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seems so
3 hours later…
Hello :D
Everyone will answer Q&A within 4 days right ?
before the primary closes
Or is it optional ?? !
hm.... This is really strange. I can **see** candidate's current vote status. This will encourage new users to go with the crowd... vote for the candidate with highest votes.
Whats the reason behind this ?
@SeverusTux I think you will be emailed to attend a town hall of sorts where you get to answer questions.
never mind, they have changed the procedure. Answer it on meta I suppose.
Oh... my ! I am in the wrong room..
I was wondering why this is so.. silent here ;-P
1 hour later…
@SeverusTux The primary is only used to sort the top 10 candidates to advance to the election phase. After the primary you will vote again in the actual election with 3 choices. Then votes will not be visible at all.
1 hour later…
One guy is disqualified now, is that because he got too many downvotes already
@Seth If I were to give my 2 cents (or rather my 0.02 VND) I'd say that it would be better for votes to be hidden, even during the primary. But I guess this system is probably the same for all SE sites? @SeverusTux
Evening all...
Hmmmm.. why is Videonauth not here?
good question
@edwinksl Watching the election?
yup it looks fun from the outside
It is fun :). I am new to this process and so far it has not been too bruising
Second stage shows some runaway favourites
2 hours later…
Hi, just coming by to say, "Good Luck! To all candidate..."
@andrew.46 now I'm here, had one of those rare occasions where real life interferres this morning :)
Hello all
I would like to ask.. what where the recent "clean up" that one moderator participant is referring to?
I'd also like to ask all participants what they intend to do about cleaning obsolete, recurring questions for this site to be usable?

Thank you all for doing a great job at making this site better!
@Denja There was a script running that aimed to reverse votes between users that looked like target serial votes. In my opinion it reversed far too much, but that's debatable.
@Denja Sadly there is no way to prevent recurring questions, especially of topics where Ubuntu not shines so much. Only thing we as Users and in the end as moderators can do is closing them, reviewing flags and so make every closed question (duplicate reasons) a new entry point for finding the right information. In the worst case only thing that could be considered to merge such questions with existing ones
@Denja I don't fully get what your question is about, would you mind giving an example, please?
@Videonauth Good to see you again :)
Elelction process rolling on...
@adadion Thank you :)
Let me clarify and give you one example and we can discuss this further after work..
lots of time i find obsolete answers (or unupdated for my version) so I would like to flag them for not providing a useful answer or or flag with something like not compatible with my version but i can't do something about it through flag yet!
@Denja Why don't you just update the answer to your version then?
There's nothing wrong with it, it was correct when posted. I don't see how a flag could work here. Also, in most cases, an answer for 14.04 is still valid for 16.04 and, when not, it will often point you in the right direction.
@Denja Just because an answer does not work for the newest version of Ubuntu does not mean it's obsolete. It could still work for any other still supported release. And even if all applicable releases reached end-of-life, it still is a valid answer and deleting it is not a valid option. Instead, it should be edited to include a bold note that this answer only works for releases X to Y.
Ideally there should be other answers that address newer releases. Simply upvote those after having verified that they work and edit them to also include a bold note mentioning the releases this answer is working for.
However, please do not downvote / flag as low quality/not an answer / vote to delete answers that were valid, but are no longer applicable to newer releases.
As I said, the way to go is to edit them to add a little hint that it was only working for a specific set of releases. Maybe you can add a link to another answer that works for the remaining ones.
Let me see if I find a good example where this has been done...
A: Unity doesn't load, no Launcher, no Dash appears

xyzzymanFor 12.10 and below: Press Ctrl+Alt+T for a terminal and run ccsm, then re-enable your 'Unity' plugin. You also may then need to run a unity --replace.

A: Unity doesn't load, no Launcher, no Dash appears

Brandon BertelsenIn 13.04: unity --replace is deprecated. Instead, use the following: dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ unity --reset-icons &disown Reboot if it doesn't work right away.

A: How to enable hibernation?

DimaIf this answer does not work in Ubuntu 13.10, see here for an alternative answer You can follow official documentation here. Hibernation was disabled on 12.04 for machines that are not certified with Ubuntu. In order to enable hibernation you need to test whether it works correctly by running...

@Denja could you link an example? Often version- specific tags are unnecessarily used. Apart from that, my upper neighbours answered it already :) ^
@JacobVlijm s/often/damn near always/
@terdon yeah, pretty much.
This mod questionnaire is growing longer and longer and I'm still only at 6. Is that a bad sign?
I can already fill 3 screens with it, probably it will take 4 in the end.
@ByteCommander mod questionnaire? I don't see your answers yet.
I'm still writing it, that's the problem.
And I can't stop writing.......
@ByteCommander ah, of course. Well, of some questions I was hoping they wouldn't make it, but they did :)
Maybe I should add a TL;DR on top of each question. That would mean even more writing though o.O
...Walk away from it, take a shower and a coffee, often brings the best ideas...
@ByteCommander its normal.
I don't even remember if I filled up the one on SU ;p
Prolly did, but taking a while to fill up the mod questionare happens.
Also, make a copy in case you overrun the charecter count
Good idea!
I lost the first version of my nomination post as well because my session crashed. Should have got that idea myself... :P
@ByteCommander That's strange. I closed the browser window but it was there again when I opened it again.
@JourneymanGeek There is a character limit? I see no counter...
@terdon Hmm. My browser got killed and restored the last session when I restarted it. But not the form content.
shrugs dunno. SE normally keeps drafts, you should be able to see a "draft saved" or something under it.
Not in the nomination form.
Oh? I wonder how it saved mine then? Oh well...
maybe local storage got killed
SOmetimes things don't work ;p
And murphy
also, the charecter count's for any post, and isn't really mentioned till you break it
Good that we don't have 40 candidates. My mousewheel is worn out after this :)
@JourneymanGeek How many characters are allowed? I think I've heard something about 30k anywhere.
I have no idea ._.
I just remember hitting it before. Once or twive
I'm at about 11k chars, so even if it's only 20k, I hope I won't reach that.
Otherwise my keyboard will be worn out. (cc @JacobVlijm)
30K it seems
the limit for normal posts is as far i know at 30KB
Q: Please notify me of the 30,000 character limit

Josh HuntWhen mucking around in the Formatting Sandbox, I discovered AFTER all my hard work and effort I put into my 'response' that there is a character limit of 30,000 for posts. Can there please be a notification of such limit? Whilst we are typing the response would be best, but it could be applied t...

@ByteCommander Haha, right
Do you think anybody will read through this all?
@ByteCommander so far, I did... waitwait, not the last one yet.
I'm thinking about adding TL;DRs to every question...
Mine is now already longer than @ThomasW.'s and I haven't even answered the last 3 questions yet. #8 is going to be monstrous as well...
@ByteCommander I see, you simply want to prevent anyone to really read it (just kidding you :) )
@JacobVlijm yep that tl;dr is only a distraction from the lorem ipsum he put everywhere just to make it look long and impressive ;)
@Videonauth shoot, why didn' t we think of that :)
to be honest im not satisfied with my answers i gave tho i mght come back to it and improve it
@Videonauth There are some mistakes in your post. It's "queue" and not "cue". Appears several times...
Yea, but it looks cute
@Videonauth I guess we only can give the real answers once we are confronted with it.
and actually i doubt i will be confronted with them anytime soon
the primaries already paint a pretty clear picture
Unfortunately, yes.
3 hours later…
@Videonauth It does not really matter if we are elected or not. You will reach 10k and 20k and will be able to do many things without being a mod.
3 hours later…
@Videonauth My own take on this has been similar to that of applying for a senior job in my organisation. Firstly to use the application process to raise my profile in the organisation, participating fully and openly in the process. If the application fails to lose gracefully and continue to contribute fully to the organisation, eagerly awaiting the next opportunity..
If the process is undertaken in god spirit more opportunities will always come....
good spirit even
@andrew.46 that is how I see it too, it is a very good learning exprience
@ByteCommander i actually did read through the whole thing
@Shog9 still around?
And of course this stage of voting simply selects the top 10
@JacobVlijm sure
what's up?
5 messages deleted
@Shog9 do you have a second or two in private?
@JacobVlijm a second or two, sure. Invite me to a room.
@Shog9 ha, bad for my image... how do create one?
@JacobVlijm click on my name, select "start new room..."

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