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@egreg yes been at it too long I stopped coding a while ago and started adding comments to the existing code. I think xii is easier to follow:-) (and \bm )
@DavidCarlisle Quite
but I do have a version of amsmath that works with luatex 0.89:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
Sorry I am grumpy, Carnaval started yesterday. :)
@PauloCereda Will you go to SP to join the party?
@PauloCereda Or maybe to Rio
@egreg Heavens no! I once traveled back from SP to Analândia in a carnaval Friday. The sambódromo is a couple of squares nearby the bus station. The place was crowed, my bus arrived almost 2 hours late, there was no place to sit down, a lot of drunken people surrounding me, and heavy rain pouring... When my bus finally left, I heard screams in the terminal because of a blackout. The traffic was terrible, I arrived home amost 8 hours later. :)
The ladies are cute, though. :)
@PauloCereda Once I had a game in Mestre (the town near Venice, where the bridge starts); we went by train on carnival Saturday and it was quite an endeavor to get off the train.
@egreg Oh my!
@PauloCereda It made extra stops at each station, where tons of people got on.
@egreg Dressed in costumes? I hate taking buses inside SP during this time. :)
@PauloCereda Some were.
@egreg Ouch. :)
user image
@SeanAllred, @barbarabeeton: ^^ <3
@PauloCereda But my colleague referee was raised in Montréal where he used to play ice hockey. :)
@egreg ooh I wonder how they can see the disc thingy! I forget the name of that thingy... :)
Hockey puck!
@David: @Joseph is so important that Luigi CC's him directly in the LuaTeX announcement. :)
@PauloCereda he also cc's other important people
@DavidCarlisle oooooh
@PauloCereda Who would ignore the hwyaden?
4 hours later…
@PauloCereda !!! <3
@PauloCereda Sorry I was afk :) I don't really follow football but I'm probably going to a superbowl party tomorrow – should be fun!
@PauloCereda By the way, do you know about puppy bowl?
2 hours later…
@JosephWright Did you figure out what was going on inside unicode-math?
@DavidCarlisle — I wanted to try testing variant selectors before complaining about them… but I can't find a font that supports them! I'm assuming that Mac OS X's font rendering can handle it…
@WillRobertson Well I can see that you load the same font in several ways, but I don't understand why
text 0 \EU1/latinmodern-math.otf(0)/m/n/10 select font "[latinmodern-math]/OT:s
text 1 \OML/cmm/m/it/10 select font cmmi10
text 2 \EU1/latinmodern-math.otf(1)/m/n/10 select font "[latinmodern-math]/OT:s
cript=math;language=DFLT;" at 10.00015pt
text 3 \EU1/latinmodern-math.otf(2)/m/n/10 select font "[latinmodern-math]/OT:s
cript=math;language=DFLT;" at 9.99985pt
@WillRobertson ^^^
@WillRobertson What's the logic here? Why not just load the font once and set it for all of the text slots?
@JosephWright I forget if this is necessary for XeTeX only or both engines, but it's because of stupid fontdimens
@WillRobertson I think I see why you need to load separately for superscripts (though it's a shame)
@JosephWright That's no difference to load a separate "script size font", right?
There's a possibility this hack is no longer required; it's been a long time.
script 0 \EU1/latinmodern-math.otf(0)/m/n/7.01236 select font "[latinmodern-mat
h]/OT:script=math;language=DFLT;+ssty=0;" at 7.01236pt
script 1 \OML/cmm/m/it/7.01236 select font cmmi7 at 7.01236pt
script 2 \EU1/latinmodern-math.otf(1)/m/n/7.01236 select font "[latinmodern-mat
h]/OT:script=math;language=DFLT;+ssty=0;" at 7.01247pt
script 3 \EU1/latinmodern-math.otf(2)/m/n/7.01236 select font "[latinmodern-mat
h]/OT:script=math;language=DFLT;+ssty=0;" at 7.01224pt
script 4 \nullfont select font nullfont
@WillRobertson The size is different here
@WillRobertson Ah
@JosephWright Yes, that's because you can't load the same font more than once at the same size; TeX optimises it away
@WillRobertson Yes, sure: I'm surprised though that the Unicode font data doesn't include 'if this is superscript then scale it by ...': surely that's how e.g. Word does it
@WillRobertson Anyway, what I was trying to work out yesterday ...
\cs_new:Nn \@@_setup_legacy_fam_three:
    \fontspec_set_family:Nxn \l_@@_family_tl
        \fontdimen8\font= \@@_get_fontparam:nn {48} {FractionRuleThickness}\relax
        \fontdimen9\font= \@@_get_fontparam:nn {28} {UpperLimitGapMin}\relax
        \fontdimen10\font=\@@_get_fontparam:nn {30} {LowerLimitGapMin}\relax
        \fontdimen11\font=\@@_get_fontparam:nn {29} {UpperLimitBaselineRiseMin}\relax
        \fontdimen12\font=\@@_get_fontparam:nn {31} {LowerLimitBaselineDropMin}\relax
@WillRobertson ... is why we need more than one family in the first place as the Unicode font has everything in one place
Basically you can see that we're remapping the fontdimens from their "unicode" positions (or from Lua tables) to what's needed by legacy TeX
Unfortunately I can't remember what happens if this code is taken out :)
@WillRobertson Right
@JosephWright Not sure what you mean. To a run of Unicode text, there's no such thing as "knowing" that you're inside a superscript
@WillRobertson Ah!
As far as I know
@WillRobertson Well there is: TeX selects either \textfont or \scriptfont, so why don't the Unicode engines simply ignore the \scriptfont entirely and scale the text font using the scaling that I suspect must be in the font itself (as in Word or whatever there's not concept of picking a separate font)
@WillRobertson I'm thinking of the engine not the macro layer
@JosephWright It's not just scaling -- it selects different glyphs. It's literally a different font.
Although in practise probably only letters are affected
@WillRobertson Yes, sure, but again the engine should be able to sort this you'd imagine: after all, the Unicode math font layout wasn't designed for TeX at all
@JosephWright (The glyphs are full size and are scaled after the fact by a value that's held in a fontdimen)
@WillRobertson I was right: the font does know :-)
@JosephWright I guess this was the easiest way to cram the technology into the existing OpenType feature set
I just remembered why the legacy fontdimen stuff is there~
@WillRobertson The core thing I'm trying to understand is what the correct settings are for load-unicode-math-data. In a Unicode set up each font slot has got all of the glyphs, but unicode-math still uses three of the text font slots (and doesn't set \textfont1). What's the logic here?
It's for compatibility with things like amsmath and so on that might query the values in the font. So I'm pretty sure you can remove them for unicode mathematics, but it's good to keep them there for ecosystem compatibility
@WillRobertson Oh, do tell
@WillRobertson OK, for what I'm up to this is not an issue :-) (format mode)
@JosephWright Yep.
@JosephWright The reasons that textfont1 (etc) are omitted is because of 2e as well.
gives you "0,1,2,3" — textfont 1 corresponds to the "letters" symbol font (in a \DeclareSymbolFont sense)
Like you say, since we can get everything from the one font, we don't bother changing it
@WillRobertson OK, so I can ignore all of this :-)
Yep :)
By the way, I'm still working on a 2e stripped down unicode maths loader. I've run into an issue I'm trying to debug with Lua code and font defining callbacks. Might hold me up for a bit.
Is this actually a useful thing do you think? It would allow a "sensible default" for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX, but I'm not sure whether it might break legacy maths packages.
I guess legacy maths package by definition define the entire maths machinery, so perhaps they'd just overwrite everything anyway and we can all get along
I imagine we might want something similar for loading text fonts.
(I'm going to eat. Back in a while.)
@WillRobertson Yes, I thought the same
@WillRobertson One of the reasons I was keen to work out how @topskip's loader works. I guess to be truly useful I need to sort out TeX ligatures and system font loading there: both doable without needing all of luaotfload
@WillRobertson Actually loading the font is OK I assume: it's the additional properties that look more tricky (to me)
@WillRobertson So it would be as sensible to pick \textfont0 as \textfont1?
@JosephWright yeah i think so
@WillRobertson OK
@JosephWright TBH I think system font loading is a distraction if we're just providing a "minimal" setup. But if it's easy there's no harm in it.
@WillRobertson I'll probably try some hack-ups in XeTeX
@WillRobertson Quite possibly: see the loader in the L3 format at present!
@WillRobertson Probably I do need to work out how to turn -- into an en-dash ;-)
@JosephWright Yeah, I don't think the TeX community is going to move away from stuff like that. It would be quite nice to switch to something besides `' for quotes, so that we could use ` as an active character. But I think that'll just have to be something that a user chooses to do if they like.
@WillRobertson That's one for a new format :-) (see csquotes or perhaps how ConTeXt handles quotes: logical mark-up would be my favoured approach)
@JosephWright Logical markup is good but I'm not a fan of \enquote all over the place, so having some shorthands (exactly like in csquotes!) I think is a good idea.
@WillRobertson I had a look over luaotfload but the bit that does ligatures is rather complex (it's activated as part of a much bigger block, not a section on its own)
@JosephWright Hmm.
@WillRobertson ConTeXt uses just \quote ...
@JosephWright Haha, not sure if we could switch to that :)
@WillRobertson For a new format it would be easy as \begin{quote} won't be looking for \quote
@JosephWright I think having \enquote defined is a good idea, and then if people need it a lot they can \def"#1"{\enquote{#1}} or some such
@JosephWright True :)
@WillRobertson Probably some active approach would be good (active are fine provided we set them all up in one go)
@WillRobertson I suspect we'll want " active for babel-like shortcuts (yes, Unicode input is handy but there are places it's easier to use a macro-based approach)
@JosephWright Yeah, I've thought about perhaps providing a set of them (like `, @, #(?), * (?), ") and then have sensible ways to define and redefine them. OTOH, as David (?) said the other day, there's not too much problem with setting any catcode other symbol to be active for better macros for "—" and so on. So I don't know.
@WillRobertson I'll try to get something done on math mode in a format today: some basic hack-ups are handy
@WillRobertson True
I'm a bit stumped at the moment so I'm not sure if I'll come up with anything useful :) Back at work early tomorrow so can't work too late on this :(
@WillRobertson Just easier for things like file names if we know what's active, so people can do \newcommand\foo{my-file-name@1} and get the expected result for \input{\foo} even if @ is active
@WillRobertson Feel free to send it over to me (now, if we used Git natively we could have a branch in expl3 for this ...)
@JosephWright This is a good example of where \protected doesn't go far enough. We could implement a heavy duty \protect-like layer on top to make that stuff work
@WillRobertson Yes we could, but I'd rather not. Of course, we'll be providing whatever mechanism is set up for making @ active, so we can arrange that the underlying code has a reliable list of actives
@JosephWright Thanks for the offer, but just in case it's something silly I'll slog away at it a little more. The problem is deep in the guts of the NFSS with its delayed loading of maths fonts and so on. David's callback to make virtual fonts works great for plain TeX-style font loading, but as soon as I tried in a maths font everything goes haywire
@JosephWright I'm not so sure that we shouldn't have a more rigorous approach to "typesetting states" that this sort of system would fall into. I forget the examples now, but I remember there was a brief discussion about doing things like
\DeclareDocumentCommand\foo[textmode]{m}{hello #1}
and so on -- could easily imagine "[codemode]" or something where active @ just expanded to "@"
Little overhead really considering what else xparse gets up to :)
(By "haywire" I more just mean it doesn't work :) )
@cfr Quack! <3
@SeanAllred ooh party
@SeanAllred awwww
@UlrikeFischer Ohje, wie das wohl ausgehen wird. Ich werde mich aus dem Thread bewusst raus halten. golatex.de/literaturverzeichnis-wird-nicht-erzeugt-t16769.html
@WillRobertson Hmm, one has to assign \textfont2 and \textfont3 and that restriction doesn't seem to be lifted by the Unicode engines
@WillRobertson I get the feeling no-one has really looked at this properly (Hans doesn't actually do a lot of math mode work whilst Jonathan K. presumably just made minimal changes)
@DavidCarlisle This is fun, isn't it :-) ^^^
@JosephWright morning:-)
@JosephWright oh I guess I need to scroll up and start from th etop....
@DavidCarlisle See my comments to Will a moment ago: I'm trying to work out which math fonts have to be defined
@WillRobertson yes I asked barabara if any of her stix tests used them (or if stix has them at all) she said she'd check...
@DavidCarlisle Will outlines above why unicode-math sets various families/\fontdimen values, and that's all to do with working with 2e
@DavidCarlisle I think the math mode support in XeTeX/LuaTeX hasn't really been fully 'tried out' in a set up that doesn't need to work with plain/2e conventions
@DavidCarlisle For example, you have to set up \textfont2 and \textfont3 even though with a Unicode engine you only need one font
@DavidCarlisle Similarly, you have to set up \scriptfont even though for a Unicode font there is data in the font about scaling and (presumably) other software using such fonts doesn't have to load them (at least) twice (Word is the obvious)
@JosephWright yes but at least in luatex you must be able to avoid having to actually load the font data twice surely and just scale it in the font structure?
@DavidCarlisle Quite possibly, I've not worried about that
@DavidCarlisle I was thinking more that the 'TeX side' could (should) be revised here so that you only need to set one font
@DavidCarlisle \textfont0 should be all that's required if its a Unicode math font
I guess the issue is that they want to continue to support traditional fonts too
@JosephWright yes although just textfont2 would require less changes?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, certainly
@DavidCarlisle I'll experiment (in XeTeX)
@JosephWright @WillRobertson just tried this with cambria math in Word (it doesn't work) ∪+∪︀-≨+≨︀ (there is a U+FE00 after the second of each symbol)
@DavidCarlisle Hmmm, doesn't work in TextEdit either, which uses Mac OS X's font renderer
(I assume the "STIXGeneral" font should do the trick, right?)
Note I was wrong: STIXGeneral doesn't seem to support that, but I just selected xits-math and it does work fine.
@WillRobertson I don't know if the font has VS-1 at all
\fontspec{xits-math.otf} ∪+∪︀-≨+≨︀
Typesets as you'd expect…
@JosephWright do you have a "released" 0.89, can you try luatex '\showthe\meaning\coprod \end' for me (rebuilt of texlive svn) I'm still getting \mathchar"1"03"000060 but I hoped to get \Umathchar"1"03"000060
@WillRobertson ah so it could be made to work then...
@WillRobertson wow so it does:-)
@DavidCarlisle Note that's in text mode!!
Unless you want to build a math typesetter using TeX macros (hmm, where's Bruno?)
@WillRobertson making it work in math is a detail for the unicode-math maintainer
@WillRobertson makes it a bit tricky to go back to unicode and say we are using a pre-unicode math layout engine written in 1980 and it doesn't understand the selector characters..
@DavidCarlisle A bright future is assured
@DavidCarlisle Maybe we could ask them to add a new OpenType feature (specifically, rather than just +ss01) so that a well behaved maths font should support either a global switch with a font feature, or a local switch with a variant selector.
that should be "both...and..." instead of "either...or...."
@WillRobertson but that's a different "them" (font designers rather than UTC) note stix2 already had a request to use less OTF features and make glyphs available via direct input as css can't (by standard although some mozilla extensions) set OTF features so the request was to put all glyphs that are accessed as stylistic variants also into the PUA (although that idea wasn't universally popular)
@DavidCarlisle Oh, let's just add the four new alphabets to Unicode already :)
\Umathcode`\+=1 \symSTIX `\+
\Umathcode`\∪=1 \symSTIX `\∪
\Umathcode`\≨=1 \symSTIX `\≨
\Umathcode"FE00=1 \symSTIX "FE00
$ ∪+∪︀+≨+≨︀ $
Do you think we could get "variant selector" added as new type of math atom?
I still can't get used to copy/pasting unicode text where multiple code points are invisible.
(I suggest you try that example in LuaLaTeX, BTW!!!)
@WillRobertson your problem solved, the character is no longer invisible
@DavidCarlisle I'll check
@WillRobertson why don't we take that example (extended to have both text and math versions) and then go back to the email list (or perhaps better Murray's blog comments) and say the variant selectors are tricky in math layout and despite the fact VS1 has been in unicode since Unicode 3.2 it isn't supported at all in Math renders as far as we can tell.
@JosephWright @WillRobertson meanwhile I suppose I should up the kernel date and modify xetex for conditionaly allowing more character classes on a new enough xetex...
@DavidCarlisle It that in the trunk version? I thought it was experimental-branch only
@DavidCarlisle I was just drafting an email :)
@JosephWright haven't checked to be honest but I ran make hoping to get a new luatex and it rebuilt xetex after I rsynced yesterday, so something has changed:-)
anyway plan today was to wade through more of amsmath:(
@DavidCarlisle Same here but I'm not 100% if I've got 'real' v0.89 or a pre-build
@JosephWright I'll mail Hans and Luigi off list
@DavidCarlisle Ack
@JosephWright xetex char class change isn't in the new xetex I built so it is still just in the branch it seems
@DavidCarlisle, @WillRobertson I hope Javier's seen the bug reports about babel/polyglossia/LuaTeX
@JosephWright It's OK amsmath and pgf might be broke but I see on ctt groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.text.tex/u9ZtUFWC0IY so picture mode is safe
@DavidCarlisle Yes, saw that the traditional way (I still have a Usenet account)
@DavidCarlisle Indeed, didn't hear anything back from Till re. pgf
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle @WillRobertson: I just wrote Javier a mail about it. (While imho polyglossia will have to adapt its code, the babel documentation could be clearer regarding the commands of "babel in the format" and "babel package".)
@DavidCarlisle thank goodness :)
Oh I am such a fool
All of the problems I had were exactly what Joseph was asking me about in unicode-math. It's not TeX's \font that won't allow a font to be loaded twice, it's NFSS!
@WillRobertson :-)
I'm too lazy to fix the problem correctly, so currently all maths fonts loaded in umath2e are scaled by minuscule amounts.
@WillRobertson Ah, I see
(Well, it might be TeX as well, but not LuaTeX)
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `TU/STIX/m/m' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 10.00198pt on input line 117.

Defining font macro:->TU/STIX/m/m/10
Do you think Frank can detect 0.00198 pt by eye? :)
@WillRobertson As I said, hope to do some hack ups later today which will at least let us do some format-mode testing
@DavidCarlisle, @WillRobertson I guess I need to work out the right set up for \delcode from the Unicode file
@DavidCarlisle I wonder if I should alter the Unicode math loader to divide up things in the 'usual' logic
@JosephWright That's something that's poorly implemented in unicode-math. Rather than use a data source, I just a long list printed in the source :(
For reference:
\cs_new:Npn \@@_setup_delcodes:
  % ensure \left. and \right. work:
  \@@_set_delcode:nnn \@@_symfont_tl {`\.} {\c_zero}
  % this is forcefully done to fix a bug -- indicates a larger problem!

  \@@_assign_delcode:nn {`\/}   {\g_@@_slash_delimiter_usv}
  \@@_assign_delcode:nn {"2044} {\g_@@_slash_delimiter_usv} % fracslash
  \@@_assign_delcode:nn {"2215} {\g_@@_slash_delimiter_usv} % divslash
  \@@_assign_delcode:n {"005C} % backslash
  \@@_assign_delcode:nn {`\<} {"27E8} % angle brackets with ascii notation
@WillRobertson Great: I'll work on that too
@DavidCarlisle I know this overlaps with '2e support' but I'm doing it for the new format :-)
@JosephWright I have no idea whether all those symbols would ever actually be extensible, BTW!!
@WillRobertson but tex doesn't reload a font of you specify it twice, that's why plain tex has lots of fonts loaded as \preloaded
@DavidCarlisle, @WillRobertson While we are all here, what's a good day/time for the next team meeting?
@DavidCarlisle I think LuaTeX is different there
@JosephWright Hmm, now? :)
I'm baby- and wife- free for about 7 more days
@WillRobertson Frank's somewhere up a mountain, and I think we might want to get Javier to join
Is that too short notice?
@WillRobertson well luatex does whatever the define_font callback tells it to do:-)
@WillRobertson OK, so 'this week' (which was what was agreed anyway)
Ah, I must have forgotten to put it in my diary :)
@WillRobertson I'll sort a Doodle poll then
@JosephWright In fact, I don't know what Unicode really specifies here. Is it a bit of a grey area? AFAIK
@WillRobertson MathClass.txt tells you if things are variables, relations, etc.
@JosephWright where?
# 2: class, one of:
#       N - Normal - includes all digits and symbols requiring only one form
#       A - Alphabetic
#       B - Binary
#       C - Closing - usually paired with opening delimiter
#       D - Diacritic
#       F - Fence - unpaired delimiter (often used as opening or closing)
#       G - Glyph_Part - piece of large operator
#       L - Large - n-ary or large operator, often takes limits
#       O - Opening - usually paired with closing delimiter
#       P - Punctuation
#       R - Relation - includes arrows
@DavidCarlisle polyglossia repo issues, for example
@JosephWright oh OK not some mail I missed (there are only so many repos's you can watch:-)
@JosephWright Right, so something like "extensible arrow" isn't covered, since they also fall under "R"
@WillRobertson Quite possibly
@JosephWright I just automatically set all glyphs with "arrow" in their name to have a delcode that will allow them to stretch if the font supports it — it seemed sensible at the time :)
@JosephWright Perhaps people shouldn't be using fonts for drawings graphics!!
@WillRobertson mathml (where much of that comes from) just bails out and says that whether or not any character can stretch is font and system specific. the syntax allows you to specify stretching on anything but it may or may not stretch
@WillRobertson meanwhile in a parallel universe of people trying to make sense of the opentype math table spec... github.com/MathML/MathMLinHTML5/issues/13
@JosephWright we've got mail:-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh, that terrible radical algorithm!
@DavidCarlisle I think I implemented in TeX macros and then wondered why it looked so bad—turns out it wasn't my fault!
@WillRobertson which reminds me, when you asked the other day if world was ready for lua/xelatex to default to unicode-math my reason for saying no wasn't the macro layer, but that I haven't a lot of confidence that the underlying spec is clear enough or that either of the engines is doing something sensible in all cases.
@DavidCarlisle Ah
@UlrikeFischer Thanks for making sure Javier is aware of the issues
@JosephWright not totally unexpected
@JosephWright I also now think that there is at least one bug in babel. This here gives an error (with lualatex(:
@DavidCarlisle If we make it the default, then we'll have to fix both of them :)

@WillRobertson but if You Fred and Khaled have trouble working out what the spec means to make a root sign, do worry whether the spec is as clear and useful as it might be...
Is it just me or does Lua run scripts nice and quickly?
@DavidCarlisle The spec is easy to follow for n-root! It just sucks
@WillRobertson oh that's OK then:-)
@WillRobertson yes lua itself is pretty fast luatex I think is slow because of all the inter-language communication rather than either language being slow itself
@DavidCarlisle It's not like TeX, LaTeX, or amsmath are 100% perfect — we can invent workarounds for anything :)
@DavidCarlisle Right. I do most of my scripting in Matlab and Mathematica, and I think it would be fair to say they have a fairly big overhead…
@WillRobertson OK we'll do scripts with VS1 then:-)
@DavidCarlisle It'll be interesting to see how the other reply to that email. Would you care to reply with a Word demo of VS1 not working?
I just signed up to get XeTeX mailing list emails again. Since when is JK fixing bugs in XeTeX again?
(Obviously a very good thing!)
@WillRobertson that's sort of my day job as well, for some of our library we added "vectorised" special functions which calculate a special function for all elements of an array instead of just one, in the fortran interface it's more or less pointless just saving one loop, but in matlab it's an order of magnitute faster to just pass the data to fortran once rather than loop in matlab and pass each value separately
@WillRobertson yes although I don't know if that is Word or just if cambria doesn't have VS1 glyphs still I suppose I could post and let Murray answer that
@ChristianHupfer "´acl2013´ is a template for creating academic papers." Well ...
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I've spent quite some time vectorising my own Matlab code :) The trick is knowing when to stop so that you can read the code when you come back to it in 6 weeks time…
% Prepared by Peter F. Patel-Schneider, liberally using the ideas of
% other style hackers, including Barbara Beeton.
% This style is NOT guaranteed to work.  It is provided in the hope
% that it will make the preparation of papers easier.
@DavidCarlisle Oh. Try with sits-math.otf ?
@barbarabeeton You are mentioned in acl2013.sty ^^^^^ :-)
@Johannes_B At least it doesn't use \font
@egreg Have you read the comment thread at the beginning? It is like a time travel :-)
@Johannes_B Like this?
% NOTE:  Some laser printers have a serious problem printing TeX output.
% These printing devices, commonly known as ``write-white'' laser
% printers, tend to make characters too light.  To get around this
% problem, a darker set of fonts must be created for these devices.
@egreg Oh, i missed that paragraph :-)
./umath2e-example.tex:158: Math formula deleted: Insufficient symbol fonts.
l.158 $x \mathbf{foo}$
Hey, that's not supposed to happen any more!! (XeLaTeX)
@WillRobertson :-)
@JosephWright How did you get that nice printout of what the symbol fonts are?


$y  = mx + c$
\foreach \x in {text,script,scriptscript}
    \foreach \y in {0,1,...,4}
        \wlog{\x\space\y\space\expandafter\the\csname\x font\endcsname\y\space\expandafter\meaning\the\csname\x font\endcsname\y\space}
\input load-unicode-math-classes %
$y = mx + c$
@WillRobertson ^^^ (Various packages commented in/out)
@JosephWright And here I was thinking you had some major tracing primitive I hadn't come across :)
@JosephWright Thanks!!
@WillRobertson :-)
@JosephWright \wlog?! You're weird
@WillRobertson What's wrong with that?
@JosephWright Hah, nothing — I just prefer the console to the log file :)
I ran the code and was like "where's the printout?"
@WillRobertson OK, next question :-) What's the stuff after the font name in [latinmodern-math]/OT:script=math;language=DFLT; about?
@JosephWright "/OT" means OpenType (XeTeX only), as opposed to Graphite or AAT. "script=math" turns on the OpenType math features. "language=DFLT" is almost certainly redundant :)
@WillRobertson Can XeTeX still work with fonts other than OT?
@WillRobertson ooh was it @David's? :)
@JosephWright Yes, although I'm not entire sure what the status of AAT is. I'm pretty sure that Graphite does still work.
@WillRobertson Ah. OK, for LuaTeX what's mode=base for?
@JosephWright That's important. It's a luaotfload thing:
luaot oad has two OpenType processing modes: base and node.
base mode works by mapping OpenType features to traditional TEX ligature and kerning mechanisms. Supporting only non-contextual substitutions and kerning pairs, it is the slightly faster, albeit somewhat limited, variant. node mode works by processing TEX’s internal node list directly at the Lua end and supports a wider range of OpenType features. e downside is that the intricate operations required for node mode may slow down typese ing especially with complex fonts and it does not work in math mode.
(from the manual :))
@WillRobertson Ah
@WillRobertson So for a loader without luaotfload I can ignore it :-)
I guess for your minimal setup you'll want to emulate mode=base
@WillRobertson Well I still need to work out how to do ligatures at all ...
I fixed my too many maths fonts problem :) A damn \makeatother snuck in where it shouldn't..
@WillRobertson For the present I won't worry
@WillRobertson :-)
@WillRobertson My plan is to get some kind of math mode font loading done for pdfTeX then XeTeX, then worry about LuaTeX later!
@JosephWright \ExplSyntaxOn and Off are for more sensible that way
@JosephWright pdfTeX?
@WillRobertson Format mode stuff, so pdfTeX has to be involved :-)
@JosephWright Oh I see. Is that just taking what's in the 2e kernel and tidying up a bit?
@WillRobertson Erm, more taking what's in plain ...
@WillRobertson Someone was meant to be writing xfss ...
@JosephWright shhhhh
@JosephWright I've been thinking of starting over on that.
@WillRobertson Don't worry, @DavidCarlisle's still got to sort xor ;-)
@WillRobertson I suspect this might be the best plan (every bit of L3 I've done has worked out that way in the end)
@JosephWright When I translated it from NFSS the first time, I didn't preserve the original structure of the code (with reference to 2e macros, e.g.). I now think that was a mistake.
@JosephWright We have very different philosophies on that but in this case I agree :) Have you read the essay about how starting from scratch basically killed Netscape?
@JosephWright Your code is always better than mine so I can't exactly comment too forcefully!!
@WillRobertson No, but sounds interesting
@WillRobertson Well (in seriousness) I've concluded that for xor starting again would be a waste and unlikely to work, hence the desire to get David and Frank to do some new work on it
@WillRobertson For the FSS, the existing code is probably quite a good starting point so I'd likely go with it, but try to address the areas that could be updated/improved
@JosephWright Yes. From memory where I was stumped originally was trying to stick too closely to NFSS methods and then realising we'd be breaking compatibility if we had new names for, e.g., \f@family. So I hope with a revisit we can develop a new interface that can hook into 2e code in l3in2e but use "proper" internal naming schemes in the format.
I mean, we definitely know the code is rock solid, but it's pretty hard to follow :) A rewrite nowadays might eliminate some of the misdirections/obfuscations in there
@WillRobertson I'm thinking that any rewrite here is like xgalley: only usable with code that knows about it, and working on 2e as we can't yet do real testing without it
@JosephWright True. Well, it's after midnight so I need some shut-eye. Catch you soon :)
@WillRobertson Night
@PauloCereda Although I am vaguely aware of the game, I will not be watching it. :)
@AlanMunn oh. :)
BTW, good work everyone yesterday on the Unanswered list
Oh one last thing. This finally works:

\DeclUSymbolFont{xits-math.otf}{operators}   {STIX}{}
\DeclUSymbolFont{xits-math.otf}{symbols}     {STIX}{}
\DeclUSymbolFont{xits-math.otf}{letters}     {STIX}{italic}

\DeclUMathAlph{xits-math.otf}{\mathrm}  {STIX}{}
\DeclUMathAlph{xits-math.otf}{\mathbf}  {STIX}{bold}
\DeclUMathAlph{xits-math.otf}{\mathsf}  {STIX}{sans}
\DeclUMathAlph{xits-math.otf}{\mathtt } {STIX}{tt}

\DeclUMathAlph{xits-math.otf}{\mathbb } {STIX}{bb}
Probably a poor interface, but NFSS gets much too verbose!
@WillRobertson Ooh
Anyone interested can look in the umath2e folder in the tuenc repo, but there's still more to do before it's "ready"
For example, it only loads math symbols defined in 2e, and greek letters aren't support yet :)
Now I'm really going to sleep
@WillRobertson Gute Nacht :-)
@PauloCereda In arara, if the density it higher, it's a slower animation, no?
It seems it only affects the size
@JosephWright isn't it better to say in the format itself rather than unicode-math? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/291648/…
@DavidCarlisle Well updating latex.ltx doesn't fix it so ...
@Alenanno I have no idea, we have to ask the rule author. :)
@JosephWright yes but tlmgr update unicode-math doesn't work (I tried to see the duplicate from the other day to close as dup but missed it)
@PauloCereda Who's that? :D
I think I managed though.
@Alenanno No idea. :) Chris, perhaps? :)
@PauloCereda Wasn't it a collabo thing?
@Alenanno in which sense?
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