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Luis Mendo
12:05 AM
@FryAmTheEggman It turns out that the language you were looking for was
15 hours later…
Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
2:50 PM
Does MATL have a function for determining if an input is a letter?
I have
65:90 97:122hm
which is ridiculously long.
I suppose you could do
instead, which is 3 bytes shorter.
Oh, also congrats on the 20K Luis!
Luis Mendo
3:13 PM
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I think
does what you want
Thanks! :-)
I saw you linked @Suever's interpreter. Do you think it's safe to use it yet? What do you think, Suever?
Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
IDK if it's safe to use or not.
I Just prefer it because of the documentation.
D you think I should link to TIO instead?
@LuisMendo That doesn't quite work. It just pushes the lowercase. I have to do
3:32 PM
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Yea for now I'd use TIO.
I should generate a button to generate the TIO link from the new one
because it is easier to mock up an answer on the new one I think
but it's not quite ready for prime-time
Luis Mendo
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan It pushes the lowercase, but the input is also converted to lowercase with
We are close to it being stable though. I'm working on all of the testing as we speak
Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
@LuisMendo Yeah, I get it. Cool hacky method.
Too bad I can't use it cause of that stupid last test case.
Luis Mendo
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Did you see my comment in the answer? Unfortunately last test case seems to fail
Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
Yeah, I saw it. I don't want to delete though. :/
I will, but it's going to be painful.
Luis Mendo
3:39 PM
Yeah it's a pity
Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
For a brief beautiful moment, I was beating you. :P
Luis Mendo
On the other hand, that makes me the current winner :-)
Haha. Ninja'd again
Oh, the Retina answer is 18
Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
I think I'm going to edit your tips in before I delete so that users who can see deleted answers see that I (kinda) beat you. :P
Luis Mendo
That's a good idea. Make the answer as good as possible inspite of some case failing
Dr Green Eggs and Iron Man
Woah, I (kinda) beat retina!
3:49 PM
CPU usage for matl.suever.net is kind of a joke
Luis Mendo
@Suever :-D
Granted I have it set to scale between 2 and 4 octave workers
but the nice thing about Amazon's EC2 is that you can get extra burst CPU so you can surpass 100% as needed
and all the time that you spend below 100% accumulates and helps count towards how long you can burst
So when someone needs one of those computationally intensive challenges we're good to go
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