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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

5:00 PM
@UlrikeFischer I take it back. It's there. I just don't have it installed. One minute.
Oh, hang on, I do. Now I'm confused. Perhaps it's a different version?
@FaheemMitha if you supply an example we can debug it but without that not much can be said really.
@DavidCarlisle Fair enough.
But is ? x a reasonable way to exit from this kind of error?
@FaheemMitha yes why not?
@DavidCarlisle Dunno. Just checking.
@DavidCarlisle :q
5:04 PM
@PauloCereda that usually typesets :q or moans at you to add other random letters to really plead to get out, it never actually quits as far as I can tell.
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda this is the way I have found that works: kill -9 44287
Actually ? q did exit just now.
And I got this weird error that may shed some light.
! LaTeX Error: Trying to overwrite `smyt56.new.tex'.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.15 ...econtents}[overwrite,noheader]{smyt56.dat}

You can't write to the file you a reading from!
Data is written to screen instead.
Note the ungrammatical error message...
@DavidCarlisle ooh you could also hard reset. :)
It' true that I write to a file using filecontents, and later try to read from it. But what's wrong with that?
I'll check if that is the issue. MWE time. Yay.
5:08 PM
@DavidCarlisle bantham? :)
@FaheemMitha the error says you are doing it in the other order, writing to a file that is open for reading
@DavidCarlisle Oh. Hmm.
@FaheemMitha thanks for the bug report on error message though
I guess filecontents opens a file for reading only, right?
@DavidCarlisle The "you a reading" bit?
@FaheemMitha no for writing not for reading
@FaheemMitha yes should be "are" not "a"
5:13 PM
@DavidCarlisle Oh, right. Writing. Sorry.
@DavidCarlisle So I don't need to submit a typo report, then?
@FaheemMitha no. But the error is because the file you are writing to matches \jobname ie your main document, what is your document called?
@UlrikeFischer Just to clarify, the package installed a binary link called lualatex-dev, which points to luahbtex. Except that the latter doesn't actually exist, as far as I can see.
@FaheemMitha it does in upstream texlive, can't say about debian
I'm not sure what Norbert was doing here. Maybe I should submit a bug report, but he might yell at me. He tends to be a bit short-tempered.
@FaheemMitha have you tried before? Norbert is always gentle with me.
5:17 PM
@DavidCarlisle The file I'm currently testing with is smyt56.new.tex. The file I'm trying to write to (using filecontents) is smyt56.dat. They aren't the same file. They might be considered to have the same jobname, if smyt56 is the jobname in both cases.
@PauloCereda I've got more than one irritable response from him.
Not recently, though.
@FaheemMitha your bug reports here do tend to be rather obfuscated:-)
@FaheemMitha I'm rather sure that luahbtex is in debian as Norbert already tried luahbtex, as last resort you should be able to get it from tlcontrib.
@DavidCarlisle That's a mean thing to say.
@UlrikeFischer Let me try searching Debian directly.
Jan 20 at 21:26, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean. :)
@DavidCarlisle I thought you reserved those for Paulo.
@UlrikeFischer I got the same result from packages.debian.org.
The only file matching luahbtex in the archives is
You could try yourself.
Maybe he forgot to install it, and nobody noticed?
5:22 PM
@FaheemMitha I have windows. I can't check debian.
@UlrikeFischer I meant the web site: packages.debian.org.
@FaheemMitha it wasn't in the original texlive 2019 but in upstream texlive it was copied (from tlcontrib) in time for the October latex release
Fine, I'll write a bug report, and brace myself for yelling.
Virtual yelling.
@DavidCarlisle A symbolic link that points nowhere isn't very sensible, regardless.
I remember in one case he rubbished my bug report, and then later fixed it anyway.
Sometimes I think I should get a job as a beta tester or something.
Though I doubt I'd win any popularity contests with that.
@FaheemMitha well a search for "debian luahbtex" had as second hit bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=946567
5:30 PM
@UlrikeFischer Thanks for pointing that out. Aborting bug report.
In any case, no luahbtex for now in the Debian packages.
@FaheemMitha unclear, here it is mentioned: packages.debian.org/de/sid/texlive-luatex
@UlrikeFischer Indeed. Maybe another typo?
At any rate, it definitely isn't in the packages I installed.
@PauloCereda Yes, I think there are many such stories.
@FaheemMitha I don't know. Things changes, perhaps it was added in the mean time.
@AlanMunn very touching!
5:33 PM
@UlrikeFischer That's the version I have installed.
@FaheemMitha well I can't say. But if you don't have the binary, lualatex-dev should work nevertheless and use luatex instead.
@UlrikeFischer I'm not sure what you mean.
@DavidCarlisle should I change hycolor or do you want to do it?
6:07 PM
@PhelypeOleinik @UlrikeFischer @DavidCarlisle --- maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem, but I think that when I do \includegraphic{"Figure 1".pdf} (or \includegraphic{"Figure 1.pdf"}) I use the file Figure 1.pdf --- I agree that it's better avoiding spaces in filenames, but I just publish in a journal that wants the figure files named like that...
And the " problem is that in principle " is forbidden in VFAT... so I think windows is doing some nasty trick (once you got all nasty with case insensitivity, one trick more or less...). But in *nix it's a legal char for names. Even worse than space, I agree.
@Rmano in a current latex \includegraphic{Figure 1.pdf} should work. And I don't see how a journal can force you to use such a name or why they should do it. Simply tell them that it doesn't work for you, and if they insist they should by you a new computer.

axis lines = middle,
minor tick num=5,
ticklabel style={fill=white,font=\scriptsize, inner sep=1pt},
xmin=-365, xmax=365,
xtick={-360,-270,-180,-90, 0, 90, 180, 270,360},
xticklabels={ $-2\pi$,$-3\pi/2$,$-\pi$, $-\pi/2$, 0, $\pi/2$, $\pi$,$3\pi/2$,$2\pi$ },
ymin=-2, ymax=2,
legend style={draw=none,fill=none, font=\scriptsize,
can you help me to ameliorate this
@UlrikeFischer Yep. It was nowhere in the rules but then forced me to call the figures like that when uploading them... and then the compilation would fail without the quotes :-(
6:24 PM
i want something large like this
and $-pi/2$ not be on the line
and all the else
someone know how to do ?
@PolineSandra It seems to loop
6:50 PM
how ?@egreg
@Rmano with recent releases you shouldn't need the " it should work anyway
@DavidCarlisle tpyo?
@PauloCereda must have been Frank what did it as I nvre mike yptos
@DavidCarlisle ooh
7:23 PM
@DavidCarlisle it must have been Frank as the message said the.
@DavidCarlisle have you an idea about my question ?
@PolineSandra I haven't seen it:-) (I'm on a conference call....)
it is about ten graph when you can see it
@PolineSandra the one that's closed? (I know nothing about tikz)
8:11 PM
@UlrikeFischer I just made a whole checkin with correctly typed "the"
@PolineSandra I tried to compile the example and it runs forever.
@DavidCarlisle The UK has laws? I thought it was judicial precedent all the way down.
@DavidCarlisle how ironic, then, that you mistyped "teh" in saying so
8:46 PM
@DavidCarlisle ;-)
@FaheemMitha any mwe? If there is a bug in filecontents it could get fixed before the next release if it's reported now but soon it will be too late for code changes
@UlrikeFischer enough to do this?
9:09 PM
@DavidCarlisle for the case at hand yes. The question is if someone will hide colors deeper.
Does somebody want to see a broken data set I got for my master's thesis? It looks like modern art!
@UlrikeFischer tempted to just do that now hycolor shouldn't really exist as a package anyway, should all get pulled into hyperref at some point soon.
@DavidCarlisle fine with me.
@UlrikeFischer OK I'll package something up...
9:28 PM
@UlrikeFischer oh xcolor-patch. xcolor update never appeared did it :(
@DavidCarlisle hm no, your last message regarding it is from begin january.
@UlrikeFischer I think I won't wait...
To github.com:ho-tex/hycolor.git
   814eca6..d1184be  master -> master
@DavidCarlisle should we still load xcolor-patch?
9:45 PM
@UlrikeFischer no I think keep with same plan as last time generate it so users can access it but don't load it, I may ping Uwe again before tl2020 see if we can get an update for robust commands as well as that
@DavidCarlisle but currently it seems still to be in hycolor.sty
@UlrikeFischer you see what a bad effect you are having on me? I read the documentation % Do not load \xpackage{xcolor-patch} by default.
@DavidCarlisle this is balanced by your good effect and me reading the code ;-)
@UlrikeFischer so...
% Should not be needed after \textsf{xcolor} updates
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \RequirePackage{xcolor-patch}[2019/12/15]
%    \end{macrocode}
maybe add .... users can explicitly load to fix Gray color model until then
e43eaf3 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) commented out xcolor-patch, as documented at the last release
596287c don't build tds.zip for this simple structure
3c07861 over and under full boxes in doc
d1184be extra level of expansion to avoid errors if using default link colors in hyperref
2 hours later…
11:43 PM
Is Asymptote installed as part of TeX Live?
@AlanMunn I didn't use it yet but imho yes ctan.org/pkg/asymptote
@UlrikeFischer Ok, that's what I thought, because I have it, and I don't recall ever having installed it myself.
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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