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@FryAmTheEggman It turns out that the language you were looking for was 05AB1E :-)
15 hours later…
Does MATL have a function for determining if an input is a letter?
I have 65:90 97:122hm which is ridiculously long.
I suppose you could do 65:90t32+h instead, which is 3 bytes shorter.
Oh, also congrats on the 20K Luis!
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I think k2Y2m does what you want
Thanks! :-)
I saw you linked @Suever's interpreter. Do you think it's safe to use it yet? What do you think, Suever?
IDK if it's safe to use or not.
I Just prefer it because of the documentation.
D you think I should link to TIO instead?
@LuisMendo That doesn't quite work. It just pushes the lowercase. I have to do 2Y2tXkh
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Yea for now I'd use TIO.
I should generate a button to generate the TIO link from the new one
because it is easier to mock up an answer on the new one I think
but it's not quite ready for prime-time
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan It pushes the lowercase, but the input is also converted to lowercase with k
We are close to it being stable though. I'm working on all of the testing as we speak
@LuisMendo Yeah, I get it. Cool hacky method.
Too bad I can't use it cause of that stupid last test case.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Did you see my comment in the answer? Unfortunately last test case seems to fail
Yeah, I saw it. I don't want to delete though. :/
I will, but it's going to be painful.
Yeah it's a pity
For a brief beautiful moment, I was beating you. :P
On the other hand, that makes me the current winner :-)
Haha. Ninja'd again
Oh, the Retina answer is 18
I think I'm going to edit your tips in before I delete so that users who can see deleted answers see that I (kinda) beat you. :P
That's a good idea. Make the answer as good as possible inspite of some case failing
Woah, I (kinda) beat retina!
CPU usage for matl.suever.net is kind of a joke
@Suever :-D
Granted I have it set to scale between 2 and 4 octave workers
but the nice thing about Amazon's EC2 is that you can get extra burst CPU so you can surpass 100% as needed
and all the time that you spend below 100% accumulates and helps count towards how long you can burst
So when someone needs one of those computationally intensive challenges we're good to go

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