riley third probably? Idrk
I have 26 answers.
I don't know about either of you.
What are we posting on the 30th?
@Riley Ha! I have 26 too
Wheatwizard has more than the two of us combined (72)
I was not aware I had a Brain-Flak answer.
Looks like about 60 for Wheatwizard
I doubt anyone else has more than 10
What should I call my challenge?
If we all counted right, there are only 12 answers from anyone else.
Well, I counted 17 users, so there's a mistake in there somewhere
3 hours later…
@DJMcMayhem 6,732 times as of right now.
In what time frame?
Birth of Nexus til now.
So December2016-ish.

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