@MolagBal You seem to, though. :) I really don't know why a certain someone thought that that particular thing she said was in any way helpful to say to me.
@MolagBal Could be... But I think she knows I am terrified of childbirth and I obviously love Bellatrix, so I'm not sure why she thought it was a good idea. She's definitely not as aware of it as you are.
@Bellatrix I don't know either, but perhaps it's because she's used to being a font of HP knowledge. that's where she got most of her rep on the site (like 100k or something), and maybe she forgot the context of talking to you for a moment
@Bellatrix well yes :( it might have just been her thought process and she didn't think to stop herself
I alluded to monthly problems, so she searched her brain for an indication of whether that was true of Bellatrix. a rumored child would be one of the first things to come to mind.
@MolagBal Could be, I mean she didn't seem to be as aware as you about how I feel. I don't think she was trying to be mean, and it's not true about Bellatrix, but it still was a really bad thing for me... :(
@MolagBal @Bellatrix I'm really sorry if I made you guys feel uncomfortable the other day when I was talking about my husband and not taking birth control and everything. I have been around for so long and have talked about it so much that I just thought that everyone was aware of my situation. Just wanted to let you guys know that :)
@Bellatrix I like it mainly for its awesome associations with cool, old, counterculture society. just recently being unbanned, and the green fairy, you know
@Bellatrix you can get to a point in the game where she will follow you around. the game is more fun after that, because then I hear her smart alek comments for the rest of the game :D