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12:09 AM
@egreg and from TeX the Program §291: "If the parameter-matching part of a definition ends with #{, the corresponding token list will have { just before the end_match and also at the very end. The first { is used to delimit the parameter; the second one keeps the first from disappearing." How is that not meaning that the { is discarded and then reinserted?
2 hours later…
2:10 AM
@AndréC Yes, 3.1.5 is mainly bugfixes. You can check out the list here: github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/milestone/1?closed=1
5 hours later…
6:53 AM
@HenriMenke It is excellent that the shorten documentation has been reintroduced as it was in the 1.18 manual. However, if I may say so, it seems to me that it would be more consistent if this documentation were moved to the 15 Action on path section since this operation works on any path whether or not it has a terminal arrow. [manual] Documentation missing for "shorten >" and "shorten <" keys #387 github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/387
@egreg When the input stream is read, the macros are expanded. I assume that this stream is kept somewhere in a file. Is it possible to access it after compilation?
2 hours later…
9:00 AM
@AndréC No, the tokens are consumed one after the other. This happens in memory.
2 hours later…
11:02 AM
@egreg do you still think that I'm wrong? If not, could you please remove & reword tex.stackexchange.com/questions/521447/… ?
@Skillmon See bottom of page 116 in texdoc tex: “the second one keeps the first from disappearing”.
@egreg That might be poorly worded, the first one will disappear. The second one will replace the first one!
@Skillmon I understand “keeps from disappearing” as “it doesn't disappear” as it would for a different type of argument delimiter. I don't want to insist more on this: the brace is not removed during macro expansion.
@egreg it is in TeX's memory, it just has no effect on macro expansion as it is reinserted by the replacement text. Just the same way #1;->; would remove the ; during macro grabbing in TeX's memory and reinsert a ; by the replacement text. Why else should \meaning\foo give #1{->{?
@Skillmon That's notation to underline the special case. Nothing else. The semicolon example is very misleading: with \def\a#1;{xxx#1xxx} nothing gets reinserted.
11:14 AM
@egreg that's why the example isn't \def\a#1;{xxx#1xxx} but \def\a#1;{;}, just as it would be for \def\a#1;{xxx#1xxx;}.
@Skillmon OK, I'll stop here, you don't seem to understand what's macro expansion: tokens are removed and replaced by the replacement text. In the special case, the brace is not removed.
@egreg it will be removed in TeX's memory and reinserted by the replacement text.
@egreg so after one expansion step, it will appear as it wasn't removed from the input stream, but actually it was and just reinserted.
@egreg that difference doesn't have any effect on the macro expansion of that and following macros, but that's how TeX will behave.
@egreg also read §394 on page 151 of texdoc tex:
> A slightly subtle point arises here: When the parameter delimiter ends with ‘#{’, the token list will have a left brace both before and after the end match. Only one of these should affect the align state, but both will be scanned, so we must make a correction.
@egreg that clearly shows that TeX will have two { in the input stream and has to account for that so that the count keeping track of opening and closing braces isn't wrong.
@egreg oh, and though you clearly know more about TeX than I do, please don't think that I know or understand nothing.
11:42 AM
With MikTex, when I type in the command line `texdoc tex` it opens a file written in polish `file:///C:/Program%20Files/MiKTeX%202.9/doc/html/polish/kuchnia/tex.html`

Where can I find the document you are referring to?
texdoc -l tex.pdf
should show `/usr/local/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/doc/generic/knuth/tex/tex.pdf` (it shows as 1 for me but the ordering depends on what you have installed)
@DavidCarlisle same here, 42 results
Help, I am addicted to Russian pop music!
@DavidCarlisle I give these error :
PS C:\Users\Perso\Documents\test-TeX> texdoc -| tex.pdf
tex.pdf : Le terme «tex.pdf» n'est pas reconnu comme nom d'applet de commande, fonction,
fichier de script ou programme exécutable. Vérifiez l'orthographe du nom, ou si un chemin
d'accès existe, vérifiez que le chemin d'accès est correct et réessayez.
Au caractère Ligne:1 : 11
+ texdoc -| tex.pdf
+ ~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (tex.pdf:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
@DavidCarlisle not in miktex, I get the polish document too and there seem not to be another one.
@AndréC -l (l the letter)
@UlrikeFischer and @AndréC you can do the following:
11:50 AM
@UlrikeFischer thanks but i have this
Documentation for tex.pdf could not be found.
ooh hi mr. koala
@AndréC -l ( letter ell) not -|
@Skillmon Does it work on Windows?
@PauloCereda evening
@AndréC If you have a wget installed and weave, yes... :)
@AndréC The wget isn't absolutely necessary, you can also manually download the file: tug.org/texlive/devsrc/Build/source/texk/web2c/tex.web
11:53 AM
@AndréC the pdf is online anyway as texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/generic/knuth/tex/tex.pdf
@Skillmon getting the pdf is easier:-)
@DavidCarlisle ok, that might be easier :)
@DavidCarlisle wonderful frontend, the programmer is really cool
@Skillmon ooh
@PauloCereda really? I hadn't noticed.
user image
@Skillmon ^^
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda dinner
11:54 AM
@DavidCarlisle That's it, I have it, a thousand thanks :-)
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda lovely!
@Skillmon <3
@PauloCereda this?
@UlrikeFischer It needs a koala fighting bushfires :(
12:04 PM
@egreg The following answers also state that the { is being reinserted: tex.stackexchange.com/a/39532/117050 and tex.stackexchange.com/a/39526/117050
Where is @TeXnician?
I wonder, why he does not post his rule
# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
Q: arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara

cisCompletely edited! The normal run of a tex-file which contains sagetex, say \documentclass{report} \usepackage{sagetex} \begin{document} \sage{2^1234} \end{document} is pfdlatex example.tex sage example.sagetex.sage pfdlatex example.tex For Linux this should run in exactly this for...

@DavidPurton a koala doing a rain dance? Are you near the fires?
@cis perhaps he has something else to do.
@UlrikeFischer Not near the ones near Sydney, which have burnt down 1000 homes. But within half an hour drive to a big one near Adelaide which destroyed nearly 90 homes in just a couple of days last week. The weather was really nasty last week here.
@Skillmon Have a merry Christmas. :-)
@DavidCarlisle OH NO
12:13 PM
Will @PauloCereda include that sagetex-rule https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/53022395#53022395 in the official canon? :()

Probably not because he wasn't already recording ghostscript.yaml https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/459601/46023
@PauloCereda at least you would have company
I don't know the mechanism of when an arara rule is included in the official canon by @PauloCereda :()
@egreg you too! Sorry if I annoyed you a bit, that wasn't my intention!
12:29 PM
@cis you mean the official rule pack? The team needs to discuss the inclusion, it's not just me...
12:40 PM
@PauloCereda Ah, I understand. The arara-team. The arara-dreamteam! :()
@cis The arara blokes. :)
@PauloCereda I thought the arara-musketeers... :()
One for all - all for one!
3 hours later…
3:24 PM
user image
^^ ^ well prepared ...
@UlrikeFischer beautiful socks!
3:54 PM
Today I got a hat for "ask, answer, or vote on December 25th", I'm a time traveller!
@Skillmon you are late - I got it already in the morning!
@UlrikeFischer so you're a time traveller as well?
@Skillmon @UlrikeFischer It happened the same thing to me for the "Where is the World?"
@CarLaTeX somewhere it is at the 25 december ;-)
4:09 PM
@UlrikeFischer "Where in the World?" is "ask, answer, or vote when it’s December 21st" but I got it the day before...
4:24 PM
@PauloCereda -- My bunny likes this.
4:40 PM
@CarLaTeX I think I got that one, too, now that you mention it.
Merry Christmas! I need to get going now (presents time!)
@CarLaTeX I got this one too (and also earlier) but today it was Bûche de Noël.
@Skillmon Merry Christmas to you too!
4 hours later…
8:18 PM
I add my Christmas greetings in chat; suppose I made them to you personally, because the distance between us is only in kilometers. Merry Christmas
2 hours later…
10:36 PM
Merry Christmas everyone!
@AlanMunn Merry Christmas!
Peace to all!
Merry Christmas to all of you!!
@Sebastiano I feel the hug from you. Merry Christmas

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