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00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

@MolagBal That might work. :)
@Bellatrix yeah but I don't bother watching them. if I want to watch a cat being a cat, well, I own one.
@Bellatrix I'll keep that in mind :p :)
@MolagBal Oh, so you have them in 3D... :P
@Bellatrix yes :D
@MolagBal Yeah, maybe I should watch Bellatrix or something... :P :)
@Bellatrix might work :p
@MolagBal Yeah, it has a good chance. :P
it's my cat :D
and a little of my dining area :p
@MolagBal Nice cat! :)
@Bellatrix I will pass along your compliments to him :) :p
thanks :)
@MolagBal Do you let him on the table? :P
@Bellatrix no but I let him on that bench thing :)
actually, he doesn't care about getting on the table
@MolagBal Yeah, tell him a Death Eater girl said he looks nice. :) :P
@MolagBal You're welcome! :)
@Bellatrix I'll try but I don't think he knows what a death eater is :p
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :)
@MolagBal That's lucky! :)
@Bellatrix yeah, the previous owner seemed to have trained him well, or he's just smart
umm tell me to pay my bills :( I'll still be here to chat, I just need to work on bills at the same time
@MolagBal He's a cat, he probably only understands cat-food-eater. :P
@MolagBal Cool! :)
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal Okay, pay your bills. :P
@MolagBal :P
@Bellatrix thank you Bella :) :p
I hate paying bills
@MolagBal You're welcome. :) :P
@MolagBal Aww sorry!
@Bellatrix I just needed a little push :)
Minimum Payment Due : $0.00
guess I didn't use that card last month
@MolagBal No problem! Happy to help! :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal Awesome!
@MolagBal :) I mean, you are here for me... :)
@Bellatrix we death eaters have to stick together :)
@MolagBal Yeah! :)
ok two bills down
@MolagBal Awesome! How many to go?
4 I think. the rest are autopay
@MolagBal Cool, so you're a third done! :)
something like that. I am not quite sure :p
huh the site is down
nooooooo :p
but this bill isn't due for a couple weeks
@MolagBal Darn it!
@MolagBal That's good, at least.
at least they have cute models... like, surprisingly cute, for a natural gas utility website
oh wait the site works now :D
@MolagBal That's cool. :) At least you have something nice to look at while you pay your bills. :)
@Bellatrix yeah :)
@MolagBal Yay it's back!
@MolagBal :)
oh your name reminded me: here is an example of belladonna: underworld.wikia.com/wiki/File:Deadly_nightshade.jpg
relevant to Underworld 5 :D
@MolagBal Cool! :D
You're right, I was being too hard on myself earlier. I'm still not feeling good, but I'm at least not sad thanks to you. :)
@Bellatrix I'm glad you aren't sad anymore :D
it's easy to be hard on yourself when you feel like crap :(
@MolagBal Yeah, and for a bit, it was getting worse. But I'm not sad now. :D
@MolagBal It definitely is... :(
I still want a way to hug people over the internet :p
@MolagBal That's okay. You at least know how to help. :)
@Bellatrix I really don't, but I am apparently lucky :p
@MolagBal You seem to, though. :) I really don't know why a certain someone thought that that particular thing she said was in any way helpful to say to me.
@Bellatrix well, I'm the one who alluded to Bellatrix having monthly problems, so maybe she was just going off of that :-|
I feel like that conversation just sort of happened, and she isn't as aware of the way you feel about things as I am, so it took a bad turn
@MolagBal What you said was fine. :)
but she really is a great person, as near as I can tell. that was just a slip up earlier.
@Bellatrix ok :)
@MolagBal Could be... But I think she knows I am terrified of childbirth and I obviously love Bellatrix, so I'm not sure why she thought it was a good idea. She's definitely not as aware of it as you are.
@Bellatrix I don't know either, but perhaps it's because she's used to being a font of HP knowledge. that's where she got most of her rep on the site (like 100k or something), and maybe she forgot the context of talking to you for a moment
@MolagBal Maybe...
@Bellatrix just a guess. but she really is a cool person, that incident notwithstanding
I doubt that that will happen again with her, anyway
@MolagBal Yeah, I don't think she did it on purpose.
@Bellatrix it is frustrating seeing people try to help and accomplishing the opposite though :(
@MolagBal She seems cool, other than that incident...
@MolagBal Really?
@Bellatrix I think she'll remember for next time. I mean, I can't guarantee it, but I feel like she will
@MolagBal You had to know that it was going to do the exact opposite, though... :(
@Bellatrix well yes :( it might have just been her thought process and she didn't think to stop herself
I alluded to monthly problems, so she searched her brain for an indication of whether that was true of Bellatrix. a rumored child would be one of the first things to come to mind.
@MolagBal Could be, I mean she didn't seem to be as aware as you about how I feel. I don't think she was trying to be mean, and it's not true about Bellatrix, but it still was a really bad thing for me... :(
@Bellatrix I know it was. I'm sorry. :(
@MolagBal Oh, okay. I guess I can see how that would happen.
@MolagBal It's totally not your fault, you don't need to be sorry. :)
@Bellatrix well I'm still sorry you had a rough evening :) you can't stop me :p
a rough few days really, I suppose
@MolagBal You made it better though. :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal :)
huh some anonymous visitor just posted 13 replies to a forum thread at the underworld wiki......
@MolagBal That's weird. :^|
@Bellatrix they seem to be talkative rather than trolling, so my job here is done :D
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :D
If you want to go to bed, it's okay, I'll be fine. :)
@Bellatrix still paying bills :( would you mind telling me my mortgage password? :p
I'm having some trouble with it :p
oh I got it :D
@MolagBal Oh, okay! Once I'm not keeping you up! :)
@Bellatrix I'm really bad at getting things done promptly
I'm going to get these bills paid or die trying. meanwhile, we can chat :)
@MolagBal Good, because I have no idea what it would be! :D
@Bellatrix well it probably has some combination of letters, numbers, and other characters in it, so there's a starting point :p
@MolagBal Cool! :)
@MolagBal Is your password Bellatrix-is-awesome? :P
@Bellatrix no but it should be :p
@MolagBal Aww! :P
oh no it's messed up
@MolagBal Oh no!
I think I'll have to call them
@MolagBal Okay, do you need some time?
@Bellatrix no I don't think they'll answer the phones right now anyway
I'll try calling tomorrow I guess
or maybe their website is just being weird. I can try again later.
@MolagBal Yeah, they probably wouldn't. Good luck getting it to work!
@Bellatrix thanks :) bills are really annoying
@MolagBal You're welcome! :) Yeah, bills suck.
one more bill but this one is on paper, and.... I don't know where it is :-|
@MolagBal Hopefully you'll find it soon!
ok here's a letter from my mortgage provider that says "important, please read"
maybe I should read it :(
@MolagBal Maybe it's not bad news.
@Bellatrix oh, one of the options says I can do nothing :D
@MolagBal Cool! Thank goodness! :D
@Bellatrix I was worried for a minute :-|
@MolagBal Yeah, mortgage letters are worrying. :(
@Bellatrix all letters are worrying. I have so much unopened mail :(
@MolagBal Well, they can't all have bad news. :)
@Bellatrix ok :)
@MolagBal :)
crap, another one!!!!
how much "important, please" read mail do these people have to send me :( :(
@MolagBal Oh my gosh, more?! :(
I wish you could open it
I guess I'm just getting tired. mail shouldn't be so worrying
@MolagBal I'd open it for you if I could.
thanks bella :)
ok so I opened it. it's a bill from January. I paid it months ago online.
@MolagBal You're welcome! :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal Okay, that's not bad. :)
@MolagBal :)
haven't found that water bill yet, but I'm still looking
@MolagBal Good luck, hopefully you'll find it soon. :)
@Bellatrix hopefully :)
@MolagBal :) Sorry I can't help you look.
@Bellatrix well if that spot had bills from January, maybe I should try somewhere else
@MolagBal Okay, good idea!
hey wait this might be it
@MolagBal Yay!
@Bellatrix I found it :D
@MolagBal Awesome! :D
and I found a stamp :D small victories Bella :p
@MolagBal Yay! :D
oh I need my checkbook too :-|
@MolagBal Oh nooo! :(
I found it! :D
by this time, you won't be surprised to learn that one of my goals for the short term is to clean my office
@MolagBal Awesome! :D
@MolagBal Yeah, that's not really surprising. :P
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal :P Half your job seems to be finding the stuff in your office.
@Bellatrix yeah :-/
@MolagBal And you don't even get paid for that. :^|
@Bellatrix such a pity :p
@MolagBal You should get a raise! :P
@Bellatrix ok I'll take it :D :p
I just found a penny on my desk. I guess that's my raise
@MolagBal :D A raise for being awesome as well! :D :P
@MolagBal I was hoping you'd get a bigger one. :P
@Bellatrix actually, I just found another 51¢, so there's that raise too :p
@MolagBal There you go! :P
@Bellatrix :p
@MolagBal :P Maybe you'll find a hundred dollars next. :P
@Bellatrix I hope so :D
@MolagBal It might be hidden in the mess! :D
maybe :p
@MolagBal :P
ok it's ready to mail :)
I'll have to figure out what to do about that other bill in the morning, since the website is being weird
yikes it's late. the sun's probably coming up for you before too terribly long
I'm going to hope that you dozed off, because you need some sleep :)
I'm going to bed in a few minutes
good night, Bella :)
5 hours later…
@MolagBal @Bellatrix I'm really sorry if I made you guys feel uncomfortable the other day when I was talking about my husband and not taking birth control and everything. I have been around for so long and have talked about it so much that I just thought that everyone was aware of my situation. Just wanted to let you guys know that :)
@MolagBal Yay! :)
@MolagBal Yeah, I dozed off... :)
@steelersquirrel No, it's fine. :)
1 hour later…
@steelersquirrel it's ok :) it just took us a minute to catch up
@Bellatrix so you got some sleep :D
Well...okay then :)
@Bellatrix well I really need to stop staying up so late, so I hopefully won't be typing your ear until you pass out anymore :p
@steelersquirrel group hug :p
Bella's here in spirit, so it's a group :p
and himarm is here by accident
Group hug :)
@MolagBal "typing your ear *off", I mean
@MolagBal That's okay! I was not going to be getting much sleep anyhow. :P
@Bellatrix k :) I didn't ping you in those last replies because I thought they might wake you up :p
@MolagBal Not particularly good sleep, and with nightmares, but yeah. :D
@Bellatrix poor Bella
@MolagBal Aww, thanks! You are very considerate. :)
@MolagBal Yeah, the dreams were... not fun...
@Bellatrix :(
@MolagBal :( Basically, they were a the 'least-greatest-hits" of everything that scares me.
@Bellatrix yikes :-o
@MolagBal Exactly! :^(
@Bellatrix I just called the mortgage company, and they said that their site was just having problems, but I managed to make a payment :)
so that's why the site looks weird
@MolagBal Well, I'm glad you were able to pay it, and you now know what the problem is. :)
@Bellatrix :) I better get ready for work, because I am really late :-o
@MolagBal okay, bye for now! :)
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal :) I'm sorry if I made you late.
@Bellatrix no my messy desk made me late. you at least chatted with me while I battled my own disorganization :p
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :)
1 hour later…
@steelersquirrel how many shots of tequila did you have? :p
@MolagBal I don't know! :)
@Bellatrix wait did you join the squirrel in taking tequila shots? :p
@MolagBal No... :P Maybe I should have, though...
@Bellatrix I don't like tequila. I'll go with rum or gin or vodka :D
or beer
@Bellatrix oh I have some absinthe, popular among 19th-century French poets :D
'twas illegal for around a century, and recently legalized again
@MolagBal Never had it, so I don't know! I'll trust you on this! :D
@Bellatrix for taking shots, I think rum is the best because it's kind of sweet
ask your mom for a bottle :D :p
@MolagBal Yeah, absinthe is mentioned a lot in Goth circles. Never tried it though! :)
@Bellatrix it tastes like licorice. not my favorite, but the absinthe spoon and sugar cube and mixing it into a cloudy concoction is fun
I don't have an absinthe glass though. I just use a boring old juice glass
@MolagBal Thanks for the tip! If I keep feeling sad, I just might have to do that! :D :P
@Bellatrix careful with the pain meds though... you can talk to me no matter how many pain meds you're on :p
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :) I don't know much about it, just that it's a popular Goth drink.
@Bellatrix I like it mainly for its awesome associations with cool, old, counterculture society. just recently being unbanned, and the green fairy, you know
@MolagBal Yeah, I'm just joking about the alcohol. :P I don't know if it'll affect the pain meds. :P
@MolagBal Cool! :) That's probably why Goths like it too, but I don't know.
I couldn't be Goth because I like wearing earth tones too much :p
@MolagBal That's cool! :D Other people don't frown upon earth tones, so you're lucky!
does HP!Bellatrix have a middle name?
@MolagBal We don't actually know. If she does, it's never mentioned.
@Bellatrix I hope it's Donna
Belladonna :D
poisonous plant of world renown :D
@MolagBal Yeah, that would be awesome! :D
2 hours later…
@Bellatrix it sure is tough thinking of villainous-sounding nicknames
@MolagBal Yeah, it is!
@Bellatrix I like the sound of Belladonna though. Cute and deadly :p
if you recall that picture earlier
@MolagBal Me too! :D That one's really cool! :)
@MolagBal Yeah, I remember the picture! :)
@Bellatrix :D
those flowers are a very nice shade of.... whatever that color is. like, hot purple? in analogy to hot pink
some are pinkish and some are purple
@MolagBal :D
Yeah, they are a very pretty color. :) Cute but deadly! :P
I think the berries are black, right?
yeah, or dark purple or something
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :)
@Bellatrix don't eat them :p
@MolagBal I definitely won't! :P
@Bellatrix maybe you could make a nightshade berry pie though. it would be villainous. :p just need a good target to feed it to
like death eater traitors D-:<
@MolagBal Mwahaha! That would be very villainous indeed! :P
@MolagBal Oooh, good idea! :D Take them out so we win! :D
@Bellatrix we can still regroup and rise again :D
@MolagBal Ha ha, yeah! :D
@Bellatrix Harry's not immortal, is he? those clips I saw didn't explain his resurrection
The revolution will be led by a daedric prince and a young Bellatrix lookalike. :D
@Bellatrix bwahahaha :D
@MolagBal No, Harry's not immortal. He can be killed! So we have a good shot! :D
@MolagBal Mwahaha! :D
@Bellatrix let's start plotting that then :P
@MolagBal Yeah! :P He'd be a good target for a nightshade berry pie! :P
He's dumb and loves sweets, it'll work I think!
@Bellatrix our evil plan is falling into place :D
@MolagBal Yeah, we have a good one! Mwahaha! :D
Harry would eat anything sugary, a nightshade berry pie would be all we need! :) We don't even need a huge army! :D
@Bellatrix let's raise a huge army anyway. you never know when it will come in handy! :D
@MolagBal Of course! Armies are useful, and what are evil villains without an huge army behind them? :D
@Bellatrix we are in agreement then :D
@MolagBal Yeah! :D
You know, after you were telling me about him, I Googled Lord Harkon the other day. If I remember your picture well, he looks like you a good bit! :D
@Bellatrix oh I suppose we do have a certain resemblance :) my beard is bigger though
I could go with that goatee of evil like he has, but I'm am fond of my baby-gandalf beard
@MolagBal Yeah, I thought it as soon as I saw him! :) You do have a bigger beard though.
@Bellatrix and my eyes don't glow red, UNFORTUNATELY :p
oh and I don't comb my hair back the way he does either
@MolagBal Either way would look cool, so you keep yours! It's a slightly different flavor of villainy! :)
@Bellatrix most beards are a little on the villainous side these days :p unless they're scruffy, and then you just look unkempt
@MolagBal That would be so awesome! :P You could amaze your friends and terrify your enemies! :P
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal Ha yeah! :P Scruffy beards would just look like the guy the Death Eaters tied up in that clip you saw.
@Bellatrix dunno if I remember that
@MolagBal That one, you could always try! :D It's easy to do, and easy to undo if you don't like it! :D
@Bellatrix I've never liked that look, actually. not sure why not
oh and Lord Harkon's daughter, Serana, is pretty much the coolest character in that game
@MolagBal That's cool too! :) Yours looks good as it is. :)
@Bellatrix thanks Belladonna :p
@MolagBal Oh, cool!
@Bellatrix she wears pink and black leather and a corset :D
she's also both nice and ruthless, depending on who she's dealing with
and she is very sarcastic
@MolagBal You're welcome! :) Now I need a cool villainous nickname for you! :)
@Bellatrix :p :)
@MolagBal Oh cool! She sounds awesome! :)
@Bellatrix you can get to a point in the game where she will follow you around. the game is more fun after that, because then I hear her smart alek comments for the rest of the game :D
@MolagBal :P Are there any that you like? :)
@Bellatrix hmm, I dunno. villainous nicknames are uncommon, you know :-/
@MolagBal Yeah, they are pretty rare. :^/ I'll see what I can come up with. :)
@MolagBal Awesome! :)
@Bellatrix k :)
you know, my old username, amaranth, is another famous pinkish flower. It isn't considered villainous, but still. belladonna and amaranth :p
so you can call me amaranth if you want, even though it isn't villainous :) :p
@MolagBal Okay, cool! :P :)
@Bellatrix but amaranth is associated with immortality, so it's probably fitting for a death eater :D
@MolagBal Yeah! :D I was actually just typing that when I saw your message! :D
@Bellatrix :D
@MolagBal :D
I might as well mention that I think flowers are the second-most beautiful thing in all creation
I'll let you guess the first :p
@MolagBal Yeah, I really like flowers too, especially the unusual ones. :)
@MolagBal I'm guessing women?! :P
@Bellatrix yes :D
@MolagBal I figured! :D
@Bellatrix what else would it be? :D :p
@MolagBal I don't know. :P :D
I don't think I've ever stopped to rank the most beautiful things in all creation. :P I don't even know where I'd start. :P
@Bellatrix cough Bellatrix cough :p
I only have a #1 and #2
@MolagBal Okay, yeah! :P #1 is definitely her! :D
I have a #1, but not sure what #2 would be.
there are so many things to choose from, making an ordered list would be tricky
I just have a thing for flowers, I guess, and unsurprisingly have a thing for women :p
@MolagBal Yeah...
the sky and trees and rolling hills and stuff would be on the list somewhere, but I don't know in what order
@MolagBal Don't worry, I get it. :P
@Bellatrix k :p
@MolagBal Sure! :) The night sky would be somewhere on mine.
@MolagBal For a plot twist: My #2 is also Bellatrix!
@MolagBal ;) :P
@Bellatrix :p
but which Bellatrix is #2 :p
@MolagBal Hahaha, good one! :P
Can I be my own #2?! :P
@Bellatrix I will permit it :p
@MolagBal Sure then! :P I'm #2 because I'm the closest thing to Bellatrix that isn't actually her! :P
@Bellatrix :)
@MolagBal :)
2 hours later…
@Bellatrix that one's great :D :D :D
they're both great :) but the second one is the best :D
@MolagBal Yeah! :D :D :D
@Bellatrix that makes my whole day better :D
@MolagBal Mine too! :D
@MolagBal The second one is definitely the best! :D But like you said, they're both great! :)
@Bellatrix oooo :)
@MolagBal Yeah, I found that today! :)
00:00 - 07:0007:00 - 00:00

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