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@Seth cryptic-ish question, unless that's just the long day i had?
wasn't meant to be cryptic-ish? Unless I worded it too fancily.. I get in trouble for being too blunt :P
@Seth there are those of us that prefer "Be precise with your questions", i may be one of them
well I can try again if you like, but feel free to ignore until tomorrow. Lemme see..
@Seth it's more a case probably of having delved into heavy statistics analysis today :)
brain mush confirmed currently
Ouch, that really can mush the brain. hehe. I feel for those people that do it for a living.
hey, I choose to do it as infrequently as necessary
I was crunching numbers on observed activity on my malware net segment isolated from the rest though
was basically parsing data into Splunk, and running statistical analyses on data
@Seth can I first admit that "We are all human at our core, and at times everyone is overpassionate about something and the rare instance of it is expected as part of human nature" :p
not evading the question but putting that point out there in response to your "more than human" statement
@ThomasW. Well, to be a bit more direct, I guess I'm talking about similar-ish to this stuff chat.stackexchange.com/…, chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/201?m=8899689#8899689
2013 was a while ago
I'm used to it, and I don't think it is as bad as it might seem, but once you are a moderator no ones cares hehe
your 2015 quote was when I had high levels of... external factors
which have now gone away completely
(1) high debt
(2) illness
(3) harassment from others
@ThomasW. I'm well aware. That's why I worded it so.. fancily. I don't want it to come off as attacking you or anything.
(4) no money
@Seth I don't interpret legitimate questions as attacks :)
Ouch. One of those is bad enough D:
@ThomasW. :)
@Seth that said, two months ago, you'd have banned me if i were in the chat frequently
Unfortunately I have to watch out for more than just the candidates themselves :/
because 1, 2, and 3 were in MASSIVE amounts, triggering anxiety attacks
I'm really sorry, that's not something anyone should have to go through :(
Indeed not
but to directly answer your concerns here
between "then" (2013) and now ("June 2016"), i've learned when to not go online to areas which can show irritability
usually, "avoid it early in the morning, or when there's no sleep, or when [externalFactors] result in extremely aggressive attitudes"
part of that was therapy
part of that was my fiancee's doing
the other part is that there's outlets for my stress now that I can regularly use
That definitely answers my question. Thanks!
Knowing your limits is important.. I have to sign off sometimes too. Earlier today even.
Mind condensing that into an answer on the nomination? (or I guess just a link to chat would work).
@Seth E:NotEnoughSpace
but i'll either shorten it
or bookmark the discussion
works for me :)
and link to it
@Seth should have seen me five days ago, people in #ubuntu-server were riling me up, I just said "screw it" and left the channel for 8 hours (which was my work day lol)
haha, nice.
turned that frustration into massive workload, and discovered massive bugs in python-pymssqland how Debian's maintainer doesn't care about it lol
it does help when you actually have something else to do.
subsequently fixed the bugs too because of a workplace server migration :)
@ThomasW. ouch
@ThomasW. yay
but that's what 8 hours of "channel the frustrations" sometimes solves :)
First round of the elections almost up :)
@andrew.46 hello
@Wildman Hello :) How are you?
That good?
I am just doing edits
how are you?
Having a great day, at work but it is very quiet
do you know if ffmpeg works with 16.04? that is one that you maintain right?
that is good
I don't maintain it but there is an FFmpeg package
I is storming here again
Not before time, avconv and friends were quiet unreliable
I see, I know there is a package a person is having issues installing it, I am not involved but kevdev told him to find you
I understand
The real brains with FFmpeg has always been my friend Fakeoutdoorsman
he is trying to help the guy
Who is involved with FFmpeg itself rather than packaging for Ubuntu mind you
the guy is not a nice person
meaning the OP
The world seems sometimes to be filled with angry and impatient people :(
very true
When I am in charge of everything there will be mandatory relaxation sessions so that people can cool down and chill out
@andrew.46 so, global lockdown on the site then of everything
to everyone's chagrin
Not in charge here: in charge of the world :)
AU has a policy regarding temporary timeouts right?
@andrew.46 context is key ;)
do you know when they post the questions for the moderator elects and how long we have to answer them?
Good point
@edwinksl Hello again :)
@edwinksl yes for people that are bad
@WildMan I think several days at least, up to 4 days
because 10 days from now the election ends
i guess that would be a way to force to "cool down and chill out" :)
and 2 days from now Primary starts
@andrew.46 oh hey our favorite aussie is in town
@ThomasW. Thanks
that's a guesstimate though - I don't have the exact details, i'm basing that on the dates I see on the election page
I saw those too, most curious how long we have to answer them
I assume time is allowed for the possibility that we might be working when the questions are posted.
4 full days seems like enough time though :)
yes indeed
@edwinksl The only Aussie :)
Work internet access is pretty abysmal: my apologies if I appear and disappear
@WildMan Do you have a lonk for the FFmpeg issue?
link even
There is a slightly loopy one where someone is looking for libavcodec57
Thanks, I have known kevdog for a while... did not know he was still active on the Forums :)
I think he stop for a while and came back but not sure of that
He is of my vintage on the Forums, I am not so active there since my activity on the tutorials section lessened somewhat...
I'm just glad we don't use libav anymore.
@seth do you know why when I post a message I see timeout/edit/cancel? Does my message still show when it does that?
@WildMan that means your message timed out
sometimes the chat servers glitch a little (been happening more recently) or your connection is bad.
@Seth that is what I thought but I just wanted to ask to be sure. Thanks
@seth when a link is only provided as an asnwer do most people redo the whole thing or just mark it for closure?
I wonder if libav will slowly dwindle away now, not sure which distros ship it now
in networking a lot of changes
probably a lot of changes with each new release lately
@WildMan flag it as NAA (not an answer). If you are feeling generous you can edit to include more details.
(then don't flag)
@Seth just wondering, that is what I figured. I have done both depending on the quality of the answer in the link.
7 hours later…
Northern Hemisphere people all asleep :(
nope :p
good evening to you andrew
Evening Videonaut :)
End of phase 1 moderator elections today or tomorrow I see
yep jutst reading to the questions on meta and considering what i will answer on them
You are vastly more ready than myself :)
Since i not know how long we will have to answer them I just want to be prepared and not in need to answer them in a rush
16 applicants which from memory means all 16 go to next stage?
Rule of thumb on any matter, let your tummy decide, make a mental not about the outcome, then let your head decise, make a note then consider action, and reconsider action, then take action
i guess the treshhold of 30 will not that easily be reached on AskUbuntu
Unless there is a rush by some of the askubuntu heavyweights at the last momeent
I don't think this will happen, but well who knows
For sure it is already a wide variety of candidates and the elction might have some surprises up
Interesting times ahead. I confess that this election has reinvigorated my interest in AskUbuntu
3 hours later…
I moved chat messages that weren't about the election to the main room. Let's try and keep this one on topic.
4 hours later…
I'm Glad to compete with people with triple candidate score than mine. I'm only 10/40. How can one win against people like @terdon @ThomasW. @ByteCommander . But where is @Fabby and @A.B I would like to see those people here
hey, you never know! Don't be defeatist!
Well @terdon you deserve to be a mod. My vote will be for you most likely.
Very kind of you.
Moderation is a responsibility.
Note, however, that "deserving" is not the question. You should vote for the people you think would make the best mods. Those aren't necessarily the ones with the best candidate score or reputation.
Only people deserving it should be voted
I was active when I joined au
But then couldn't be around for sometime due to busy schedule
I remember I used to top the weekly score and monthly score for some months
But consistency is not easy
I don't answer questions these days mostly, just review some low quality posts and suggested edits.
Anyway best of luck to all nominees
@Faizan Thanks for the compliment.
I wish you luck as well. :)
@Faizan @Faizan I wish you luck too, but as was said by @terdon don't use the "10/40" score as your only analysis - that's just a statistic, not an actual analysis of who one thinks would be the best moderator :P

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